02x14 - Justice, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x14 - Justice, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh my, that looks quite good on you!

In all my years,

I've never received such
a strange request for clothing.

I'm in a hurry. What's the total?

See ya.

Uh, thank you, sir...

Let go! Let go of me!

And don't you dare touch me there!

-Shut up! Don't say it like that!
-Here's her ticket.

No! I don't wanna!

I'm going with you guys!

Listen, Little Miss.

My daughter, Jotaro's mother...

is in grave danger at the moment.

We're on this journey
to save my daughter's life.

Forget this running away business,
and start heading home.

I'm sure your parents are worried sick.


Fine, I guess so.

I'll make you look good
this time, Grandpa.

What's the matter?


See ya! Life is just
a bunch of goodbyes anyway!

I do sort of wish I could've
seen him once more.

Goodbye, Jojo! You better save your mom!

I'll be rooting for you!

Pakistan is a young country,
established in

following its separation from India.

But when Japan was still
a hunter-gatherer society,

Pakistan was the seat
of a highly developed civilization.

Here in Pakistan, the people carry on

the -year history
of the Indian subcontinent.


I gotta say, Jotaro, I'm impressed you got

a Japanese school uniform
made here in Pakistan.

The fit is perfect, too.

It's % wool.

Polnareff, are you ok driving?

The fog seems to be thickening.

Yeah, I guess it is kinda dangerous.

With no guard rail on this cliff
and all...

The fog looks even thicker up ahead.

It's not even : yet,
but I guess we have no choice.

Let's stop in that town for the night.

I wonder if they've got nice hotels.

A nice hotel, huh?

Right. And it'd better have
a decent bathroom!

I still can't get used to those toilets

in India and Western Asia.

Was that a dead dog?

What's the matter, Jotaro?

Oh, it was nothing.

Not a bad town.

There must be at least
a few thousand people living here.

Let's ask about a hotel
at that restaurant there.

But there's a weird quiet
about this place...

Every other place has been
so crowded and noisy.

It's probably the fog.

Listen up, men.

In the Islamic countries west of Pakistan,

this is how you greet people.

First, you smile and say...


Um, hehe... No need to
close up shop just for us.

We just wanted to ask a question.
Are there any hotels here in town?

Anybody home?

I do not know.


Hey, wait a minute.
Whaddya mean, you don't know?

What's with that guy...?

I must've been seeing things.

I'm sure he couldn't understand you

because your pronunciation's so bad.

Let's ask the guy over there.

Sorry, but we're looking for
a hotel around here.

Preferably a hotel
with nice, clean bathrooms.

Do you know any...

Hey, you!

What's wrong?


He's dead! His face is frozen in fear!

What's going on?

Why is he lying dead in the road?

What could've k*lled him?

A heart attack? A stroke?

It's possible...

But what we've got here
is no ordinary heart failure.

A g*n! This guy is holding a g*n...

You just noticed?

It's still smoking. He just fired it.

He must've just fired it.
Maybe two to five minutes ago.

Either way, it must've been
right before we arrived in town.

Could it be su1c1de?
Think he shot himself?

No, I doubt it.

His body doesn't seem to have
any visible wounds...

and there's no blood anywhere.

Then how'd this guy die? Look at him!

His face is all twisted,

like he was screaming in utter terror!

I don't know.

Exactly who or what did this man
sh**t at with this g*n?

What happened?

Didn't anyone in town notice
what was happening?

Excuse me, ma'am.

Someone has died here!
Please call the police!

You must excuse me.

My boils, they are infected.

Did you say you need something?

I asked you to call the police!

The police?

But why?

Look! That man's dead!

Oh dear, someone is dead you say?

Is there anything I can do?

I already asked you to call the police!

Yes, yes, call the police...

Of course.

My boils are infected.

They are so itchy. So terribly itchy...

What is with the people in this town?

A man is lying dead in the street,

and nobody seems
the slightest bit concerned.

There was a g*nsh*t, and no one noticed?

These people are more oblivious than
the most jaded New Yorker or Tokyoite.

That dog...

This blasted fog just keeps
getting thicker and thicker.

It's almost as if the fog has
swallowed the town whole.

This's really creepy.

Doesn't that part there look like a skull?

What do you want to do, old man?

You don't think it's the work
of another Stand user, do you?

Probably not. There's no motive.

Would someone who's after us

k*ll a man who has nothing to do with us,

before we even got here?

There's no reason for
a Stand user to k*ll him.

Who knows...
He obviously died unnaturally.

We can examine the body
before the police come.

Just don't touch it.


Looks like he was traveling, too,
just like us.

He has bus and train tickets.

And he looks like he might be Indian.

He's carrying Indian money.

I'm guessing he's not from this town.


A wound!

There's an opening the size of
a ten-yen coin under his throat!

This must be what k*lled him.

But why isn't there any blood?

With a wound this large,
blood should be everywhere.

Normally, at least.

This is no ordinary m*rder.

We've got to get to the bottom of this.

But first things first.

Take off his clothes.

What happened to his body?

It's riddled with holes!

He looks like the cartoon cheese
on Tom & Jerry!

And there's not a drop of blood
near any of these wounds.

