03x02 - Flashback

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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03x02 - Flashback

Post by bunniefuu »

Anthraxic citrus peel, orange juice
with a hint of papalla seed extract.

An experimental blend.

The success rate
of your culinary experiments is not high.

Ensign Golwat thought it was delicious.

In fact, she had a second glass
and she never has seconds.

Ensign Golwat is Bolian.
Her tongue has a cartilaginous lining.

It would protect her
against even the most corrosive acid.

All I ask is that you try it, Mr Vulcan.


I'll start squeezing that second glass.
Breakfast is coming right up.

- Porakan eggs.
- Porakan?

The most flavourful eggs in the sector.

Scrambled with a little dill weed, a touch
of rengazo... A galactic favourite.

These eggs were not easy to prepare.
After we picked them up on Porakas IV,

I had to sterilise them
in a cryostatic chamber for three days.

- Then each had to be parboiled...
- I'd prefer not to hear their history.

On Talax it's a tradition to share
the history of a meal before eating.

It's a way of enhancing
the culinary experience.

My mother was brilliant.

She could make every course come
alive by making it a character in a story.

My favourite was the one about...


- What happened?
- Some sort of power overload.

It decimated your breakfast. This is what
my mother would call a tragic ending.

Engineering has been adjusting
the conduits

to accommodate a new energy source.
It may have created a thermal surge.

Janeway to Tuvok. Report to the bridge.
Mr Neelix, I'd like you to join us.

Aye, Captain.

Captain's log, stardate 50126.4.

We've detected a gaseous anomaly
containing sirillium,

a highly combustible energy source.
We've altered course to investigate.

- Sirillium?
- Yes, and possibly large amounts of it.

We'll need to stockpile
as much as we can.

I'd like to convert bay 3
into a containment chamber.

- My pantry.
- I'm sorry. Make other arrangements.

If I injected sirillium into my thermal
array it might improve cooking time.

And blow up your kitchen! Sirillium is
more useful as a warp plasma catalyst.

The gas can also boost
deflector shield efficiency.

- The vultures are circling.
- There's no shortage of good ideas.

Have all department heads
submit proposals for sirillium usage.

- The anomaly is within visual range.
- On screen.

- Analysis.
- It's a class-17 nebula.

I'm detecting hydrogen, helium
and 7,000 parts per million of sirillium.

The Bussard collectors
will cut through like ice cream scoops.

I'm picking up plasmatic turbulence.
It might be a bumpy ride.

Tuvok, can you modify
the shields to compensate?


- Are you all right?
- I don't know.

I'm experiencing dizziness
and disorientation.

- Permission to go to sickbay.
- Granted.

Deck 5.

Help me!

Help me, Tuvok!

Please, don't let go!

Don't let me fall!


I was holding a young girl by the hand,
trying to prevent her from falling.

I was unable to keep my grip,
and she fell to her death.

And there is more.

I had an emotional response -
anxiety, fear.

An irrational anger for letting her fall.

- When did that happen?
- It never happened.

The girl was unfamiliar,

and I've never been in that situation.

It was me as a child, and it did seem
like a memory,

but I don't recall the incident.

It was definitely traumatic.

Your heart accelerated to 300 beats
per minute,

your adrenaline levels rose by 113%,

and neuroelectrical readings
nearly jumped off the scale.

If you were human,
I'd say you had a panic att*ck.

- I am not human.
- No kidding.

There can be any number
of explanations -


telepathic communication from another
race, repressed memory,

contact with a parallel reality.

Take your pick. The universe is
a strange place.

I'll have Mr Kim examine the sensor logs.
Maybe the nebula is affecting you.

Meanwhile, you can go.

Your vital signs have returned to normal,
and I don't see systemic damage.

But I want you to wear this neurocortical
monitor. If you have another episode,

it'll record a complete encephalographic
profile and alert sickbay.

A wise precaution, Doctor. Thank you.

Structure, logic,

function, control.

A structure cannot stand
without a foundation.

Logic is the foundation of function.

Function is the essence of control.

I am in control.

I am in control.


Kes... what is it?

The doctor wanted me to adjust your
monitor to pick up additional readings.

- I can come back if this is a bad time.
- No. You may proceed.

- What are you working on?
- It is called a keethara.

