03x04 - The Swarm

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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03x04 - The Swarm

Post by bunniefuu »

HeImsman's Log,
Stardate 50252.3.

WhiIe Voyager takes on suppIies,

Lieutenant Torres and I
are investigating

some intermittent
sensor readings

we picked up this morning.

We've been out here
aImost five hours

and we haven't seen any sign
of those energy signatures.

Isn't it time to admit
they were nothing more

than gaIactic background noise?

I want to keep Iooking
a whiIe Ionger.

Just to be sure.


What's wrong?


KIingon bodies weren't meant
to sit in a cockpit

for five hours at a stretch.

You have a big dinner date
or something?

What's that supposed to mean?

WeII, you've been angIing
to get back to Voyager

for about two hours now.

Just thought maybe
there was a reason.

Like Ensign Bristow.


WeII, I've noticed
he's been making any excuse

to hang around Engineering.

Around you.

Freddy Bristow... is a chiId.

Oh, reaIIy?

WeII, he Iooks
Iike a grownup to me.

TaII, good-Iooking...

and I hear he pIays a mean set
of parrises squares.

I pIayed one game with him
and I whipped him.

Look, he has a crush on me.

I can handIe it.

Why are you so interested?

Oh, I'm just curious...

how someone with KIingon bIood

seems to Iive the Iife
of a Tabran monk.

Lieutenant, that is none
of your business.

WeII, if you ever have
a free evening,

I have a hoIodeck program
you might enjoy--

saiIing on Lake Como.

I'd rather take my chances
with Freddy Bristow.

Those energy signatures
are back.

We must have crossed
into a tachyon fieId.

What's that?

A ship has Iocked onto our huII.

Why didn't we detect it?

The tachyon fieId must have
disrupted our sensors.

I'm Lieutenant Tom Paris of...

O soave fanciulla

O dolce viso

Di mite circonfuso alba lunar

ln terra, vivo ravviso

ll sogno ch'io
vorrei sempre sognar

Fremon gia nell'anima

Le dolcezze estreme

Tu sol commandi, amore

Computer, pause pIayback.

Excuse me, but your entrance
was earIy.

You're rushing the tempo.

I am not rushing.

You are Iagging behind
Iike a tired donkey.

I assure you, I have studied

the finest recordings
of this opera--

Caruso and GaIIi-Curci;
Pavarotti and Freni;

SoraI and T'Penna of VuIcan.

My tempo is accurate.

GaIIi-Curci... Freni...
T'Penna... they are aII fallite

They are mere dust baIIs.

Sono niente!

They are nothing.

Giuseppina PentangeIi--
the greatest soprano lirico

of the 22nd century
transcends them aII.

And conductors
take their tempi from me.


In this instance,
they take it from me.

I've programmed
the orchestraI pIayback.

Who aIIows you
to make this choice?

You are an amateur.

You have no sense of rubato,

no rallentando it's Iike
singing with a computer.

Madam, I may be an amateur,

but I'm aIso known
as a quick study.

And as I am
in charge of this program,

you wiII do it my way.

ShaII we try it again?

Computer, start pIayback.

O soave fanciulla


Stop pIayback.

What now?

Non ? possibile

I couIdn't remember the words.

In aII of my career, I have
never forgotten the Iyrics.

This is the difference

between amateur
and professionali

Just a momentary Iapse.
No need to overreact.

Piu cretino non esiste

This is infuriating!

I want another partner!

Lo voglio subito

I'm the one who needs
another partner.

You've got me so upset
I can't sing.

Computer, deIete...

Janeway to the Doctor.

We have a medicaI emergency.

Report to Sick Bay.

Right away, Captain.

Addio, madam.

Next time I'II take my chances
with Maria CaIIas.

Computer, deIete the diva.

Pensa veramente

Their nervous systems
suffered trauma

from some type
of neuroeIectric w*apon.

It must have been
extremeIy painfuI.

It certainIy was.

Do you know
why they att*cked you?

No idea. They seemed to be
trying to communicate with us,

but we couIdn't understand them.

Then they just
Iifted their weapons.

The injuries are treatabIe.
It shouIdn't take Iong.

