02x36 - Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1 / Hol Horse and Mondatta, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x36 - Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1 / Hol Horse and Mondatta, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Shit, it's so dark.
I can't see a thing.

Where is that bastard?

It's broad daylight, and I still have
to feel my way around this dump.

It must've been that room.

Dio must be in there...

What the? These are Dio's leftovers?

Damn broads just throw
themselves at him.

Like they want him
to drink their blood.

Nuts, if you ask me.

Guess good's got nothin' on evil.

where'd he get all this gold stuff from?

This guy can have and do anything.

Did you

want something?

Master Dio!

Damn it.

Just looking at him
gives me the chills.

Keep cool, Hol Horse.

Don't let him get to you.

He's nothing.
He's only slightly stronger than you...

I repeat,
did you want something, Hol Horse?

Ah, uh, well...
I came to inform you that,

well, it seems two of
the Nine Great Gods,

Mariah and Alessi,
have been defeated.


And that's not all.

Joestar and the others will
arrive in Cairo tomorrow.

Only three of the Nine Gods remain.

When I said, "And"

I was asking about you, Hol Horse.

When will you exterminate them,
Hol Horse?

You swore your loyalty to me,

but you've yet to
prove yourself in battle.

Anyone can relay information.

You failed me twice,
and now you've crawled back to me.

My body once belonged to a man

by the name of Jonathan Joestar.

He was the grandfather
of Joseph Joestar.


Notice how the left takes longer to heal?

The left side of this body is weak.

It proves that it isn't
yet completely mine.

That I am not yet immortal.

I am ill-equipped
to engage in battle with them.

Now you must destroy Joestar
and the others.

On my behalf...

If not, I shall k*ll you.

You're messing with the wrong guy!

You think you can
thr*aten me into doing you a favor?

Humph... on his behalf...

I'm no fool.

I just side with whoever's strongest.

That was just lip service.
I'd never really swear loyalty to you.

I'm not gonna sell you my soul.

Bastard! You're not so tough!

You're wide open!

Seems you're not
too coordinated yet...

Come to think of it,

I don't have to fight Joseph
and the other three...

I've got Dio all to myself.

It'd be a hell of a lot easier
to blow his head to smithereens

right here, right now.

Then the treasure's mine!

This'll be a piece of cake!

He has no idea
I'm aiming Emperor

point-blank at his skull.

I can finish him off right now.

All it takes is a little pull
of the trigger...

It'll be over in an instant.

Emperor was made
for close-combat carnage!

I can do this. I can do this!

What are you doing?
You seem to be hesitating.


I'll splatter your brains
all over the floor, Mister Dio!

Do you really want to sh**t me?

He's gone.

There is something about you.

As you were about to pull the trigger,
you did not perspire.

Your breathing was relaxed.

You were completely calm.
Impressive, Hol Horse.

How did he do that?

But I didn't see him...

There's no way
he could have stepped behind me

without breaking
any of those spider webs.

No matter how fast he is.

How? How did he get behind me?

I don't understand.

Was that Dio's Stand, The World?

Ill-equipped my ass!

I finally understand, Master Dio.

I've got to pledge my allegiance.

You've got me beat...


Ladies and gentlemen,

we hope you enjoyed our flight
from Aswan today.

We will be arriving on schedule

at Cairo International Airport shortly.

Whoops! 'Scuse us.

Guess it's our cab.


Got a problem there, buddy?

My god...

Take me to Mena House Hotel
in Giza, pronto.

I'm going to open the suitcase.

Shut your lids if you don't want
those peepers to hurt. Got it?

Huh? Did you just say something, sir?

I wasn't talking to you.

Shut up and drive.

Yes, sir.

It's your own damn fault
I had to put you on the plane like this.

Next time don't make such a fuss.

Don't be such a baby, Mondatta.

Your brother's got another month

in the hospital thanks to that b*mb.

You're my partner now.

We're gonna use your book
of premonitions and my assassin g*n

to stamp out Jotaro, Joseph,
and all of them. Got it, Mondatta?

Listen. I know that you're shy.

That you're afraid of just about anyone
besides your brother, Zenyatta.

But don't you want to avenge your brother?

Do you really wanna be a coward forever,

I'm out of options myself!

We're gonna fight!

We're gonna get our revenge, Mondatta!

I'm going to untie you now,

but you swear
you won't wail and scream?

All right. Good boy.

Don't get too nervous,
you'll get sick.

I'm on your side. Don't worry.


Sir? Wha--
Did you throw up?

Shut up!

Oh... Plane made you sick?

Let's be pals, Mondatta.

I'm Mondatta. This is Hol Horse.

He's mean. I don't like him!

While Mondatta was sleeping,

Hol Horse tied him up and
stuffed him in a trunk.

Mondatta was taken
from his brother, Zenyatta.

He was so sad!

But Mondatta wanted
to avenge his brother.

Even though he was very scared,

he worked up his courage
and teamed up with Hol Horse.

You won't even get near me?

Well, I guess you're trying.

I heard your Stand predicts the future.
Is that really true?

Hell, it better be.

It's the whole reason
I brought you here.

Then again,
if your predictions are so great,

why'd your brother get blown sky high?

Answer me!
Your Stand predicts the future, right?

A new comic appeared
on the blank page...

While Mondatta and Hol Horse were
walking around the outskirts of Cairo,

they met a very pretty lady.

Then Hol Horse suddenly jump
kicked the lady in the neck!

The lady was so happy,

she gave Hol Horse her jewels.

Yay! We're rich!

What in the...

You've got to be kidding me!

You call this a prediction, Mondatta?

This is crazy!
There's no way this could happen!

My... My Stand...
Thoth's prophecies are

never wrong!

They're % right.

One hundred percent?
Quit messing with me, kid!

