05x15 - Something's Fishy!/Presto Change-O

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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05x15 - Something's Fishy!/Presto Change-O

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky

♪ Always giving him commands

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

♪ Wands and wigs

♪ Floaty crowny things

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.



You know what my favorite part

Of being on the beach is?

The fresh air?

The clean, white sand?


I get to use these super-cool

"Wet willie the movie"

Snorkel and swim mask set.

But you hated that movie.

You said it was the worst movie of all-time.

Yes, but they gave me free stuff.

Wow! No tan lines!

Now let's dive into the nonstop underwater excitement of snorkeling.

This stinks!

Having fun floating two inches below the water?

This is totally boring.

What are you talking about?

Look at all the cool stuff...

Way down there.

Bottom of the ocean, here I come.


Oh, gross!


You think that's gross?

Have you smelled the inside of your mouth?

Two words: mouthwash.

Uh, that's one word.

Then I'll say it twice! Mouthwash, mouthwash!

Aw, man, this doesn't give me the power

To breath underwater.


Ugh! Hollywood lied to me!

Hollywood lied?

Curse you movie critic gene shallot!

Oh, if only there was some way

I could live my current life-long dream

To dive deeper into the ocean

And breathe and talk to the fishes that aren't comso.

Yeah! Hey!

I want to be just like wet willie,

But how? How? How!

Ahem. Ahem.

Oh, right. Gotcha.

I wish I had wet willie superpowers.

Awesome! I'm timmy turntrout!


This is great!

I can swim super-fast and breathe underwater.

And check this out. I can talk to fish.

Denizens of the undersea world,

Be not afraid. I'm timmy turntrout,

And this is wanda.

Hi, timmy and wanda.

And this is cosmo.

Wait a minute...

I know those soulless green eyes anywhere.

Aah! The accursed one returns!

The accursed one?

"Accursed one!"

Wow. That's a name I haven't heard in awhile.

I mean, uh, look! A sunken pirate ship!

Neat! A sunken pirate ship!

Really? A sunken pirate ship? Neat!

My lie worked!

Thank you movie critic gene shallot!


Sunken treasure, sunken pirates.

Man, this is so much cooler than snorkeling.



And...now it's not.

That's ok. Remember, I can talk to fish now.

I'll make friends with these sharks telepathically.

Savage hunters of the deep, we are not your enemies.

I'm timmy turntrout, and this is wanda.

We're pleased to eat you.

Uh...don't you mean "meet"?


And this is cosmo.

Wait. Soulless green eyes?

Floaty crowny thing?

Aah! The accursed one returns!


Jeez, that was convenient.

What's this "accursed one" thing?

I don't know, but I haven't been called that since...

I mean, look!

It's the undersea kingdom of atlantis!

Don't try to distract me with--ugh!


Oh, my gosh. It is.

It's the undersea kingdom of atlantis.

Really? Where?

Oh, my gosh!

It's the undersea kingdom of atlantis!


It's so beautiful.

It's everything I've always read about

In tabloid newspapers

While waiting in the lines at the grocery store...

That I don't buy. Just skim.

Hmm. Uh, now I remember!

Um...ok, we've seen it. Let's go. Now.

Who wants to see the lost city of clevelanlantis?

Does clevelanlantis even exist?

It does if you want it to.

Now, come on! Let's get out of here!

Why do you want to get out of here so badly?

No reason.

[Trumpet playing]

Denizens of atlantis,

It is time once again

To hunt for the accursed one who sank our city:


Uh, maybe it's another cosmo.

It is a pretty common name.


I know we do this every year,

Even though it is a deadly and futile effort,

And though many a century has passed

And we may never find him--

He's right over there.

Uh, cosmo?

Hi, greg!

Silence, accursed one!


What? It's short for gregory.

And who are you?

I'm timmy turntrout.

Turntrout? And you mock the name greg?

Capture the fool! And let the trial begin.

There isn't gonna be any trial,

Not while I have the super-squid strength

Of wet willie!


No wonder that movie stunk.

I'm warning you...



You let them go or...or...

I'll summon a giant squid to come and crush you!


A giant squid?


What tabloid newspaper told you those existed?

I don't read. I just skim.

Ok. You asked for it.

Calling giant squid. Calling giant squid.

Any time now.

Any moment now.

Any...you know, on second thought,

Maybe a trial's not such a bad idea.


Ladies and gentlefish of the jury...

Don't worry. I've been studying atlantian law all night.

I argue a little bit, I ask a few questions,

And then we throw ourselves on the mercy of the court.

Besides, what do you think the maximum penalty is

For sinking a city anyway?

Let the trial begin.

Ahem. I...

Guilty! Send in the cracken.


Aw, come on. That's pretty harsh

For sinking atlantis one time.

Um...actually, I sank it times.


Send in more cracken!


Note to self: get cracken doors made bigger.

You sank atlantis times?

Where was I when this was happening?

I have a whole secret life you know nothing about.


