05x11 - Desperate Measures

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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05x11 - Desperate Measures

Post by bunniefuu »


Let's go!


The forensic team found nothing.

According to a neighbour, Major Carter
left around 8. 30 Saturday morning.

That's over 48 hours.

The police found Sam's car outside
a fitness club 12 blocks from her house.

- Anything else?
- No witnesses.

We have no jurisdiction
outside this facility, Colonel.

I know.

We can still look, can't we?

- Good morning, Major.
- What's going on? Where am I?

- In a hospital.
- What happened?

We just need to run a few tests.

What tests? Why am I restrained?

No, stop!


Feet, I said! Look at his feet.

Feet like that... Huge!

Never trust a man with feet that big.

Hi there.

Go away. This is my stuff.

I just wanna ask you
a couple of questions.

You got a dollar?

Here's two.


- Were you around here Saturday?
- Why should I tell you?

- I gave you two dollars.
- I thought you were just being generous.

How generous do I have to get?

- You a cop?
- Air Force.

- Colonel Jack O'Neill.
- I was in Nam.

- Yeah? What company?
- Oh, vacation. Long time ago.

A friend of mine disappeared
from around here on Saturday morning.

A woman, about five nineish, blonde.

- You wouldn't believe me if I told ya.
- Why not?

I'm just a crazy old guy
with a shopping cart full of cans.

I'm just a cynical Air Force guy
with a closet full of National Geographic.

Can I have'em?

What do you know?

She was feisty. Put up a fight.

- With whom?
- Ninjas. Three, maybe four.

Happened fast. They pulled up
in a white van, grabbed her.

I've been telling the police about ninjas
for years. You think they listen?




You're gonna bring me
them magazines, right?

You bet.

So you think Maybourne's
a fan of Godzilla movies?

- He strikes me more as a Mothra guy.
- I don't get it.

NID agents use these sites
to post coded messages.

If I know Maybourne,
he's keeping tabs on his old buddies.

OK, what kind of message
you wanna send?

Make it "Hutch, we need to talk. "

Sign it "Starsky".

He'll understand.

We got the first blood test back.
You're gonna wanna see this.

We found an unusual protein marker
and traces of an unidentified heavy metal.

- What do you mean,"unidentified"?
- Nothing I've ever seen before.

We'd better double- check these results
with the lab in Phoenix.

She's strong. I gave her enough chloral
hydrate to put down a man twice her size.

All right, Major.

Hi, Jack.

Don't turn around.


Where you been?

You never write, you don't call.

- I have a g*n.
- So do I.

I'm trying to protect you.
I'm a wanted criminal.

- It's your duty to arrest me, you know.
- Always thinking of the other guy.

- How'd you find me?
- I played hide- and- seek as a kid.

It's funny. I could always find anyone
anywhere, but they could never find me.

Because they didn't wantto.

What do you need, Jack?

- Carter's missing.
- Really?

Bunch of guys in a van took her
out of this lot four days ago.

- I figured it was some of your old friends.
- Not the word I'd use for'em.

What do you know?


You didn't come back into this country
and risk execution just to see me.

God knows I can think of a hundred
reasons why the NID might want Carter,

but I swear to you I don't know
where she is or why she was taken.

Why don't you ask the NID?

Gee, thanks. I hadn't thought of that.

- Try user 4574.
- What does that mean?

- Wish I could stay and chat.
- Harry...

- We're talking about Carter here.
- I know.

I'm sorry, Jack. I really am.

You know how this game is played,
and the kind of people who play it.

You've got to prepare yourself for the
possibility she may not be coming back.

That's all he said?

User 4574.

I think we know who that is, Colonel.

- Colonel O'Neill is still waiting, sir.
- I know.

I'm sorry to bother you,
but he's getting a little...

Pissed is the word.

It happens when you keep
someone waiting two hours.

Well, welcome to the Pentagon, Colonel.

Thank you, Dolores.

Forgive me. I have a lot on my plate.

Just someone's life at stake. Sorry to take
you away from your turkey sandwich.