Keethara... What does that mean?

The approximate translation is
"structure of harmony".

It is a meditational aid. Building it
requires balance and spatial acuity.

It helps to focus thought
and refine mental control.

At the moment,
it doesn't look very harmonious.

No, it does not.

I'm curious. What does a keethara
look like when it's done?

The form is not predefined. It is a
reflection of the builder's state of mind.

- Thus, it is different each time.
- I'd like to see it when it's finished.

Well, good night.


It's all right. I understand.

Structure, logic,

function, control.

A structure cannot stand
without a foundation.

Logic is the foundation of function.

Function is the essence of control.

I am in control.

I am in control.

How are you?

I haven't experienced
any further problems. I am fit for duty.

I'm not concerned about your ability
to perform. I'm concerned about you.

- There is no need for concern.
- Sorry I asked.

My apologies, Commander.
I am distracted.

I spent 14 hours last night
in deep meditation

trying to determine the source
of my behaviour. I could not.

Try to forget about it.

When you don't think about a problem,
the solution comes to you.

It is difficult to forget when you're
wearing a monitor on your parietal bone.

- Good point. Mr Kim?
- I've checked all the sensor logs.

No sign of anything emanating from the
nebula that would have affected Tuvok.

- Anything unusual about the nebula?
- No, it's a standard class-17.

I suggest we conduct a tachyon sweep.
It would reveal any cloaked ships.

- Cloaked ships?
- Yes.

We should be cautious
this close to Klingon Space.

Tuvok, the Klingon Empire is
on the other side of the galaxy.

Yes. You are right, of course.

I'm uncertain why I would make
such an obvious error.

Maybe you should go back to sickbay.


Help me! Please, don't let go!


We may be dealing
with a repressed memory.

The memory engrams
in the hippocampus are being disrupted.

It's causing damage to the surrounding
tissue. This is known as t'lokan schism.

The subject is inhibiting a traumatic
memory, which is beginning to resurface.

- And that's causing brain damage?
- Strange, I know.

In humans, repressed memories
are psychological traumas

which can be dealt with therapeutically.

But Vulcans have a physical reaction

to the battle between conscious
and unconscious.

In extreme cases, the mind of the patient
can literally lobotomise itself.

- What's the treatment?
- There is no medical treatment.

Research suggests the patient initiates
a mind-meld with a family member

and the two try to bring the repressed
memory into the conscious mind.

I'm the closest he has to family here.

That's why I've asked you to come.
He has a request to make of you.

- Did the doctor explain the situation?
- Yes.

- Are you sure it's the right thing to do?
- I don't know how else to proceed.

The doctor tells me it is a memory.

And yet, no matter how hard I try,
I cannot remember.

If the doctor is correct,

if this is an experience I pushed
into my unconscious mind.

It could be very dangerous to me,
even life-threatening.

I realise it's asking
a great deal of you, Captain.

I did consider turning
to one of the Vulcans on the ship,

but this meld would be
more intimate than most.

A family member is normally chosen
because of the trust that usually exists.

On this ship,
I trust you more than anyone else.

Whatever happens, I'll be there for you.
I'll help you get through this.

I will initiate the meld and attempt
to access the memory fragment.

Once that's been accomplished,
you'll act as my pyllora.

- Your pyllora?
- My guide, my counsellor.

You will help me reconstruct the memory
and as I am reliving it

you'll help me objectify the experience.

By processing the experience,
rather than repressing it,

I can begin to overcome my fear,
anger and other emotional responses,

and reintegrate the memory
into my conscious mind.

When I'm in your memory,
will I be reliving it with you?

No. I will be the only one
who notices your presence.

You will be an observer in the memory,
but not a participant.

This will give you the freedom
to guide me objectively.

- When do we start?
- I will need time to prepare.

Please return in one hour.

We're ready when you are, Captain.

Your mind to my mind.
Your thoughts to my thoughts.

I am taking us back,
back to the boy that I was.

The boy lying on the precipice.

Return fire. They've
knocked out our targeting scanners.

Damage report.

- Seal that conduit!
- Hull breach on deck 12, section 47.

We've lost power
on decks 5, 6 and 10.

Casualty reports coming in.
19 wounded.

- Tuvok, can you see me?
- Yes.

- Where are we?
- Aboard the Excelsior.

