03x19 - Chuckie's Red Hair/Spike Runs Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x19 - Chuckie's Red Hair/Spike Runs Away

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

[ Buzzing]

Oh, that little carrottop.

He's just
so adorable.

[ Groaning]

Uh, thank you.

Howdy, finster.

Hey, how's little red today?

He's just a little french fry
with catsup on it.

[ Laughing]

oh, my goodness!

It's the redhead!

Oh, such wonderfully soft
red hair.

Oh, yes, it is.

[ Screaming]

[ Blubbering]

Hi, didi.

What's the matter
with chuckie?

He was fine
until mrs. Kraptchick

Rubbed her face
against his head.

Oh, she probably impinged
upon his personal space.

That can be very disturbing
at chuckie's age.

Well, he seems to be
calming down now.

Come on, chaz.

I'll make you
a cup of earl grey.
What's the matter, chuckie?

Why are you crying?

Never mind, tommy.

You wouldn't understand.

Sure I would, chuckie.

Go ahead and try me.

Tommy, I'm sick of my hair.

Your hair?

Yeah. I'm sick

Of being called redhead
and carrottop

And little french fry
with catsup.

I like catsup.

Well, not me.

I don't want to have red hair
no more.

You should like your red hair.

Gimme one good reason.

Well, 'cause...

Lots of famous people in history
had red hair.

Really? Like who?

Well, uh...


Like bozo the clown.

Oh, why can't I just look

Like everybody else?

[ Crying]

What's the matter,

Feeling bad
'cause you're different, huh?

Everything in the world
is different for a reason.

A giraffe has

A long neck so it can
eat leaves from tall trees.

A polar bear has white fur
so he'll match the snow.

The elephant
is really, really big

So he can smush things
with his feet.

There's a very good reason
youhave red hair.

What's that, angelica?

'Cause you're a freak!

[ Laughing]

Chuckie is a freak!

Chuckie is a freak!
Don't listen to her.

Why not? She's right.

There's nothing
I can do about it.

I'm just going to be
a freak forever.

hey, sprats

Haven't seen my latest issue

Of swinging seniormagazine,
have you?

There was a great article
on bungee-jumping

With a pacemaker.

[ Screaming]

What do you think
of my new look?

You-you you dyed your hair.

Not just dyed-- ravenized.

In this little tube
is raven formula

The hair dye for the older man
who knows what he wants.

Here did you
get that stuff?

From the tv.

It's from the same people

Who make those
unbreakable knives.

Chuckie, did you see that?

See what?

My grandpa's hair--
it was black.


Well, it used to be white.

If my grandpa can change
the color of his hair

You can change
the color of your hair.

Don't toy with me, tommy.

We find that little tube
my grandpa had

And your red hair
will be gone forever.

What are we waiting for?
Come on!

[ Both gasping]

[ Gasps]


Got it!

Oh, boy, oh, boy!
This is it!

No more red hair.

No more people running up
to me on the sidewalk

Or grabbing my face
or calling me funny names.

I'm going to be
a regular normal kid.

I wonder
what you do with it?

Your grandpa said

His black hair
came out of this tube.

Open it, open it.

Well, I don't see any hair.

Well, maybe you need
to shake it out.


Shake harder, tommy,
shake harder.

Did it come out?

Well, sorta

But it doesn't look
like black hair.

What's it look like?

It looks like... Yuck.

It's taking over
my whole head!

Get it off me, tommy!

Get it off me!

[ Screaming]

I suppose you can say
it's partially my fault.

You left your hair dye
on the table

Where the kids could get it.

And it's not
well-labeled either.

What was I supposed to do,
lock it up in a safe?

What will we do now?

Don't think
there's much we can do.

That color's going to last
a long time.

It's not such
a catastrophe.

Chuckie probably won't
even notice the change.

Well, chuckie, be prepared.

I'll bet you're going to get
a lot of comments

On your new hairdo.

Hi, mrs. Whitmore.

Oh, hello, mr. Finster.
Huh, that's funny.

She seemed
a bit distracted today.

Hello, mr. Mcdermott.

Look, chuckie,
there's mrs. Kraptchick.

Hi, edna.

Why, hello charles.

Anything new?

No. Not really.

Uh, I don't know
if you noticed, but...

Chuckie had a little accident
with his hair.

Well, so he did.
Well, chuckie, I guess

You're just another face
in the crowd now, huh?

It really worked, tommy!

No one runs up to me no more

No one grabs my face no more

And no one calls me names.

I'm just plain normal,

That's great, chuckie.

[ Buzzer]

Hiya, deed.

Thanks for coming over.

Put the kids

In the playpen.

I'll show you
where the leak is.

Hi, tommy.how's it going?

Got any adventures

No, but we
could find one.

Come on. Let's go!

Hey! Wait, you guys.

Who said that?

Me, chuckie.

Over here!

You're not chuckie.

Sure I am.

No, you're not.