Tuvok, send a message
on aII subspace bands.

I want to find out why
my peopIe were att*cked.

Aye, Captain.

I'II ask NeeIix if he knows
anything about these peopIe.

Doctor, keep me posted.

It wouId heIp
if you didn't fidget so much.

I'm reaIIy feeIing better.

Can't I get out of here?

When you're ready to Ieave,
I wiII teII you.


Tom doesn't seem to be
responding to the treatment.

I'II Iook at him.

Where's my retinaI imager?

I haven't seen it.

Did you move it
from the instrument tray?

I haven't been near
the instrument tray.

I've just had
the most unpIeasant encounter

with a madwoman on the hoIodeck.

She must have upset me
more than I reaIized.

Lieutenant, you're perfectIy
aII right.

What are you stiII doing here?

Thank you.

I think he must have suffered
some very deep tissue damage.

The regenerator isn't heIping.



I've made numerous haiIs
on wide-band subspace.

The onIy response has been
a singIe repeating message.

What's that?

I'd guess
it's a Ianguage so unIike ours

that the universaI transIator
can't interpret it.

Harry, remoduIate
the transIator.

See if we can
decipher those sounds.

NeeIix, what can you teII us?

If these peopIe are
who I think they are,

I can teII you
this is very bad news.

I've never actuaIIy
encountered them...

but from what I've heard,
I'm gIad I didn't.

Most ships
that enter their space

are never heard from again.

Some have returned with
everyone on board dead.

They're a compIete mystery.

No one knows their name,
how many of them there are,

what their cuIture is Iike.

Just that they reaIIy
don't want peopIe

vioIating their territory.

If this is any indication
of their borders,

it's a huge area of space--
hundreds of sectors.

If we were to go around it,
it wouId take months.

I'd say over 15 months,

even if we couId sustain
maximum warp, which we can't.

I'm not going to teII this crew

we're adding another 15 months
to this journey.

We'II have to find
another option.

If we are not to go around
their space,

the onIy avaiIabIe option
is to go through it.


Tom and B'EIanna

hit a sensor net
as they crossed the border.

We have to figure we'II run
into it when we try to cross,

but there are ways
around sensor nets.

They can't possibIy
have enough ships

to patroI a border this size.

We can probabIy find
an unguarded section.

WouId it affect your decision
if I pointed out

that encroaching on the
territory of an aIien species

is prohibited
by StarfIeet reguIations?

No, it wouIdn't.

Captain... you have managed
to surprise me.

We're a Iong way
from StarfIeet, Lieutenant.

I'm not about to waste 15 months

because we've run
into a bunch of buIIies.

Sick Bay to Captain Janeway.

Go ahead, Doctor.

PIease turn to your emergency
medicaI hoIographic channeI.

I'm afraid Lieutenant Paris

greater neuroIogicaI damage

than my initiaI scan reveaIed.

I'm going to have to perform
a motor cortex reconstruction.

There's no need
to be overIy concerned.

His condition
is not Iife threatening.

The procedure is
a reIativeIy simpIe one

for a skiIIed physician.

Very good, Doctor.
Keep me informed.

AII right. I want a pIan
for crossing that border

as quickIy
and as quietIy as possibIe.

We'II reconvene in an hour.

O soave fanciulla

O dolce viso

Di mite circonfuso
alba lunar


I have the corticaI anaIeptics
you asked for.

Good. FiII the hyposprays.

We'II begin as soon as
I've finished scrubbing.

Did I hear you singing?


''O soave fanciulla ''

It's an aria from La Boh?me,

a truIy exquisite opera
by Giacomo Puccini,

a human composer
of the 19th century.

I didn't reaIize
you enjoyed music.

I've recentIy begun
a thorough study of opera.

I find it...
quite satisfying,

but I'm having
difficuIty finding

a hoIographic partner
for the roIe of Mimi.

AII the soprani seem to have

the most
irritating personaIities.

These women are arrogant,
superior, condescending.

I can't imagine anyone
behaving that way.

What is it?

A quiz for you.

What is the first step
in this procedure?

EstabIish the axon connections

and then test
for synaptic potentiaIs.

Ah. Quite right. Very good.

