02x01 - The Homecoming

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Aired: January 3, 1993 – June 2, 1999.*
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A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor.
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02x01 - The Homecoming

Post by bunniefuu »



- Not now, Odo.
- We have to talk.

- lt'll have to wait.
- lt can't wait.

Make it fast.
l have business to attend to.

You remember that Subytt freighter
we were discussing?

The one you claimed was smuggling
defective isolinear rods to Bajor?

- What about it?
- l conducted a little investigation.

Do you know what l discovered?

That l was telling the truth.

That's right. l arrested the first officer
and two of the crew.

l knew you could do it.

lf you don't mind,
l am needed upstairs.

Hold on.
l'm not finished with you.

Really, Odo? Sometimes l think
there's no pleasing you.

l help you crack a smuggling ring

and yet you still treat me
like the enemy.

You are the enemy.

Then how do you explain
my helping you?

That's just it.

- l can't explain it.
- lt's simple, really.

We've been at each others' throats
long enough.

- lt's time we called a truce.
- Truce? You must be joking.

Ask the Subytt officer if l'm joking.
You and l are going to be friends.

You're up to something.

- Why would you say that?
- You're always up to something.

This is going to take time,
but eventually you'll learn to trust me.

That'll be the day.

l don't think l can remember Odo
ever looking so...perplexed.

He's not alone. Those smugglers
were a potential source of great profit.

Must l quote you
the 76th Rule of Acquisition?

''Every once in a while,
declare peace.

''lt confuses the hell
out of your enemies.''

Hi, Quark. How are your lobes?

Tingling at the sight of you.

What'll it be?
Another Black Hole?

l don't have time.
My ship's about to pull out.

Do you know of anyone
going to Bajor?

Ships go there all the time. Why?

l promised someone
l'd deliver this for them.

l won't get there this trip.

- lt's an earring.
- l know it's an earring.

lt was given to me by a worker
on Cardassia lV.

Are you saying a Cardassian
gave you a Bajoran earring?

He asked me to take it to Bajor.

Said whoever l showed it to
would understand.

- He said that?
- This is a Bajoran station, isn't it?

There must be someone here
who would know what to do with it.

- There is.
- Who?


Come in.

- Surprise.
- What do you want?

- l wanted to see your quarters.
- ls that the only reason for your visit?

You don't entertain much, do you?

l entertain a lot, just not you.

Let me guess.
The bedroom.

You take one step in here
and it'll be your last.

- lt could be worth it.
- You've got five seconds.

Aren't you going to offer me
a beverage?

- Can't we at least sit down?
- Three, two, one.


l brought you something.

- Where did you get that?
- ls it valuable?

Where did you get it?

From a freighter captain.
She got it from a Cardassian.

- Where?
- Cardassia lV.

That's what she told me, anyway.

Consider it a gift.

Dad, wait up.

- You got a minute?
- For you, absolutely.

- l've got great news.
- You passed your algebra test.

- You hit Bob Gibson's fast ball.
- Better.

Better than hitting a fast ball?

Remember that Bajoran girl
l told you about? Laira?

l decided to ask her out.

Now you've come to the old man

for advice on what to say.

You can't be afraid of rejection.

l already asked her out. She said yes.

Do you have any ideas
on what we could do?

l was thinking of taking her
to the holosuites.

l don't think so.

You're too young
to take a girl to the holosuites.

How about our quarters?

- No, no quarters.
- We're just going to talk.

- Talk in public.
- lt's not the same.

You want to talk?
Take her upstairs.

You can watch the ships
go through the wormhole.

- That's boring.
- Since when?

- Since l started dating.
- This is your first date.

l don't want it to be my last.

- l need to speak with you.
- One moment, Major.

l can see you're not ready
to have this conversation.

l'll come up with a few ideas
of my own. Don't worry about it.

- Who's worried?
- Commander?

Join me, Major.

One raktajino
with a jacarine peel.

Nothing for me.

One icoberry torte.

So, Major, what can l do for you?

- l need to borrow a runabout.
- For what?

You don't want to ask me that.

- Too late. l already asked.
- You don't want to know the answer.

l can't loan you a runabout
without knowing where you'll take it.

To Cardassia lV to rescue
a Bajoran prisoner of w*r.

You're right.
l wish you hadn't told me.

This earring was recently
smuggled off the planet.

