05x33 - Time Sandwich

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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05x33 - Time Sandwich

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the Dog ♪

♪ and Finn the Human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪


Ha ha! I win!

Oh. Hey, man.

You and BMO play
finger spread quietly.

I need to get into the zone.

I am ready to
receive instruction

from the realm of
creation above me

for the sandwich I am
about to conceive.

I am open.

Use me.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Rosemary, thyme.


Keep that at 135 degrees.

All right, now we're
getting somewhere.

Cream cheese...

pickles from my boy Prismo...

and some dill!

Diced boiled eggs!

Bird from the window!

Yeah, baby, now we're rolling!


Common cucumber!

Sliced roma tomato.

Sweet yellow onion, organic.

Almost done.

Tears for salt.

Meat prepared sous-vide.


You're the most important part.

Lobster soul.

It's amazing.


This is the greatest
sandwich I've ever made.

Is it glowing?

You guys want some?

It's cool, man.

I know you want to
eat the whole thing,

and I'm cool with that.

Thank you.

Magic Man!

Magic Dog!

I'll take some sandwich.

You stay away from my woman...

eh, my sandwich!

Hmm, yeah, I could do that.






Magic Man!

My sandwich!

That's a good-looking sandwich.

What are you gonna do with it?

Something gross?

It's got my germs,
so it's mine now.


Dead arms!

Give it back, you animal!

Look, if you really
want your sandwich,

you'll have to solve
my little riddle.


When your face shows 7:20,
when green leaves turn brown,

the only way forward is down.

Then you'll see, the
wetter, the better.

That's not even a riddle.

It's word play, at best!

You try and come up with
something on the spot!

It's hard!


Now to savor the moment.

It's just you and me, baby.

What the...

Jake, wait!

What's he doin' in there?

Why did he freeze himself
with my sandwich?

He's not frozen.

He's super-slow-mozen, motion.


Aw! That's gross!

Well, let's go grab it
before he hits the ground,

which is when I assume
he'll take a bite.

Yeah, okay.


Feels like cold spaghetti.

Oh... hey, Jake.

Hey, Finn.

How... long... have... we...
been... in... here?

I... don't... know.



How long were we in there?

Five hours.

Five hours?!

He's halfway to
hittin' the ground!

Which is when he'll bite
my sandwich, probably.



I agree that is when he
will probably take a bite.

You're not helping.

Oh. You need help?

I can help.


Must be his new software.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


I have the solution, Jake.


BMO, are you serious?

Yes, this plan will work.


But we have to hurry.


All right, BMO!

Wait, wait, wait.

BMO, are you just making
a skateboard video?

No, Finn.

This is the plan.

Are you sure?

Jake, you will have your
sandwich back before

my board hits the ground.

Okay, BMO.

Yay, BMO!

This is s-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i...


He lied to me.


I'm calling Princess Bubblegum.

It's ringing.

Maybe I should just
make another one.

Eh, okay.

Let's do this.

I can make another
awesome sandwich.

Creation realm, inspire
me once again!


Thanks again for
coming, Prubbles.

Of course, Finn.

Once you explained about
Jake's sandwich, I had to.

So, how's it looking?

I'm picking up
major levels here.

Of magic?



He's using a molasses-based
supercovalent subatomic bond,

slowing down anything
that enters its field,

but only if the molasses
is at room temperature.

Mm, this one.

My molasses warmer will
get things moving.


Well, I'm out of ideas.

Who are you calling?


The Vampire Queen?!



Maybe it's just as good!


It's terrible!

Dang you, Magic Man.

You took my one and only!

See, I think the molasses
must be protected by

some sort of chemical...

Oh, hey, Jake.

How are you holding up?

Not too well.

BMO looks cool though.


Don't be sad.

Yeah, Marceline's
got a great plan.

Yeah, man!

What's your plan?

Demon juice!




Hey, man.

What are you doing?

I'm lighting these candles
so I can move on with

the grieving process.

I made them with the leftover
bacon fat from my sand...

I am not giving up.

Let's see.

Who should I call?

Ice King? Shelby?

Tree Trunks?

Tree Trunks?!

No, man, don't call Tree Trunks!

What's she gonna do?!

Bake an apple pie?!

Don't you get it?!

It's over.

It's over, and I've
never been so sad.

And you know what?

I got to deal with it.

Jake, look!


What? But how?

Because you've never
been this sad!

That's what magic man meant
by your face showing 7:20,

or as some people
call it, a sad face.


Nobody calls it th-a-a-a-a-at!

Nope! No!

Don't get judgmental.

Stay sad.


Magic Man, I'm gonna
sock you in the head!

Ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Ha... ha... ha... ha... ha...

Jake, every time you get
happy, you slow down!

Stay sad, man!

Make yourself sad!

Uh... okay!


It's okay, Lady.

You got to let go.

He's gone now.

Let me take you
out for a coffee,

get your mind off things.

Hey, Lady, I'm here for you.

Don't you ever forget that.

Hey, Mr. Cupcake, you stay away...
from... Lady!

No, man!

Stay sad!

Make yourself sad!


I... I love you, Jake.

We should have hung out more.


Um, I love you too, Mr. Cupcake.

I didn't want to hang
because I thought Lady

was into your muscles.

And I thought if we'd hung out,

you'd sweet-talk her
and take her from me.


I would never.

I have got so much
respect for you.

Dude, I have so much
respect for you.

I try to be like you in
some aspects of my life.

Look, if something
were to happen to me,

and I wasn't here anymore,

I'd want you to take care
of Lady and the kids.

That means so much to me.

I wish we had more
time together.

Me... too!

Yeah, Jake!

The wetter, the better!

Keep crying!

I'm sorry, Mr. Cupcake!







I got you, baby.

Sandwich is so good!

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander
through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪

This party is so crazy!
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