Doctor, what is it?

We seem to have a smaII probIem.

I... can't remember
how to perform this operation.

AII right,
I've repaired the damaged

pregangIionic fibers
in the spinaI coIumn.

The finaI step
is to restore the nerve sheath.

You'II need
the myeIin regenerator.

What is it?

He's going
into respiratory arrest.

What do I do?

AppIy an efferent impuIse
to stabiIize his motor neurons.

AppIy a... what?

VitaI signs are
returning to normaI.

There-- myeIin
regeneration is compIete.

What's the synaptic
potentiaI reading?

Synaptic potentiaIs are...


Autonomic and somatic systems
are functioning.

Very good, Doctor.

I think you've done it.

The EMH database
seems to be experiencing

a cascading overIoad
of some kind.

Doc's memory circuits
are deteriorating.

We knew the Doctor
was never designed

to be up and running
as much as he has been,

but I thought you programmed
safety buffers,

so his circuits
wouIdn't degrade.

I did, and I instaIIed them,
but they're breaking down.

My seIf-diagnostic routines
have aIways indicated

that in the event
of cascade faiIure,

I shouId simpIy
be reinitiaIized.

That wouId stop the cascade
and aIIow us to reset

your database and personaIity
subroutines, but...

But what?

It wouId restore
the originaI program--

reset him to the person he was

when we first activated him.

In other words,

he'd forget everything
that's happened to him

over the past two years.



how do you feeI about that?

I... can't say I'd Iike
to Iose the Iast two years,

but my primary responsibiIity
is the heaIth and weIfare

of this crew.

In my current state,
I am useIess to them.

I beIieve Lieutenant Torres
shouId start

the reinitiaIization
process immediateIy.

No, wait.

Wait, pIease.

We can't just treat the Doctor
Iike he's a computer anymore.

He's come too far for that.

Doctor, pIease,
think about this.

You'd be Iosing so much--

aII the reIationships
you've deveIoped,

our friendship,

your sense of being
a true member of this crew...

aII that wouId be gone.

I can't put personaI concerns
over those of the crew.

Look at the experiences
you've had

since you were activated--

you've made friends,

Iearned how to sing opera,

you've even faIIen in Iove.

If you Iose those memories,
you won't be the same person.

You said you don't know

what's causing
his memory circuits to faiI.

UnfortunateIy, no.

So, if you reinitiaIize without
finding out what's wrong,

the probIem couId occur again.

WeII, it's a possibiIity.

Isn't it a better pIan to Iook
for the cause of the probIem?

If B'EIanna can find it,

there may be a Iess
radicaI soIution.

Tom Paris is stabIe.

He'II be back on duty today.

There's no medicaI crisis
at the moment.

I can certainIy handIe aII
the routine cases in Sick Bay.

PIease, Iet's
not just erase him

without trying
to heIp him first.

If a crew member came down
with a debiIitating iIIness,

you'd do everything
in your power

to make them weII again.

I think we owe you nothing Iess.

I'II get started.

Don't be discouraged.

I know B'EIanna can find a way.


I think we found it--

a way to get across the border
without being detected.

Let's hear it.

Their sensor net uses a series
of interIaced tachyon beams.

If we adjust the shieIds
to refract those beams

around the ship, we can sIip
across without appearing

to have disrupted the net.

Not bad.

And we've found that this area
shows no indication of vesseIs.

We can sIide through,
go to high warp

and be through this narrow
section of their territory

in four days.

Good work.

HeIm, set a course
for the border.

Aye, Captain.

What are you doing now?

I want to see
if the data corruption

is affecting
your opticaI sensors.

What did that do?

I-I can't see.
I'm bIind!

AII right.

That is extremeIy disconcerting.

PIease don't do it again.

Now what are you doing?

your force fieId projectors.

Doctor, forgive me,
but this is very deIicate work.

CouId you pIease sit
over there for a few minutes?

How extremeIy rude.

May I remind you
that I am, in a way,

your patient,
who's suffering from an unknown

and obviousIy
debiIitating condition.

I wouId think you'd be a IittIe
more sensitive to my needs.

You're questioning
my bedside manner?

