01x18 - Tin Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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01x18 - Tin Man

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Metal rasping ]

Incoming traveler.
Incoming traveler !
All right. Clear the ramp.

[ Machinery roaring ]

Closing the iris.

There's no one scheduled
to come back for 24 hours.
Who is it ?

Sg-1's remote access code,

What ?
They just went through.
Opening the iris.

Stand by !

It's open.

Sir, the gate is drawing
twice the power as normal,
and it's increasing.

[ Beeping ]

We've got one.

[ Alarm ringing ]
system overload !

- The wormhole has disengaged.
- Get a medical team
in here now !

Teal'c, are you
all right ?

I am.
Where are colonel o'neill
and captain carter ?

They could have not been
more than two meters behind.

I do not know.

[ Creaking sounds ]

[ Creaking continues ]

Dr. Jackson's still unconscious,
but dr. Warner thinks
he'll be all right.

I need to know what
went on back there, teal'c.

We were under fire.

Energy weapons of some kind.

Possibly goa'uld technology.

So it's possible colonel o'neill
and captain carter were struck
by enemy fire.

I do not believe so.

They were but a few meters
behind me as we passed
through the stargate.

How many hostiles were there ?

They were some distance away,
but we appeared to be

We were there only moments.

Colonel o'neill ordered us
to lay down cover fire while
daniel jackson dialed home.

General hammond, I believe
they should have made it
through the gate.

I do not understand
why they did not.

[ Door opening ]

Preliminary report on the
stargate repairs, sir.
Repairs ?

There was some kind
of overload during transit.
We don't know why.

- I must return immediately.
- Not with an army waiting
on the other side. Sorry.

General hammond,
I suggest a second probe
be sent through.

As soon as the stargate
is working again
we'll do just that.

Oh, god.
[ Moans ]

[ Groans ]

Colonel. Thank god.

yeah. Try to stay put, sir.
I think your leg's broken.

No, my leg's
definitely broken.

What's the bad news ?
'Cause unless they've
redecorated the gate room,

I don't think
we're in kansas anymore.

- Daniel must've misdialed.
- Misdialed ?

You mean this place
is a wrong number ?

For crying out loud.
Where is he ?

He's not here, sir.
Neither is teal'c.

No. He has to be.

Here. I tried that.

You've been unconscious
for nearly two hours.

They came through the gate
before we did.

I know that.
I also know that
we're alone here.

Wherever here is.



I think we're inside
a deep crevasse of a glacier.

If their stargate's been overrun
by ice, possibly on a planet
in the middle of an ice age.

Now, there is some light
filtering through up there,

And there are some fissures
in the ice, but all of them are
too narrow to follow very far.

[ Groans ]
we're in trouble, sir.

Ah, nonsense.
We'll just dial home,

Straighten all this out.

Where's the d.h.d. ?

Can't find that either.

[ Moans ]

So, uh, we're
in trouble.

We're in trouble.

We've almost replaced
all the superconductive
interface elements, sir.

The old ones all melted.
It's gonna take some time
to load test them, though.

Just tell me the minute
we can send a probe through.

That'll be 24 hours, general,

Captain carter
and colonel o'neill
do not have that long.

I'll give you half that.
It doesn't work that way.
24 Hours is the best I can do.

Then you'd better
get back to it.

Yes, sir.
Come on. Let's go.

[ O'neill yelps ]

Oh, god.

I think it's set.

Youthinkit's set ?
I'm positive.

All we have to do
is put a splint on it,
and you'll be as good as new.

Just take it easy, doctor.
Wrong kind of doctor,
I'm afraid.

You wouldn't think jagged bone
digging into raw nerves
would hurt, but it does.

Sorry, sir, but I've never
done this before in my life.

Is this your first
broken bone ?
Aah. Uh, no.

This-- this would be...

Uh... Nine,

If you count
skull fractures.

- How'd you manage that ?
- A little parachuting mishap...

Over the borders
of iran and iraq...