- That is the insignia of Li Nalas.
- The resistance leader?

The greatest we ever had.
His victory over Gul Zarale...

- Wasn't he reported k*lled in action?
- His body was never found.

l wouldn't ask this if there was
any other way to rescue Li.

Bajoran ships just don't have
the defensive capabilities

to get me in and out
of Cardassian territory.

- You're sure this is genuine?
- There's dermal residue on the back.

Analysis matched it
to Li's DNA records. lt's genuine.

Have you told
the provisional government?

l contacted three ministers. Their
response was exactly what l expected.

They're unwilling to risk going to w*r
with Cardassia

over an earring.

- l can't say l blame them.
- Commander,

the provisional government
is made up of political opportunists

too busy fighting
to care what happens to Bajor.

Since the loss of the Kai
the situation has got worse.

There's factional fighting
in several districts,

religious riots throughout the south.

Bajor needs a leader, someone
the people will listen to and trust.

- You think Li Nalas is that leader?
- l know he is.

- O'Brien to Sisko.
- Go ahead, Chief.

You and Odo had better join me
in the habitat ring. Level 13, section 4.

- There's something you should see.
- We'll be right there.

Do l get the runabout?

l'll have to think it over.

l was on my way to do some
repair work on the field modulators

when l noticed this.

This is the emblem
of the Alliance for Global Unity.

They call themselves ''The Circle''.

Why mess up our station?

They're an extremist faction
who believe in Bajor for the Bajorans.

All other species should be expelled
from the planet.

This emblem has appeared
all over Bajor.

But it's the first time
l've seen it here.

lnform me immediately if this appears
anyplace else on the station.

lf they think signs will get rid of us,
they've got another think coming.

They're trying to show us
that we're vulnerable.

l wouldn't be overly concerned.
This is a low-security area.

As of now, there are no low-security
areas on this station.

- You wanted to see me, Benjamin?
- Yes. Have a seat.

ls this going to be about baseball?

- Not this time.
- Good.

l thought you enjoyed
talking about baseball.

Curzon enjoyed it, but not as much
as he led you to believe.

- What's on your mind, Benjamin?
- l've been thinking about our mission.

l look at the turmoil on Bajor.

Everything we fought for
is starting to unravel.

l told you this would be
a tough assignment.

l didn't realise it would be this tough.

What if l knew someone
who could bring stability to Bajor?

Someone who could unite the factions.

l'd say give Kira the runabout.

How do you know
about Kira wanting a runabout?

l promised not to tell.

Supposing l do help
and she does rescue Li Nalas.

What do we say
to the Cardassians?

The question is:
what do they say to us?

They swore they released
all their Bajoran prisoners.

- Chief, Major Kira needs a runabout.
- So she's going to Cardassia lV?

- ls there anyone she didn't tell?
- l doubt she mentioned it to Quark.

As far as Quark's concerned,

she's going to Lamenda Prime
for mineral samples.

Can we prevent the Cardassian
sensors from detecting the runabout?

l could modulate
the engine's power emissions

and install buffers
around the emitter coil.

They'll think they're picking up
a Lissepian transport.

l see you've already given this
a bit of thought.

l suppose l have.

Come in.

Commander, Chief.
l was getting ready to leave.

l just stopped by to wish you luck.

And to tell you that Chief O'Brien

will be accompanying you
on your mission.

l don't think
that's a good idea.

Taking a Federation officer
could cause complications for you.

l'll risk that.

You're an excellent pilot, Major,
but Mr O'Brien is better.

And l want to make sure that l get
my runabout back in one piece.

l appreciate the offer,
but this is a Bajoran problem.

l don't agree.

The truth is l need Li Nalas
back on Bajor as much as you do.

l've seen how the Cardassians
treat their prisoners.

No one should suffer like that.

lf they get their hands on us,
we'll be the ones suffering.

They'll have to catch us first.

l suppose l could use the company.

- You've got the controls, Chief.
- Right.

Before we go, there's one thing
we need to clear up.

This mission can end two ways:

we bring back Li Nalas
or we don't come back at all.


- Then take us out of here, Mr O'Brien.
- lnitialising launch sequence.

How much longer
till we reach Cardassia lV?

l estimate another 30 minutes.

