01x17 - Solitudes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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01x17 - Solitudes

Post by bunniefuu »

Well ! None of this
was going on when we sent
the probes here.

[ Daniel ] what's
this stuff in the air ?
[ Teal'c ] ash.

All right, daniel, dial it up.
Get us out of here.

No argument.

Wait a minute.

There's something
out there.

It's a woman !
She's alive !

There's more.
Hurry, you guys.

- There's no life here.
- This one's had it.

It's just like pompeii.
Everyone died of suffocation
before the lava started to flow.

What are these things ?

there are two more alive !

Carter, how long
before we're toast ?

I don't know, sir.
I'm not a volcanologist.
It could be days, minutes.

[ Gasps ]


Help us.

[ Man ]
clear the way.
Give 'em some room.

All right, let's go.

You okay ?

Colonel o'neill,
what happened ?

We encountered some very severe
volcanic activity, sir.

Who are all these people ?
[ Carter ]
we don't really know, sir.

They were all dead
and dying around the gate.
The air was highly toxic.

And hot !
Have dr. Frasier
take a look at you.

We'll debrief
as soon as you're ready.
Yes, sir.

You evacuated ten people
from an alien planet, colonel.

Dr. Frasier says
they're all human.
They're going to live.

This was one hell
of a rescue operation.
Thank you, sir.

There were no buildings
in the area of any kind ?

No, sir. We don't know
how far they walked,

But it looked like they
were trying to make it back
to the stargate.

What do we know
about these devices
they were wearing ?

They all emit low levels
of radiation, indicating
an operative energy source.

But there is no circuitry,
moving parts or chips.

We've never seen
anything like it.

I thought they were from a
parallel culture, but looks like
they might be way ahead of us.

We've determined humans
on other planets originated
here on earth, right ?


Then given our present state
of technology,
could they be ahead of us ?


We'd be colonizing space
right now if it hadn't been
for the dark ages.

There was a period of over
800 years where science
was heresy and anathema.

Maybe they didn't have
that setback.

General hammond, the spokesman
for the rescued people is awake.

He'd like to speak with you--
all of you.

[ Man on p.a. ]
Attention, all medical personnel
report to the infirmary.

Thank you.

Who are you ?
I'm major general hammond.
This is colonel o'neill.

Samantha carter.

- Ah, daniel jackson.
- What is this place ?

You're on a planet
called earth.
These people saved you.

Nothing could be further
from the truth.

Unless I missed something,
you're better off here
than you were there.

There was a rescue transport
on the way.

Half your people were
already dead. I don't think it
would've gotten there in time.

- Perhaps that's more a problem
for you than it was for us.
- Beg your pardon ?

I find it unbelievable
that anyone so primitive...

Could've deciphered
the gate system.

Did you say "primitive" ?

I, too, am from a world
very different from this one.

- Here, life is highly valued.
- Quite a statement for a jaffa.

Sir, I'd like to know
who you are,

What you know about
the goa'uld.
I am omoc.

Our world is called tollan.

And what do you know
of the goa'uld and jaffa ?

We're aware of them.
We don't interact with them.

Then we share
a common enemy.

Did I mention an enemy ?

I only meant
it might benefit everyone...

If your people and ours
could be friends.

I demand you return everything
that you have taken from us,

And allow us to go home.

It could take a while
for those volcanoes
to quiet down.

In the meantime,
I'm a culture buff.

I'd like to learn about
your history and customs.

I've said enough.
I'll say no more.

Captain carter, I want you
to monitor the situation
on tollan very closely.

As soon as it's safe there,
I want those people gone.

Yes, sir.

[ Door buzzer buzzes ]

New hobby ?
[ Chuckles ]
neat, huh ?

Miniature u.a.v.
With all the bells and whistles.

I'm just adding heat sensors
so I can send it
through the gate to tollan.

I was in the infirmary
with one of the tollan
to get them to talk to us.

They only ask questions,
never answer them.

One of them was asking a lot
of questions about you.

I thought they weren't
interested in us.

I didn't say "us."
I said "you."

General hammond thinks
maybe you'll have better luck
getting some answers.

He'd like to see you.


I was hoping he would
open up to you a bit more
than dr. Jackson or myself.

You remember narim.
Yes, from the planet.

You were a lot dirtier then.

Ah. Captain carter.
Or is it "doctor" ?