Back in... Eighty--

[ Yelps ]

Okay. This is
gonna hurt, sir.
Aah !

I know, I know, I know.

So, what happened ?

I hit the ground.
Go figure.

Aah !

My chute opened
a little late.

And it hurt...
Just like that.

I'm sorry, colonel.
I'm doing the best I can.

I know you are, captain.
Can you just be done ?

So you hit the ground,
and ?

They all lived
happily ever after.

- Almost there. Almost--
- no ! You're there, captain.
You're there !

That's a great splint.
Stop !


[ Groans ]

How long before
you were rescued ?

No rescue.

It wasn't exactly...

An official mission,
if you know what I mean.

So I had to make it out
on my own.

Nine days.

Wow. What got you
through it ?


Your wife.

At the time.

I had to see her again.

You tallied our supplies yet ?
Yes, sir.

Supplies for three days,
but we can stretch that.

We've got a little
drinking water, but--

- Ice melts.
-Yeah. And we've got our
field cooking gear to melt it.

The flashlight batteries
are gonna be a problem.

We've got thermal blankets.
That's good.

By the way, captain.

We are gonna get outta here.
That's an order.

- How's the splint feel ?
- Captain ?

[ Sighs ]

You have to believe me.

I want to, sir.

I just don't see how.

Then we better start
lookin' for a way,

Because I'll be damned
if I'm gonna die on some
godforsaken block of ice...

A million light years
from home-- is that clear ?

- Yes, sir.
- Good. Now help me up.

I-- I don't think
you should move.
Probably not.

But my butt's freezin'
to the ground. Come on.

Yes, sir.

[ Groaning ]

[ Panting ]

A little paint,
a couple windows,

Maybe a fireplace
in the corner.

Be just like home.

[ Monitor beeping ]

Teal'c ?
The stargate has malfunctioned.

We came back through the gate
at too great a velocity.

Jack and sam ?
They did not follow.

Yes, they did.

I know they did.

They were right behind us.
That doesn't make any sense.

I concur.

In a few hours a probe
will be sent back in an attempt
to determine their fate.

We might be able to climb
outta here. You might, anyway.

What ?

I said you might be able
to climb outta here.

Colonel !

I found it.

Found what ?

The d.h.d.

I figure the glacial flow
must have separated the stargate
from its dial home device.

But it looks like
it might be intact.

[ Groans ]


[ Panting ]
can we dig it out ?

Even if it doesn't work,
we can use the chopped ice
to melt drinking water.

What's wrong with your chest ?
I think I cracked a rib too.

- Why didn't you say something ?
- I was afraid you'd try
to put a splint on it.

I'll be fine.

I've been thinking about where
daniel and teal'c might be.

Yeah ?

So far I count three
possible explanations.

One, daniel misdialed
and they're here.

Somewhere we haven't found.
I don't see them.

Right. Two.
Daniel didn't misdial,

But for some reason the stargate
malfunctioned during transit.

Don't ask me how.
I haven't figured
that part out yet.

Anyway, they got sent back
to earth, but for some reason
we got sent here.

- What's three ?
- Three.

The stargate malfunctioned.

We got sent to this planet.
Daniel and teal'c got sent
to another one.

- What's four ?
- There is no four.

- It's after three.
- Not this time, colonel.

All right. We'll assume
they made it back to earth.

They'll start sending
search parties.

To where ?

Here, I hope.

But... Where would they
begin ? They have no idea
where we are.

With all the possible
stargates, a random search
could easily take ten years.

- Not if they look here first.
- Even if all sg teams...

Started searching right now,
the mathematical probability
of them even--


I think too much.

[ Siler on intercom ]
charging circuit mx-43
at 20%.

[ Machine beeping ]
twenty percent, sir.

-[ Man ]
check your transport status.
- One hundred.

[ Zapping sound ]

Circuit is holding.
Reset and stand by.
She's all yours, general.

Well done, sergeant.
You heard the man.
Yes, sir.