- Hold on. We're being scanned.
- Can you get a fix on the source?

lts position is holding steady
at bearing 219, mark 23.

lt must be a navigational control post.
Probably a routine scan.

- We're being hailed.
- Then again, we could be in trouble.

They're repeating the hail.

We're on the edge of their
scanner range, out of visual contact.

l say we try and bluff them.

Opening a channel.

This is Cardassian navigational
control post 24. ldentify yourself.

This is the Lissepian transport Martuk.

According to our scan, your subspace
field emitters are malfunctioning.

The field buffers must be
distorting our power signature.

We're having problems
with our phase modulators.

Do you require assistance?
We can dispatch a ship.

They want to help us?

Your offer is most appreciated,
post 24, but unnecessary.

Are you certain?
Your power signature is still fluctuating.

He's getting suspicious.

l believe we can correct the problem
on our own.

Besides, Gul Marayn is waiting
to receive my shipment of rulot seeds.

Any delay could ruin the entire crop,
not to mention the Gul's mood.

Understood. You can put in
for repairs after delivery.

My plan exactly.

He's cut off their transmission.

Tell me, Major,
who is this Gul Marayn?

Don't ask me.
l just made him up.

We're in synchronous orbit
above the Hutet labour camp.

l've limited the bio-scans
to detect only Bajoran life forms.

Hold on.
We're getting multiple readings.

There must be a dozen
Bajoran prisoners down there.

Can we beam up
more than two at a time?

l'm afraid not. When we beam
the first two up, all hell will break loose.

And there's no way of guaranteeing
that Li will be one of the first two.

What's security like?

The compound is surrounded
by a Cardassian force field.

We have to land. lt's our only chance
of getting them all out.

l'll find us a secluded place
to put down.

Back to work.

- How do l look?
- No Cardassian could resist you.

- l hope you're right.
- So do l.

- Halt!
- We want to see the prefect.

- What for?
- She has an appointment with him.

l used to be stationed on Bajor.

Then you know why the prefect
doesn't want to be kept waiting.

- What's this all about?
- l'm not quite sure.

- What would an appointment cost me?
- More than you could afford.

- Two strips of latinum, she's all yours.
- He wouldn't know what to do.

- She needs disciplining.
- From a boy like you?

l don't think you're capable of it.

Step back. l want to examine
what l'm paying for.

But no sampling the merchandise
till the sale's complete.

Come here.

Show me why you're worth
two strips of gold-pressed latinum.

All right.

- Li Nalas!
- Who are you?

- We've come to get you out of here.
- The earring. You got it?

- My earring was lost.
- l had it smuggled back to Bajor.

l suggest you keep this discussion
for later.

We have a ship waiting.

We'll never make it at this rate.

Get Li back to Bajor.
Four of us will hold them off.

- l won't allow it.
- We did this for you.

- Just get him back safely.
- You have my word.

- Come on.
- Go!

Come on.

- Ready to launch, Major.
- Not yet. The others might make it.

Standing by.

Two Galor-class warships
entering orbit.

They should be overhead
in 1 minute, 45 seconds.

Major, you can't leave
those men behind.

1 minute, 30 seconds.
lf we don't leave now, we never will.

- Take us home, Chief.
- Yes, sir.

- Careful. He took a phaser hit.
- Easy. l have you.

These people have been prisoners for
ten years. They need medical attention.

First let's look at this wound.

- Bashir to Dax.
- Go ahead.

A patient needs emergency treatment.
Beam us to the infirmary.

Stand by.

- Commander, l need to talk...
- Major, l'm glad you could join us.

l'm sorry.

- l didn't know you were busy.
- Apparently not.

- l'll wait outside.
- Hold on, Major.

There's something l want you to hear.
Go ahead, Dukat.

Major, l have just informed
Commander Sisko

that the Cardassian high command
has issued a formal apology

- to the people of Bajor.
- An apology?

We had no idea that Bajoran prisoners
were still being held on Cardassia lV.

Such detentions are a direct violation

of supreme directive 2645.

And l assure you

the camp prefect
will be chastised accordingly.

- The prisoners that were left behind?
- They are already en route to Bajor.

- l look forward to their safe return.
- l'm sure you do.

And l hope that our quick response
to this unfortunate situation

will prove once and for all
that Cardassia is no longer your enemy.

- Commander?
- l'm as surprised as you are.

