05x52 - Billy's Bucket List

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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05x52 - Billy's Bucket List

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the Dog
and Finn the Human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪


Check, check, one, two!

Hey. I'm Rap Bear.

I can rap... like that.

Ha-ha! I'm back.

♪ It's a battle of rhymes ♪

♪ I'm gonna do it this time ♪

♪ I'm Rap Bear ♪

♪ My raps are mystical ♪

Quantum physics! Whoo!

Yeah, yeah!

Boo! That was pre-written!

It's so obvious.

Take him out, Finn!



Off the dome. Here we go. Uh!

♪ I'm-a start it now ♪

♪ I'm-a battle now ♪

♪ We gonna make a rhyme
so I can rap this time ♪

♪ I rap for mill-i-ons ♪

♪ Sesquipedalians ♪

Yeah, that was tight.



Rap Bear, what's wrong, man?

How can I be Rap Bear
if I'm not the best?

No way!

You are the best.

Going up against you
was a dream come true.

I look up to you, man.

You're like... you're
like my hero, Rap Bear.


Thank you, Finn.

I thought Billy was your hero.

Yeah, but Billy's dead, so...


Ha-ha! Check out these dummies.

Ha-ha! Yeah! You're awesome, Billy!

You're gonna pay
for this, Billy!





I love rap music, but
only when it's good rap.

Finn! Finn!

Finn. - Huh? Who that?

I'm Canyon, Billy's

Say what?! That's so weird.

I was just... Party
Pat was just like...

What's going on here?
Who's that?

This is Billy's ex-girlfriend.

His special lady?

No, his ex-girlfriend.

Aw, man, I'm sorry.

Well, I hope you guys
get back together.


Jake's still in
denial about Billy.

Billy and I broke
up four years ago,

but I held on to this.

Billy's loincloth!

After Billy died, I couldn't
keep it in my place anymore.

I heard you guys were friends,

so when I saw your name
on the rap-battle flier,

I thought it would be
cool to bring it to you.

Oh, that's some smelly.

Thank you, Canyon. I guess
I've been in denial, too.

Have you been back
to Billy's Crack?

No. I can't.

It's time to go see
Billy's Crack.

- Shouldn't Jake be here'?
- He needs more time.

This would mess him up too much.


Ohh, they've infested the place.

Okay, you guys, out!

This is Billy's crack.

Billy got aced by the Lich.

We had dibs on the
crack, so beat it!

I'll dib up your brains if you
don't respect the mems of Billy.

Flimsy threats!

Like a tiny blade of grass
in a maelstrom, you are.

That storm is me, Jordan,
lord of the fairies!

I ain't afraid of
you or this big...

You think you can
chump me like that?

This breeze feels great, doofus!

All right.


Um, so, Canyon, why did
you and Billy break up?

Huh? Oh.

Well, I loved Billy,
and I believed in him,

but then Billy
stopped believing,

and that jammed up
our whole deal...

Being a top-tier,
red-belt power couple.

After awhile, all he
did was watch movies

and play video games.

Pretty lame, right? So I bailed.

Even heroes have slumps, bro.

Yeah, I know. I heard he was
making a comeback, too.

What a weird world.



What the...

What is it?

It looks like Billy's
bucket list.

Whoa! Let me see!


Looks like he got
to most of these.

He sure lived a full life.

Okay, here's one. Wait.

"Tell Finn that thing."

What the butt is that?
- I don't know.

Okay, that's gonna
bother me forever.

Well... well, here's one more.
We should do it for Billy.

What's that?

Are you sure you're okay?


Holy shram! Whoo!

That was awesome, Finn.

You know, you remind me of
Billy when he was young.


So, can I see you sometime?

I have a feeling our
paths will cross again.

Take care, Finn.

"Take Canyon on one
last ride." Whoops.


What? Another item?

You sneaky Billy.

"Lie on my back in the ocean."


Why the ocean, Billy?!

Okay, Finn, don't think
about your fear.

Just jump in there
like it's no biggie.

Do it for Billy.

For Billy!

I'm afraid. I'm afraid!

Oh, dang. Here he comes!

Here comes the fear feaster!

Way to go, Finn the coward.

Still afraid of the ocean, eh?

You should just give up!

You're not a hero.

You're a wimp-o!

A cringing, cowardly...

Hey, where you going'?

Fool, I come with.


I'm gonna nosh on
your insecurities.

Then I'll... I'll
squat on your hopes.

So, now what, little boy?


Uh, hey, man, don't
do anything stupid.


You're too chicken to face
your fears with open eyes?

This stank is cheating!

This stank is for Billy.




For Billy!

Wake up.

Wake up!

Huh? Whoa!

No mortal blade can harm...


Was that you, or me?

Huh? Hey.

Hey. I-I'm doing it!

I'm not afraid of
the ocean anymore!

I'm doing it, Billy. - Billy!

You finished my list.

Now I can rest
like a great hero.

Thank you, Finn.

You're welcome.
Canyon helped, too.

Tell Canyon I watch her sleep.

Man, love is weird, Finn.

I know.

Is that the thing you
wanted to tell me?

No. Goodbye.

Wait. Billy!


What's the thing you
wanted to tell me?

Oh, uh, you must
go to the Citadel.

That's where your father is.

Joshua's not alive. Me and
Jake buried him behind the...

Not Joshua!

Your other dad... Dad the Human.


Your father, Finn. He's alive.

He's alive.

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander
through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪

This party is so crazy!
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