03x21 - Angelica's Worst Nightmare/The Mega Diaper Babies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x21 - Angelica's Worst Nightmare/The Mega Diaper Babies

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

You are such a beautiful


You are the best kid

In the whole world.

Ain't it the truth!

Daddy, more juice!

[ Yelling]:

Here I am, sweetheart.

Thank you, daddy.

You're welcome.

Will you take me
for ice cream later?

Of course, pumpkin.

Will you buy me a pony?

Um... We'll see.

Who's your favorite?

You are, precious.

Who's your little princess?

Why, you are,
my little possum lips.

Who's your bestest, only child?

You are,

That's right, daddy.


I'll see you later,

Don't forget
about the pony!

[ Burping]

It's blue!


We're going
to have another baby!

That's wonderful, darling,
just think...

A new baby!

I'll make a doctor's appointment
for an official test.

[ Ringing]

Jonathan, it turned blue!

Yes, I'm excited
for me, too.

A new baby!

Oh, angelica will be so excited
when she hears the news.


Come here, please, honey.

What'd I do?

Nothing, darling.

Mommy and I have
something to tell you.

Well, okay, but hurry up.

Gilligan's on in five minutes.

Go ahead,
charlotte, tell her.

All right, darling.

Well, you see, sweetheart

Mommy and daddy are...
Um... Well, the thing is...

Mommy's going to have

Another baby.

[ Laughing]

No, really, what did you
want to tell me?

That's what we wanted
to tell you.

Mommy's going
to have a baby.

Come on!

It's true, I'm having a baby.

No, you're not!

Yes, I am.

No, you're not!

Yes, I am.

You'll have a little
brother or sister.

Won't that be nice?

Now, listen to me, jonathan

This baby's going
to mean big changes.

I'll need to turn
that office next to mine

Into a nursery.

You can use
the copy room.

Mommy, let's go
to the toy store.

Later, honey.

Mommy has to plan
for the new baby.

Anyway, jonathan

Push up that
singapore conference.

I won't travel
in my ninth month.

[ Keys clicking]


I want to go to the toy store.

Huh? Uh,
not today, dear.

Daddy has to budget
for the baby.

We may have
to make sacrifices.


The new baby
will need clothes

And food and toys...

You, mommy and I
have to give up

A few things
to make room.

[ Birds chirping]

What's wrong, angelica?

[ Sighing]:

Are you sure?

I'm sure.
Go on, little tommy.

Go play with
your little friends.

Tommy, are you coming with me
and lil to look for worms?

Nah, you go ahead.

Okay, we'll save you
a big, juicy one.

[ Sighing]

Come on,
what's the matter?

Well, I have
this friend...


...the only little kid
in her family.


Now my friend's mommy
is having a new baby.

That's great, angelica!

I don't know
if it's so great.

Why not?

When you were born

All the grownups
were fussing over you.

Always talking to you,
changing your diapers

Feeding you
and buying you toys.

What's wrong
with that?

Well, when the
new baby comes

I might, I mean my friend,
might not get

The 'ttention
she usually gets.

Everybody will be fussing
over the new baby too much.

Hmm, I see what you mean.

At least it's happening
to your friend

And not to you.

Yeah, right.

Hello, angelica.

Oh, I just heard
the good news.

You're going to have
a new baby brother or sister!

Oh, you must be so excited.


I'm real excited.

You're a big girl now

And can help
around the house.

Mommy and daddy
will be so busy

Feeding and changing
the new baby

Playing with the baby.

They won't have time
for anything else.

[ Phone rings]

Oh, excuse me, angelica.

That's funny,

You're friend's getting
a new baby

And you are, too.



You're a dope.

[ Arguing]

Hi, mommy.

Hi, sweetheart.

What are
you watching?

Wall street review.


Is there something
you wanted?

Oh, no,
just to be with you.

Maybe we shouldn't
have a baby now.

But angelica...

It's a lot of work

And I'd consider it
a personal favor

If you didn'thave a baby.

Honey, there's nothing
I can do about it.

Please, mommy, pretty,
pretty please!

Angelica, I told you
there's nothing I can do!

When the baby comes

It comes, and that's that.

[ Ringing]

Jonathan, where have you been?

Call the hospital.

Can we get a fax

Put in the delivery room.