- Why bring us here?
- I did not intend to.

- Can you take us to the precipice?
- That is what I attempted to do.

Your mind brought us here. Maybe
this memory is connected to the girl.

- How long ago is this?
- Approximately 80 years ago.

- Who were you fighting?
- The Klingons.

Before you collapsed, you thought
we were approaching Klingon space.

- Why are you fighting Klingons?
- This battle was started by an incident.

Gamma shift, time to defend the
Federation against gaseous anomalies.

We were charting
a gaseous anomaly on Voyager.

- That's when my problem began.
- That's more than a coincidence.

- How are you, Ensign?
- I am well, Commander.

I thought you might like to see
some of this morning's com traffic.

There's a message from the Yorktown.
It's from your father.

- Thank you.
- You won't have time to drink that.

- You're due on the bridge in minutes.
- It's not for me. It's for the Captain.

Captain Sulu drinks tea each morning.
I thought he might enjoy a Vulcan blend.

I see. Trying to make
Lieutenant in your first month?

I wish I'd have thought of that. It took
me three years just to make Ensign.

- I assure you, I have no ulterior motive.
- Whatever. See you on the bridge.

You've never brought me tea.

I may have to give you a promotion.

That was not my motivation. I am not
attempting to curry favour with you.

Mr Tuvok,
if you're going to remain on my ship,

you'll have to learn
how to appreciate a joke.

And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a
sense of humour, because I know better.

- I will work on it, sir.
- Very good. And thanks again.

He doesn't look like his portrait
at Headquarters.

In the 23rd Century, holographic imaging
resolution was less accurate.

- This is a science station, isn't it?
- Yes. I am a junior science officer.

Why doesn't your record reflect this?

Wasn't your first assignment
on the Wyoming?

It's a long story. But suffice it to say,
this was my first Starfleet career. I was 29.

Are we about to encounter the Klingons?

Not exactly. The Klingon moon,
Praxis, is about to explode.

It was a primary source of energy
for the Klingon Homeworld.

Praxis... yes. Its destruction would have
repercussions throughout the quadrant.

It led to the first
Federation-Klingon peace treaty.

- Correct.
- What does it have to do with the girl?

Energy wave at 240 degrees,
mark 6 port.


My God!


- She is not answering the helm!
- Thrusters! Turn her into the wave!

Quarter impulse power!

- Damage report.
- Checking all systems.

- Don't tell me it was any meteor shower.
- Negative, sir.

The subspace shock wave originated
at bearing 323, mark 75. Location...

It's Praxis, sir. It's a Klingon moon.

Praxis is their energy production facility.

Did you go to Praxis?

We were warned off by the Klingons
and resumed our survey mission.

Two Starfleet officers were accused
of murdering the Klingon chancellor.

They went to the Klingon Homeworld
to stand trial.

Captain Sulu had served under both for
many years and felt an intense loyalty.

Helm, set a course for Kronos,
maximum warp.

Take us through the Azure Nebula.
That should conceal our approach.

What's going on?

He is about to attempt a rescue
of Captain Kirk and Dr McCoy.

Everyone seemed willing to go along
with this breach of orders.

But I felt differently. Captain, have you
decided to embark on a rescue mission?

That's right.
Do you have a problem with that?

I do. It is a direct violation of our
orders from Starfleet Command.

It could precipitate a conflict between
the Klingons and the Federation.

Objection noted. Resume your station.

As a Starfleet officer,
it is my duty to formally protest.


A bold statement for an Ensign with only
two months space duty under his belt.

I am aware of my limited experience,

but I am also aware of regulations
and my obligation to carry them out.

That's enough.
Ensign, you're relieved.

I'm sorry about this, Captain.
I assure you it will not happen again.

Ensign, you're absolutely right.
But you're also absolutely wrong.

You'll find that more happens
on the bridge of a starship

than just carrying out orders
and observing regulations.

There is loyalty to the men and women
you serve with. A sense of family.

Those two men on trial,
I served with them for a long time.

I owe them my life a dozen times over,

and now they're in trouble,
and I'm going to help them.

Let the regulations be damned.

- That is an illogical line of reasoning.
- You better believe it.

Helm, engage.

- You know, you did the right thing.
- Perhaps.

