02x19 - Death 13, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x19 - Death 13, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

That piercing noise...

What is this place?

An amusement park?

I've never been here before.

Why in the world am I riding on
a Ferris wheel in my pajamas?

Something's wrong.

The desert...

I remember being in the desert

riding through Saudi Arabia
on camel back.

But where are the others?

Did they abandon me?

This isn't making any sense.

There's not a soul anywhere
in this amusement park,

so why do I hear
the cries of a baby?

Where is it?

This card is...

Death !

The card's moving!


Hey, take it easy!

Stop screaming and shaking the bed
like that girl from The Exorcist.

You're weirding me out.

-Where are we?
-Don't ask stupid questions.

Come on, get up already.

After breakfast,
we're gonna take to the skies.

Looks like another scorcher.

I had a terrible nightmare.

It was horrifying.

Oh, lay on the details.

I wanna hear all about it!

Thing is, I can't remember.

-I've forgotten it all.

Regardless, it was petrifying.

You woke me up,
and pulled me out of it.

Wish we could talk more,
but we gotta get a move on!

Let's go.

Hurry up and get ready!

There's a cut on my hand.

How'd it get there?


Jotaro and Mr. Joestar are
already headed to the plane.

Supposedly, we're traveling
five hundred kilometers today.

My dog!

My poor dog is...


Who would do such a thing?

A dog?

A dog...

I could've sworn I saw
a dead dog not too long ago.

Whoever did this is sick,

but there's nothing
we can do about it.

Let's go.


Hold on a dang second, Mister.

What exactly do you mean,
you "can't sell us the plane now"?

You had no problem
taking my money last night!

You'll get a full refund.

But first we need to see
to a baby with a fever.

-It's degrees Celsius.

We have no doctor here.

We have no choice but
to take the baby somewhere else.

Then how about
the plane over there?

That one's broken.

What's up? Some kind of argument?


A baby...

I remember hearing a baby's cries.

But where?

The plane will be back
tomorrow night.

I can sell it to you after that.

Tomorrow night?

We've got someone's life
on the line too!

We can't spend two days
pissing around this place!

So you'd rather let that baby die?

Well, I...

Excuse me, I have a suggestion.

We can give the baby
to these gentlemen.

They can take it
to the doctor on their way.

Uh, nice idea, but...

The Cessna is built to carry four.

But surely there's room
enough for a baby.

I could've sworn
I just saw it smile.

The baby already has teeth?

You sure about this, lady?

Do you really wanna
leave it with them?

Just a minute!
We can't do that either!

It's too dangerous for the baby
to come with us.

I told them
this would be dangerous.

Hey, just try
and take it easy, Mister Joestar.

No Stand can catch a plane flying
hundreds of kilometers an hour.

We even made sure
the plane isn't a Stand.

I'm more worried about
the Old Man's flying

than an att*ck from an enemy Stand.

Oh, thank goodness!

What a relief.

But I wonder whose baby was that?

You're not the mother
of that child?

Oh no, I found it by the well
this morning.

From the moment I heard
the baby's crying,

I couldn't help myself.

I felt I had to put him
on that plane.


I always get so tired
when I get on a plane.

Mister Joestar, sorry, but I think
I need a thirty-minute cat nap.


What is this?

Hey Kakyoin,
where the hell are we?

Where's Mr. Joestar and Jotaro?

This is the same dream
I had this morning.

We're inside a dream!

-What? A dream?

That's a relief!
Just a stupid dream.

You had me worried there.

If it's only a dream,
who cares about a dead dog?

Polnareff, you can't be serious!

Dreams are only as scary
as you make them.

-Oh, just try and relax.

How can I when we're having
the same dream?

I suppose you do have a point.

It is kinda weird.

But in a dream
isn't anything possible?

Oh, boy! Wouldja look at that!

Lucky me!
This dreaming thing is great!

See? Think your dream is fun,
and it will be!


You saw the dog's carcass
this morning!

It must have been dreaming
the same dream as me!

It was k*lled in this dream!

I got this cut on my hand
while in the dream too.

By whom?

By the enemy's Stand, Death !

The enemy's Stand?


I get it, you had a dream
about Stands!

-Come on, you've got to take it easy.

It wasn't a dream about Stands!

A Stand was in my dream!

That's what I said.

You were having a dream
about Stands.

You still don't get it, do you?

Lali-ho! Tell me, does it hurt
being that stupid?

Oh, for the love of...

I'm saying you're slow
on the uptake, Polnareff!

It's coming from the dog's wound.


This is a dream,
and I'm the grim reaper,

-A megaphone?

What is that thing?

Polnareff, stay on guard!

That fiend is Death !


Come forth, Hierophant Green!

Hierophant, att*ck!


Why can't I summon Hierophant?

I can't get Chariot
to come out either!

Is it because we're in
some kind of twisted dream?


It's romantic, wouldn't you agree?
Being able to die in a dream!



Jotaro, do you sense that?

Yeah, clear as day.

Are you stupid?

Surely you know only a Stand
can defeat a Stand!

It's time for you to enter
your eternal sleep, Polnareff.





Hey, Polnareff, wake up.