[ Technician ]
chevron one, encoded.

Sg-3 and I are ready and
awaiting your orders, general.

I won't authorize this rescue
mission unless the probe sends
back the right pictures, teal'c.

-[ Technician ]
chevron two, encoded.
- [ On intercom ] stay alert.

These hostiles may have
both our addresses
and our transmitter code.

[ Technician ]
chevron three, encoded.

You don't think they'd give up
the codes to the enemy ?

- Not willingly, no.
-[ Technician ]
chevron four, encoded.

I do not believe
they would do so, even
under the duress of t*rture.

[ Technician ]
chevron five, encoded.

Teal'c, in the event
we find no enemy activity
on the other side,

You will coordinate
with major castleman
on the rescue mission.

[ Technician ]
chevron six, encoded.
I understand.

Chevron seven is locked.

The probe should reach
the stargate of p-4-a-771
in five seconds.

Four, three, two,


[ Daniel ] no sign of jack
or sam, but no evidence they
got into a firefight either.

[ Weapons firing ]
[ general hammond ]
they were waiting for us.

Close the iris.
Disengage the stargate.

Sg-3, stand down.

The rescue mission
is scrubbed.


[ Chopping sounds ]

Soup's on.
Just a little more.
I'm almost through.

Come on, now.

You don't want it
to get cold.

[ Groans ]

Ah. I didn't know
you could cook.

I can't.
But my melted ice
is to die for.

Thank you.

Sir, maybe I should have
another look at you.

No, I'm fine.

I've been thinking
about how the stargate
might've malfunctioned.

Yeah ?

We don't totally
understand how it works,

But the theory we have so far
is that the gate creates
an artificial wormhole...

That somehow transfers
an energized matter stream
in one direction...

Along an extra-dimensional

I think the matter stream
between stargates
got redirected.

Kind of like a-- a lightning
bolt jumping from one point
to another in mid strike.

Now, I figure...

It had to have been
the attack on p-4-a-771.

The gate itself was probably
struck by enough energy
during the firefight...

To influence the direction
of the matter stream...

Before we reached
the other side.

Colonel ?

I'm sorry.
I wasn't listening.

What I'm saying is,
we must've emerged
through a stargate...

Relatively close to earth
in the gate network.

Somewhere between p-4-a-771
and earth.

Now, if the sg rescue teams
reach the same conclusion,

It could significantly
narrow their search.

That's good news.

Okay. So if they
are not there...

And they are not here--

It is possible they may have
perished within the wormhole.

Yeah, in which case
they're gone. I know.

I thought of that.

But if they are alive,

If there's the least
remote possibility
that this malfunction...

Sent them to a different

Was it not captain carter who
deduced the possible combination
of stargate symbols...

Numbered in the millions ?


Well, we have to narrow it down.

[ Chopping ice ]

[ O'neill coughs ]



Serpent guard.


- I guess he didn't make it.
- Ya think ?

Okay. This is p-4-a-771.
This is earth.

Now, the stargate
shut itself down just after
teal'c and I came through.

There was an energy surge--

Right. What would that have
done to the wormhole itself ?

I have no idea.
Could it just disappear ?

No, I don't think so, sir.
It would have to discharge

Like another stargate ?

Yeah, maybe. Sir,
it's all theoretical,

But we think that stargates are
basically giant superconductors.

Charged matter
streams along lines of force
between them.

Positive to negative,
like electricity. Right ?

Except for the fact that the
whole trip happens outside our
dimension. Yeah, more or less.

Okay. What if it jumped ?

Redirected itself here...

Or here,
or anywhere along here.

You're suggesting we search
all these worlds ?

Well, at least we've narrowed
an entire galaxy down to
a handful of possibilities.

Assuming you're right, why
haven't they used that stargate
to come back on their own ?

Teal'c and I were flung out
of this gate so fast...

I don't even remember
hitting the ramp.

They could be badly hurt,
in which case we will not
have to search...