- We're approaching the Azure Nebula.
- On screen.


That nebula...

It looks very similar
to the one we observed on Voyager.

Help me, Tuvok!

Please, don't let go!

Fifty milligrams cordrazine!

There was a disruption
in his hippocampus.

Luckily, he was in sickbay,
or he'd be in a coma.

That's good news. The bad news is that
his synaptic pathways are degrading.

If the memory keeps resurfacing,

eventually his neural structure
will collapse, resulting in brain death.

We were just starting to make progress.
We accessed the repressed memory.

I saw Tuvok as a boy. And the girl
on the precipice. Can I talk to him?

Not yet. He suffered a neural trauma.
I'm keeping him sedated for a few hours.

I'll let you know
when it's safe to revive him.

Come in.
Ah, Ensign, what have you found?

I don't see any connection between this
nebula and the one the Excelsior saw.

This one's a class-17,
while theirs was an 11.

Both contain trace amounts of sirillium,
but that's about all.

- But they do look similar.
- To the naked eye, but not to sensors.

Technically, they're very different.
I've been talking to the doctor,

it's not unusual for a repressed memory
to resurface because of a visual detail.

Maybe the visual similarities triggered
Tuvok's memory of the Excelsior.

What about the memory of the girl?

What does she have to do
with Tuvok's experiences on Sulu's ship?

The Excelsior is far removed
from that incident.

Who knows what goes on
in a Vulcan's mind.

Maybe there is no connection,

and the memory of the Excelsior
was accidental -

a stray thought, because of the
similarities between the two nebulas.

You may be right. Nevertheless,
I've been studying the Excelsior logs.

- What do they say?
- They don't say anything at all.

Captain Sulu decided not to enter
that journey into his official log.

Some cryptic remark about the ship
being damaged and needing repairs.

- But nothing else.
- You mean he falsified his logs?

It was a very different time, Mr Kim.
Captain Sulu, Captain Kirk, Dr McCoy...

They belong to a different breed
of Starfleet officer.

Imagine the era they lived in. The Alpha
Quadrant still largely unexplored.

Humanity on verge of w*r with Klingons.
Romulans hiding behind every nebula.

The technology we take
for granted was in its early stages.

No plasma weapons, no multiphasic
shields. Their ships were half as fast.

No replicators, no holodecks. Since I
took Starfleet history at the Academy,

I always wondered what it
would be like to live in those days.

Space must have seemed
a whole lot bigger back then.

It's not surprising
they had to bend the rules a little.

They were slower to invoke the Prime
Directive and quicker to pull phasers.

The whole bunch of them would be
booted out of Starfleet today.

But I admit, I would have loved to ride
shotgun with a group of officers like that.

- Sickbay to Captain.
- Go ahead, Doctor.

- I'm ready to revive Mr Tuvok.
- Acknowledged. I'm on my way.

Several hours after we entered the
nebula, we were ambushed by Klingons.

A battle ensued, and we were forced
to abort our rescue mission.

Do any of those events
seem related to the girl?

No. If there is a connection
I am not aware of it.

I suggest we attempt another mind-meld,
and try to access my memory of the girl.

Agreed. Doctor.

Your mind to my mind.

Your thoughts to my thoughts.

I am taking us back,
back to the boy that I was.

The boy lying on the precipice.

Tuvok, we're back in the battle
with the Klingons again, 80 years ago.

I am at a loss to explain, but it's
hard to accept this as a coincidence.

Agreed. I want to go back to the moment
when you first saw the nebula.

What happened?

Captain Sulu estimated it would take
five hours to enter Klingon space.

My shift needed some rest,
so we returned to the crew quarters.

I attempted to sleep.

However, my bunk mate Dimitri Valtane
felt the need to discuss our situation.

- Hey, Tuvok... are you asleep?
- No.

Me neither. I can't believe we'll do this.
I didn't think the Captain had it in him.

- Had what?
- You know.

The guts to defy an order and run off
on some mission to save old friends.

I take it from your tone
that you admire this trait.

Yeah, it's courageous.

It's illogical and reckless,
which I attempted to point out to him.

Come on, Tuvok. Isn't it more fun
than charting gaseous anomalies?

The human fascination with fun has led
to many tragedies in your history.

One wonders how your race has
survived having so much "fun".