Chuckie has
red hair.

Not anymore.

Now I got black hair.

I don't know, lil.

What do you think?

I don't know.

He sounds
like chuckie.

I am chuckie, you guys.

It's true. Chuckie and me
made his hair black.

[ Clanks]

Why didn't you say
anything before?

I don't know.

I guess I just
forgot he was here.

Isn't it great?

Now that I got black hair,
no one notices me.

[ Laughing and giggling]

Got it.

One for you, one for you,
and one for me.

Good job, tommy.

[ Sounds of eating]

What about me?

Oops! Sorry, chuckie.

I guess I forgot you was here.

I know, I know.

You didn't even notice me.

[ Loud chewing]

Come on, sprats.

We're going to the park.

One, two, three...

Who did we forget?

Somehow you just don't stand out
as much without your red hair.

oh, aren't
those kids adorable?

Those two must be twins.

That one in the diaper--
see how cute he walks.

[ Both fuss over the kids]

Tommy, did you see
what those ladies just did?

Yeah. They talked about
how cute we all is.

No, tommy.

They talked about
how cute youall was.

They didn't even notice me.

That's 'cause you don't got
your red hair no more.

I know.

Hello, babies.

Hi, angelica.
What's in the box?

A surprise.

A s'prise?

For us?

A surprise for you.

Want to see it?



Phil gets one of these.


Tommy gets
one of these.

And lil gets
one of these.


What about me?

Who said that?me! Me, chuckie finster!

I didn't even see you.

What happened
to your goofy red hair?

Me and tommy turned it black.

Hmm... So you did.

Well, see ya.

[ Humming]

Hey, wait a minute!

Aren't you going tweak my nose

Or bop me on the head
or push me on my butt?


Wow, chuckie,
you're pretty lucky.

Angelica didn't give you
a noogie or nothing.

[ Sobbing]

What is it, chuckie?

It's not fair.

She didn't even
notice me.

You wanted her
to push you down?

No, I just wanted
a little attention.

You didn't like attention.

I didn't,
but this is even worse.

[ All gasping]

In the old days

Every grownup
would come up to me

And tell me how great
my red hair was.

No one ever forgot
to get me a cookie

Or take me to the playground

Or push me on my butt
or nothing.

Now, without my red hair

I'm just another face
in the clouds.


I mean, sure

Maybe my red hair wasn't perfect
but it was myred hair.

Now, without it

I don't even feel
like chuckie no more.


No, don't try
to make me feel better.

It's too late for that.

It's too late for everything.

Chuckie, your hair
isn't black anymore.


It's turned red again.

It is?

yeah. Come here.

I'm a redhead again!

My grandpa said
it would last forever.

[ Didi screaming]
pop, your hair...

It's orange.


Here, take a look.

You're a regular

Yikes! The sunlight
must have done something

To the color
in the dye.

It serves me right

For trying to fool
mother nature.

And for ordering
hair coloring

Off of daytime tv.

You're not joking, guys.

It's really red again.


Hey, chuckie
now that you got red hair again

You get one of these.

[ Groaning]

Thanks, angelica.

Oh, boy, I'm a redhead again.

[ Crickets chirping]

[ Whimpers]

[ Thunder cracking]




Chuckie, have
some more oatmeal.

Don't you want your dad

To be surprised
how big you've grown

When he gets back
from his business trip?

It's no use, deed.

I've looked everywhere.
That dog's gone.

I can't believe
spike would run away.

He's never done
this before.

Well, he followed
mr. Henson home...

That's true...

And chased that cat

To the fish market.

I still can't face halibut.


And he...

Okay... Okay!
I take it back.

He hasdone things
like this before

But I'm still worried.

Me too. We can't afford

Another pounds of kippers.

Hey, let's call betty.

Maybe he's gone over that way.

Wow! Did you
hear that?

Spike ran away.

He's probably off
seeing his friends.

I hope he comes back soon.

He'll be back
before you know it.

[ Growls]

[ All gasp]

I guess we got
all the vital information.

How long has

Spot been missing?

It's spike actually.



That's our dog out there--
a dog who needs his family.

I want more
from you than


Do you have any idea

How many dogs are reported
missing in this city every day?

Well... No.

A lot.

That's how many.

We don't have the manpower
or resources to find them all.

A lot of them don't even want
to be found.

There must be
something you can do.

Some change their names
and move to other states.

Others get lost
in the seamy canine underworld

Where they'll do anything
for a bowl of hearty chunks

And a pat
on the head.

I'm sorry I can't be
more help to you.

Maybe if this department
had a bigger budget but...

Listen, go home.

Go on with your lives.

If anything turns up

I'll give you a call.

Thank you, sir.

Why do I have to care so much?

But why did spike
go away like that?

Wasn't he happy here?

I don't know.

I thought he was happy.

We played together all the time.

I remember it like it was
just yesterday.

Just yesterday...

[ Growling]

[ Sniffing]

I sure hope
spike comes back.