You can't just let those things eat cosmo.

Good point. We'll have them eat all of you.

Send in two more cracken.

Wait! Wait!

Can I just say one thing?

Ok, but make it quick.

I've got cracken here

And they're all getting overtime.

Atlantians, you live in a clean, utopian society.

Now, I may be getting a "d" in english,

But doesn't "utopian" mean good?


Give me minutes to show you

That cosmo's sinking atlantis times

Was actually a good thing.

And if I'm wrong, you can devour us all.

Ok. But just to be safe,

Someone enlarge those last two cracken doors

While we're gone.

Behold, the horror of surface-world trash.


That's not a big deal.

We could've cleaned that up in no time.

Well, how 'bout that?

Behold, the scourge of surface-world waste.

We would've adapted.

Oh, yeah? Well... What about that?

What about the chaos of surface-world society?

Get off my beach, nerd!

I am not going anywhere

Until my son returns from his extended snorkeling trip!

Besides, he has my car keys.

I don't have the car keys!

Yahoo! Yippee!

We would've made friends with that bully...


That's what we did with all the fish in the sea.

Well, we're not friends with them.

Look! We eat your fish brothers.

Ha ha. So do we sometimes,

Although mostly our diet consists of crabs, starfish,

And the occasional underwater squirrel.


Well, if this is all you've got to show me,

I guess it's cracken time!


Wait, I didn't want to do this,

But there's one last thing I want you to see.


That is the most hideous thing I have ever seen!


You call that entertainment?

You pay $ to see that?!

$ On the weekends.

Flee! Flee to the safe haven of our clean, undersea utopia!

Utopia, I'm coming, baby!

Greg: and so, for showing us atlantians

Where we truly belong,

Happily cut off from the surface world

And its wretched movies and overpriced snack bars,

We present you with these metals of gratitude.


So, you're not mad anymore?

Quite the contrary.

The accursed one-- I mean the beloved one...

...and then I said, "turntrout?

And you're gonna make fun of greg?"


And you two are welcome here any time.


Well, what do you know?

For once, cosmo's inability

To learn from his mistakes made things better.

And I'm not longer the accursed one!

Nothing can ruin this day!


Except a giant squid attack!



New accursed one! New accursed one!

Let the new hunt begin!

Uh, I think they're gonna want their medals back.

Clevelanlantis, anyone?

Road trip!

Guys, I need a magic device that will allow me

To change bodies with someone else!

Any other specifics you want to toss out?

Type of device? Color of device?

The word "please"?

[Phone ringing]

I'll get it. It's probably mama!

Mama, it's me, cosmo. Hello?

What's with him?

Mama cosma's come down with a -hour flu,

And we have to go take care of her

For hours.

What?! I can't be without my fairies for hours!

That's like forever!

Mama's not well, so let's hurry

And take care of that super-vague wish.

One body-swapping joy buzzer coming up!


Timmy, you aren't going to use this device

To cheat, are you?

Of course not. The fact that I'm wishing for

A device that allows me to switch bodies

On the day that I just so happen to have a test

I haven't studied for is merely a coincidence.

What? You can't do--ugh!

We'll poof back at exactly : ,

When mama's flu is over.

And then we'll all do something

Really fun and magical together, ok?

Now, come on! Mama needs us!

A body-swapping joy buzzer.

Thank you, mama comsa.

Ok, children, it's time to do further damage

To your once promising futures.

Not mine. I studied.

And to that I say

Congratulations, a.j., Old pal.

Aah! Aah!

A.j.: I feel different. Why do my teeth feel so heavy?

Timmy: it worked! I'm in a.j.'S body and he's in mine,

Taking my test for me. Sweet!


Good job.

I thought I just did this. Aah!

Thank you, joy buzzer.

Cosmo: mama? Mama? We're here, mama.

So let the insults begin.

Wanda, you look lovely.

Oh, no. She's delirious!

She doesn't know what she's saying!

Clear! Aah! I shocked myself!

Hey, turner, time for your black and blue plate special.

Well, it worked once. Put her there, francis.

Francis: huh? Why do I feel so small

And my teeth feel so big?

Timmy: it's time for francis

To pick on someone his own size.

Ooh! Aah! Oh!

What the...?

Huh? All right, turner. Time for...

No wonder they call it a joy buzzer--

His pain is my joy!

What's that? A buzzer that causes joy?

You know I don't allow joy or happiness!

I'm not that fond of glee, either.

But especially not joy! Now, give me that!

What? No! That's mine.

Timmy: huh? Narrow hips? Humped back? Ear on my neck?

Oh, no! I'm crocker!

Perfect vision?

Teeth that could chew the bumper off a van?

I've either been turned into some super beaver

Or I'm timmy turner!

And this must be the work of his fairy godparents!

And now that I look like you,

I can go to your house and search it

For evidence of fairy godparents!


Crocker, where are you going?

Home...to, uh,

Think about how much I like you?


