03x06 - Remember

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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03x06 - Remember

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 50203.1.

We're three days away
from Enara Prime,

home of the passengers
we picked up from the Fima system.

Our high warp capability has reduced
the time it takes them to get home.

In return, they have shared their energy
conservation technology,

and perhaps more importantly,
their friendship.

You've never been there?

The trip usually takes so long.
I don't want to see it that badly.

I've spent my whole life
in the Fima colony. It's my home.

You'll change your mind
when you see the cliffs at dawn.

I've heard they're beautiful.

You'll know what beautiful truly means

when you stand on the cliffs
on a rainy morning

and watch the raindrops turn to mist
when they hit the molten sea.

That sounds wonderful.

Our new components are still
out of synch with your EPS system.

We'll have to check through all of them.

Maybe Harry could give us a hand.

I'm sure he would if you asked him.

- Harry, you got a minute?
- Sure.

Could you help us check the power
relays? There's a flow problem.

- I'd be happy to help.
- We'll get started in the morning.

If we're done,
maybe we could get something to eat.

Thank you
but I'll be headed back to bed.

I'm sure you young people
will manage without me.

- Good night.
- Good night.

So... I guess it will just be
the three of us.

Actually, getting some rest
sounded like a pretty good idea.

Why don't you go on without me.

No, really. I insist.

What took you so long?

- Korenna...
- Ssh!

B'Elanna, wake up!

- What?
- Your shift started 20 minutes ago.

You didn't answer the com.

I guess... I guess I must have slept
through it. Sorry.

- Are you feeling all right?
- Yes. I'll be there in a minute.

It's the second morning you've been late.

It won't happen again.

- If something's wrong...
- I'm fine.

Like when you finished hoverball

with a broken ankle?

I was only late because...

I've been having intense dreams.

Intensely bad?

No. Just the opposite.

So they're enjoyable? Stimulating?

They're the most sensual dreams

I've ever had in my life.

And they feel absolutely real.

About anyone in particular?

Nobody you know.

He's nobody I know either.
He's Enaran.

One of our passengers?

No. In the dreams, I know him.

More than that, I'm in love with him.

But it's not me. It's somebody else.

In a way, it's... liberating.

I'm sure.

So I won't have to write up a report
on your chronic oversleeping?

If you say a word about this...

You'll rip my heart out and eat it raw.

Your secret's safe with me.

So what is this big surprise?

Neelix has worked on it all afternoon.

He wouldn't let me in to get a snack.

- Welcome to Enara!
- It's very... colourful.

The colours of the Enaran flag.

The decor, the music, the menu,
all authentically Enaran.

- Where are the tables and chairs?
- Enarans don't use them.

After a big meal, you can just
lie back and take a nap. Very practical.

It's a little cold in here.

A little chillier than we're used to.
But just about perfect for...

...the Enarans. I got it.

You must try some of these
delightful algae puffs.

They're fresh from the oven.


Maybe later.

That was wonderful.
What a lovely piece of music.

You should thank Jora Mirell.
She composed it.

I still think you're rushing the harmonics
in the second movement.

I've always regretted that
I never learned to play an instrument.

I'd be glad to help you if you like.

I'd like it very much. I'm sure
I could find time for a few lessons.

- Captain?
- I'm all right.

I did understand that you wanted
to share my knowledge of music?

I didn't realise you were offering to
share so directly. It was overwhelming.

I am terribly sorry, Captain.

I assumed since
you knew about telepathy...

I never would have made
a connection without your consent.

You intended to give me a gift...
and it was wonderful.

Your abilities allow you to transfer
knowledge from your mind to another's?

Not precisely.

We're able to share our experiences
through a telepathic link.

I remembered lessons
and hours of practice.

Were those your experiences?



You take a couple of these,
roll them around like this,

and voila, your hands
are clean and disinfected.

The Enarans are very hygienic.

I haven't seen Lieutenant Torres.

I suppose she's doing
another late night in engineering.

I think she might have
gone to bed early.

I won't dictate who your friends are

but you can see that some friends
are less suitable than others.

- Like Dathan?
- Yes.

You promised you wouldn't see him
any more then I heard you talked to him.

He came up to me on the street.
I couldn't help it.

Korenna, don't you see
I'm thinking of him as well as you?

You only encourage him this way.
That isn't very fair.

It's not fair that you treat him
like everybody else. He's different.

If you talked to him
you'd understand that.

One of the things I love about you
is your compassion.

But you don't realise that some people
may take advantage of that compassion.

Promise me that if he comes up to you
again you'll just walk away.

- That should be clear enough.
- I'm sure.

And finish your tarin juice.
It's good for you.

He's gone.

I should go.

He's leaving for work soon.
It's safer to wait.

You know,
this will only encourage me.

I hope so.

We've modified
the primary EPS conduits.