Polnareff, seems our little
traveler wet himself.

Hurry up and change his diaper.

Curses! Someone must have
woken the fool.

He's quite lucky.

I suppose it's no matter.

Even if he wakes up,
he won't remember a single thing.

I'll just have to finish him
the next time he falls asleep.

So, Kakyoin,
it looks like you get to be first!


Hey, Polnareff, you awake yet?

The diaper!

All right, I'm up...

I feel like I had some kind
of terrifying nightmare.

But I don't remember
what happened at all.

I've completely forgotten...

Once you change the boy's diaper,
you can head back to dreamland.

I won't wake you again.

Hold on a second guys!

The kid took a dump in his diaper!

Just look at the size of it!

Well, he is a baby.
That's why he wears diapers.

You're kidding me!
That's why?

I had no idea!
What a vile, disgusting creature!

And he's gotten it
all over the place!

Stop yapping and change
the diaper already!

It stinks.

How are you not embarrassed?

Grow up already, will you?

Does this look right to you?

Well, it looks good to me.

Jotaro, hold on to the edge there.

I'm going to try and pin it.

Okay. Like this?

Now hold on to the baby.


-Stop it!
-Kakyoin, what's wrong?

Hey! What's going on?

Stop it!

Damn it!

I've lost control!

Don't tell me we're gonna crash?


what's the matter with you?

He was like this this morning!

I don't care, just calm him down!

Old man!
Fix the control column!

We're gonna crash!

pull yourself together, pronto.

We're about to crash
because of you.


Talk about a restless sleeper!

At this rate, you're going
to k*ll yourself and my user.

Your user is that baby?

I don't believe it...

He's only about six months old.

I'm eleven months.
Almost a year old!

You should also know
I'm a genius!

I may poop in my diapers,

but I know a helluva lot more
than you idiots!


And with that,
you've lost your ability to scream!

A Stand within a dream...

I have to find a way to let
Mr. Joestar and Jotaro know.

What are you doing?

Dammit! Level us out!

Calm down!

"Panic" isn't part of my vocabulary.

Can't you see I'm working on it!

I'm not waking up...


No one's going to notice
if you're cutting your arm

with a Kn*fe that's smaller
than my wee-wee.

Besides, you can hurt yourself
all you want in a dream,

but you won't wake up.

As long as you're asleep,

I control every iota
of your precious mind.

Death infiltrates the minds
of its slumbering victims

when they are at
their most vulnerable.

Damn it. Stop!

What's wrong, old man?

We're crashing!

I'll control it with Hermit Purple!

I did it!

I lifted the plane
just in the nick of time!

What a close one...

It would seem we managed
to avoid crashing.

That was too close for comfort.

Now then...

What do you say to me k*lling you
by crushing that heart of yours?

Then Joestar and the others
will think you had a heart att*ck.

Die! Kakyoin!

Did you guys see that?

How do you like them apples?

-My flying's not too shabby!

What the hell is a palm tree
doing all the way out here?

Good grief...

I knew it.

This had to happen!



This good for now?

Yeah, thanks.

We survived, but...

Kakyoin, what's going on?

You got us into this whole mess,
you know.

I'm not sure...

I feel like I just endured
a horrible dream.

And when I awoke,
I was utterly exhausted.

Something might be
wrong with me.

Try and cheer up.
It's probably just fatigue.

It's been about a month now
since we left Japan,

and the enemies haven't let up.

Hey. Looks like
the baby's fever's gone down.

Thank goodness
he's safe and sound!

If anything were to happen to him,
I'd never forgive myself.


Such an adorable smile!

I don't get what's so funny.
You're not even making any jokes.

What an idiot.

Put a sock in it!

This isn't my idea of
a perfect night either!

Hey, Old Man. The radio survived.

What should we do?
Should we send out an SOS?

That'll mean Dio can find us, but...

We've got to.
Let's call for rescue.

For the baby's sake.

I thought I was feeling
twinges of pain.

I'm bleeding...

Did I cut it when we crashed?

What's this? The cuts form letters.

Baby... Stand?

But how did they...?

What could this mean?
It's my handwriting.

I can't remember anything.

Did I do this to myself?

The Kn*fe is free of blood,

and yet the blade
appears to be the culprit.

Could I've really forgotten
violently cutting my own arm?

Damn it!
I was told he was clever.

I never thought
he'd carve letters into his arm

while trying to wake himself.

What was that look
on the baby's face?

He deliberately looked away,
the moment my gaze met his!



Baby... Stand.

Am I really losing my mind?

I'm starting to think...

this baby is a Stand user!

Hey, Kakyoin!

What do you think you're doing?

Come on, that is way too rough.

You could strangle the boy!
What's wrong with you?

My apologies...

There, there,
everything's all right.

Let's have something to eat.

A little food'll
calm you right down.

Hey, Jotaro.

It looks like Kakyoin's
really starting to lose it.

There, there, everything's okay.

Will he make it through
the rest of the trip?

-What do you think about Kakyoin?
-Did you see that?

Kakyoin, that's enough. Stop that.

How foolish are you?

He's a Stand user!

Did you cut that
into your arm yourself?

Am I making things even worse?

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