Me, too, chuckie.

Me too.

I hate to see them like that.

I think maybe it's time

We thought about

Getting another pet
to replace spike.

I don't think stu will go
for that.

I know it will be hard at first,
but I think it's for the best.

Her name's cuddles.

Oh, isn't she just adorable.

Deed, that's a poodle.

Not just any poodle.

This is a pedigreed poodle.

She belonged
to old mr. Philahalster.

I can't imagine
why he was willing

To give her up,
but his loss is our gain.

[ Yipping]

I'm sure she and tommy
will get to be fast friends.

[ Growls]

[ Yipping]

[ Both sigh]

Well, I guess cuddles
is kind of like spike.

I knew spike.

Spike was a friend
of mine.

And let me tell you something--

That poople is no spike.

Dumb dog eats
better than we do.

Stu, have you noticed
that tommy and cuddles

Don't seem to be bonding?

Bonding? Who could bond

With that?


I think mr. Philahalster
was glad to have her back.

Although she bit him

The minute she got in the door.

Do you think that poople
is really gone for good?

I don't know, but I sure wish
spike would come back.

Maybe a dog wasn't
the right way to go.

When I was a kid I had
an -foot boa constrictor.

It almost ate drew.

Stu, we're not having
a snake in this house.

Parrots are supposed to be nice.

I heard they live
to be over .

Who wants something
that old around?

Hey, anyone seen my truss?

Good point.

Leave it to me.

I'll find the perfect pet.

May I help you, sir?

I'm looking for a pet
for my son.

Maybe a turtle?

A turtle? Oh, sir.

A pet connoisseur like yourself

Wouldn't be interested
in a turtle.

They're nothing but trouble.

You want to talk vicious.

A pet turtle?

You wouldn't believe
the stories.

The turtle lobby has managed
to keep them out of the press

But some are pretty grim.

I had no idea.

Well, what would you suggest?

A tarantula?

You bought tommy
a tarantula?

The guy said they make
great pets.

Take a look.


Come on, deed.
He isn't poisonous.

He's even been defanged,
so he can't bite.


It is kind of cute.

I named him terry.

He's completely harmless,
friendly too.

You want to pet him?

M-m-maybe later, stu.

Tommy, chuckie...

I've got a new friend
for you to meet.

He doesn't do much,
does he?

Hey, let's see
if he'll fetch the ball.

[ Snoring]

$ For a spider?

Oh, stu,
I can't believe it.

It's an investment, deed.

[ Grandpa screams]

[ Loud splat]

Boy, there was
a huge spider in my bed.

Got him though.

So, what's for dinner?

Look, chuckie,
it's spike.

My daddy brought him back.

I knew he would.

I don't know, tommy.

That box looks awful
small for spike.

Have I got
a surprise for you.


Kids, meet tanya
and rupert.


Here's their specially
designed habitat.

The primary living chamber

The exercise area

And the social
interaction space.

It's wonderful, stu.

But are you sure the gerbils
will be smart enough

To turn on
that cute, little jacuzzi?

What are they, tommy?
I don't know.

I wonder if we
can teach them to come?

Come here ol' gerdil,
ol' guy.

Hey, where you going?

Boy, we're not

Having good luck
with all these aminals, are we?

Hey, what's up?
Didn't you

Just vacuum yesterday?

Those gerbils have been gone
for two weeks

But I'm still finding
their little presents around.


Hey, this isn't
a present.

It's gerdil poop.

What was that?

Maybe that's where
the presents are.

Ah, look, tommy.

The floor's moving.

tommy? Chuckie?
Are you

Down here?

Oh, thank--

Didi, come quick!

The gerbils have reproduced.

Chuckie, where do you suppose
spike is right now?

I don't know, tommy.

I don't think
anybody does.

Do you think he's happy
wherever he is?

I hope so.

Yeah, me too.

I like to think

He's someplace nice,
someplace warm.

Maybe he's

On jupiter.


Sure, tommy...

Dogs love it on jupiter.

They do?


It's a great place.

Yeah, maybe spike's on jupiter.

Our pet experiments
haven't worked out very well.

I guess old spike
was just one in a million.

I wonder where he is now,
poor, little fella.

Probably cold and hungry,
scrounging through garbage

Just trying to survive.

[ Sirens wailing]

[ Howls]

I just wish

There was something
I could do.


[ Doorbell buzzes]

Who on earth could that be?

Mr. Pickles?that's me.

My name is winston st. George.

Two weeks ago, I was
walking down the street

When I spied
a rare siberian tiger hound

Worth thousands.

I was tempted to keep him

But then I saw your ad.


Spike, eh?

I've been calling him
knight's croft squire muldoon.

With your permission, sir?

Squire muldoon, would you care
for one last helping of caviar?

I can't begin
to thank you.

Deed, we got

To wake tommy.

It's late, stu.
I think that can
wait until tomorrow.


[ Giggling]
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