02x07 - Slash and Destroy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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02x07 - Slash and Destroy

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, yeah! Level 83, dude.

I'ma flip it.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no! It's Skullorax! Eye beam! Use the eye beam! I'm scared, man.

What am I gonna do? Oh! No! I was so close, Leo so close.

You did well, my son.

Now watch a real sensei at work.

Mikey! You got pizza stains all over my collection of Modern Ninja magazine.

They're ruined! Dude, those things are, like, - They're not exactly modern.

- They're vintage! It took me six years to collect 'em six years! Chillax, bro.

I'll clean it for ya.


Ow! You mess up everything, Mikey.

It's just stuff, Raph meager possessions.

What does it matter? What about your precious comic-book collection, huh? You always stick up for Mikey.

Try seeing my point of view for once.

I get it.

I just think, like Master Splinter says, "material possessions are fleeting.

" All right, enough! I'm tired of you three.

You're always messing up, and I got to pay for it.

Can it get any louder out there? I'm never gonna find a retro-mutagen at this rate.

Who can concentrate with Raph exploding all the time? Uh-oh.

Huh? - What's ah! - Wha huh? Hit the deck! My pizza! Whoa! We're under attack! Spike! No! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Spike! No! Aw.

Hey, there, little guy.

You okay, Spike? You're all good.

Old Raph won't let anything happen to you.


I did not see that one coming.

Everyone okay? What are you, crazy? No, we're not okay! What happened here? I'll tell you what happened, Master Splinter.

Donnie almost blew us up, again! And worse, he almost blew up Spike.

- Raph, dude, I'm really sorry.

I - Sorry doesn't cut it this time! Until the mad scientist gets his act together, I'm holding this for safekeeping.

No, Raph, be reasonable.

Man, that's my last canister of mutagen.

The others are just holding me back.

We should be out there fighting crime, tracking mutagen.

But all they want to do is play stupid games.

You get it, don't you, Spike? Sometimes I wish I was on my own, doing things my way.

I'm tired of this team.

- Uh, dude? You still mad? - What do you want, Mikey? Master Splinter wants us to help clean up.

No way! Not a chance! Donnie can clean up his own expl*si*n.

Hey, if you want to tell sensei you're not helping out, that's all you, dude.


I will! Sensei, this is completely unfair.

Donnie made this mess.

How come I have to help? Allow me to make a suggestion, Raphael.

Suggest what, sensei? I'm sick of suggestions.

What could you possibly suggest? Perhaps you should sit and meditate for a while.

Always me, right? I've got the bad attitude.

I'm the bad guy.

They just don't get it.

- They never have.

- What? They never understood you, not like me.


Wha It can't be.

Spike? I feel terrible.

It's my fault Raph's mad.

It's not you, Donnie.

Well, it's it's partly you.

Raph just has to work on his insanely bad temper.

Maybe he should switch to decaffeinated pizza? Whoa.

The mutagen tracker just picked up a new canister.

- It's close.

- Then let's gear up.

I'll grab Raph.

Better you than me.

I can't believe this is happening.

I mean, this is amazing.


What am I gonna tell the others? Tell 'em you got a new partner, one who knows the true meaning of being a warrior.

- A new partner? - You and me no joking around, no goofing off like your brothers.

- We'll be the ultimate ninja team.

- Well, that would be awesome.

We'll crush our opponents.

We'll fight evil together, nonstop.

That's what I'm talking about.

You totally get it.

You always did.

Hey, Raph.

Uh, man.

Uh, all right, quiet.

Just sit tight.

Yeah? Got a mutagen mission.

Need you on deck.

Right, uh, I'll catch up in a minute.

Go on without me.

Fine, 'cause we're not waiting.

You don't need 'em, Raphael.

We can find that mutagen on our own.

Heck, yeah! But if we're gonna do this, you'll need to gear up.

Take your pick.


You look awesome, Spike.

Never liked the name Spike.

Call me Slash.

If Raph's gonna be free, we may need to lose some dead weight.

Yes, this is so cool! Just you and me, Raph and Slash the crime-fighting duo.


We'll right the wrongs of the world and wipe out whoever stands in our way.

Hold on.

How are we gonna find that mutagen without a tracker? I got a nose for the stuff.

I can smell it a mile away.

Come on, follow me.

We've got mutagen close by just on the other side.

- Ooze jar in full effect.

- Sweet.

Let's grab it and bag it.

Looks like we didn't need Raph after all.

Hold up.

Somebody's coming.


A free energy drink.

It's still sealed too.

All right, I got this, Slash.

Wait here.

- Oh! - Oh! Hey, what are you doing? - I had him.

- You're late, Raph.

What are you talking about? You know what? Get out of my way! Are they gonna argue all night? The mutagen's getting away! Dude, I can totally see Raph's forehead veins bulging from here.

