04x09 - Year of Hell: Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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04x09 - Year of Hell: Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on "Star Trek: Voyager..."

This part of space has changed.

We should dismantle this w*apon
and rejoin our people.

Not until every colony, individual,
and blade of grass is restored.

It appears that someone, or something,
has altered history.

We're being pushed out
of the space-time continuum.

He's trying to erase us from history.

I promised myself that
I would never break up this family.

But asking you to stay...

...would be asking you to die.

And now the conclusion.

Captain's log,
stardate 51425.4.

Our condition has left us vulnerable
to anomalies

and alien species eager for hardware.

We've taken refuge in a nebula.

Come on.
Don't do this to me now.

Force fields are holding.
How did this gas get inside?

It looks like a malfunction
in the ventilation system.

I'll try reversing
the osmotic pressure.

- The gas corroded the circuit relays.
- Let's bypass.

- We've got three minutes of air.
- How long can you hold your breath?

- Ensign Kim found time to be treated.
- How is he?

I'm surprised he didn't asphyxiate.

I told you eight minutes on that deck,
certainly not twelve.

Would you rather an indoor nebula?
It would have flooded more decks.

- B'Elanna, engines?
- One warp nacelle is a lost cause.

Reroute all power to the good one...

Your lungs have been b*rned.
I want you off your feet for 48 hours.

- Impossible. I have too much work.
- You're the captain. Delegate.

Inject me with trioxin.
That should help.

B'Elanna, stand by for the transfer.

Trioxin is used as a stopgap measure.
Your lungs need to be treated.

- Doctor's orders.
- Captain's orders. Trioxin. Now.

It's your body. Who am I to judge?
I'm only the chief medical officer.

- What do I know?
- Thank you.

Where were we?

Well, you look rested.

Where's my crewmate?

He should be here by now.

No doubt he's being difficult.

Such an intransigent young man.

You've had us in isolation for months.

How do you expect us to act?

With some dignity and restraint.

- Your crewmate has none.
- What do you want?

At the moment, information.

Anything for such a charming host.

Are you all right?

The galley has prepared delicacies.

You won't find them elsewhere. Join me.

Malkothian spirits.
An extremely rare vintage.

The only bottle known to exist.

Your captain said your vessel
is trying to reach home.

I hadn't realised how far your home was.

You're an anomalous component -
alone, disconnected,

impossible to predict.

You have no idea how
you've complicated my mission.

Glad to hear it.

When I first encountered your vessel,
it was badly damaged.

What if told you that I could
restore Voyager to its former condition,

that you and I would never have met,

and that you might even be closer
to the Alpha Quadrant?

By using the w*apon on this ship
to alter history?

I can control the destiny of
a single molecule or entire civilisation.

- How is the wine?
- Excellent.

This bottle is the only component left
of the Malkoth race.

Everything else about them -
cities, culture - never existed,

because of me.

Every dish you see here comes from
a civilisation erased from time.

Mr Paris, you're devouring
the last remnants of the Alsuran Empire.

I've collected artefacts
from.. Hundreds of worlds.

This vessel is more than a w*apon.
It's a museum of lost histories.

You two gentlemen almost
became artefacts yourselves.

But I've decided to spare your vessel.

- Why?
- Call it an act of compassion.

You're trying to reach home.
In a way, so am I.

- We can achieve our goals together.
- What do you propose?

In order to make the calculations
to restore Voyager,

I need to know about your experiences -

what species you interacted with,
your effect on others.

You can't find her can you?
Captain Janeway has been eluding you.

Otherwise Voyager
would be destroyed by now.

I'm offering you a way out
of this situation.

You accept my offer
or when I do find Voyager I'll destroy it.

How many civilisations will you erase
to send us merrily on our way?

- We don't want blood on our hands.
- Tom, hold on.

You said you could
control the destiny of a molecule.

If you were precise, could you restore
Voyager without harming anyone?

It is possible but extremely difficult.
I need your cooperation.

I'd rather spend a year in confinement
than listen to this.

- Tom, have a seat.
- We can't trust him.