It was a ham and cheese, actually.

And I'm the one who's sorry
because you wasted a trip to Washington.

I don't think so.

You know, I was just recently reading
about Major Carter's disappearance.

I couldn't help but wonder if glowing
aliens had something to do with it.

Look, Simmons, I don't expect you
just to tell me what's going on,

but I guarantee you
this trip will not be a waste.

If I have to, I'll spend my life getting to the
bottom of all this and how it ties to you.

Why do you think
I have something to do with this?

A reliable source told me.

I think I know who you're referring to.

Are you telling me
you trust a convicted traitor?

More than you at the moment.

Look, your opinion of me and
this organisation has been tainted

by the actions of the very man
you're talking about.

I doubt very much he was acting alone.

The NID is a legitimate organisation
financed by this government,

which has been duly elected
by the people of this country.

Damn, that has a familiar ring to it.

- Our mandate is clear, Colonel.
- I'm a simple man. Explain it to me.

We provide vital civilian oversight
of top- secret military operations.


And who watches over you?

We're not unaccountable. There have
been minor indiscretions in the past,

perpetrated by
a few renegade individuals.

They've been exposed and will be brought
to justice, with or without your help.

- Maybourne is pointing a finger at you.
- Yeah?

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe
he's trying to mask his own involvement?

- I'd need some convincing.
- We recently traced a deposit

made into one of
Maybourne's offshore bank accounts.

The transfer took place with a numbered
company on the Cayman Islands.

$3 million?

Yeah. Makes you kind of wonder
what he did to earn that kind of money.

Doesn't it?

The company that paid Maybourne
is a subsidiary of Zetatron Industries.

- That sounds familiar.
- It's run by a man named Adrian Conrad.

He made $200 million in something called
fibre- optic host- channel adapters,

and then diversified before
the tech market bottomed out.

Now he's into everything
from shipyards to sportswear factories.

What is his connection to Maybourne?

It's common for ex- spies
to sell information to the private sector.

We know he's had access to extensive
files on the SGC and every SG-1 member.

Interestingly, Conrad hasn't
been seen in public in six months.

His last appearance was a video feed
from their head office in Seattle

- to a Zetatron stockholders' meeting.
- Really not much to go on.

The only other thing I can tell you is who
authorised the payment: Diana Mendez.

She was Conrad's assistant and
the last person known to have seen him.

- Working late?
- How did you get in here?

Well, the ability to sneak around was
a prerequisite of my former occupation.

What do you want?

To know about the disappearance
of an Air Force major.

- I've no idea what you're talking about.
- Then I should talk to your boss.

He's unavailable.

The other prerequisite
of my former occupation

was an absence of moral conscience.

It really gives you the freedom
to do whatever you have to do.

Threats won't change what I know.

This major disappeared after we closed
our deal. I believe it wasn't a coincidence.

Adrian wouldn't be involved
in anything like that.


Did he tell you what
you were buying for him?

Something valued at $10m by a renegade
faction of Russian military intelligence,

- less your cut, of course.
- Oh, well.

- I don't know what it was exactly.
- I'm surprised.

I thought you two had
a very close working relationship.

I do my job and I don't ask questions.

What if I told you it was enough uranium
to fuel a t*rror1st nuke?

- Just how far would your loyalty go then?
- You're lying.


You made your deposit and you got paid.

As far as I'm concerned,
our association is finished.

- Harry.
- Jesus, Jack. You're stealing my routine.

Consider it an homage.

What's up?
I thought we trusted each other.

You lied to me. Get in.

Hello again, Major Carter.

If you don't mind,

I'd like to ask you a few questions.

I don't know if I mentioned
what a thrill this is for me.

I wish we didn't have to do it under these
conditions, but given the circumstances...

You're a very unique individual.

You may well hold the key
to the future of medical science.

You've made a big mistake.

We know what happened to you and that
you were the host of an alien symbiote.

I'm a physicist.

I study deep- space radar telemetry.

Please, Major. Don't waste my time
with that ridiculous cover story.