Check it out.

His head's gonna pop.


I'm going after it myself.

- I don't need your help.

- Fine! You sure you can handle a pizza delivery boy on your own? Slash? Hey, where'd you go, man? What happened to you? Raph, Donnie's disappeared! He was right behind me when Holy chalupa.

Another turtle? Wait, wait, no.

It's Spike.

I mean Slash now.

He got into the mutagen.

Dude, this is too much to process.

I'm gonna - I'm freakin' out! - Raphael, you said it yourself.

We don't need these clowns.

We got to hunt that mutagen down now.

But what about Donnie? We have to find him.

Sorry, Slash.

My brothers come first, no matter what.

How about I make the choice a little easier for ya? Mikey! Spike! What are you doing? I don't want to fight you, Raphael.

Just go.

- Leave me to my work.

- Your work? That mutagen warped your brain, Spike.

This isn't you.

Told you the name's Slash.


Can't get caught.

Hmm, some kind of antique glow lamp.

Hmm, bet it's worth a few bucks.

There he is.

Donnie! Donnie? What hit me? It was like Raph, only bigger and meaner.

Angrier but not quite as ugly.

It was Spike.

He got into the mutagen.

- I was gonna tell you guys, but - Spike? Way to keep that mutagen safe, Raph.

Come on.

We got to find some cover.

If I come back empty-handed, the guys will never let me live it down.

Okay, plan need a plan.


Can't make it.

I'm too weak.

You go on without me, fellas.

No turtle left behind that's our rule.

I'm gonna tie off your sprained arm.

It might hurt, okay? Bite down on this.

Tastes like leather and sweat.

- Mikey, Mikey.

- Huh? Down here.

I need your help.

- Leo? - Down here.


Am I glad you're back.

You wouldn't believe it, dude.

There's another turtle.

That's funny.

I actually believed it.

Daddy, daddy, look at all the cool stuff! Oh, Daddy, look at the neat lamp.

Huh? Isn't it past your bedtime? I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it.


Maybe it's better the guys aren't here to see this.

Definitely not my night.

Mikey? Oh, no.


Still breathing.

Why? Why are you doing this?! The others hold you back, limit your potential.

You don't need 'em, just like you said.


They're my brothers.

I never wanted this.

There's no turning back now.

Stop! I won't let you hurt him! I'm not here to fight you.

But I want to fight you.

You're not Spike.

You're some kind of warped monster a deranged, hideous freak.

We could make a good team, Raphael.

But you're a fool, just like your brothers.

Slash is back.

Raph's in trouble.

- Raph's fighting him? - Not really fighting.

More like getting stomped into green goo.

Come on.

I spent years watching you train, learning your moves.

I know everything you can do.

Not everything.


- No! - Get off of him! Here you go, Ruffles McBearington.

One nice cup of green tea.

No time for stealth.

Would you care for some tea, Mr.

Turtle? Uh, sorry, little girl.

I really need to grab your tea and take off.

I'll scream if you go, Mr.


My Daddy's room is right next door.

Ha! Slash, you see? That's what real friends do.

They stand up for each other.

I'd rather be like my brothers than you any day.

Was that a compliment? No, no, no, no, no.

You have to hold your pinky out.

Uh I don't really have a pinky.

Are there other talking turtles like you? Nope.


Just me Mr.

Imaginary Turtle.

- Raph? - Leo! Having tea time? - Uh, next time I'll bring the tea.

- Bye, Mr.


Ha! It's over, Raphael.

You've lost.

A true warrior's spirit.

We're the same, you and me.

We are nothing alike.

You're pure evil! Hyah! Hyah! - So what's with the new turtle? - Long story.

Look out! Been looking forward to that for a long time.

That's it.

It's over.

That's right, Raph.

We're not like the others.

They're weak, but we're powerful.

- Our anger makes us strong.

- Huh? Meditate on this.

Whoa, whoa! Spike! Spike! No! - You guys all right? - Yeah, thanks to you.

- What happened to Spike? - That was Spike? Fill you in later, dude.

He's gone.

Well, he's still out there somewhere.

Go up.

Up! - No, down, down.

- Eye beam! - Use the eye beam! - Grab that power-up.

Oh, come on! Gotta use that eye beam.

He's still out there somewhere.

Raphael, do you know what I do when I miss - my loved ones from the past? - No.

I focus on the friends I am surrounded by in the present.

- Whoo! - Watch out.

- Whoa.

- On your left.

- Your other left! - Whoa.

- Yeah! - Good.

Whoo! - Thanks, Master Splinter.

- Too fast, can't get me.

Hey, what's a guy gotta do to get in your little competition, huh? Next game is all yours, dude.

- Sorry about Spike, Raphael.

- It's okay.

You guys aren't too bad to hang out with either.
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