02x18 - The Sun

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x18 - The Sun

Post by bunniefuu »

How could this have happened?

I can't believe...

I can't believe
we totally fell for it.

Having managed to halt
The Lovers' invasive attack,

Jotaro and company avoid

the political unrest
in Iran and Iraq,

and instead cross
the Arabian Sea at Karachi

to arrive at
the United Arab Emirates.

Now then, if you'd be so kind
as to sign this document,

everything will be
squared away, sir.

Right here, yes?

You know, if a pretty girl like you
asked me to,

I might even be inclined
to buy a car.

My, aren't you sweet.

How'd you feel about the two of us
getting dinner sometime?

Polnareff, I hate to interrupt
when you're obviously so busy, but...

Mister Joestar!

Come on, it's time to leave.

Try not to mess with the hair!

Do you know how hard it is
to look this good?

As if anybody cares
about your hairdo.

You're driving.


Bye, Mademoiselle.

But Mister Joestar,
I don't get why we're riding in

such a fancy, expensive car
in this sandy death trap.

Wouldn't an off-road vehicle
be better?

You'll find out soon enough.

Wow, this country's amazing!

It's like every house is
some kind of crazy mansion.


In Tokyo, you'd need
three to four billion yen

to buy one of these.

This is the standard of living
in this country.

It wasn't but twenty years ago
that this place was a barren desert.

Though, thanks to
a thriving oil industry,

it's grown into
a playground for the rich.

That sun may be merciless,

but it sure is nice and cool
in here with the air-conditioning.

Not too shabby.


What's wrong, Kakyoin?

It's nothing.

I was just thinking about
how open the landscape is here.

If anyone were after us,
I'm sure we'd spot them.

But I just can't shake the feeling
that someone's watching us.

Yeah, can't say that I blame you.

Well, back to business.

I've given a bit of thought
to the route we should take.

About a hundred
kilometers northwest

is a village called Yarpline.

The desert and mountains

make taking a direct route
near impossible.

It takes two days to reach by car,

so the locals use
a Cessna to get there.

We should go to the village
and buy a Cessna,

then we can cross
the vast Saudi Arabian desert.

You know,
I've been apprehensive about

getting anywhere near a plane.

If a Stand user att*cked,
and the plane went down,

we'd be putting
innocent lives at risk.

With a Cessna,
I could be the pilot.

We'd be able to save
some time for sure.

Flying in a Cessna with a man
who's been in three plane crashes.

Yeah, that sound's like
a perfect idea to me.

That comment notwithstanding...

Our priority should be
crossing the desert

and hightailing it
to the village of Yarpline.

It'll take one day on camel-back.


A Cessna's one thing,
but on camel-back?

I've never ridden
a camel in my life!

Leave it to me.

I know these creatures well.
I'll show you the ropes.

You boys sit back
and watch the magic happen.

You want camels, you say?

Sure, but they're gonna
cost you my friend.

And they need a gentle touch.

We're kind of
in a life-or-death situation here,

so we need them,
whatever it takes.

As for payment,
how about a trade for that car?


I couldn't possibly accept
such an offer, sir.

Yeah, Mister Joestar!

Besides, you literally
just bought that car!

What other reason
do you think I had

to buy such a fancy, expensive car?

It's true an off-road vehicle
would perform better here.

But we can't just
write a check here.

And cash isn't normally accepted.

No, here,
trading is far more effective.

If you try to buy safety for cheap
in a time of emergency,

you'll find yourself
even worse off in the end.

Well, it just means
we've suffered a lot already.

-Hey, Mister.

I take it we have a deal?

Oh, you know what?

To even things out a bit,

how bout you give me the water
in those tanks there, too.

It's the most important thing
when you're in the desert.

But the water isn't nearly
as valuable as your car, sir.

You are very strange indeed, sir.

All right, everyone.
Let's get ready.

Crossing the desert
will be no easy task.

Brace yourselves men!

That stinks!

Hey, Mister Joestar.

How the heck
do you ride these things?

It's, like, three meters tall.

So with camels...

You make them sit first,
and then get on.

You make them sit first,
and then get on.

You make them sit, then get on!

Give me a minute.
He'll sit, just you wait.

Hey! Sit down would you!

Damn it, this one's stubborn!

You have ridden
one of these before, right?

I will have you know I've watched

Lawrence of Arabia three times,
start to finish!

I know all too well
how to ride a camel!

Though, two of those times,
I slept through half of it...

You learned to ride from a movie?


You've never actually ridden one?

The saliva makes great sunscreen!
The more you know!

Listen up.

When you're handling an animal,

it's imperative to understand
exactly how it feels.

And I mean exactly!

Here, doesn't this yummy apple
look scrumptious?

It's really good!

Come on, come on.

There's a good boy.

You see?
I made the camel sit down!

If you take the time to get inside
its head, it'll sit down for you!

I did it!

It's so high off the ground!

And did you know camels can close
their nostrils to keep sand out?

And before I forget.

You're forbidden from making
dumb camel jokes!

All right.

Now for the finer points
of riding a camel.

Listen up.

Camels don't walk
anything like horses.

The front and back leg
on either side move forward together,

so these things can sway a lot.

Find a way to ride
with the camel's rhythm,

and you'll be just fine.

For example!

Hey, wait! You're going too fast!

Listen to me, dammit!

I didn't tell you to go that way!

Okay, then!

Now that everyone's gotten
the hang of mounting and riding.

We have a desert to get through!

Onward toward the northwest!


Something's wrong.

I still have the feeling
someone's watching us.