We're starting on the backup systems.

Can you do it before
we drop off the Enarans?

Yes. We'll have to pull some longer
shifts, but two more days should do it.

Is something else on your mind?

Those dreams I've been having...

They're getting kind of strange.

In what way?

Last night, in the middle of the dream,

I was kissing him, my lover...

and suddenly he was dead, b*rned.

- B'Elanna...
- But there's more than just a love affair.

I'm having a relationship
with this man,

but my father doesn't approve
so we have to sneak around.

It's like each new dream
advances the story.

- It sounds like a holonovel.
- It feels like it's real.

Physically, emotionally,
it's no different from real life.

I've never had dreams like this before.

It can't be a coincidence that we have
a group of telepaths on board.

Exactly. I want to find out more
about what these Enarans can do.

- Ask your friend in engineering.
- I'm going to.

I'll talk to the Captain.
She should know all about our guests.


Once, I stood where you are,

during the early days
of interstellar exploration.

It was important for our people
and I was proud to be part of it.

Today, with the advent of terraforming,

we stand ready
to take another leap forward

into an era of expansion
and colonisation.

You will show us the way.

There are some who resist progress.

Do not let the voices of fear
and ignorance discourage you.

Claim your rightful place
as leaders of a new era.

The future of Enara is in your hands.

Today, we honour a group of people
who represent our best hope.

It is a great pleasure to give this award
to my daughter, Korenna.

I'm so very proud of you.

Looks good on you.

What are you doing here?

Today's important for you
and I wanted to be here.

I'm glad you came.

This award will help me get
into the district education centre.

I could be a junior instructor
in less than a year.

I'm really happy for you.

- You could take the exam, too.
- I can't go to the centre.

Nothing is impossible
if you want it badly enough.

- I want us to be together.
- I love you, Korenna.

It's just so frustrating.

- I can't stand being away from you.
- I know.

I wish I could hold you right now.

What would you do if you could?

I'll show you.

- I'll see you tonight.
- No!

There's going to be a big dinner
with my father's friends.

- Tomorrow night then.
- Tomorrow.

- Next.
- Let's go.

- Have your identification ready.
- Come on, this way. All the way.

Let's move.

B'Elanna, can you hear me?

Kes to sickbay. Medical emergency.

Good to see you're awake, Lieutenant.

- What happened?
- I found you unconscious.

- I was dreaming again.
- Not according to your theta waves.

You were experiencing memories.
Specifically implanted memories.

Implanted? By the Enarans?

There's evidence of telepathic activity
in your frontal lobe.

My experience with the Enarans'
telepathy is different from yours.

Jor Brel was standing near me
when I received his memories.

Were Enarans near you
when you dreamt?

No, I was alone every time.

You've also been asleep
or unconscious.

The shared memories feel like
vivid dreams to you.

The memories have been placed
in her unconscious.

They emerge
when her mind is inactive.

- Why did she pass out?
- The memories' synaptic patterns

are not compatible
with her neural pathways.

- There's some damage.
- Can you prevent further damage?

This will control her theta wave activity.
That should suppress the memories.

- I won't have the dreams?
- That's the idea.

What's wrong?

If the dreams stop,
I'll never know what happens.

This woman, Korenna.
...I feel what she feels.

She is torn and confused
about her loyalties

and I don't know what I...
what she will do.

Satisfying your curiosity
isn't worth risking brain damage.

I'm giving you two days off duty.
Use them to rest.

I'll speak with Brel
about what's happening.

I'd like to come with you.
I'd rest better if I had answers.

I doubt any of us
could be doing this purposely.

You can share your experiences
without mutual consent.

Yes, but it just isn't done.

I know that we had a misunderstanding
before, but we have strict ethics.

We're only trying to find out
how this is happening.

I have heard of instances
where members of some alien races

have been affected
by our telepathic field,

but nothing as intense as described.

According to our Doctor,
they're memories.

That's possible. She may be picking up
stray thoughts and memories

from every Enaran on the ship.

Must be terribly confusing.

Perhaps that's why her mind
has organised it into a narrative.

- Are you saying I'm making it up?
- No.

Some elements may have
come from our experiences.

I may have crawled into a bedroom
window or two in my youth.

You mentioned a citizenship award.

There are several past recipients
in our group.

We may be each contributing
some small details.

Nothing really happened
the way I remember it?

It's highly unlikely.

We appreciate your help, Jor Brel.

I wish there was something more
that I could do.

I regret any ill effects that our presence
here has caused you.

Those effects
are under control now.

The Doctor suppressed the memories.

I'm very glad to hear that.

His explanation is plausible.


I don't know...
Those dreams are so real.

Maybe he's right.

The Enarans haven't shown
any hint of subterfuge.

They've been honest.
You're in no immediate danger.

They'll be gone in a day.
The situation will resolve itself.