Why don't we just make it
samantha ?

You may call me narim.

Captain carter,
mr. Narim seems very interested
in our planet.

I thought maybe you'd like
to escort him up to the surface
to have a look.

- Really ?
- I would be very pleased
to have that opportunity.

As long as
you give me your word
you'll stay with captain carter.

- You have my word.
- Great ! Let's go.


Um, I wanted to tell you...
That I'm glad to be alive.

Uh, so are the others.

Thank you.
And please tell your friends.

Oh, you can tell them
No, I can't.

I shouldn't be talking
to you.
Why not ?

You know, back on tollan,
I thought I was dying.

I heard your voice,
managed to open my eyes,
and, uh,

When I saw you--

What ?
An old superstition.

There was a time before reason
and science when my ancestors
believed in nonsense...

Like the sher-mal.

The story goes
that if a sher-mal appears
at the moment of death,

She will take you
to her dwelling in the stars.

Ah !
We call them "angels."

Then you still believe
in them ?
Some of us do.

Ours were reported
to be quite beautiful.

And... When I saw you,

Well, you seemed
to fit the description.

Then I learned from dr. Jackson
that you're also
a brilliant scientist.

I'm afraid I ask
quite a few questions.

- Curiosity.
- It's a quality omoc
doesn't seem to share.

Can you tell me something
about your world ?
Is it permitted ?

- Yeah, of course !
- [ Bird squawking ]

- A flying animal !
- Yeah.
We call them birds.

- Are there other animals ?
- Oh, yeah, millions of them.


There have been none on tollan
for generations.

Well, I could bring you pictures
if you like.

- I would like that very much.
Thank you.
- Okay.

But I think it would be best
if omoc didn't know.

- Why ?
- Omoc is not as harsh
as he seems.

He is only trying
to protect us... And you.

From what ?


Perhaps we should go back.


[ Man over p.a. ]
Chevron six, engaged.

Chevron seven, locked.

[ Carter ]
launching u.a.v.
In ten seconds.

Nine, eight, seven,

Six, five, four,

Three, two, one.

Successful launch.
U.a.v. Is holding course,

And the wormhole
should reach the tollan gate
in three, two, one.

Temperature: ground,
1700 degrees fahrenheit.

Air: seems to be in pockets
ranging from 1500 degrees
down to 200.

Sounds like l.a.
If the heat doesn't get you,
the atmosphere will.

It's mostly pyroclastics,
basalt, ash. A person could
suffocate very quickly.

How long before
it cools down ?

I don't know.
Not anytime soon.

Doesn't look like it'll matter
anyway. That lava's flowing
straight toward the gate.

Computer predicts
that at the current rate...

The gate will buried
in a couple of days.

Looks like we've got
some guests for a while.

Are you absolutely certain ?

[ Carter ]
yes. I'm sorry.

[ Exhales ]

Then nature succeeded
where we failed.

What ?
You were going
to seal the gate ?

Tollan is a world
in cataclysm.

The evacuation was complete.
My team stayed to--

Our final task
was to close the gate...

So that no one could return
and be harmed.

Wherever you were going,
we can recalibrate
the coordinates from here.

The new settlement world
is outside the gate system.
We'll need a ship.

Oh ! Ah,
we don't have ships.

Not that kind anyway.
Our space program
is relatively new.

The bottom line here is
your survivors
have become refugees.

If they don't wanna be here,
we've got
to relocate them somewhere.

General, we have done
some fairly good deeds
out there.

Maybe we should try
calling in some markers.


Colonel, you and teal'c
follow up on that. Maybe go pay
a visit to some old friends.

Captain carter, I want you
and dr. Jackson to get
the multipurpose room...

On 5-c readied
as a refugee housing center.

Yes, sir.

As an act of good faith,
we're returning the devices
you were wearing.

They are not weapons.
That's what
our technicians thought.

So you had them tested ?

Not much of
an act of good faith.

Actually, we couldn't
figure out exactly
what they were.

I want to assure you
we're doing all we can
to relocate your people.

- Are we to have some say
in the matter ?
-Oh, yes !

Self-determination is a concept
that's very important to us.

We'll do our best.
In the meantime, we'll make you
as comfortable as possible.

But understand,
you're restricted
to the immediate premises.

- Are we prisoners ?
- No ! Absolutely not.