You can do that in the teacher's lounge.

Ha! Now off to turner's!

Turner, I remember a beating,

And I remember you,

But I don't remember beating you,

So better safe than sorry.

Put me down, abnormally large child!

I'll have you suspended for this!

Suspension? That's a great idea!


Hours left. On one hand,

I need to get home as soon as possible,

On the other, I'll never get another opportunity like this!

All righty, class, today's assignment is a -word essay

On what a big, fat jerk I am!

Then, for extra credit, recess all day!


Always wanted to do this.

F! Yeah!

Mama? Mama? How are you feeling, mama?

Weak. I think a foot massage would help.

Yeah, I'll get wanda right on that.

Nonsense. You've got hands.

Wanda, dear, come sit with me.

Poor dear. You work so hard

Floating and everything.

Your feet must be k*lling you.

She's so sick she thinks she likes me.

Should we call a doctor?

No. This is once in a lifetime opportunity,

And I'm not gonna lose it, so warm those hands, frosty.

These feet aren't going to massage themselves!




Well, that was a super wedgie.

The next time a child comes crying to me about one of those,

I'll have a point of reference.

I still have time to waddle uncomfortably

To turner's house and discover his fairy god--



[Bell ringing]


Now's my chance.

I have to get home before exactly :

Or cosmo and wanda will poof in

And reveal themselves to crocker

Thinking he's me!

Wait a minute, I can't drive!

Oh, well. Not my van.




[Sirens blaring]

Forget it, coppers. You'll never take me,

Denzel crocker, alive!

[Maniacally laughing]

Oh, wanda, you are such a delight.

I am, aren't i?

Why not say it again

Once I turn on this video camera.

Ready for your sponge bath, mother?

Finally, but first,

I think wanda needs more tea. Wanda?

Oh, don't mind if I do. Chop, chop.




Cool! Tow away zone!

Hi, mom and dad... Of timmy turner.

You! Back to try and steal my wife again, eh?

Ah, so good to be home. My home.

The one full of fairies!

Welcome home, timmy turner, undisputed son of mine.

I'll bet you'd like to go straight up to your room!


Well, you can't.

You've got a lot of chores to do, young man.

And vicki's here to make sure you do them

While your father and i...have fun.

Vicki? Who's vicki?

Hello, obvious one and only twerp.

Look who I brought for you to play with.


Doidle? What's a doidle?

Good heavens, son.

Doesn't that hunchback dream of a teacher

Teach you anything?


Only more minutes until cosmo and wanda

Poof back home!

I gotta get upstairs,

But they'll never let me in.

But maybe I don't have to be me!


I'm glad there's only more seconds left

Until mama's -hour flu is over.

Well...that was nice while it lasted.

Oh, what lovely soup.

I'll bet you cooked it, didn't you, wanda?

You're so talented in all that you do.

... ...

It smells delicious. It smells like love.

... ....

Cosmo: one!

Oh, wanda, you're the greatest...

Disappointment of my life!


How my darling boy

Could marry a complete let-down like yourself

Is beyond me.

She's fine. We're gone.

Bye, mama!

Nickernoodles! I missed!

Hmm. The trash is out,

And there are no fairies in the backyard or kitchen.

Could I go look for fairies in my room now?

No. Not until you're done with your homework.

Curse me for giving me so much homework!

Uh...why are you giving yourself an "f"?

Sorry. Force of habit.

[Doorbell ringing]

Hey, I thought I told you to--

Stay outside while I quickly run upstairs to my son's room.

Hmm. Narrow hips, hunch on back, ear on neck,

Peculiar tattoo, single kidney?

I'm gorgeous!

Well, time to go have fun

With the man I married whom I'd know anywhere.


Whoa. I'm retaining water.

Whoa! That's weird.

I feel as though I've given up on my dreams.

Everything's under control, mrs. Turner.

You go have fun

While I fire up the wood chipper--

I mean turn on the tv.

I'm gonna need a bath after this one.

Aah! I feel old!

Last one to the bedroom's a rotten fairy!

Come back here, twerp!

Hey, that was kind of fun.



Dirty socks, moldy food...

Picture of me on a dart board.

I'll make a note of that for later.

Where are the fairies?

Ah, I never could resist

The unconditional love of you cute little scamps.

Buck teeth, pink hat,

The knowledge I've messed up again?

Yes! I'm back!

Now to get rid of crocker.

Bark, bark, bark!

Curse me and my animal instincts!

Gah! I mean bark!

Awesome! I got rid of him before cosmo and wanda got back.

Yes, we're back.

Your magical godparents!

We thought we'd make

As big an entrance as possible.

I know. I've got a lot of explaining to do,

But I'll unwish everything later.


Wow. You sure have a lot of energy, little guy.

I guess we'll have to fix that again.

To the neuter scooter!

There he is. I recognize him

By the tattoo and the kidney scar.


Curse my beauty!

Dad as crocker: I'm gorgeous!
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