Far from the stargates

I think we owe it to them
to try.

You id'd the seventh symbol
yet ?

Yeah. This one has to be
the point of origin.

- I've never seen it before.
- [ Breathing unevenly ]

Oh, no. Batteries.

- I guess it's now or never.
- I've always preferred now
to never.

[ Coughing ]

Here goes.

[ Zapping sound ]

-[ Whirring winding down ]
- damn it ! Damn.

Did you dial
the right address ?


It has to be something as simple
as the control interface.

If we can just dig down
to the panel on the d.h.d.,
I can fix it.

- Negative.
- Sir, we gotta keep trying.

Of course we do.

But we've been awake...

For a very long time.

[ Panting ]
it'll be there
in the morning. God.

What about you ?

I told you we're gonna
get outta here.

It's just gonna take longer
than we thought.

Yes, sir.


Yes, sir.

Dr. Jackson.

We just received probe telemetry
from p-5-c-11 and 12.

Neither of them have
a breathable atmosphere
anymore, if they ever did.

I've formally reported colonel
o'neill and captain carter
as missing in action.

Why ?

Missing in action doesn't
mean we stop looking, son.


I'm missing something.

[ O'neill coughing ]

Oh, god.


Much as I might...

Otherwise think
this is nice--


Try to sleep.

Is that what we're doing ?

You're exhausted.
You passed out.

I just thought we had to combine
body heat, or we wouldn't
make it through the night.

[ Breathing unevenly ]
that's fine.

It's just...
Very hard to sleep...

With broken ribs,
when someone's lying on you.

Sorry, sorry.
[ Gasps ]


That's better.

We'll sleep for a few hours.
Then I'll fix the d.h.d.

Okay. Night.


Uh, colonel.

It's my side arm,
I swear.
[ Chuckles ]

No giggling.

[ Carter ]
if we don't make it,

I won't have
any regrets.

You ?

[ O'neill ]
I'd regret... Dying.

God, why won't you work ?

[ Walkie-talkie clicks ]
[ whispering ]
carter. Carter.

[ Walkie-talkie crackles ]
colonel ?


Sir ?

I'm usually
the first one up.

You're bleeding internally.
I don't know how badly.

Your broken leg may already
be frostbitten.
I can't tell.

I've been trying
to warm it up with the last
of our cooking sterno,

But that's about had it.

What's the bad news ?

- Help me up.
- No, sir.

You need to heal.
That's an order.

I give the orders
around here.
Not doctor's orders.

I want you to drink
as much of this as you can.

Once that sterno dies
we won't be able
to thaw anymore.

We should've gotten you
outta here by now.
I'm sorry.

[ Shivering ]
you will. You will.

I have been working
on the control panel
for the last 12 hours.

It just-- I don't know
why it won't work.

It should work.

I'm missing something.


It's time to go
to plan "b."

What would plan "b" be ?


You take the rest
of the supplies...

And climb out of here.

Take your chances
up on the planet.

Head towards daylight.

If I can't get that
stargate to work,
we will both go.

Right. I'll race ya.

All right, captain.
Make it work.

Yes, sir.

Major castleman
requires medical attention.

- [ Man ] check the power.
- Medical team to the
embarkation room.

Put the iris on save.

What happened ?
We were exploring a cave
not far from the stargate.

He fell several meters
from a rock ledge.

There was no sign of
capt. Carter or col. O'neill.

- Are you all right ?
- I am ready to embark again.

- I'm calling the search off.
- What ?

This was the last
of the planets that fit
your theory, doctor.

I-i-it's been, what ?
A few days ?

- What if we stopped
just short of finding them ?
- I'm sorry !

[ Breathing heavily ]

The energy converters
are intact.

[ Sighs ]

Oh, god ! Reset !
Reset !

Why didn't I think !
Colonel !

I'm gonna interrupt
the power.

I'm gonna shut it all off
and turn it on again.

This could work.
This could work.