But you are from an alien
environment. It's as much
for your safety as ours.

How you doin' ?

Um, it may sound ridiculous,

But I have no idea
what to do with these items.

Oh. Our sleeping platforms
adjust automatically
to our body temperature.

They don't come
with accouterments.

It's okay,
I'll show you.

I brought you some things
to take a look at.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Uh... You might like
to see this first.

[ Narim chuckles ]

I never thought I'd see
a living animal.

His name's schrodinger.

Oh, it's kind
of a joke, really.

His name, that is.
Schrodinger's cat.

Oh ?

[ Purring ]

See, there was
an earth physicist by
the name of erwin schrodinger.

He had this
theoretical experiment.

Put a cat in a box,
add a can of poisoned gas...

Activated by the decay
of a radioactive atom,
and close the box.

Sounds like a cruel man.

Oh, no !
It was just a theory.
He never really did it.

He said that if he did do it,
at any one instant
the cat would be both dead...

And alive at the same time.
Quilebrium physics.

An atom state is indeterminate
until measured by
an outside observer.

We call it quantum physics.
You know the theory.

Yeah, I've studied it.

It, among other
misconceptions of
elementary science.

Misconception ?

You telling me that you guys
have licked quantum physics ?

Omoc !

Uh, I'll come back
and help you with this later.

I did not
tell her anything.

We set up a meeting
with tuplo
for 0800 tomorrow.

Colonel o'neill was correct.
Many of the worlds we visited
are eager to be of service.

People, we have a problem.
Your refugees seem
to have escaped.

Escaped ?
How'd they get past
the guards ?

You can ask them that
when you find them.

[ Barking ]

[ Guard ]
they're over here.

Hold fire.

We were merely observing
the stars.

You're all gonna have
to come back in now.

So we are prisoners !

Any idea how they got past
the guards, sir ?

None. The surveillance video
in the multipurpose room was
exposed to some interference...

Just as the escape
was taking place.

Can the video be salvaged,
maybe computer-enhanced ?

We're trying now.

In the meantime, we should get
this show on the road.

Good to see you.
General hammond,

Before we begin, I wish to thank
you for allowing me to be the
first visitor to your earth...

From the land of light.

It is indeed an honor.

My lord omoc,

The land of light
is a world
of eternal brightness...

Where fertility abounds.

Our farms produce
rich harvests.

Our rivers are blessed
with fish and fowl.

We would be honored
to share our land
with your people.

You have no idea who
or what we are.

We know that you are
in need,

And that you are here
among those who have proven
themselves our friends.

That is enough.

You're missing the point.

His planet is unacceptable
to us.

These people are even
more primitive than you.

Narim, can you tell me
why omoc is so... You know ?

Obstinate ?

The nearest planet
in our solar system
was called sarita.

When we began to explore
space, we learned
she was inhabited.

Did you make contact ?
Yes... When we thought
they were sufficiently advanced.

They were on a level
very similar to yours.

So what happened ?

We offered them a device
to produce unlimited
productive energy.

And they used it
to make w*r.


How bad was it ?

In one rotation of our planet,
they had destroyed theirs.

One day ?
The destruction shifted...

Our planet's orbit
.3 decana.

Enough to begin
a chain of events that
made our world unstable.

So that would explain why he's
so afraid to give a society like
ours any of your technology.


Tell me, what were
you really doing outside
last night ?

Omoc spoke the truth.

By studying the position
of your stars,

We were able to calibrate
the distance between earth
and the new home world.

[ Sighs ]
it is very far away,

Too far to hope for a ship
in our lifetime.

Have you ever thought about
staying here... On earth ?

I would... Gladly stay.

If only to spend more time
with a certain inhabitant
of this planet.

I speak, of course,
of schrodinger.

Our escape was a test.
You did exactly what I knew
you would do.

You used threat and force
to solve your problem.

You didn't give us any other
You could've come
for us unarmed.

Hey ! You haven't behaved like
someone I want to trust. I'm
not gonna put my team at risk.

And I will not risk
my people in your care.

Look, omoc,
if you're so advanced,

Why don't you let your people
decide for themselves ?

Narim, this is
a free country.

Every year, we take in
thousands of refugees
fleeing repression.

If you request asylum,
you can stay here,
no matter what omoc wants.

You don't care anything
about narim's rights.