And yet you intend
to continue investigating.

I wonder how long it's been
since I surprised you.

I share your concern.
This may be a deliberate act.

I want to see what
other Enarans have to say.

- I'll talk to Jessen and Mirell.
- You've done enough. Get some rest.

- But...
- We'll take it from here.

Captain's log, stardate 50211.4.

We're approaching Enara
and preparing to host a farewell party.

They've tried to help us
understand their abilities,

but it's still a mystery
why they've affected Torres so strongly.

Are you ready?

You'll do well. I'll be there with you.

This is all voluntary, isn't it?
They want to be resettled.

Of course.

Although it's impossible to understand
what Regressives want.

They simply don't think like we do.

How do we relate to people
who refuse all but primitive technology,

who live without a communications
interlink or microfusion generators?

If that's the way they want to live,
why can't they?

That's why we're helping them resettle.

So they can be comfortable practicing
a way of life they've chosen.

They could do that here, in their village.

You wouldn't say that
if you'd been there.

Do you realise
they won't even use radioseptics

to sterilise their homes
or their hands before they eat?

It's a miracle
they haven't started a plague.

Then... it's dangerous
to have them living here?

Yes, it is. And we've been tolerant
for a very long time.

But even they realise they'd be
better off living somewhere else.

But some of them want to stay here.

Some people always resist change,
even if they know it's best.

But once they see their friends
and family happily settled,

they'll want to go as well.




What's going to happen to us?

You'll have a new place to live
with your own kind.

Please, can you tell me...?
I only want to know where we're going!


Dathan Alaris!

- Where is he?
- He couldn't be leaving.

- Did you tell him he was on the list?
- I didn't know he was!

Did you put his name there
to keep him away from me?

Don't! No!

- Computer, locate Jora Mirell.
- Jora Mirell is in her quarters.

- I'll get you to sickbay.
- No!

I have to give you the rest of it.

You are Korenna?

- These are your memories?
- Yes.

- Why give them to me?
- You won't deny the truth.

We've been hiding it.
I couldn't any more.

They found out I was sharing it with you.

Who did?

Don't let the memories die.
Promise me.

I don't understand.

- My father's home. If he hears you...
- What happened?

One of your friends
made some trouble today.

- Where were you?
- Some of us got away.

We're leaving tonight. Come with me.

It's the only way we can be together.

You're asking me to abandon
my family, my career.

Yes. Leave it all behind.
What's happening here is wrong.

- It's just a resettlement.
- It is not!

My uncle was resettled
and we haven't heard from him since.

Nobody has had any contact
with this new colony.

There could be a good reason for that.

I've heard that the transports
don't go anywhere,

that the passengers
just get vaporised.

Thousands of us
have been slaughtered.

That's ridiculous! No one is being k*lled!

- My father told me...
- Your father is lying to you!

You can't go on trying to believe
in both of us any more.

Either he is right
and you shouldn't see me,

or I'm right,
and he is part of a terrible crime.

- My father is a good man.
- I can show you...

how we're rounded up for resettlement,
how soldiers treat Regressives.

I know it is hard to face, but you have to.
Let me show you...

- No, I...
- Korenna!

Come in.

I was just practising.

You have the talent
to play professionally.

- How are you feeling?
- I've been better.

Don't think about it any more. That
Regressive att*cked you for no reason.

Maybe he thought he had a reason.
Maybe he was afraid.

I know there are disturbing rumours
coming from these people.

You may have heard them
from that boy.

What's so insidious
about these Regressives

is that they pretend
they're not harming anyone,

and all the while,
they're spreading their lies,

trying to make you believe
awful things.

Why would they do that?

They have some twisted ideas
about resisting progress,

which they think gives them the right
to hold us back.

They're trying to undermine us,
to cause dissent and doubt.

Just look at how they've affected you.


what they're saying is so horrible.

Yes, but it isn't very plausible.

Korenna, think. A secret conspiracy
against their people?

Organised m*rder
on such an enormous scale?

Do you really believe that your family
and friends are capable of that?

- No.
- Of course not.

I know how hard it is for you to accept

that anyone could lie
about something like that

but it is all part of their manipulation.

These people have no conscience.

They'll say anything
to get what they want.

Like that boy, Dathan.

Has he told you he's in love with you?

He's not.

It's his way of gaining your sympathy.

And not only yours.

I've seen him talking to
quite a number of young women.

Has he been asking you to trust him?

He's poisoning you
against your own people.

Even your own family.


That's very cruel.

No wonder you've been confused.

But now you understand
what these people are really like.

- You!
- No!

These criminals represent
a growing thr*at to Enaran society.

As responsible citizens,
we must fight back.

With their punishment,
we send a signal to all Regressives.

We will protect ourselves and our ideals
from their destructive influence

by whatever means necessary.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Yes! Yes!