No, plainpaper.

I can't be unrolling memos

While I get
my breathing right.

We're back and
taking more calls.

I'm dr. Daniel prescott.

If you've got
a family problem

Difficulty communicating

Something you can't seem
to talk about with friends

Call me now at - .

[ Dialing]

Hello, this is angelica.

I must talk to the doctor.

Tell him to hurry.

We have a call.

Benjy, you're on the air.

hello, doctor, help me.

My brother thinks he's a goat.

Angelica, you're on the air.

Hello, doctor, I got a problem.

How old are you,

Um, .

Now, angelica, tell the truth.

Uh, ?

Now, now, you don't sound .

Okay, fine, I'm seven.

Seven, my, my

You're a big girl

Using the phone
all by yourself.

Yeah, yeah, listen, doctor,
you got to help me.

What's your problem?

It's about my mommy.

She's doing something silly.

Do you want to tell
the doctor what it is?

She's going to have a baby!


I'm worried that
she won't have time for me.

I see.

What should I do?

I think
I can help you.

Are you listening, dear?

Yes, doctor, I'm listening.

What you need to do is

Stand back and take
a good look

In the mirror.

You need to understand

That there are other people
in the world.

Things don't revolve around you.

You need to learn to share.

Let others
take the spotlight

Once in a while.

What do you say?


[ Crash]

What a quack!

I just can't stop thinking
about the baby.

I know, darling, I know.

Look, daddy,
I ate my peas!

That's fine, sweetheart.

Where will
the baby sleep?

Well, there's
the study.

There's the guest room

Then there's angelica's room.

[ Mimicking]:
"oh, I just can't stop thinking
about the new baby."

"I know, darling, I know."

Boy, what a gyp!

All they talk about's
the new baby.

What am i, chopped slivers?

New baby-- big deal!

[ Yawning]:
all they do is spit up
their oatmeal

And burp, drool.

Babies... Who needs 'em?

[ Baby crying]

Huh? What's going on?

[ Baby screaming]

Oh, honey,
isn't he adorable?

Ah, he sure is.

[ Talking baby talk]

Yes, you are!


Who are you?

It's me, angelica.


your daughter.

Oh, yeah, our old kid.

I remember now.

Watch your brother

While we call the newspapers

And tell them we've got

The greatest baby in the world.

[ Baby cooing and gurgling]

So you're
the new baby, huh?

[ Baby voice]:
tha, tha...

[ Deep voice]:
that's right.

I'm the new baby.

You're the old baby, see?

Get something straight
right off the bat.

There ain't room
here for both of us.

[ Screaming]

[ Gasping]

Mommy, mommy.

What's wrong?

The new baby
talked to me.

It said mean things.

That's ridiculous.

You know babies can't talk.

It's perfect
for the new baby.

We're moving the new baby
into your room

And giving him all your toys.

Huh? But where will isleep?

From now on,
this is your room.

But this is the laundry room.

We were too busy
with the new baby to make dinner

But here's some cheese.

When the dryer stops,
fold the towels.

But, but mommy...

I can't believe this.

They've forgotten me.

They don't love me anymore.

[ Heavy footsteps]


Hey, what are you
doing here, sister?

I thought
I told you to scram.


Num, num.

[ Burping]

I warned you
but you wouldn't listen.

Now I'm going
to teach you a lesson.

Get back!
Get away from me!

You had your chance.

[ Screaming]

[ Panting]

Where's my big sister?

Come out, come out
wherever you are.



[ Gasping for breath]


Got to get out,
got to get out.

[ Car stalling]

Come on, come on.

[ Screaming, tires screeching]

I made it, I made it.

[ Screaming]

Where do you think
you'regoing, sister?


What would a toy car taste like?

No, please, I'm your big sister.

Well, nowyou're num-nums.

No, no, no...

No, no, no!

wake up!
[ Screaming]

Don't eat me.

Where's the new baby?

You had
a bad dream, honey.

okay now.

A bad dream!

Oh, daddy,
it was horrible.

The new baby came
and he was big and scary

And didn't have any teeth.

I don't want a new baby.

I don't want to be ignored
and live in the laundry room.

[ Crying]

Is that what's
bothering you?

Oh, angelica, don't you know

Your mother and I
care about you?