You only want
our technology,
nothing more.

I wouldn't mind knowing how you
got the hell out of this place.

Technically speaking,
of course.
You don't need to know how.

Only that we did.

And we can do it again
any time we need to.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Colonel, general hammond
would like to see you
and your team right away, sir.

Thank you.

We've managed to augment
the surveillance video
from the multipurpose room...

And some of the corridors
with computer enhancement.

You're not gonna believe this.

Whoa ! Cool !

But totally impossible.

Only from a perspective
of our limited science,

We have similar video of them
passing through an elevator door
and a wall on ground level.

This is knowledge far beyond
that of the goa'uld.

That's exactly what
the president
and joint chiefs want to hear.

Colonel mayborne, sir.

Intelligence ?
What happened to kennedy ?

I took his place.

Promoted ?
Talk about failing upwards.

Colonel o'neill.
I read about your conflict with
colonel kennedy in his report.

I assure you, such an attitude
will not prevail with me
in either direction.

- I sense that.
- Good.

Would you mind telling me
exactly why you're here,
colonel ?

You didn't get my advance ?

That's an order releasing
the tollans to our section.

You're to be congratulated,
general. The stargate program
is finally paying off.

This was quite a coup.
[ Daniel ]
excuse me ?

These are people
we're talking about.

These people do have rights.
[ Mayborne ]
do they ?

- Under what
nation's jurisdiction ?
- How about basic human rights ?

- I can't release them to you.
- I beg your pardon ?

I don't believe
the president meant
to release these people...

Until they've
been through quarantine.

We don't have any idea
what kinds of diseases
they might be carrying.

You're out of your league here,
We're playing in my ballpark.

And I have the full
authority of the president.

So do i, colonel.

Why don't you ask
the airman outside to show you
to our guest quarters ?

That's okay.
I'll wait.

That wasn't an invitation.

It was an order, colonel !

General, didn't dr. Frasier
give the tollans...

A clean bill of health ?

Just don't let her
tell mayborne that.

At most, I've bought us a day,

Find me some alternatives.

You're a good man, general.

Then it doesn't matter
if I ask for asylum ?

Mayborne'd love that.
But you'd be working
for him, on his terms.

Then omoc is correct.
Your people will use
our knowledge for w*r.

It's not us.
We are dealing with another
part of our government,

One that specializes
in chronic paranoia.

Like sarita.
It's going to happen again.

It doesn't have to.
That's why I am here.

I am hoping you can convince
omoc to consider one of the
other planets we've presented.

It's no use.
He's right.

They're all as primitive or more
primitive than you are. Sarita
could happen on any of them.

I wish you would stop
calling us primitive.

I'm sorry.
I only meant technologically.

You are anything but primitive,

What your mind doesn't know,
your heart fills in.

I don't know what that means,
exactly, but it's beautiful.

Which is exactly what it means.

[ Daniel ]
what exactly do you hope
to get from these people ?

Well, for one,
superior weapons.

They won't cooperate,
you know.

I assure you, colonel,
they will.

I just hung up from talking
to the president.

I guess mr. Mayborne has
been talking to him recently.

I did tell you
I had his ear, general.

Colonel mayborne has
full authorization to relocate
the tollans immediately.

Of course, he does.

- To where will you take them ?
- To a secure community
here in the rockies.

Nice little community
with high walls, guards,
maybe a little barbed wire.

They're a valuable asset.
They need to be protected.

- Nice.
Forced intellectual labor.
- And life imprisonment.

These aliens will live a
better life than most americans.

They'll have a great view,
the best food,

Every convenience,
everything they need !

Everything except
a life.

The pentagon, intelligence--
that I can understand.

But the president ?

I voted for him !

Colonel, have the tollans ready
for transport at 0600 tomorrow.

[ Sighs ]

- Okay, colonel,
want to tell me why I'm here ?
- Because mayborne isn't, sir.

Sir, we wanted to talk to you
about what we could do to keep
mayborne from taking the tollan.

General, we must ensure
the tollans' escape.

I can't let you do that.
We'd all be court-martialed.

General, I'm about a
hair away from not caring.

However, daniel--

I can't be
court-martialed, sir.

The one you call mayborne
was here questioning my people.

Wanted us to take
some sort of tests.
And you expect me to trust you ?