There's got to be a reason
why they're being so accommodating.

l'm sure there is.
But until we figure out their motives,

let's just be grateful that the prisoners
are safe.

Congratulations on the success
of your mission, Major.

That should do it.
How do you feel?

- Better.
- Good.

Your wound wasn't that serious.
You've probably had worse.

Actually, this one was bad enough.

l've read all about your battle
with Gul Zarale.

- That was a long time ago.
- l consider myself a history buff.

The campaigns you led
against the Cardassians...

Doctor, l think that you'll find others
enjoy talking about those days

- far more than l do.
- Of course.

l understand completely.

- Amazing.
- What is?

Being here. l used to work in one
of this station's ore processing plants.

You'll find that things
have changed considerably.

A transport carrying Minister Jaro
has just arrived from Bajor.

Major, you should have the honour
of welcoming him aboard.

Thank you, Commander.

lf you're hungry, the Replimat
has some passable Bajoran food.

Actually, l'm a bit tired.

- l'd like to see my quarters.
- Of course.

lt appears you've been recognised.

- Minister Jaro.
- Major. Where is he?

- On the Promenade.
- And he's all right?

- Considering what he's been through.
- Li Nalas alive.

Who would have imagined?
The Prophets were kind to you today.

They were kind to all of us.

Your adventure made you enemies
in the Chamber of Ministers.

All l did was risk my life.

What you did today, Major,
was declare w*r on Cardassia.

- Thankfully they declined the invitation.
- l'd do it again to bring Li Nalas home.

The next time you disobey orders

will mean the end
of your military career.

As a private citizen,

l want to thank you
for what you've done this day.

- That's good to hear.
- Now take me to see Li Nalas.

Move it back, please.
No pushing.

l'm sorry about this, Commander.

l don't think they're going to leave
until you say a few words.

lf that's what it takes.

lt's good to be free.

lt's good to know that,
after all our years of struggle,

- Bajor is finally free.
- Yes, it is good to be free.


- lt really is you, isn't it?
- Li Nalas.

l'm Minister Jaro Essa.
l'm delighted to welcome you home.

- lt is a pleasure to be here.
- May l address the crowd?

A politician can't give up
an opportunity like this.

You go right ahead.

Fellow Bajorans,
l have only one thing to ask you.

Never forget this moment.

One day your children
will ask you what it was like

the day Li Nalas returned to Bajor.

l hope you'll find
these quarters satisfactory.


l just spent ten years
in a Cardassian labour camp.

l'm just grateful for a moment's privacy.

Enjoy it while you can.

Judging from the crowd,
a moment may be all you get.

l thought they would have
forgotten me by now.

lt appears you were wrong.

This morning, l was a sl*ve.

Tonight, l am a hero.

lt must seem a little overwhelming.

What is overwhelming, Commander,

is knowing that something
l have waited for my whole life

has finally happened.

The Cardassians are gone.

We won.

You've been there recently.

What's it like, a free Bajor?

l think you'll be pleased,
for the most part.

- For the most part?
- Bajor lacks strong leadership.

So that's what Major Kira meant.

On the runabout,
she told me that my return

would bring stability to Bajor.

She's right. Bajor could use your help
and frankly so could l.

But before you go off saving Bajor,
you could use a good night's sleep.

lt sounds like l'm going to need it.

One for you and six for me.

One for you and six for me.

One for you and six for me.
Would you stop looking so glum?

Payday is supposed to be
a time of joy.

l know, brother, but every week
it's the same thing.

Six for you and only one for me.
lt's not fair!

- You're right.
- l am?

Yes. lt's not fair.

- lt's not?
- Absolutely not.

One for you and...

...seven for me.

One for you and...

...seven for me.
ls that better?

Where are you going?

To bed, to dream
of an equal share of profits.

Dream on.

One for you...

...and seven for me.

What is it now?

Quark! Hold still.

Doctor? Will there be a scar?

- l said hold still.
- Does that mean yes?

No. This dermal regenerator
should repair damaged tissue

as well as prevent scarring.
Unless, of course,

you don't hold still.

- Did you recognise your assailants?
- They were wearing masks.

- They didn't say anything?
- They just branded me and left.

The Promenade was deserted.
No one saw them enter or leave.

l want all security personnel
put on full alert.

- l've already seen to it.
- Who was responsible for this?