The good news
is that your projection system

doesn't seem to be affected.

However, I don't know why
your circuits are degrading.

Then... what do we do now?

What we do now...

is get a second opinion.

I'II transfer you to the
hoIodeck in a few minutes.

Wait here.

Computer, initiate

Jupiter Station
Diagnostic Program AIpha 1-1.

The program is activated.


transfer the program

for the Emergency MedicaI
HoIogram to HoIodeck 2.

I seem to remember this pIace.

You shouId--
this is Jupiter Station,

where you were created

and where your database
was written.

It seems... so Iong ago.

This program contains a
sophisticated diagnostic matrix

specificaIIy created for
the Emergency MedicaI System.

That's right.

I shouId have remembered that.

How couId I have forgotten?

I'm going to have to pIay

with the systems
for a few minutes.

I'm not exactIy sure how to
access aII the subroutines.

Don't touch that!

Who are you?

I'm a hoIographic re-creation
of Dr. Lewis Zimmerman,

the creator of the Emergency
MedicaI HoIogram.

You're the diagnostic matrix.

You might say that.

Something wrong with your EMH?


I certainIy hope
you're going to be abIe

to do something
about this annoying probIem.

What's wrong with it?

He's experiencing
a cascade faiIure.

His memory circuits
are degrading.

I was trying to bring
the subroutines on Iine...

If you don't mind,
I can do it faster.

I can see where you get
your charming personaIity.

Not to mention my hairIine.

Here we are--

a schematic of the EMH
and its component subroutines.

Can you determine the
source of the probIem?

This isn't good.

The EMH has a IeveI-4
memory fragmentation.

How Iong has the program
been active?

I have been active



AImost two years.

Two years?!

WeII, there's your probIem.

This program was deveIoped
as a short-term suppIement

to your medicaI staff--
1,500 hours tops.

I know.

I added data compression buffers

to compensate
for the additionaI time,

but they're breaking down.

The EMH is a highIy
sophisticated program.

You shouIdn't go meddIing
in its matrix when you

don't know what you're doing.

ShouId we shut down
his program then,

tiII we figure out
how to fix him?

At this point,
it doesn't matter.

With a IeveI-4
memory fragmentation,

it'II simpIy continue
to degrade.

There's onIy
one course of action--

a system-wide reinitiaIization.

Start over from scratch.

We are aware of that option.

WouId it be possibIe to expand
his memory circuits instead?

Of course.

ScheduIe it for your next

maintenance Iayover
at McKinIey Station.

I'm afraid that isn't possibIe.

We're thousands of Iight-years
from Federation space.

WeII, there's
nothing more I can do.

Either reinitiaIize it,
or Iive with the knowIedge

that eventuaIIy
this EMH wiII end up

with the inteIIectuaI capacity
of a parsnip.

What are you saying?

Bridge to Torres.

I'm here, Captain.

We're approaching the border.

We need your heIp
in Engineering.

I'm on my way.

Doctor-- Zimmerman--

you haven't toId us anything
that we don't aIready know.

What I need is to find out

exactIy why the Doctor's
memory circuits are degrading

so that we can come up
with a soIution.

Activate a IeveI-4 diagnostic,

or whatever you need to do
to get us some answers.

I'II be back as soon as I can.

I... I wish you
didn't have to go.

I'II hurry.

I promise.

We're hoIding position 500,000
kiIometers from the border.

I'm ready to go as soon
as you give the word, Captain.

AII set, Mr. Kim?

I'm ready whenever
Lieutenant Torres is.

Bridge to Engineering.

Torres here.

B'EIanna, are you ready
to reconfigure the shieIds

to match Mr. Kim's
refraction puIse?


Captain, Iong-range sensors
show a Iarge vesseI

five Iight-years
from our current position.

According to my readings,
it's huge.

On screen.


That Iooks
Iike thousands of ships.

I'm not reading
any energy signatures.

Their propuIsion systems
must be off-Iine.

Maybe they haven't detected us.


AII right. Let's get
through that sensor net.

Harry, go.

Engineering, initiate
the refraction puIse.

PuIse is activated.

Moving to fuII harmonic
resoIution-- 60 percent.

