03x06 - Point of View

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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03x06 - Point of View

Post by bunniefuu »

Major! Come on!

We gotta go back for the general!

I can't shut it down. I won't find
this window again. We have to go now!

You sure this is the right one to go to?

It's better than the alternative.

I guess we'll see about that.

Drop your weapons.

Do it now!

I'm Dr Samantha Carter from
the SGA. This is Major Kawalsky.

We need to speak to your commander.

So, what's the big emer... ?


What happened to you?



It's me. It's Sam.



I never expected this
variation. You're alive.

Don't feel so bad, Colonel. Everybody
around here is telling me the same thing.


- In a manner of speaking.
- Actually, in a manner of fact, sir.

This is Major Kawalsky in almost every
physical respect: blood, dental records.

But I'm not supposed to be alive in this
reality any more than you are in mine.

Sorry, Sam.

It's not the same with us here, is it?

Does... anyone wanna let me know
what the hell's goin' on here? Anyone?

They appeared a few hours ago
in a Nellis high-security lockup.

That quantum mirror you
got locked up at Area 51?

You guys never figured
out how to use it?

Is he talking about that... alternate-reality
thing Daniel futzed with on 233?

- Who's Daniel?
- We can't be followed. Don't worry.

We brought the remote with us.

I've ordered it sent
here under heavy guard.

Where we come from, the Goa'ulds
just took over the world, Colonel.

Look, I've told you this. Now let
me talk to someone from the SGA.

SGA? There is no such organisation.

Then you call it something else. The
Stargate Project. Stargate Command.

- What do you know about the Stargate?
- What do I know?!

Everything! We've been through this!

- Well, let's go through it again.
- Oh, for crying out loud!

It's a big, round thing. It
takes you to other planets.

I made it work four years ago and we
have explored the galaxy ever since.

Until yesterday, when the Goa'uld started
taking over every major city from orbit...

. . and enslaving the population.

Oh, my God. This is too weird.

Yeah. How about that hair?

She claims to have travelled
from an alternate universe...

. . in the same manner Dr
Jackson experienced a year ago.

This can't be the Dr Carter I met in
the alternate reality. She's... dead.

All right. Uh... just to clarify.

This Carter is from an
alternate... alternate reality?


Anybody else have a problem with that?

- Which reality is actually real?
- Thank you, Teal'c.

She explains it.

Look, I know this is hard
for you to understand.

But, according to quantum
theory, for every universe...

. . there are infinite variations, diverging
at each choice we make like forks in a road.


- She's right.
- You just agreed with yourself.

No, Major Carter agreed with Dr Carter.

She never joined the
military in her reality.


- Apparently.
- All right.

So it's possible there's an
alternate version of myself...

. . that understands what the
hell you're talkin' about?

They've asked to be debriefed.
I'd like you all to participate.

Show them in.

- What the hell is he doing here?
- Kawalsky!

He's a member of SG-1.

Who the hell are you?

Oh, um, I'm...

. . Daniel Jackson.
Also a member of SG-1.

Have a seat, Major.

Nice... hair.

Uh... Air Force.

I can't imagine that
- going military.

Wow! I can't imagine not.

First of all, I would like to say
we know what you've been through.

Dr Jackson experienced a
similar alternate reality...

. . some time ago on
a mission to P3X-233.

That's where we found
our quantum mirror, too.

Fortunately for us, Dr Jackson was
able to return with intelligence...

. . that enabled SG-1 to stop the
Goa'uld attack here on Earth.


That explains why your reality looked
like it hadn't been overrun by the Goa'uld.

Actually, the very differences between
our universes contributed to our survival.

Daniel's participation in the
programme. Teal'c's change of heart.

The fact that I joined the military.

You think your being in the Air
Force made that big a difference?

- No. I just said it made a contribution.
- And therefore I didn't.

Ladies... Sams...

We're all in this reality together.

What we need to know is where
you intend to go from here.

Our Beta site buried their Stargate
once the last man stepped through.

Our own world is under Goa'uld
control so we can't go back.

We want to stay.

That is... if we're wanted.