Some broad is gonna give me her jewels
after I jump-kick her in the neck?

No one would ever do that!

Listen, Mondatta.

I'm a gentleman.

I got girls all over the world.

Sure, I might tell a white lie now
and then, but I'd never hit them!

I respect all ladies.

The beauties, the dogs, all of 'em!

There's no way
your prediction's coming true.

I swear, I won't hit a woman.

Nope, never.
Even if she paid me!

It's % true, yes.

See? The prediction was wrong!

Who the hell are you?

This is...
There was a scorpion in your shawl!

-That thing's sting kills!

You spotted the scorpion before
it could crawl into my clothes.

If you hadn't k*lled it,
it would've stung her for sure...

You saved my life. I must repay you.

How about my necklace?

Please take it.

We're invincible!

Mondatta and I are the unstoppable duo!


So the building in the picture, huh?

I've been repairing roofs in Cairo
for over years,

and I've never seen a place like this.

From the looks of it,

thing was built about
a years ago.

I'd guess it's somewhere

south of here.

The buildings in Cairo get older
the farther south you go.


Sorry I couldn't be much help.

No, thanks, sir. Sorry to bother you.

I see. OK, thank you.

I called Japan...

My daughter's much worse.

She's lost all her strength.

She has three, maybe four days.

I can feel it.

Dio is near.

He's hiding somewhere close by.

He has to be around here somewhere.

Let's go.

We'll find him.

We'll talk to everyone we can.

Yes. All we can do is keep on.

We meet again...

Man, I'm getting sick of those faces.

I never thought they'd make it
so close to Master Dio's mansion...

They're almost there.

By the way...


About your new prediction...
Are you really sure it's right?

This is just too...
There's no way this could happen!

My, my...

"My premonitions are % accurate."
That's what you're trying to say?

They are, yes.

Damn it! I'm supposed to believe this?

You've lost it, boy.

"There, we found them!"
shouted Hol Horse.

"Joseph, Jotaro, Polnareff, and Avdol!"

"Darn it!," Hol Horse fumed.
"They're almost to Master Dio's manor!"

"Gosh-darn bafoons.
They each get a b*llet between the eyes!"

Hol Horse was full of bad thoughts.

"You're gonna pay for what
you did to my brother!"

Mondatta was very furious.

But, Hol Horse, couldn't use his g*n,

the Emperor, in the market.

"Now, Hol Horse," Mondatta instructed,
"stick your fingers up Polnareff's nose."

And then...

"We did it! They're out cold from
losing all that blood!"

Lucky you, Hol Horse!

This is your chance to finish them off!

Like hell I'm gonna believe that!

This is the premonition?

Stick my fingers up Polnareff's nose?

What the hell is this crap, Mondatta?

I get the part about k*lling them
and all, but...

I mean it, boy, don't mess with me!

Listen. Even if I am supposed to
stick my fingers up Polnareff's nose,

I'd have to somehow get
close enough to him to do it!

It's much faster if I put a b*llet in him
with my Emperor. Am I wrong?

You won't be able
to fire a b*llet... yes.

Even if you try,

fate won't let you... yes.

Trust me... yes.

If you try to go against
what's in the comic,

you'll suffer.

It's fate... yes.
It's %... yes.

But your brother followed the comic
and nearly died.

My brother was trying
to save himself

and disguised himself

as Jotaro without thinking... yes.

If he had trusted what he read
and not disguised himself,

then the real Jotaro would
have been blown up... yes.

The premonition was correct... yes.

What to do...

Polnareff's gone.

Hey, where's Polnareff?

Where'd he go?

Shit! It can't be...

Don't move!

Or I'll lance you head to toe.


And what do you think you're doing?

Keep your hands where I can see them.

I thought I saw someone
stalking us like a hyena.

And sure enough,
it's our old friend, Hol Horse.

Still haven't learned your lesson?
Still trying to k*ll us, huh?

Thanks for the good times back in India.

You're lucky Avdol survived.

Or else you'd be dead already.

Are you by yourself, Hol Horse?

Nah, you wouldn't be here alone.

You probably have someone nearby,

don't you?


At least he hasn't noticed Mondatta yet.

I still have a chance...

He can see you!
The book! Your fingers!

You're not much of
a threat on your own,

but you've got a knack
for picking allies.

If you've found another helper
like before,

you could be seriously dangerous.

So where is he?
Where's your Stand-wielding partner?

Your fingers...

Hide your fingers, Mondatta.

If he finds you, it's all over!


You got hit because
you tried using your g*n.

Believe in fate.

If you believe, we will win... yes.

Hey, what's under that box?
Someone's in there!

Hey, Polnareff, did you find
the guy following us?

Gah! It's Avdol!
He's headed this way!

Believe, yes!

Trust the book and
stick your fingers

up Polnareff's nose... yes!

Are you serious? Damn it...

I've got no choice!
Fine, I'll do it!

You under the crate.
Show yourself!

Now's my chance!
He's looking the other way!

I know you're hiding under there!

What the...


Yay! Everyone bled a lot
and passed out!

Lucky you, Hol Horse!

Now's your chance to finish them off!

So, when the hell
is this chance coming?

What am I supposed to do now?

What the hell are you doing,
Hol Horse?

That's what I'd like to know!

What the hell am I
supposed to do now?

Now what?

What's wrong, Polnareff?

He won't answer.

That's odd.

They're headed this way!

Damn it!

How do I make the rest
of the prediction come true now?

What the hell
am I supposed to do?

Damn it! I've been cornered!

It's a sign for you to look behind me!

Looks like there was
a car accident over there.

I made tea, so have some lunch.

Once I stuck my fingers up his nose,

the prediction came true.

My premonitions are absolute.
It is fate, yes.
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