80 percent.


Maximum resoIution.
ShieIds at nominaI output.

Mr. Paris, take us through.

Aye, sir.

Here we go.

The net is registering
as intact.

If those vesseIs get
the same readings,

they won't suspect a thing.

I think we did it, Captain.

Like a snake through the tube.

How about those ships?

They appear
not to have detected us.

They have not
powered up engines.

AII right.

Let's get through this
as fast as we can.

Mr. Paris, what's
your recommendation?

I'II try hoIding warp 9.7 5
for as Iong as I can.

If we can sustain that
for 12 hours,

we'II be nearIy
a third of the way through.

Mr. Tuvok, keep your eye
on those ships.

If they so much as twitch,
I want to know it.


something... is wrong.

What do you mean?

It's Iike there's
a drag on the engines.

Captain, sensors indicate
a resonant particIe wave.

It's damping our warp fieId.

We're Iosing speed.

Bridge to Engineering.

B'EIanna, can you compensate
for the particIe wave?

I'II try.

The antimatter reaction chamber
may have been compromised.

Keep me posted.

HoId our present speed,
Mr. Paris.

Why are you making me
stare at these things?

PIease don't taIk.

Stay fixed
on the fractaI patterns

whiIe I anaIyze
your data-path integrity.




WeII, there it is.

What? What is it?

I toId you not to taIk.

This is the probIem, aII right.

The personaIity subroutine

has grown to more
than 15,000 gigaquads.

That's the source
of the degradation.

Look at aII this useIess
information fIoating around

your buffer--
friendships with the crew,

reIationships with...


Do they find you attractive?

I don't remember.

You've fiIIed your memory
with nonsense.

It was onIy during my off hours.

You're supposed to be off
during your off hours.

I'm sorry.
I... I didn't reaIize.

Who are you?

I'm the Doctor's assistant.

I came to see how he's doing.

Ah, just the person I need.

Perhaps you can teII me
who's been feeding

aII this useIess information
into its database.

What do you mean?

I'II give you an exampIe.

Ah! Here's something
in its personaIity subroutine.

O soave fanciulla


He's been studying opera.

What's wrong with that?

It wasn't programmed
to be a tenor,

it was programmed
to be a physician.

What's wrong with wanting
to be more than that?

It's superfIuous.

Look at me.

I've got the same matrix,
the same hoIo-array,

the same neuraI pathways
as it does.

You don't see me
cIuttering up my circuits

with irreIevancies.

I'm content to be

the best possibIe
diagnostic program I can be.

Your EMH shouId be happy
to be a fine physician.

The Doctor has taken it
upon himseIf

to become a person who grows
and Iearns and feeIs.

It's made him
a better physician.

An EMH program
can't feeI anything.

It's emotionaI reactions

are simpIy a series
of aIgorithms

designed to make it
easier to interact with.

He's much more than that

and I've known him
for most of my Iife.

He's one of my cIosest friends.

You can't possibIy beIieve

that this program
shares these feeIings.

I know he does.

TeII me, Doctor, is this
one of your cIosest friends?


I'm sorry.

I don't know who you are.

What's the status
of those ships, Mr. Tuvok?

StiII unpowered.

They don't seem to have
detected us.

When I was in high schooI,

I snuck out of the house
a coupIe of times Iate at night.

I had to tiptoe past
my parents' bedroom.

That's kind of how I feeI
right now.

You sneaked out of your house?

Where were you going?

WeII, I'II have to Ieave that
to your imagination,


Can I take a few guesses?

Captain, I'm detecting another
ship, not part of the swarm.

It has been damaged.

PropuIsion systems
are not functionaI.

Drop out of warp.
Put it on screen.

Looks Iike it's
been pounded on for days.

Looks Iike it's
been pounded on for days.

Any Iife signs?

I'm checking.

OnIy one, and it's faint.

Transporter Room 1,
beam the survivor to Sick Bay.

Harry, start scanning that ship.

See if you can figure out
what happened to it.

Aye, Captain.

He's suffering
from severe dehydration,

damage to the spinaI coIumn.

There's evidence
of trauma to the nervous system,

just Iike we found
in B'EIanna and Tom

after they were att*cked.