You're our first baby.

No matter what happens

We'll always love you
and take care of you.

No one can ever take your place.

Really daddy?

Of course, sweetheart.

Now go back to sleep.

And no more bad dreams.

[ Door closes]

Your mother and I
need to talk to you.

What did I do?

Nothing, sweetheart.

But I went
to the doctor today.

I'm not having
a baby after all.

You mean, I'm not going to have
a little brother or sister?

Well, not right now.

That's too bad, mommy.

I was starting to think
it would be nice

To have a little baby around.

I'm sorry,


[ Laser g*n blasting]

Quick, marco

Before metalitron
finds us.

[ Panting]
yeah, johnny.

But where can we hide?

[ Maniacal laughter]

Now, mega hyper heroes

Without your two cohorts
you are nothing!

[ Maniacal laughter]

But seriously

Now nothing can stop me
from taking over

The world's supply
of oxygen.

[ Maniacal laughter]

[ Laser g*ns blasting]

[ Gasping]:
she's right, marco.

If only diana
and ricky were here

Then we could put
our rings together

And become
the mega hyper heroes.

Looking for us?

[ Sighing with relief]

we're late.

We've been
in south america

Saving the rain forests.

Quick, it's time to use
mega hyper power.

marco, johnny, diana and ricky

Put their rings together
and become

The mega hyper heroes

Defenders of the universe.

The changeling

With the power
to transform into any animal.

Flame-o, ignites himself

With a single flick.

Ms. Invisible.

And the bolt

With the strength of two men.

Okay, mega hyper heroes

We've got a metalitron
to recycle.

[ Exploding]

[ Metallic whack]

[ Hissing, rattling]

[ Maniacal laughter]

[ Rattling, screaming]

is this the end

Of the mega hyper heroes?

Has metalitron finally
chroned them?

Tune in next week,
mega hyper fans

For the conclusion
of this exciting episode.

Boy, I love
that metalitron.

She's my favorite character.

But angelica

She's bad.

She stole all the oxygen

And she's keeping it all.

So, what's wrong with that?

She captured
all the mega diaper heroes.

She won't let them go.

Don't worry,

The mega diaper heroes

Will exscape.

No, they won't!


Give 'em back

Those are ours.

Well, they're mine now.

[ Maniacal laughing]

That's not fair.

Those are our
mega diaper hero dolls.

I wish we could get 'em back.

We aren't big and strong

And can't fly like
the realmega diaper heroes.

Yeah, then maybe
we could b*at angelica

And get our dolls back.

Hey, you guys, maybe we can.

What do mega diaper heroes got

That we don't got?

Stupor powers?

A tv show?

Um, besides
all that?

the magic rings!


When tommy, chuckie,
phil and lil

Put their magic rings together
they become...

the mega diaper babies!

But we don't have magic rings.

No, but we got these.

Alls we got to do is put
our teething rings together

And ka-boom!

We'll turn into

The mega diaper babies!

it seems like

There should be
more to it than that.

Mega diaper babies!

Mega diaper babies!

Mega diaper babies!

Come on, chuckie.

all right.

[ Weakly]:
mega diaper babies.

a bolt of lightening

A clap of thunder

And it's the mega diaper babies

To the rescue.

Changing baby.

Spitball boy.

Dotted line girl.

And stinky...

Who smells
as strong as two babies!

Hey, why do I have to be stinky?

being stinky's an honor.

Well then,
why don't yoube stinky?

'Cause I'mchanging baby.


[ Crunching]

Oh, brother

What a bunch of dopes!

Thinking they'll save
the mega hyper heroes.

They got another think coming!

Eh, cynthiatron?


I order you
to answer me, cynthiatron.

Answer me, do you hear?

[ Angelica as cynthia]:
yes, master.

There, that's better.

Prepare for battle!

Order out my robot army.

Unleash my zombie warriors.

Release our secret w*apon

And get me my cheese balls!

But tom...

I mean, changing baby

How are we going to find
the mega diaper guys?

Don't worry, stinky

They got to be
here somewheres.

Not so fast

Diaper snots.

Where do you think you're going?

We're going to free
the mega diaper heroes

And get back
the world's supply of oxygen.

Yeah, so move over, angelitron.