- Vulcans... You guys need to relax.
- No, I will not relax.

Since I entered the Academy, I've had
to endure the nature of humanity.

You believe that everyone
should be like you,

that we should share
your sense of humour and values.

If you hated it,
why did you join Starfleet?

I joined under pressure from my parents.

But I've decided to resign
once this assignment is complete.

Well, your loss.

Tuvok, did you really mean that?

At this point in my life, yes.

My experiences on board the Excelsior
were not pleasant.

I knew you left Starfleet for over
50 years, but I never knew why.

I didn't realise it was
because of a conflict with humans.

My perceptions were coloured
by the fact that I did not want to be here.

Your parents forced you
to go to the Academy?

It was their wish,
and I felt an obligation to fulfil it.

What did you do during those 50 years?

I returned to Vulcan, where I spent
several years in seclusion,

immersing myself in the Kolinahr,
a discipline intended to purge emotions.

- I wanted to attain a state of total logic.
- What happened?

Unfortunately, six years into my studies,
I began the Pon farr. I took a mate.

- T'Pel?
- Yes.

We decided to raise a family together,
so I chose to postpone my studies.

What brought you back to Starfleet?

Raising children made me appreciate
what my parents experienced.

I realised that the decisions I made as a
young man were not in my best interest.

I understood their decision
to send me to the Academy,

and that there were things I could
learn from humans and other species.

I decided to expand
my knowledge of the galaxy.

Starfleet provided that opportunity.

- I'm glad you had a change of heart.
- As am I, Captain.

Although, heart had very little
to do with it. It was a logical decision.

I'm sure it was.

Red Alert. All hands to battle stations!

I thought we were hours
from Klingon space.

A Klingon cruiser decloaked
inside the nebula.

At this moment, they were f*ring
charges across our bow.

- We're being hailed.
- On screen.

Mr Sulu, I see they have finally
given you the captaincy you deserve.

- Thank you, Kang.
- Do not let it end prematurely.

Kang, we've been on a survey mission
studying this nebula.

Our navigation system malfunctioned
and I'm afraid we got lost.

As soon as we've completed repairs
we'll be on our way.

We'd be happy to escort you back.

- Very generous, but we can manage.
- I insist.

Actually, an escort would be welcome.
We'd hate to lose our way again.

Bring your ship about,
bearing 181, mark 2.

Nice to see you again.

- Captain Sulu?
- Man your station. We're not giving up.

Helm, come about.

- Tactical status.
- Forward disruptors trained on us.

Ensign Tuvok,
what is the composition of this nebula?

Primarily oxygen and argon, with traces
of theta-xenon, fluorine and sirillium gas.

Sirillium? That's
a highly combustible substance, isn't it?

- Affirmative.
- Is there any way we could ignite it?

Modulating a beam
to a subspace frequency,

would trigger a thermochemical reaction.

Like tossing a match
into a pool of gasoline.

Would their shields withstand?

Yes, but their sensors and systems
would be disrupted for several seconds.

That's all the time we need.
Modulate a positron beam and stand by.

We'll ignite it, then clear the nebula.

Helm, prepare to engage maximum warp
on my command.

All hands, this is the Captain. Secure
stations and batten down the hatches.

- The positron beam is ready.
- On my mark, Ensign.

- We're clearing the nebula.
- Mr Tuvok, light the match.

The Klingon ship's been disabled.
They're not pursuing.

Set a course for Kronos. Engage.

- Commander Rand...
- Sir.

Detecting three Klingon battle cruisers.
They're arming torpedoes.

- Heading, sir?
- Maintain course.

Return fire!

- They've knocked out our scanners.
- Switch to manual!

There's a rupture in the conduit
behind your console. Get away.

- One second.
- You must...

Bridge to sickbay. Medical emergency!




Don't let me fall!


- What's happening?
- Memory engrams are destabilising.

Something must be going wrong with the
mind-meld. I'll bring them out of it.

- It's not working.
- Their patterns appear locked together.

I can't break the meld.

The damage is accelerating. He'll be
braindead. Get me a cortical stimulator!

I saw her again, Tuvok. The girl.

When Valtane d*ed just now, it seemed
to cause the memory to resurface.

- What is it?
- Something's wrong with the mind-meld.

Who the hell are you?