We just left behind everyone we
know, everyone we ever cared about.

If you're not gonna give us a second
chance, I don't know any of you.

Exactly. You don't know any of us.

And we don't know you. For all we
know, you could be her evil twin.

But then we'd be dealing with cliches,
and you know how I feel about those.

No, actually, you know
how I feel about those.


I'll speak with my superiors
and make a determination.

For now, you'll be assigned
temporary accommodations.

Take them to A3 quarters.

I didn't mean to offend you back there.

I'm the one dealing with inadequacy
issues here. Just forget about it.


We knew the Goa'uld were coming for six
months. I couldn't think how to stop them.

You did.

- I'll be outside if you need me, ma'am.
- Of course you will.

Yes, sir.

I understand, sir.

Thank you, sir.

They can stay.

- That was quick.
- Too quick.

God knows what we're getting into.

The combined IQ of Earth might go up
a few points having two Carters around.

I take it you figure
there's a down side.

It just doesn't sit right.

Some lines aren't meant to
be crossed. Nonetheless, ...

. . l've been encouraged to find a way
to incorporate them into this command.


Um... in the meantime, do
you want me to tell 'em?

Very well.

Just put it on the table and
close the door on your way out.

I'm sorry. Put what on the table?


I'm sorry. Come in.

Your... your Dr Fraiser keeps
insisting that I eat something.

Ah. Well, she's your
Doc Fraiser now, too.

You're in. They said yes.

That's good.

Yeah! I can see you're overjoyed.

I just never expected this. It's so...

. . so hard.



I can't even begin to know
what you've been through. I...

I know you've lost a lot.

I lost you.

I watched you die, Jack.

Three days ago, trying
to defend the mountain.

And here you are, alive and
safe in this perfect world, ...

. . and you don't even know me.

Well, l...

I sort ofknow you.

You know her.

You don't even see her that way, do you?

I take it, where you're from, we were...



- This makes you uncomfortable.
- No, no, not at all. I just...

I get confused.


Sorry, Colonel. I didn't realise.

- Just... put it on the table, Airman.
- Yes, sir.

Close the door on your way out.

I haven't had a hot meal in forever.

It was a couple of weeks ago. We were
celebrating our first anniversary.

We got the call that the Goa'uld ships
had been spotted entering our solar system.

We just left everything.

You blew out the candles and
I turned off the oven and...

. . we just left.

They didn't hit Colorado Springs from
orbit like most of the big cities so...

. . the table must still be set.

Cold by now.


Listen, um...

- I should probably be...
- Stay!

- Sam...
- Please.


You're dealing with a loss right
now that I can't even begin to...

Maybe I'm not the right
person to help you.

Yes, you are.

You're the only one who can.


I know you well enough to know that
you don't have a clue what to say.

But you don't have to say anything.

Come here.

Oh, I miss him.

Sir. General Hammond told me the news.

- I've informed Major Kawalsky.
- Thank you.

I was just on my way to do that.

I thought I'd drop in on, uh...

. . Samantha. See how she's doing.

She's fine.

I think she'd rather be
left alone at the moment.

- Just stop in tomorrow.
- Oh. All right.

- Well, good night, sir.
- Carter?

Yes, sir?

How are you doing with this...

. . twin thing?

Do you have a couple of hours?


That was the answer.

Oh, oh.

Good night, sir.

Good night, Major.

What is it?

- What's happening?
- Dr Carter's gone into convulsive shock.

I don't know the cause and
I don't know how to stop it.



Not medical. Temporal.
Entropic cascade failure.

- On the cellular level?
- Yes. I thought it would take years.

- A side effect of travel through the mirror.
- Then why don't I have it?

I'm guessing Dr Carter
has it because I'm here.

Both of us existing in the same reality
theoretically causes temporal distortion.

- Not theoretical any more.
- OK. So then how do I treat this?

You can't.

The more time passes,
the worse it should get.

- So I'm gonna die here.
- You're not gonna die.

- Actually, sir...
- Carter.

- She won't only if we send her back.
- If you do, the Goa'uld will k*ll her.

Think about it: billions
of people enslaved.