Kakyoin, don't you think you might
be worrying a bit too much?

The palm leaves
are erasing our tracks.

Plus we can see for kilometers
in all directions.

If someone were here, we'd know.

No, I've been sensing
someone's presence, too.

Better take a look around,
then, Jotaro.

See anything suspicious out there?

No, nothing.

Nothing whatsoever. But...

Something's not right here.
Something's just...

Hey, let's hurry up and go.


Let's get as far away as we can.

We'll travel
till the sun goes down,

then stop to pitch our tents.

It's much too dangerous
for us to travel at night.

Yeah, but it's sweltering out here!

Look, it's fifty degrees Celsius!

Yeah, it is hot out here.

Then again, right around this time
is when it's hottest.

Eight o'clock? Wha--

Jotaro! Check your watch.
What time does it say?

It's ten past eight...

Hey, Old Man!

So, it is...

I know we lost track of time, but...

what the hell's going on?

It's past eight o'clock at night!

So why isn't the sun setting?


The thermometer's jumping
to sixty degrees Celsius!

It's not setting...

It's actually rising in the west!

Could the sun really be...

...a Stand?


My God!

We're in the middle of the desert!

Take cover behind those rocks!

That sun is a Stand?

We're such fools!
How did we miss this?

I knew we were being watched,

but never thought this is why
we can't see our stalker!

At this rate,
that sun's gonna burn all day...

no, all night long...

That Stand's gonna roast us
like a couple of rotisserie chickens!

We're screwed!

I doubt it'll take that long.

A sauna can dangerously raise
the body's temperature in minutes.

Then how do we fight it?

Damn it!
It's seventy degrees Celsius now!

You can't even tell
if that Stand is close or far away!

The distance is impossible to judge!

The fastest way

is to take care of the Stand user.

Indeed, the user,
he has to be nearby.

We have to find him.

He must have a way
of concealing himself

to follow us this whole time.

Wait a minute!

What if he's like The Lovers?

What if he can use his Stand
from far away?

That's impossible.

A weak Stand can
be controlled from a distance,

but this sun is just too strong.

The energy it's emitting is incredible.

The Stand user has to be nearby.

This is bad.

The camels are starting to collapse
from the heat.

This waiting isn't
getting us anywhere!

I'll have Hierophant
survey the area.


I'm only searching for
the Stand's location.

Once we know how far away it is,

we might be able
to locate the user.

Twenty meters. Forty meters...

Sixty meters. Eighty meters...

One hundred...

Something's not right!

Have Hierophant come back!

Something's coming right for us!

Before that happens, Emerald...


The camel!

You bastard!

I'm gonna bust a hole
in the ground!

Everyone get in!

You okay, Kakyoin?

Yes. I was in the middle
of initiating my Emerald Splash,

so that protected me
from any major damage.

More concerning
is this intense heat.

I feel like it's going
to drive me insane.

That attack was so accurate.

The Stand user must be
watching us from somewhere!

But from where? Where is he?

Keep your voice down.

The enemy will find us!

Just lay low. We'll sit tight
for a while and see what happens.

Oh, shit!

Things can't go on like this.

Come on, think!

It's time for this old-timer
to grab the bull by the horns!

But this is a far-from-ideal spot.

I can't even use my best technique.

I have to get more information.


Son of a bitch!

Where the hell are you?

How are you watching us?

Are you invisible or something?

Hey, Kakyoin, what's the matter?

Hey, Kakyoin!

The hell are you laughing about?

Are you all right, Kakyoin?

Control yourself, man!


You too?


Not you too?

Oh my God!

They've finally gone mad
from the heat!

Am I the only one who's still sane?

Hey! Jotaro,
get a hold of yourself!

You have to settle down!

Sometimes things get rough,

and when they do,
you have to stay cool!


Don't get the wrong idea,
Mister Joestar.

Have a look at
that rock over there.

It's large enough for someone
to hide behind, is it not?

I'm not following.

Now take a look at the rock
on the opposite side.

Opposite side?

Still don't see it?

There's a rock that's shaped
exactly the same

on the opposite side.

The shadow is also reversed.
Which means...

What a stupid trick!


Stay here, Old Man.

Jotaro! If you go out there now,

you're all but asking
the enemy to attack you!

It's dangerous!

It made a hole in the sky?

Good grief.

You really are pathetic, Old Man.

I'll just assume
the heat was too much for you.

Or else I'd find it hard to believe
you're my grandfather.

Since we defeated the enemy Stand,
night's finally fallen.

Or maybe I should say,
it's back to being night.

However you wanna slice it,
we're safe!

Just how long do you plan
on hiding in that hole?


Good grief.

It's finally gotten dark.

Well, whaddya know, it's a mirror!

Take a look.

Check out the little car he has
behind the mirror.

It looks rather comfy.
It even has air conditioning.

Man, I had no idea
he was reflecting the desert

and tailing us from behind
in this nifty little thing.

I see he has a t*nk of water, too.

How bout we take it off his hands?

Oh, and here's a drink.

Huh? You mean we've already
beaten the Stand user?

There's nothing else to do?

We don't even know
this guy's name,

but somehow we've already
made short work of his Stand?

Yes, you've hit the nail
on the head.


So this was
the Sun card's Stand, huh?

At first he was pretty impressive,

but once we figured him out,
he actually kinda sucked.

Well, onto our next destination.

It's pretty chilly in the desert
at night, isn't it?

Hold your horses!
Traveling at night is dangerous!

Why don't we camp out here
for the night!

Well that idiot's finished,
so it'll be sweet dreams tonight!


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