- Intruder alert. Get security!
- Why can he see me?

What are you doing on my ship?

The rate of deterioration
in my brain has increased.

At advanced stages of t'lokan schism,
memory processes become confused.

- Ensign, do you know this woman?
- I will break the meld.

Don't. We're getting close to something.

Everything seems to be centred
around the death of Valtane.

Hit on the port. Shields down to 20%.
Losing atmosphere in decks 5, 6 and 7.

I'll reroute auxiliary power
to structural integrity.

Maybe something happened
in that moment.

Some detail you aren't remembering.
Replay those events one more time.

I will. But if my neural structures
collapse during the meld,

you will suffer brain damage as well.

- I understand.
- Take those two to the brig.

If we replay those events and they see
you, it will disrupt the memory again.

Then we've got to find a way
to make me inconspicuous.

Gamma shift, time to defend the
Federation against gaseous anomalies.

How are you, Ensign? Who are you?

We could have asked.

Asking female officers for their clothing
could lead to misunderstanding.

I've programmed a cortical stimulator
to emit thoron radiation.

We'll bombard his telepathic cortex. That
should be enough to terminate the meld.

We'll begin with a 20 kilodyne burst
of five second duration on my mark.


It's working. Their neural patterns
are starting to separate.

- My God.
- What is it?

That's Tuvok's memory engram.
That's the Captain's.

- But this seems to be another engram.
- How's that possible?

It's not. Which means
it can't really be an engram.

I'd say it's something
masquerading as an engram,

the way viruses mimic blood factors to
avoid being destroyed by antibodies.

- So you're saying it's a virus.
- I think so.

The thoron radiation
must have caused it to manifest itself.

Increasing radiation levels should
destroy it. Go to 40 kilodynes. Now!

The Klingon ship's been disabled.
They're no longer pursuing.

Helm, set a course for Kronos. Engage.

Who's at communications?

Commander Rand is.

Detecting three Klingon battle
cruisers. They're arming torpedoes.

Maintain course.

- Return fire!
- They've knocked out our scanners.

Switch to manual!

There's a rupture in the conduit
behind your console. Get away.

- One second.
- You must...

It's about to happen. Try to remember
every detail about the next few seconds.



Help me! Help me, Tuvok!

I saw her, Tuvok.
I saw the girl. Stay with it.

I am trying but my mind is weakening.

This is our last chance.
Take us to the precipice.

Concentrate. Take us to the girl.

The mind-meld is almost broken and the
radiation appears to be k*lling the virus.

Increase thoron levels to...

The virus is embedding itself
in the Captain's brain.

Cortical stimulator!

Kathryn! Help me, please!
Don't let me fall!

Program a 50 kilodyne burst, five
second duration on my mark. Now.

Help me, Tuvok!

The virus protein structures
are breaking down. It's dying.

Increase thoron radiation
to 80 kilodynes, 15 seconds. Now.

- Help me, Dimitri! Don't let me fall!
- Again.

Don't let me fall! No!





It's a viral parasite, but its origin and
genome classification are not on record.

- We k*lled it using thoron radiation.
- What do you know about it?

The virus thrives
on peptides generated in the brain.

It evades the body's immune system by
disguising itself as a memory engram.

Apparently the parasite used the
memory of a falling girl as camouflage.

Creating a false memory so traumatic
that the mind would repress it.

That's where it would live,

hiding in a part of the brain that the
conscious mind would want to avoid.

When it sensed the death of the host,
it would find another.

That's why it migrated to me.

What about the girl? Did she ever exist,
or did the organism invent the memory?

Memory is a tricky thing.
If it was a real event,

it's been buried and copied many times,
there's no way to tell what happened.

Thank you, Doctor.

I'm curious. Did the Excelsior
ever save Kirk and McCoy?

Not directly. We were forced
to retreat back to Federation space.

As usual, Captain Kirk provided
his own means of escape.

But we then played a pivotal role
at the battle at Khitomer.

If I didn't know you better, I'd say
you miss those days on the Excelsior.

On the contrary, I do not
experience feelings of nostalgia.

But when I think back to those days,
of meeting Kirk, Spock and the others,

I am pleased I was part of it.

In a funny way,
I feel like I was a part of it too.

Then perhaps you can be nostalgic
for both of us.
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