An extremist group from Bajor
who call themselves the Circle.

- Bajorans did this?
- l'm afraid so.

But why?

Their goal is to rid Bajor
of all non-Bajorans.

Hasn't the provisional government
tried to stop them?

The Circle is more organised
than the government.

lt had better get organised because
l will sue them for compensation.

Not now, Quark.

People are impatient with the
government, so they turn to the Circle.


We need someone to speak out,

someone the people will listen to.

There. That should do it.

- How do l look?
- As...handsome as ever.


- Jake, what are you doing up?
- l couldn't sleep.

How was your date?
lt was tonight, wasn't it?

lt was supposed to be.
She couldn't make it.

lt happens.

She said her father wouldn't let her
go out with me.

Because l'm not a Bajoran.

That's not much of a reason.

Oh, Jake.

There are some things
happening on Bajor.

Troubling things.

l'm sorry you've become
a victim of them.

You don't deserve it.
Nobody does.

- Time for bed, OK?
- OK.

Night, Dad.

There's a call for you from the Tygarian
freighter docked on upper pylon two.

Put it through.

Commander Sisko, l am Romah Doek,
executive officer of the Nanut.

We were preparing to depart
the station

when we discovered a Bajoran
trying to stow away on our ship.

l was hoping you would know
what to do with him.

The Nanut isn't scheduled to return
for two years.

- l planned on staying much longer.
- l don't follow.

Commander, l'm going
to tell you a story.

- You may even believe it.
- l'm listening.

During the occupation, l was a member
of a minor resistance cell.

One day, in the mountains
surrounding the Sahving Valley,

we were ambushed by Cardassians.
Only three of us escaped.

We hid in the hills for two days.
Finally, we were forced into the valley.

We made our way to a ridge
overlooking a small lake.

l was the only one with a phaser

so l went on ahead
to scout for the enemy.

Halfway down the embankment,
l slipped,

went sprawling down to the lake as
a Cardassian emerged from the water.

He must have finished bathing.
He stood there, frozen in surprise,

dressed only in his underwear,
shivering in the cold.

l lay there,
too stunned to move.

lt was only when he reached
for a phaser r*fle

lying on a nearby rock

that l realised l was holding
my own phaser, and l shot him.

His body fell on top of me.
That's how my companions found us.

One of them recognized him
as Gul Zarale,

responsible for the m*ssacre
of half a dozen Bajoran villages.

l tried to tell them
what had happened,

but they were convinced
that l had k*lled Zarale

in some kind of savage struggle,

which is what they insisted
on telling every Bajoran we met.

No matter how hard l denied it,
the story spread

until it seemed all of Bajor had heard it.

Every victory won by the resistance,
was attributed to my leadership.

Stories of my brilliance, my daring,
my courage

grew more and more unbelievable,
yet people insisted on believing them.

My reputation followed me
to the camp,

where my mere presence
inspired my fellow prisoners.

And l had done nothing

but sh**t an unarmed Cardassian
in his underwear.

l'll never forget the look
on his face when he died.

He was so...embarrassed.

So you see, Commander, l have done
what Bajor needed me to do.

l have allowed myself to be a sl*ve
to my reputation all of these years.

And now it is enough.

They still need you.

But l am not the man
that they think l am.

Perhaps not.
But Bajor doesn't need a man.

lt needs a symbol
and that's what you are.

No one's asking you to k*ll a hundred
Cardassians with your bare hands.

l saw you in front of the crowd
on the Promenade.

They look at you
and they see strength

and honour and decency.

They look at you
and see the best in themselves.

But it's all based on a lie.

No. lt's based on a legend.

And legends are as powerful
as any truth.

Bajor still needs that legend.

lt needs you.

The transport is ready
for departure.

Opening mooring clamps
on docking bay 6.


- Commander.
- Minister Jaro. Li.

Navarch Li, as of yesterday's
assembly vote.


There's never been one before.

Any existing title was inadequate
so they created a new one for me.

l hear that thousands greeted your ship
when it arrived on Bajor.

lt was quite a celebration.
l wish l could have stayed longer.

The Navarch needed to return
to his new post.

He's been made Bajoran liaison officer
to Deep Space 9.

- l already have a liaison officer.
- Not any more.

Major Kira is no longer assigned
to this post.

She's been recalled to Bajor.
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