Tell me what you can about the symbiote.

- She's never gonna talk.
- What about the tests?

We have a couple of leads,
but nothing definite yet.

- We're running out of time.
- I know.

We may have to move the implantation
ahead of schedule.

Technically, I didn't lie. I didn't know
where Carter was or why she was taken.

What was the $3 million for?

I acquired a piece of merchandise
from the Russians and sold it to Zetatron.


- A symbiote.
- What?

On their second mission,
when their gate was active,

- the Russians ran into a group of Jaffa.
- I read that report.

What the report didn't say was that
the Russians took one of the Jaffa alive.

They've held him in custody ever since.

Man, you gotta love those guys.

- The Russians or the Jaffa?
- Both, actually.

Apparently, the symbiote
was reaching maturity.

I assumed Zetatron wanted it
for their biotech division.

So why kidnap Carter?

Carter once had a symbiote inside her,
and lived to talk about it.

- How do they know that?
- I don't know.

I also don't know how they found out
about me and my connections.

But when people offer you $3m
you don't ask too many questions.

Why not?

- I never thought it would come to this.
- What did you think would happen?

In the right hands, a symbiote
can lead to medical breakthroughs.

What, you're a humanitarian now?

Gonna turn me in?

Actually, that overwhelming desire
to sh**t you has come back.

- But you still need me, Jack.
- Why?

Because I know the name of the doctor
who took delivery of the symbiote.

- We make a pretty good team, Jack.
- Shut up.

If you get tired of the SGC, we could make
more money than you ever dreamed of.

Hey, G Gordon, don't give me
another reason to sh**t you, all right?

I'm in.

Adrian Conrad's medical file.

Conrad is in the late stages of a very rare
disorder known as Burchardt's Syndrome.

It affects the immune system, leaving
the body vulnerable to a host of diseases.

And there's no known cure.

- Except a symbiote's healing powers.
- That'd only work through implantation.

They may be studying the symbiote,
trying to reproduce its healing properties.

Carter's experience with Jolinar makes
her a valuable source of information.

- What are their chances of success?
- We've researched this for some time, sir.

I'd be greatly surprised
if they came up with the answers quickly.

If they're trying to save this man's life,
they're running out of time.

- How do we find him?
- He needs constant medical supervision.

He must be in some kind of a hospital
or a well- equipped facility.

Saint... something.

I was checking out the holdings
of that numbered company...

St Christina's. A hospital in the suburbs
of Seattle that's been shut for two years.

I'll contact the local authorities.
You and Teal'c can meet O'Neill there.

A jet will be prepped and ready to go
by the time you get to the airport.

Security. Major Carter's missing.
She can't have gotten far.

The exits are sealed, Major.

Who are you?
What the hell am I doing here?

My name is Adrian Conrad.

You're here because of me.

- Back off or I sh**t him.
- Hah!

Go ahead.

If I let you go, I'm dead anyway.

Please, Major Carter,
if you put the g*n down,

there's a very good chance
we can both live.

I'm sorry about this, Major,
but I've run out of options.

- What now?
- My immune system has been destroyed.

- The damage is irreversible.
- I don't care! You have no right...

The human race has progressed
because of men who broke the rules

and risked everything,
most often because they had no choice.

The only thing that can save me
is an alien symbiote.

You call them Goa'ulds.

- How do you know about that?
- We know about the Stargate. Everything.

Then you must also know that a symbiote
would leave you a prisoner in your body.

That's why we're working
on a way to have it removed.

- And you're the key.
- It's beyond our medical science.

You survived your encounter
with the alien Jolinar.

That was different.
The symbiote made a conscious choice.

Maybe so, but the process you went
through could provide us with answers.

You can't deny being able to extract
a symbiote from a human host

would be a monumental breakthrough.

A lot of smart people
are working toward that end already.

Maybe they aren't
quite desperate enough.

Mr Conrad.

Pulse is weak, blood pressure's dropping.

We're running out of time.

- Proceed with the implantation.
- You can't.