How do you even k*ll someone like that?

What does all this mean?

Be careful.

If there wasn't a Stand user here before,
you can bet there's one here now.


Get in the car!
We're leaving this place now!



This isn't the car!

Hermit Purple!

Hey. Old man.

What in the hell are you doing?
You've lost it?

Oh, no!

What am I doing?

The car was right here just a minute ago!

What? The car?

We just parked over there.


But just now...

I see you are travelers.

I'm afraid with this fog,

it's too dangerous to leave town now.

We have many cliffs, you know.

I run my own bed and breakfast.

If you'd like,
why not stay there for the night?

I'll even give you a healthy discount.

Finally, a normal person!


We must assume a Stand user
is hiding somewhere in this town.

This fog puts us
at a significant disadvantage.

We cannot let our guard down tonight.

I realize no one's att*cked us yet,
but, damn, this town is creepy.

Come on, this way, Master Joestar.
That's my hotel.

Follow me,
and I'll lead you to your rooms.

I know it doesn't look like much...
but twenty years ago,

one of the movies was filmed here,

and John Lennon from the Beatles
once stayed here as well.

What? Seriously?

No, I was just pulling your leg.


it is quite a nice hotel,
if I do say so myself.

We don't have any other guests
at the moment,

so you can choose the dinner menu.

Care for meat?

-Or would you prefer fish?
-Hold it, Grandma.

You called me "Joestar," didn't you?

How'd you know that name?

Come now,

that young man beside you said
"Mr. Joestar" earlier.

What? Me?

Now that I think about it, maybe I did.

Yes, you did, sir.

When you've been in this business
for as many years as I have,

you learn to memorize
people's names quickly.

So I'm sure of it.

By the way, Ma'am,
what happened to your left hand?

Oh, this? It's just a little burn...

It must be my old age.

I accidentally spilled
boiling water on it.

Old age? Don't be silly.

You hardly look a day over forty.

I should ask you on a date.

Don't tease an old woman now.

You damn, babbling, pathetic fool!

It is you I despise most, Polnareff!

I'll make sure you suffer a pain

a thousand times worse
than what my son endured.

Then I'll cut off your d*ck

and rip out your guts to finish you off!

Oh, this doesn't look bad at all.

Here, Kakyoin.


My autograph's worth

as much as Lennon's.
I'm Paul-nareff, after all!

Make sure you take good care of it.

My, my...

I will do just that.

To commemorate the day I m*rder you!

It's done.

Well, then...
Allow me to show you to your rooms.

Man... Talk about a weird town.

Now, time to hit the loo.

It must be broken.

Then I won't be able to use Hermit Purple

to get info on the enemy...

Hey, Mr. Joestar.

What's the matter?

Does this room have a bathroom?

Looks like mine doesn't have one.

Perhaps the bathrooms here are communal.

Ah, of course!

Good grief. He's so carefree.

A Stand user could attack at any moment...

So, the Joestar party
is on the third floor?

Hol Horse... So, you've come.

Yeah, I finally tracked those bastards

as far as this creepy town.

But finding you is a surprise, Enyaba.

I didn't expect you
to fight them yourself.

What's the matter, Enyaba?

Why're you crying?

I'm just happy, Hol Horse!

It means so much that you're here!

Thank you for coming
to see this lonely old woman!

It is so wonderful to finally see you!

Hol Horse, you and my son
were friends, were you not?


Uh, well, I...


Yes, we were thick as thieves.

So you were close?


Yeah, he was a dear friend
and an excellent partner!

What's all this about?
You're not acting like yourself.

Will you avenge my son?
Is that why you're here?

Yes! That's exactly it!

I'm gonna make sure those bastards
pay for k*lling my best friend!

That's exactly what I want to hear!

Because now I can k*ll you too!

Enyaba? What the hell are you doing?

How dare you, Hol Horse?

You abandoned my son
and left him for dead!

I swore I would k*ll you
the moment I saw you again!

His "best friend"? How dare you?

Wait! You've got it all wrong!

By the time I got there,
Centerfold was already a goner!

You wretch! You're as unforgivable
as that bastard, Polnareff!

I'll have you die at the hands
of my Stand, Justice!


I'm sure you heard rumors,
but I doubt you've ever seen it!

I shall show you right now, Hol Horse!

What the hell is happening
to the blood in my arm?

It's like it's evaporating...

It made such a fine wound!

That's right!
My Stand, Justice, is made of fog.

Any wound my Stand happens to graze
becomes a gaping hole.

And then...

Justice wants to dance!

My Stand's fog has entered
your arm like a string!

And now, you're my puppet!

You will die by your own hand, Hol Horse!

You shouldn't get so damn cocky!


Die, you crazy old hag!

Justice prevails!

What the hell was that noise?

It came from the room behind the lobby...

Is something wrong, Polnareff?

I thought I heard a strange noise.

I'm going to take a look downstairs.

I'll be in the lobby.
Call me if you need anything.

Curse you, Polnareff!


I just saw him. He's in the bathroom.

Oh, the bathroom?

The bathroom is just past that door.

I thought I just heard
someone say "toilet."

I always seem to get att*cked
in bathrooms...
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