You're correct. Given the circumstances
there is no reason to trust me.

But trust isn't necessary.
We need each other.

Obrist. Show our guest
to his new quarters.

I'll try to make you
comfortable, Mr Paris.

All I ask in return
is that you keep an open mind.

I was impressed with your question.
You understand time's subtleties.

Professor Vassbinder might disagree.
I failed temporal mechanics.

Beyond study and instrumentation,
there is instinct.

Not everyone has the ability
to truly perceive time.

Its colours, its moods.

- Perhaps you do.
- I'm certainly willing to give it a try.

- To distant friends.
- To friends!



Not bad at all.

What... is it exactly?

I call it "The Elixir of Endurance”.

It's loaded with all the nutrients

to withstand these conditions.

- Ration cubes?
- Well, yes.

But this time pureed and mixed
with water and Talaxian spices.

It is offensive.
Fortunately taste is irrelevant.

Its been days
since we've gathered in one place.

Now is a good time to catch up.
How are the repairs proceeding?

I've repaired the optronic error
in my program.

- And the power grid?
- We're operating at 32% efficiency.

I can bring it to 50, but I'll need time.

- Warp drive?
- I'm still having trouble with the nacelle.

- How long?
- Three weeks. Minimum.

I thought this nebula was a safe haven

but it's turning
into a permanent residence.

We've got to get back into open space

and put together
a fighting force to take on Annorax.

We're leaving this
damn cloud tomorrow.

- You are in error.
- Really?

This vessel is defenceless.

We should remain here
until at peak efficiency.

I appreciate your opinion, but I disagree.

We leave tomorrow,
0800 hours.

It is inappropriate
to contradict the captain.

I simply pointed out
that her decision was wrong.

- In your view.
- And yours. I know you well enough.

Then you know that my trust
in Captain Janeway is absolute.

The decision we might make
is irrelevant.

As a Borg,
I submitted to a single authority.

Recently, I have been encouraged
to act as an individual.

It is difficult to know when to restrain.

Remember this guideline -
the captain is always right.

Even when you know
her logic is flawed?


Component 37329.
A rogue comet.

Eight months ago Voyager made
a course correction to avoid it.

According to my calculations,
it lead to our entering Krenim space.

- The solution is to erase it from history.
- Exactly.

Voyager would have run its course
and bypassed Krenim space.

Sounds simple. Conduct a simulation.

Temporal incursion in progress.

What happened?

Had you eradicated that comet,

all life within 50 light years
would never have existed.

Congratulations. You almost
wiped out 8,000 civilisations.

I didn't consider the entire
history of the comet.

Four billion years ago,
fragments from it impacted a planet.

Hydrocarbons from those fragments
gave rise to species of plant life,

which sustained
more complex organisms.

Several civilisations evolved
and colonised the entire sector.

By erasing the comet
I altered all evolution in this region.

Past, present and future.

They exist as one.
They breathe together.

You're not the only person
to make this mistake.

When I first constructed
this w*apon ship,

I turned it against our greatest enemy,
the Rilnar.

The result was miraculous.

With the Rilnar gone from history,
my people were powerful again.

But there were problems.

A rare disease broke out.
Within a year, 50 million were dead.

I failed to realise that the Rilnar
had introduced a crucial antibody

into the Krenim genome.

And my w*apon had eliminated
that antibody as well.

You've been trying to undo
that damage.

But each time you pull out a new thread,
another begins to unravel.

You can't imagine
the burden of memory I carry.

Thousands of worlds,
billions of lives, gone.

Brought back. Gone again.

I try to rationalise the loss.

"They're not being destroyed
because they never existed.”

Sometimes I can
almost convince myself.

What makes you think
you're ever going to succeed?

What makes you think
you will reach Earth?

The odds against you are astronomical.

Yet you keep trying.

You're right.
But we don't destroy what is in our way.

You can help me to change that,

Together we'll restore
the Krenim and Voyager

and undo the damage that I've caused.

- I've still got a lot to learn.
- Come.