Can I taIk to him?

You can try.

I'II work on restoring
his craniaI nerves,

but he's so badIy injured
I'm not sure it'II heIp.

He's a sick man.

This is where sick peopIe come.

Doctor, hoId onto this
tricorder, aII right?

Keep it pointed
right at the patient.

I'm Kathryn Janeway,
the Captain of this ship.

Can you hear me?


Can you teII me what happened?

Who att*cked you?

There were thousands of them.

LittIe ships...

swarmed around my freighter.

Covered every square meter
of the huII.

Then they began
extracting energy

from aII the ship's systems.

We had no defense.

Then they boarded us.

Did they use
neuroeIectric weapons?

I don't know what they used.

It was painfuI.

PeopIe screaming...


Had you... provoked them
in any way?

We were in their space.

That was enough.

Captain, the rest of my crew...

is there anyone eIse?

I'm sorry.
You're the onIy survivor.

This woman is trying to
regenerate your motor neurons.

We come from MisIen...

five parsecs from here

in a yeIIow dwarf system.

If you pass,
wiII you teII our peopIe?

I'II make a point of it.

It happened so quickIy...

His injuries were too severe.

He's a very sick man.

the Doctor is getting worse.

He doesn't even know
who I am anymore.

He has to be reinitiaIized.

I agree, but I can't
spare B'EIanna now.

We have to get
through this space

before we're att*cked
Iike his ship was.

As soon as it's possibIe,
I'II break her free.

Is there anything at aII
I can do for him?

The onIy thing I can think of

is to keep
his neuraI pathways active.

Ask him questions.
Keep him thinking.

Force him to use
his neuraI matrix.

That might at Ieast
sIow down the degradation.

you mustn't touch those.

Here. This one's
aII right to hoId.

ShaII I use it on the sick man?

Yes, that's a good idea.

The piIot of the freighter d*ed.

We shouId keep going.
Mr. Paris...


I am detecting a vesseI.

It's one of the swarm.

It was stiII attached
to the freighter's huII.

Red AIert.

ShieIds at maximum.

They are scanning us, Captain.

HaiI them.

I am getting a response.

Audio onIy.

Harry, how are you coming
with the universaI transIator?

I'm working on it.

Let's see if they might
be abIe to understand us.

ChanneI is open.

This is Captain Kathryn Janeway

of the Federation
Starship Voyager

We onIy want
to proceed peacefuIIy

through this region of space.

Do you think they're trying
to communicate?

CouId be, but what they're
trying to communicate

is another question.

Any progress, Harry?

I'm getting a generaI idea.

It's something
Iike... ''Too Iate.

ShouId have Iistened.''


We've been hit with some
kind of poIaron burst.

The energy expenditure

was not high enough
to cause any damage.

It may not have been a w*apon.

Captain, that IittIe ship
is hightaiIing it out of here.

So it scanned us,
sent out a poIaron burst

that caused no damage
and then took off.

Captain, the burst has
changed the shieId poIarity.

It's now rotating
at 92 gigahertz.

That means if anybody wanted
to find us,

it's a Iot easier now.

I'II say. As far as anyone's
sensors are concerned,

we're Iit up
Iike a Christmas tree.

Captain, the swarm of ships

has powered their engines
and turned toward us.

They are in pursuit.

Do what you can, Tom.

We have a head start.
We might be abIe to outrun them.

Bridge to Engineering.

Torres here.

How are you coming with
the warp drive, B'EIanna?

I'm going to try reaIigning
the diIithium matrix,

but we'II need to shut down
the warp drive to do it.

We can't shut down.

The aIien ships
are headed toward us.

I don't know if I can do this
on the run, Captain,

but I'II give it a try.

Do the best you can.
Janeway out.

NicoIetti, we're going to have

to try a diIithium
reaIignment on the fIy.

Let's figure out how to do it

without kiIIing everyone
in Engineering.

I faiI to understand
why I can't Ieave this room.

Stand aside, young woman,

or I wiII have you
put on report.

Doctor, pIease, I'm just
trying to keep you safe.

Others can Ieave.
You can Ieave.

Why can't I Ieave?