Mayborne is from another
division. My group is trying
to protect you from him.

You're not doing
a very good job.

No, apparently not.

Do you have a new place
for us to go ?

Well... No.

Then we have
nothing else to say.

I do know of a perfect place
youcouldgo, I just don't know
how to get you there.

Then why do you speak
of it ?

I was kind of hoping that
maybe you'd have the technology
to get there.

This is another trick to gain
access to our technology.
No, no, it isn't.

Listen. There was a planet
we went to where people
were as advanced as you.

Maybe even more advanced.
They were called the nox.

If you went there,
why can't we ?

Because they felt about us
kind of like you do.

They called us very young, which
is more polite than calling us
primitive, but same idea.

They sealed their stargate, and
I don't know how to communicate
with them to get it open.

- Do you know where
this planet is ?
- Yes. I have the coordinates.

Then we must go back
to the mountaintop.

Really ? Uh, I can't, I can't--
I can't get you out of here.

That's not a problem.


Oh, but I have
to go with you.

[ Sighs ]

Give me your hand.
What ?

Do you wish to come or not ?

The coordinates.

Listen, I'm no astronomer,

But won't that take thousands of
years to reach the nox world ?

Why would it ?
That's just a laser, right ?

I mean, light takes a long time
to travel that far.

The distance between
these two points...

Seems far...

Until you do this.

Okay. Okay, I remember this
from college physics.

One of our scientists,
explained this the same way.

You were talking about
actually folding space.


You wouldn't understand.

No, I guess not.
I just hope the nox do.

[ Narim ]
samantha ?
Narim ?


My god !
How do you do that ?

Very... Carefully.
[ Chuckles ]

I have come to say good-bye.
We'll be leaving soon.

So you think daniel's plan
will work ?

Either way, I will be leaving.

I will go reluctantly.

Why ?

Because as of tonight,
we will never meet again.

Oh, come on.
You'll forget about me
in a heartbeat.

I thought you felt that way.

That is why I brought you this.

What is it ?

- You have audio and visual
recording devices, yes ?
- Yeah.

This one records emotions.

My feelings for you.

I have worn it
each time we were together.

How does it work ?

Touch the red triangle.

Then close your eyes.

I don't know what
to say.

We have a custom...

That expresses more
than words.

We have that custom too.

Whoops. Uh, sorry.

We gotta do some stuff
in here.

Actually, I need your help.

You should probably
get going.

Don't forget schrodinger.

Thank you.

I'll need at least
one unit of escorts
in the rear transport.

[ Loud knocking on door ]

General hammond, sir ?
The refugees--
they've disappeared.

-What do you mean, disappeared ?
-I mean, like "poof," sir.

They went
through the walls.

I told you to keep guards
inside the room to prevent
that from happening again.

We were inside the room, sir.
I stood in their path myself.

- And ?
- They went right through me.

[ Alarm blaring ]
[ man over p.a. ]
Attention, all personnel.

Offworld activation,
unknown source.

[ Alarm blaring continues ]

What the hell's going on ?

The mainframe's having
a nervous breakdown.

No, the iris is failing !

Why is the blast door down ?
Get it up.

What are they doing ?
How did they get here ?

The gate's dialing.
Chevron six, engaged.

Dr. Jackson,
this is colonel mayborne.

What you're doing is
a court-martiallable offense.

He's not in the military,

And it'd be tough
to find a civilian law
to cover this.

I'll have you removed
from this program forever
if you do this.

[ Technician ]
chevron seven is locked.

Wherever you send them,
we'll hunt them down !

We're not sending them anywhere,

The gate was activated offworld.
Someone is sending for them.

Who ?


Hello, lya.

All personnel in the gate room,
this is colonel mayborne.

I have a presidential order
to take the aliens with me.

Do not let them pass !
Use force if necessary.

[ Lya ]
your race
has learned nothing.

But you have.

The tollans are most welcome
to join the nox.
Please come.

Narim was right about you.

Perhaps in time
we'll meet again.

Stop !

Take one more step, and I'll be
forced to have them open fire.


Fire ! Fire !

God, I love those people.

You did good, daniel.

What of mayborne ?

Oh, he's not a happy camper.

There'll be hell to pay
when he gets back
to washington.

What ?

Oh. Just thinking
what the little guy with
funny hair once told us.

"The very young do not always do
as they're told."

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