I can't help but feel, in the
grand scheme of things, we owe them.

The only way to help Dr Carter is to
stop the Goa'uld in her reality and...

- . . save whatever's left.
- How do you suggest we do that?

The resources of their entire world
couldn't defend against the Goa'uld.

What about the resources of our world?

- What do we have that they don't?
- Our fate.

We made contact with the Asgard.


So, if Dr Carter can contact
the Asgard in her reality, ...

. . maybe their Asgard will help them.

- Defend their world against the Goa'uld?
- Yes.

And just how do you propose we
raise the Asgard, in their reality?

We still have the dialling program
that took you to the Asgard home planet.

Which we could download
to a removable hard drive.

But that still won't do it.

In order to dial the
Asgard home world, ...

. . they provided us with a generator to
transfer energy to the gate's capacitors.

I can't get it to work again.

Apparently, it was
designed to work only once.

Assuming Major Carter succeeds, it will
be hard to get Dr Carter to the Stargate...

. . without the Goa'uld stopping her.

That's where I come in.

Permission to join the briefing, sir?

I'll get her to the Stargate.

You think I'm gonna let her go
alone? She's my best friend's wife.

You'll need someone to
hook up the power generator.

And download the dialling program.

You will also require my assistance.

- We can handle this.
- No, Teal'c has a point.

You said Teal'c led the as*ault
on the mountain in your reality.

Couldn't we use something
like that to our advantage?

Quite the military mind, Daniel Jackson.

No, sir. I'm sorry. Teal'c
can't go any more than I can.

Entropic cascade failure.

If I go, there will still be two of me in one
reality. The same will be true with Teal'c.

Dr Carter did not become ill
during her first 48 hours.

If our mission is not complete within that
time, it is most likely we will be dead.

Good point.

Are you OK with all this, sir?

If you feel confident you can
pull this off, I have no objection.

But on your return,
destroy that quantum mirror.

OK, but we can't go anywhere unless we
get that Asgard generator working again.

OK. Carter, download the program to
the removable whatever-it-is and...

. . meet me and yourself in the lab.

Yes, sir.

This is incredible. If the
Asgard could design this, ...

. . they're just the little
green men we're looking for.

They're grey, actually.
Roswell Grey, to be exact.

I had a hard time trying to figure
out how it worked the first time.

If it's powered by the energy of
a staff w*apon, why doesn't it...

Blow up? I'd guess it creates a modulated
dampening field round the naqahdah cell.

Which controls the energy transfer.
Throwing it out each time it's activated.

Yes, but how do you recalibrate a field
that you can't generate in the first place?

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Are you Carters gonna be
able to figure this out?

We'll figure it out.


We have to figure it out.

OK, the way Dr C explained it, the
controller is not an exacting science.

You can't dial up an
address like on a Stargate.

- You have to figure out where you are.
- Not a very expedient way to get home.

If it's not turned off, it's always
connected to the same reality.

So when it's on again, it won't be
connected to the reality you came from?

Right. We'd have to find it again.

Now, this thing switches
to the various realities.

If I turn it on now, it should come up
somewhere near the reality it was last on.

There. See?

That's not it. No grenade damage.

I tossed a grenade to slow them down so
they didn't see us go through the mirror.

So we need to find a
reality that's just right.

- Do you mind if l... ?
- Oh!

There. See? You probably
turned it the wrong way.

Since this device should be in
a storage closet in my reality, ...

. . dial it the other way.

Change it! Change it! Change it!

OK! Closer.

- You wanna dial it in smaller increments.
- Daniel? You understand this thing?

- I think so.
- Good.


- We did it!
- Already?

All we needed was the ratio decay rate
of naqahdah relative to the energy output.

I calculated it when I learned about
our new generator. Just the ratio...

Agh! It works, right?

- It works.
- Good.

I guess we'd better go do this.

Yep, that's right. Looks like him.

I am not fond of wearing
this uniform again.

Well, I'm not too fond
of seeing you wear it.

I've searched all the realities close
to ours. This matches your description.


- Wish I could go.
- Same here.

But you don't wanna go through
a cascade tremor, believe me.