- Why did they all move away?
- They didn't want to live with us.

The Regressive people had
very strange ideas about how to live.

They didn't want to learn new things
or use any new technology.

They decided to live on their own
and we let them go.

But they couldn't take
care of themselves.

They fought with each other,
they spread all kinds of diseases.

- And they all d*ed?
- They destroyed themselves.

It was very sad.

But we can learn from their mistakes.

That's why we keep this gate here -

to remind us never to be stubborn
and backward like they were.

- We'll remember.
- I know you will.

I'd like to indulge
in a new custom I've learned.

It's called making a toast.

Captain Janeway
and her gracious crew.

We are very grateful to you
for bringing us home.

You will always have friends here.

- Murderers!
- Lieutenant...

You tried to hide what you did,
but I know.

I saw everything -
the Regressives, the executions,

wiping out a population
and blaming them for it.

This is most uncomfortable.
Perhaps a more private discussion...

You've done that all along.
Hiding the truth!

Hoping that it would just
die away quietly!

Please. This has to come out.

It's time we all understood
what's happening.

My dreams.
They are real memories from Jora Mirell.

When she, when all of them,
were younger,

there was a group
called Regressives.

They just wanted to lead
a different kind of life.

But they don't exist any more.
You exterminated them!

These accusations are untrue.

You've spent your life covering it up,

then you realised that someone
was passing the memories on to me,

so you... you used me to figure out
who it was and then you k*lled her!

You were too late.

Korenna gave me the last
of her memories before she d*ed.

- Korenna Mirell is dead?
- You know she was m*rder*d?

They made it look like
it was natural causes.

Lieutenant, I spoke
with Jora Mirell yesterday.

I asked her about your memories.

- She knew nothing about them.
- Of course she'd say that.

- She was afraid.
- No, you're lying.

The Enarans would
never do anything like that.

It is the truth.
I know you don't want to believe it.

They're counting on that.
They always have.

I trust B'Elanna. Just listen.

Nobody thinks you're lying, Lieutenant.

The poor woman has been ill
for a long time.

Her memories may be distorted.

Or perhaps your perception of them
was coloured by your culture.


I know that it's easier for you to believe
that I'm crazy or hallucinating.

But she shared her life,
her whole identity with me.

I was with her every step of the way,

as she convinced herself
that what she did -

betraying the man she loved,
playing her part in the m*ssacre -

that it was all for the good
of Enaran society.

She showed me everything.
No apologies.

No request for forgiveness.
Just the truth.

At least she had the conscience

to stand up
and realise what she'd done wrong.

Which is more than I can say for you.

I think it best that we now prepare
for our departure.

I'd like to go to your sickbay
to attend Jora Mirell.

I'm going to talk to the Doctor.

I want to see you in my ready room
in one hour.

I know I could have found a better way
to handle the situation.

I was just too angry to think straight.
It's not the first time, I know.

- But if you'd seen what I saw...
- I might have done the same thing.

- You believe me...
- I believe the memories were real.

Then we've got to do something.
We have to make this public.

- You tried. They didn't want to listen.
- Then we have to find proof.

Let me go down to the planet. There
must be evidence of what happened.

Maybe other people
will be willing to tell the truth.

Whatever the Enarans have done, it's
not our place to bring them to justice.

If they choose to conceal their history,

that's their decision,
whether we approve or not.

This could happen again
if no one knows it happened before.

We have no right to get involved.

Jora Mirell was m*rder*d on this ship,
so we should investigate.

Maybe if we can expose why she was
k*lled, the Enarans will ask questions.

I have a full report from the Doctor.

He looked for evidence
to support your accusations.

He didn't find any.

They could have used their telepathy
in a way the Doctor couldn't detect.

We have no basis
for a m*rder investigation.

I released her body to the Enarans.

So that's it?

We just go on our merry way
and no one has to take responsibility?

I've cancelled our trade negotiations
and shore leave.

We'll leave orbit as soon as
the Enarans are off the ship.

B'Elanna, I believe the Enaran engineers
are collecting their equipment right now.

If there's anything more
you'd like to say to... any of them.

Thank you, Captain.

I'm relieving you.

- Can we talk for a minute?
- I have nothing to say to you.

Then just listen.

Like Harry said,
it couldn't hurt to do that.

I'm leaving soon.

I know you have no reason
to believe what I've said.

All you have is my word, against
everything you've ever been taught.

- That's right.
- So prove me wrong.

Go to Enara and find the colony where
the Regressives were meant to live.

Talk to people.

Ask questions.

Learn the truth for yourself.

Maybe my experiences
will give you some place to start.

I wish I had your abilities.
I could just show you.

You would do that?

- Share your experiences openly?
- Of course!

Then you'd know
I'm telling you the truth.

I can make the connection between us.

What took you so long?
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