I'll show you the heart of this vessel.
The temporal core.

- Engines.
- I'm doing my best.

Those micrometeoroids
are eroding the hull.

- Emergency power to the deflector.
- None available.

I'll be in deflector control.

- That section is hazard level-4.
- I know.

Why do I feel you're testing me,

- Bridge, there's a fire! Engines?
- Warp core's still off-line.

Micrometeoroid density is increasing.

The nacelle pylon is buckling!

Bridge, I'm going in.
Tell the Doctor I'll have severe burns.

- Captain.
- Do it.

Be kind.

The captain's accessed manual control.

She's stabilising the particle emitters.

- She's got it! Deflectors on-line.
- Activating deflector field.

Bridge to Janeway.

Captain, please respond.

What's my condition?

You suffered third-degree burns
to 60% of your body.

I've healed most of them,
but I couldn't repair your skin.

You've been left with scars
on your face and arms.

- I'll consider them mementos.
- Not so fast.

- You're spending a few days here.
- What for?

- Observation.
- Is something wrong?

- Not physically.
- What?

Traumatic stress syndrome.
Symptoms -

irritability, obsessional thoughts,

- You've demonstrated them all.
- My only obsession is saving my ship.

If I've taken reckless chances to do that
it's hardly a medical condition.

I won't stand here
while you rationalise.

- You don't have to.
- I can relieve you of command.

- You wouldn't.
- If your judgment is impaired, I can.

- And I will.
- Try it and I'll shut down your program.

That thr*at is evidence
of your unstable condition.

I am sorry, Doctor.

I've been operating on instinct
for so long I did not think.

I don't intend to deactivate you.

- But I won't stay here.
- Is that final?

- Final.
- Then you leave me no choice.

Captain Kathryn Janeway,
under Starfleet Regulation 121,

I, the chief medical officer,
do hereby relieve you of command.

- Have a seat.
- How do you plan to implement this?

Tuvok doesn't have his security team,
the force fields are off-line.

You can't keep me confined.

You better grab a phaser,
because before I give up command

you'll have to sh**t me.

This incident will be noted
in my official logs.

You risk a general court martial.

Compared to what I've been through,

a court martial would be
a small price to pay.

If we make it back home
I'll be happy to face the music.

- Another ruptured conduit.
- 32 so far.

33, 34, 35.

That fluidic converter needs purging.

The gravitational plating has buckled.

Chakotay's quarters.

- You disobeyed orders.
- Captain?

Chakotay gave this to me
five months ago. A birthday gift.

I ordered him to...

- What do you think?
- Handsome.

Come on.


Not really.
I get lucky now and again.

Your end game sequence.
It's the same as favoured by my brother.

To quote a long lost friend of mine,
"It seemed logical."

Now what?

I used to honour the day of his birth.


My brother.

And my parents, my closest friends.
Every year at first.

Then one day I realised
a century had passed.

And for years I had been
celebrating birthdays...

...for the dead.

Or for people who never even existed.

I'm sorry.

You can put that thing down.

- There's no need for it. I've got a plan.
- Let's hear it.

The ship's core keeps it
out of normal space-time.

But its shields are weak.

Take the core off-line
and a photon grenade could penetrate it.

- How do you know all this?
- I've been spending time with Obrist.

He's willing to share information.

Does the name "Captain Bligh"
mean anything to you?

This is not a happy crew.

They've been at this for 200 years.
They want it to end.

Good work.
But I'm not ready for a mutiny.

Keep gathering information.

I'm making progress
on the calculations.

We can get the Krenim
back on their feet

and Voyager back
to the Alpha Quadrant.

You sound like Annorax.
Always one more calculation.

If you listened you'd understand
what he is trying to do.

What? Wipe out civilisations
to help his own race?

It's more complicated than that!

Annorax is enlightened.

But he wants this to end.

I guess I don't have the instinct for Time,
or whatever Captain Nemo calls it.

- His flattery has gone to your head.
- You're out of line, Lieutenant.

I could get Obrist to help send
a message to Captain Janeway.