Who's going to makeme?

We are.

the mega diaper babies.

And stinky.

Don't make me laugh.

You babies are no match
for my secret w*apon.

[ Rumbling]

[ Gasping]

The robo-buster.

So long, suckers.

[ Laughs maniacally]

What are we going to do,
changing baby

What are we
going to do?

I got a idea!

[ Machine whirring]

[ Machine choking]

[ Grunting]

[ Machine whirring fiercely]

I'm coming, changing baby!

[ Gathering spit]

[ f*ring spitballs]

Oh, no, I'm all out of spit.

I'll help you.


[ Machine noise dying]

Dotted line girl

You saved us!

Ah, it was nothing.

Hey, guys

It's just
a vacuum cleaner.
Come on, let's forget
those dolls

And go play something else.

It's not a vacuum cleaner.

It's the evil robo-buster!

And we're not going
to play something else.

Not until we find
the mega diaper heroes

And save them!


So, they want more,
do they?


Call out
my flying aminals.


[ As cynthia]:
yes, master of all
the entire universe

The whole neighborhood

Andall the rooms in the house.

[ Thunder]

What now, changing baby?

These cliffs are high!

Not too high. Let's go!

[ Gasping]

Pretty neat lightening, huh?

Get 'em, boys!

[ Frightened cries]

[ Maniacal laughing]

I hate flying aminals,
I hate flying aminals.

I'll try
to hold them off.

[ Gathering spit]

[ Rapid f*ring spitballs]

It's not working!

We got to make a run for it.

[ Maniacal laughter]

I guess
that's it, tommy.

There's no way we can save
the mega diaper heroes.

Yeah, that was
a good try.

Yeah, let's play
something else.

Play something else?

Play something else?!

I can't believe you guys.

What do you
mean, tommy?

When metalitron stole
all the ocean water

Did the mega diaper heroes
play something else?

When the evil jormaniac
nearly blew up the universe

Did the mega diaper heroes
play something else?

No, whenever
the earth needed them

They've been there!

Now they need us.

I don't know about you

But I'm sure not going
to play something else!

You're right, tommy.

Yeah, we're
with you.

Well, chuckie,
what about you?

Oh, just answer
one thing for me, tommy.

Just one thing.

[ Yelling]:
why do I always
have to be stinky?

well, there it is, guys.

All's we gotta do is
go up there, b*at angelitron

And free the mega diaper heroes.

But how, tommy?

Angelitron's got
the place guarded all over.

This looks like a job
for dotted line girl.

Good luck, dotted line girl.

Those babies will be
here any minute now.

They can join their
other stupor hero friends.

You'll never get away
with this, angelitron.

Ah, shut up, you dumb doll.

[ Whirring]

[ Muffled cries]

Going somewhere,
dotted line girl?

B-but... How did you see me?

I'm just a dotted line.

Any idiot can see
a dotted line.

Time to meet your baker.

[ Crashing]

Not so fast, angelitron.

Changing baby,
you made it.

Sure we made it

'Cause we're...

The mega diaper babies!

Oh, yeah? Well, watch this.

[ Mechanical whirring]

[ Rattling]

[ Whirring]

[ Buzzing]

Eat lead, babies!

[ Laser g*ns blasting]

[ Screaming]

[ Laser blasting]

Now thisis cool.

[ Gathering spit]

[ f*ring spitballs]

[ Rapid laserfire]

[ Lasers blasting]


[ Gasping and groaning]

It's no use.

She's too much for us.

Say good night, babies.

[ Sniffing]

P.u.! What's that?

It's stinky!

I'll say!

[ Screaming]

[ Coughing]

Can't... Breathe.

Can't go on.

[ Whirring, rattling]


Way to go, stinky!

Good work! You b*at angelitron!

I did! I b*at angelitron!

Come on, let's free
the mega diaper heroes.

Thanks, mega diaper babies.

You've saved us
from the evil

No time for
that now, changeling.

You've got to get the world's
supply of oxygen back.

He's right, johnny.
Let's go!

[ Whooshing]

good-bye, our friends.

And... Thank you.

Take care.

and so, thanks to help

From the super babies

The good guys win once again.

Tune in next week, fans

For the newest adventures of

The mega hyper heroes!

[ Maniacal laughter]
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