[ Zapping ]

[ Beeping ]

[ Panting ]



Daniel jackson.

Teal'c, did you see that ?

Why are you here ?

I couldn't sleep.
I was thinking that
I must be missing something,

And now I just realized...

We ruled out a world
we shouldn't have.

I guess it didn't work.

I'm sorry.

Not your fault.

I don't understand
why it won't work.


Plan "b." Go.

No, sir.

I'm dying.

Follow my order.


- Sir.
- Please.

Yes, sir.

How many earth-based cultures
have we encountered...

From other worlds from periods
both before and after we think
the stargate was buried ?

Several, I take it.
Right. And we've probably
only scratched the surface.

So far we've tried to account
for these discrepancies...

With various theories
of parallel or accelerated--
what's your point ?

What if there's
a second stargate here ?

What if this energy surge
caused the wormhole...

To jump from one stargate
to another, here ?

- On earth ?
- Yes.

Teal'c ? Would the goa'uld
have put more than one
stargate on a planet ?

If the first became
lost to them,
it is possible.

But remember, the one that ra
put here might not have been
the first.

- The goa'uld didn't build
the stargate system.
- Then where is it ?

[ Panting ]

Colonel, I can't see
the surface yet. It looks like
it just keeps going up.

[ Walkie-talkie clicks ]

Yes, sir ?

[ Whispering ]
it was an honor
serving with you.

Yes, sir.

It'd have to be in a remote
location, otherwise it would've
been discovered by now.

It could have even been buried
until recently,

Otherwise the goa'uld would've
continued to use it.

Let us hope it is not
still buried.

We're looking for radio
transmissions on sg-1's
emergency frequency.

Coordinate with our
military listening posts
around the entire globe.

General, when we first opened
our stargate, it used to shake.

A lot. I mean, the ground,
the whole facility, everything.

Since then we've installed
frequency dampeners that limit
that to only a slight vibration.

Okay. But what if the second
gate doesn't have those ?

Would it shake enough
to indicate its location
on a seismometer ?

Damn right, it would.

Run a search for all
recent seismic activity

See if any coincide
with the time
of our stargate malfunction.

And check around 4:00 a.m.
Local time. I was here.

I thought someone was trying
an off world activation,
but nothing happened...

Except for the chevron's glow,
and there was
a slight vibration.

Captain carter
and colonel o'neill.

What happens when you dial
your own phone number ?
Wrong person to ask.

What happens when you dial
your own phone number ?
You get a busy signal.

Exactly. What else could cause
a vibration like that, unless
they were trying to dial home ?

They couldn't get through.
Even if their seventh symbol
looked different,

The coordinates of the gates
would still be
exactly the same.

[ On walkie-talkie ]
colonel !

I'm almost there.

I'm gonna try to bring back
help, sir.

I want you
to hold that thought.

We got it !
Antarctica !

The timing is to the second,
including the event dr. Jackson
experienced a few hours ago.

Latitude and longitude ?
Yes, sir.

It's only about
50 miles out of mcmurdo.
[ Together ] permission--

Granted ! Order mcmurdo station
to begin a search
of those coordinates now !

[ Click ]
colonel ?

It's an ice planet.
That's all there is
as far as the eye can see.

No chance.

[ Clicks off ]

Colonel !

I'm coming down.


Colonel ?


I'm here, jack.

Cold. So cold.

I know.

It's all right.

You can sleep now.

It was an honor
serving with you, too,

[ Man on radio ]
mcmurdo. This is rescue team
charlie. We found them. Over.

[ Daniel ]
sam. Sam !

Come on.
It's gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay.
As is colonel o'neill.

Let's get them
in the chopper.

The colonel,
he's bleeding internally.

We know, captain. Don't worry.
He's going to be all right.

General, you came through
the stargate for us.

Not exactly, captain.

The team from the s.g.c.
Will be arriving within the hour
to secure this area.

In the meantime,
let's get these people home.
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