If you get caught we lose everything.
I can get us out of this.

- Not if I can get us out first.
- Do nothing against Annorax.

That's an order.

Will you take away
my holodeck privileges?

Either we maintain
our command structure,

or we settle our differences
the old-fashioned way.

- What's happening?
- An incursion.

What incursion?

I calculate that eradicating
the Ram Izad species

will result in a 52% restoration
of the Krenim timeline.

We were working to avoid this.

When Time offers an opportunity
you don't ignore it.

We're within range of their homeworld.

Take us in to orbit.
Power the w*apon.

- Prepare for total erasure.
- You call this enlightened?

Targeting the focal point. Locked.

Please. This isn't necessary.
We'll find another way.


- Trace elements?
- Diminishing.

- Counter indications?
- None so far.

Scan the continuum.
Bring me the complete results.

I'll be in my chambers.

Have you seen enough yet, Chakotay?

If you don't do something
about this maniac, I will.

You didn't need to fire on that planet.

I'm altering history on a massive scale.

The destinies of countless
systems are in my hands.

- One species is insignificant.
- You're rationalising genocide.

One species is significant.
A single life is significant.

It seemed so... easy the first time.

In the blink of an eye,
I had changed history itself.

Allowed my people to thrive again.

But when I changed it a second time,
I lost more than you can imagine.

The colony on Kyana Prime.

- How could you know that?
- I've been studying your incursions.

No matter how close you get,
one component is always missing -

Kyana Prime.

Who was on that colony?
Who did you lose?

My wife. And with her my future.

My children, grandchildren.
All erased because of me.

This is all I have left of her.

So many years I worked
through the night.

How could I have known
I was calculating her fate?

I must restore Kyana Prime.

- Force Time to give back my wife.
- Maybe it's not possible.

When I tell you that Time has moods,
a disposition to be intuited,

I'm not speaking metaphorically.

- What do you mean?
- Anger is one of its moods.

Anger and the desire for retribution,

Time itself is trying
to punish me for my arrogance.

It's kept my from wife,
denied me my future.

Sir, we've achieved a 52% restoration.

- Kyana Prime?
- Negative, sir.

- Resume scanning the continuum.
- Yes, sir.

I've er...

I've studied your calculations, Chakotay.
They're promising.

Premature. We'll keep working on them.

- My mission must continue.
- You don't have the right!

To fight for what is mine?
That's not for you to decide.

Only Time can pronounce judgment
against me.

I don't know what will convince you.

- He's insane.
- No, he's not.

Wounded. Even tortured.
But I can convince him to stop.

Not from what you've told me.

This guy thinks that Time
has a personal grudge against him.

That's called paranoia. Meglomania.

- You don't know what he went through.
- He lost his family.

That's terrible.
But so has everyone here.

And frankly so have we!

What kind of progress have you made?

Obrist is coming around.
I think we can trust him.

He'll give me access
to their communications array.

I can send a message
to Voyager.

- And the temporal core?
- That's going to be trickier.

With Obrist's help I can disable it,
but I'll set off every alarm.

- We only have one chance.
- You and me working from within...

...and the captain
attacking from Voyager.

That is, if the captain's still alive.

She's alive.

- Transmit our coordinates.
- Done.

And give Kathryn my best.

Captain's log, stardate 51682.2.

I've forged a coalition
with the Nihydron and Mawasi.

We are preparing
to att*ck the w*apon ship.

I've analysed every carrier frequency
of their transmission.

It contains a classified Starfleet ID code.
It could only have come from Tom Paris.

It's real. The coordinates
should lead us to the w*apon ship.

- Location?
- Approximately 50 light years from here.

Our new allies
are assembling reinforcements.

Tom will try to take
the ship's temporal core off-line,

so they'll be vulnerable to weapons.

Tom will then transmit
the location of the core.

We will disable the ship
and get our people out. Clear?

Aye, Captain.

B'Elanna, Harry. Beam to
the Nihydron vessel and work with them.

The entire fleet needs to be equipped
with temporal shielding.