- We put it in him, we may never get it out.
- We'll find a way.

You don't know if the healing process
has a lasting effect.

We're reasonably sure,
once the symbiote cures the disease...


It's OK.

Adrian, you can't do this. Please.

It's my only chance.

We're going to have to restrain him.

Cover the exits.
And somebody watch that guy.

Come on, Jack, this is my fault.
Let me try and help fix it.

Fine. Grab a vest. You're with me.

- Can I have my g*n back?
- Go. No!

Daniel, Teal'c, take the front entrance.

BP stabilising.

Vitals returning to normal.



- How do you feel?
- The pain is...

is gone.

We're gonna need to run a full set of tests.

How long?

For what?

You said you'd find a way to get it out.
How long will you leave him this way?

- We don't know what kind of effect...
- I don't give a damn! Get it out of him.

- We have a bit of a problem in that area.
- What are you talking about?

Major Carter's test results
clearly indicate she holds the key

- to a safe extraction process.
- That's good.

Unfortunately, we know just enough
to know the answers are there.

We just can't get them.

Why not?

Because Adrian didn't approve
the method that's ultimately necessary.

What does that mean?

It would require direct examination
of her brain tissue.

Do whatever it takes.

- Can I help you?
- I need a doctor. I electrocuted myself.

- You'll have to go somewhere else.
- I have insurance.

- This hospital is closed.
- I said I electrocuted myself.

- D'you have any idea what that feels like?
- No.

Something like that.


Who are you?

What are you doing here?


Ah! Ah!

You want me to watch your back or not?


I know this has been
hard on you, Diana. I'm sorry.

- I just want you to get better.
- I am better. I can feel it.

If you just let me out of these restraints,
I could show you.

- I can't do that.
- I've been in hospitals for six months.

All I wanna do is go outside
and breathe some fresh air.

- But you have that thing inside you.
- It's not controlling me.

I'm controlling it. Can't you tell?

Diana, please.

They don't have to k*ll Major Carter.
I'm fine.

- Everything's gonna be OK.
- I wish I could believe you.

Look at me.

You know me better
than anyone in the whole world.

I did this for you.

So we could be together.

Just let one hand go
so I can touch your face.

What's happening? What are you doing?

What are you doing?


You're gonna k*ll me.

We could be saving millions of lives.

Hold it! Drop it!

Drop it right now! Don't even fool around!

Put it down.

Over here. And face the wall.

You all right?


- Very dramatic. Thank you.
- You bet.

Keys for the cuffs are in his pocket.

Daniel, we got Carter. She's OK.

That's good. I think we have
another problem, though.

They put it in Conrad. They thought
they'd use me to find a way to remove it.

- Good to go?
- Yes, sir.


- Why not stay and watch these guys?
- That's fine.

You'll be here when I get back, right?

Oh, yes, Jack.

Daniel, Teal'c, take the upper levels.

Where you going?

sh**t me
and you'll k*ll the host.

Don't make me.

You wanna live,

you come with me.

Man down. O'Neill's been shot. This is
Major Carter. I'm in the boiler room.

Repeat: Colonel O'Neill has been shot.
We need an ambulance now.

Sir, are you OK?

I've been shot, Carter.

I know. Your vest stopped
one of the b*ll*ts.

I want sleeves on my vest.

You're gonna be fine. Help's on the way.

I'm not kidding.
They should put sleeves on these things.

- Did you see who shot you?
- No.

Hang in there, sir.

I can't believe the son of a bitch shot me!

We don't know for sure it was Maybourne.

We also don't know how
Maybourne and Adrian Conrad

got by the men surrounding the hospital.

Local authorities have admitted
they may have dropped the ball.

May? May have?

The FBI and Interpol have been alerted,
but we can't tell them everything.

Bottom line is there's
a Goa'uld out there somewhere.

- I expect better treatment.
- Well, right now you have no choice.

But once you start delivering
on your end of our little bargain,

I might be able to move you
to better accommodations.

You cannot offer anything of equal value
to the knowledge I possess.

I'm not so sure about that.
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