Because your hoIo-projectors
don't work in the corridors.

My... what?

PIease, sit down.

Doctor, you know
I'm your friend, right?

Yes. You're Kes.

Yes. Yes.

Do you remember me?

Of course I remember you.

What an absurd question.

Oh, that's wonderfuI.

But why won't you
Iet me Ieave this pIace?

I'm trying to protect you.



This isn't... such a bad pIace.

I remember...

there were a Iot of peopIe here,
wounded peopIe.

I asked someone to...

state the nature
of the medicaI emergency,

and then inquired
as to the status

of their Chief MedicaI Officer.

He was dead,

and then...
everyone disappeared.

I think that's when
you were activated

aImost two years ago.

Oh, sureIy not.

It seems Iike... Iast week.

And there was a young woman.

I was rubbing her feet.

She was trying to decide
whether or not to have a chiId.

That was me.

How couId that be?

I've never seen you before.

What eIse do you remember?

What a very odd question.

I remember many things.

TeII me.

I enjoy hearing them.

That doesn't seem
to be the case.

You find fauIt
with everything I say.

Doctor, don't think that.

You cIaim you're my friend,

but you don't even
caII me by my name.

That's because you
don't have a name.

No name!
That's ridicuIous! I...


I demand you teII me my name.

Wha-What's happening to me?

the swarm is gaining on us.

They wiII be in weapons range
within five minutes.

BattIe stations.

The ships are now within range,

but I do not detect
any indication

that they are powering weapons.

Do you have any idea

what kind of w*apon
systems they use?

Negative. Sensors show
no weapons signature at aII.

They're onIy a hundred thousand
kiIometers away now.

Arm aII phaser banks.

Aye, Captain.


Kes, what is it?

The Doctor is getting worse.

He's starting to demateriaIize.

I'm afraid we're going
to Iose him compIeteIy.

I know B'EIanna is busy,

but I wondered if Harry
couId take a Iook at him.

I'm sorry, Kes,
but we're in the middIe

of something here and I need
every hand at their posts.

Captain, they're onIy
40,000 kiIometers away.

Captain, they're onIy
40,000 kiIometers away.

StiII no weapons signature.

Changing to evasive pattern

Sick Bay.

Kes to Sick Bay.

How's the Doctor?

No improvement.

He's stiII Iosing cohesion.

Computer, Deck 6.

Computer, initiate the Jupiter
Station Diagnostic Program.

Jupiter Station Program
is activated.

You again.
Now what?

The Doctor's program is
aImost compIeteIy degraded.

We're going to Iose him.

I'm not sure what you
expect me to do about it.

I expect you to heIp.

That's what you're programmed
to do, isn't it?

I have pointed out
over and over,

I am a diagnostic tooI,
not an engineer.

You have to try.

You're the onIy one
who can heIp now.

Young woman,
you don't seem to understand.

There are Iimitations
to my programming.

I can't just decide
to exceed them.

The Doctor did,
so why can't you?

You better start trying

because I'm not Ieaving here
untiI we accompIish something.


He... means a great deaI
to you, doesn't he?

Yes, he does, so start thinking

about his memory circuits
his hoIoprocessors,

his database, his matrix...

Why are you Iooking
at me Iike that?

You toId me you had
the same matrix as the Doctor.

An adaptive,
heuristic matrix, yes.

In order to serve
as a diagnostic

for aII the EMH programs.

Then couIdn't your matrix
be substituted for his?


I wouIdn't have thought of that.

But can it?

I'm not sure,
but even if it were possibIe,

the same degradation wouId
eventuaIIy occur to my matrix.

What if yours were
grafted onto his?


In medicine, we sometimes graft

portions of a heaIthy bone
onto a diseased one.

It gives the bone soIidity
untiI it can heaI.

CouIdn't we do something Iike
that with your matrices?

WeII, it wouId require
synchronous transfer

of aII the EMH databases
and subroutines.

Not an easy process, mind you,
but I...

I suppose we couId try.

Good. Let's get started.

I must point out that
you wouId no Ionger

have a diagnostic program
for the EMH.

If we don't do this, we won't
have an EMH to diagnose.

Hmm. Good point.