Tuvock, Neelix, Seven.
You'll be working on the Mawasi ship.

Yes, Captain.

Doctor, once the att*ck begins,
you will be required. Join Tuvok's team.

- What about yourself?
- I'll be coordinating the att*ck.

There's barely enough
of this ship left to get there.

There's fight in Voyager yet.

It's still got shields, photon torpedoes.
It will hold together.

Besides you know the adage -
captain goes down with the ship.

You have your orders. Dismissed.

Tuvok, I can hear your objections
already. I am not leaving.

The probability of your surviving
an armed conflict is marginal.

I know the odds.
But I have to stay.

Voyager's done too much for us.

Curious. I've never understood
the human compulsion

to bond with inanimate objects.

This vessel has "done" nothing.

It is an assemblage of bulkheads,
conduits, tritanium. Nothing more.

Oh, you're wrong.
It's much more than that.

This ship has been our home.
It's kept us together.

It's been part of our family.

As illogical as this might sound,

I feel as close to Voyager
as to any crew member.

It's carried us, Tuvok.

Even nurtured us.

And right now it needs one of us.

I respect your decision.

Live long and prosper, Captain.

Same to you... old friend.

- Voyager to Mawasi vessel.
- Go ahead.

- I'm picking up the ship. Dead ahead.
- Confirmed.

- Temporal shield status.
- All vessels are bringing them on-line.

Janeway to the fleet.
Plot an intercept course to the ship.

- Vessels are approaching.
- Identify.

Nihydron warships,
Mawasi cruisers,

and Voyager.

We're impervious to their weapons.
Let them come.

Captain Janeway wouldn't att*ck
unless she could do damage.

Good work, Obrist.

If the other ships have shields,
they'll have told their homeworlds.

They will be able to protect their planets
against your w*apon.

Bring the w*apon to full power.
Stand by for multiple incursions.

We'll have to disable
their temporal shields.

Make the calculations.

All vessels report ready.

Let's see if Tom has done his part.

Janeway to the fleet.
att*ck pattern Omega. Engage.

- Condition?
- No damage. Temporal core is stable.

Return fire.

Captain, two Nihydron vessels
have been destroyed.

Evasive pattern Delta.
We have to wait.

Come on, Tom.

Target the other vessels.

Obrist, I said target the vessels.

You're deactivating the temporal core.

I'm sorry, sir. It's over.

Back to your stations.
You will not disobey me!

We're phasing back
into normal space-time.

Reconfigure to conventional weapons.

Captain, Chakotay and Paris
were beamed aboard our vessel.

Tom sent me the coordinates
of their temporal core before he left.

I'm transmitting them to you now.

Conventional weapons are on-line
and fully charged.


Weapons are back
to full capacity.

Target Voyager.
Put Janeway out of her misery.

All our ships are disabled.
Do you have weapons?

Negative. Torpedo launchers down.
I'm setting a collision course.

Janeway to the fleet.
Take your temporal shields off-line.

- We won't be protected.
- Exactly.

If that ship is destroyed
all of history might be restored.

And this is one year I'd like to forget.

Time's up.

The core is destabilising.
It will cause an incursion in the ship.

Captain's log, stardate 51252.3.

Things have been uneventful,

but we've made progress
on the new astrometrics lab.

- When can you bring it on-line?
- We just did.

- We're charting a new course home.
- Let's celebrate.

- A vessel is approaching.
- On screen.

- They're hailing us.
- Open a channel.

You're in Krenim space.
State your identity.

Captain Janeway of Voyager.
We're just trying get home.

This region is in dispute.
I suggest you avoid it.

- Thanks for the warning.
- Good journey.

- Plot a course around Krenim space.
- Aye, sir.

So, how about a ceremony
for our new lab?


I'll replicate a bottle
of Saint-Emilion for the occasion.

2370. I hear that was a good year.

Good morning.

Good morning.

- Join me for breakfast?
- In a little while.

I still have a few more calculations.

There are always
a few more calculations.

It's a beautiful day. Spend it with me.

I suppose I can make the time.
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