- We made a good team, Major.
- Yeah, we did, Doctor.

Plus your hair's kinda grown on me.

Pardon the pun.

You'd better go.

I'll be here in case you need
anything from this side, sir.

All right.

On three.

One, ...

. . two, ...

. . three.





Kronok, Jaffa!

Jaffa! Kree!


- Kel nok, Teal'c.
- Kel shak?

Renounce Apophis as a false god. Join us
in delivering this world and I'll spare you.


The idea was to zat him.

As I said, O'Neill.

Ours is the only reality of consequence.

Jaffa, kree!

Kel toc no.

- OK, I gotta know.
- Yes. I'm about to activate it.

No, no, no. Not that.

What the hell does kree mean?

Well, actually, it
means a lot of things.

Uh, loosely translated it means
"attention", "Iisten up", "concentrate".

- "Yoo-hoo"? - Yes, in
a manner of speaking.

- Oh.
- OK. Here goes.

That's what I was afraid of. When I
turned off the device, it lost its place.

I have to find our reality again.

All right. It's OK.

We knew that might happen.

Stay with it.

I will ask you this
one more time, human.

What is the address of the planet
to which your leaders have fled?

The place you call "Beta site".


Where have your leaders gone?

Kel Apophis.

Teal'c. Who is this?

She was captured attempting
an escape, my lord.

This one will not tell us the glyphs for
the planet where they've sent their leaders.

Get it out of him.

Or get it out of her.

Yes, my lord.

Attend to our lord. I
will take care of these.

Kree, Jaffa!

You might as well k*ll me.

I would never do such a
thing, General Hammond.

It's OK. You're not hallucinating.
He's from an alternate reality.

- So that mirror thing worked?
- Yeah.

But don't worry. I won't
say "I told you so. "

We should have tried it
a long time ago, Doctor.

- They have landed on the mountain.
- We still have a chance to stop them.

We'll attempt contact with aliens from
their reality. Enemies of the Goa'uld.

Whoops! Too far.

Come on, please.

The Carters are smart
figuring that thing out, huh?

You and Sam never had a
thing in your world, huh?

Sam is a major in my world.

Yeah, I know. It's
against regulations, right?

- You two look pretty good together.
- Kawalsky?

During your Special Ops
training, in your world, ...

. . did they cover silence?


You're a captain.


OK. Now.

I hope your Jack can get
the transformer on line.

It appears that he is.

Prepare to go through
the gate, Dr Carter.

Thank you, Teal'c.

Jaffa! Kree hol mel!

Hol mel, Jaffa!


Why do you betray me?

Lower your weapons or we will k*ll him.


Yeah, we should do that.

Deja vu.

Who are you?

My First Prime k*lled
you before my very eyes.

I'm feeling much better, thank you.

Then who are you?

What magic is this?

You should know there's
no such thing as magic.

Trey lan tonik.

I will ask you one more time.

How could you rise from the
dead without a sarcophagus?

I'm guessin' the second shot
kills in this world too, huh?

- Tell me what I want to know!
- Hey. I'd love to.

But I don't understand it myself.

He does.

OK. I'll, uh... I'll
give it a try. Um...

At every point in time, there
are infinite possibilities.

A parallel reality exists
for each possibility, ...

. . so there are literally
infinite branches...

No! You...


- Tell me where you come from.
- From an alternate reality.

One in which, by the way, you're dead.

- Aw, come on!
- He told you everything he knows!

My lord.

Tel kol, Apophis.
Kree no tel, Reenlokia!

Mel nok tee!

OK, I'm guessin'...

- Asgard.
- All right.


It appears Dr Carter was successful.

Come on. Ya gotta love those guys!

- I met the Asgard.
- We guessed that.

Love those guys.

Colonel, it's been a pleasure
to serve with you... again.

- Likewise.
- Right, right.

This is hard. Goodbye for a second time.

It's the first time.

It doesn't feel that way to me.

You have to understand. My Jack had
the same face, same voice, same hands.

Which brings to mind
an obvious question.

How could you marry such a loser?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

You're really not him, are you?


I just wish...

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