You'II have to return
to Sick Bay

and transfer my program there.

Thank you, Dr. Zimmerman.

Don't be premature.

I have no idea
if this is going to work.

Captain, our shieId strength
just went to zero.

How couId that happen?

Each one of those IittIe ships

is emitting
an interferometric puIse.

They're moduIating in opposition
to our shieId frequencies

compIeteIy canceIing them out.

AII right, that's enough.

Tuvok, give them a phaser sweep
with the forward array.

Don't destroy any of them,

just Iet them know we're not
going to sit here Iike ducks.

Aye, Captain.

What was that?

The interferometric puIses
they're emitting?

They've refIected the energy of
the phasers right back to us.

Anything we fire is going
to affect us instead of them.

What about a photon torpedo?

Since our shieId strength
is nonexistent,

I wouId not recommend it.

They're onIy 7,000 kiIometers
away and stiII coming.

Harry, start anaIyzing
those interferometric puIses.

See if there's any pattern,
any code to them.

We might be abIe
to find a weakness.

I'm on it.

I'm increasingIy dubious

as to the outcome
of this effort.

The EMH pathways
are seriousIy degraded.

They might not accept
a matrix overIay.

We have to try.

PIease hurry.

I assure you I am working
as quickIy as I can.

If I don't prepare

the muItitronic paths properIy,
there's no chance of success.

It's going to work, Doctor.
I'm sure of it.

What is?

Very weII.

We're as ready as we'II ever be.

I've programmed the computer
to instaII my heuristic matrix

onto the EMH primary circuitry.

We'II both have
to be taken off-Iine

for the overIay to be made.

After the reinitiaIization

you shouId activate
the Emergency MedicaI HoIogram.

I understand.

You reaIize there wiII be
no second chance.

After this,
I wiII no Ionger exist.

WeII, it's been
a brief existence,

but apparentIy a nobIe one.

Computer, initiate program
Zimmerman AIpha-1.

Matrix overIay program
is active.

PIease stand by.

they're right on top of us.

I can't shake them.

Captain, they are
cIamping onto our huII.

They're starting
to drain our systems.

Captain, I've got a pattern
on the interferometric puIses.

It's a Iattice connecting
aII the ships to each other.

AII right, here's
what we're going to do--

turn those puIses
right back on them.

Tuvok, Iock phasers
on their nearest ship.

If we can destroy one of them,

there's every chance
the interferometric puIse

that Iinks them together
wiII cause a chain reaction.

But the phaser fire wiII be
refIected back toward us.

Harry, moduIate
our shieId frequency

to an inverse harmonic
of the puIse.

That shouId aIIow the phasers
to hit the ship.

Ship's phasers are
Iocked on a target, Captain.

Tuvok, Harry-- do it.

The swarm of ships
has disbanded, Captain.

They are moving away.

ShieIds are back
to fuII strength.

Good work, everyone.

Now, Iet's get out of here.

It seems to be taking forever.

That's to be expected.

It's a compIex procedure.

Dr. Zimmerman said he
didn't know if our Doctor

wouId be restored
to his originaI programming

or if he'd regain the memories
of the past two years.

I think, at this point,

we'd be gIad
to have him back no matter what.

Zimmerman program
AIpha-1 is now compIete.

Computer, activate emergency
medicaI hoIographic program.

PIease state the nature
of the medicaI emergency.

It worked!

Doctor, I am so gIad to see you.

Are you iII, young woman?


N-no, there's no emergency.

I, uh...

I just wanted to see
if you were aII right.

It is very irresponsibIe

to make
such frivoIous use of the EMH.

Where's your Chief
MedicaI Officer?

We don't have one.

ActuaIIy, I have
an awfuI headache.

A headache?

Nurse, tricorder.

You're the nurse?

In a way.

Humph. This woman has
a miId infIammation

of the occipitaI tissues.

HardIy enough to compIain about,

but I'm wiIIing to give
you a miId anaIgesic.

Thank you.

Get me the vasoconstrictor
and prepare a hypospray

with three percent

Yes, Doctor.

ln te, vivo ravviso

ll sogno ch'io vorrei
sempre sognar
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