02x47 - DIO's World, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x47 - DIO's World, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



So I was right.

The World's speed and power
far exceeds anything

in your pathetic repertoire of tricks!

Enough play. I am content.

I will finish you with a single blow!

I swore I would never again
show mercy

to any descendant of the Joestars.
You must all die swiftly!

The World's true power
will finish you for all eternity!

The World! Stop time!

The World!



And now, the Joestar line ends here.

Oh, perennial nemesis
and fateful burden...

I bid thee farewell!



He just moved!

He... Impossible!

His finger just moved!

Could it be?

They're the same?

It's the same type of Stand
as Star Platinum.

The World and Star Platinum
are the same type of Stand?

Jotaro, can you see me?

Or are you moving
your hand unconsciously?

Time's up.

Could you see me?

I asked if you could see me, Jotaro!

See what?

I don't know
what you're talking about, Dio.

Fine! Have it your way!

When time is standing still,
your ability to see me is irrelevant!

If you can move like The World does,

then show me!

The first time I managed
to stop time was six months ago.

To test my Stand's power and speed,

I ordered my servant to fire
his shotgun in my direction.

As I reached to grab a b*llet,

for a split second,
it looked as if time had stood still.

That's when it all began.

Perhaps I was seeing things, I thought.

Is this the sensation
of an elite boxer witnessing

his opponent's punches
lingering in midair?

Has my sense of time slowed,
like a victim watching

his fate unfold moments when
a second feels like an eternity.

But my Stand, The World,
was able to move between

the hovering b*ll*ts
suspended in time...

and grasp them!

It was no illusion!

Lord Dio!

One day,
you will dominate time!

You must believe that

you can move amid the realm
of frozen time!

It must be like breathing.

Or like snapping an HB pencil
between your fingers!

You must believe
it's completely ordinary.

What's important is that
you believe you can do it.

You must have the mental fortitude
to push aside your doubts!

You are the ruler of this world!

Controlling time is second nature!

Then one day,

I sensed the wheels of time
and The World interlock.

Like a ray of light dispersing
the shadows,

a revelation befell me.
My mind was never clearer.

I, Dio, have surpassed
all living things, all Stand users!

Now I can stop time
for five seconds.

And day by day,
that time will grow longer!


Now I shall see
just how powerful you truly are!

The World! Stop time!

You planted a magnet on me.

He must have attached it to my sleeve
when we were exchanging blows.

It looks like a wallet magnet
or a magnet from a pocket planner.

You had me fooled.

Very clever indeed.


a trick like this just proves

you can't move while time
is standing still!

You only postponed your death
by a few seconds!

This time, you will...

die, Jotaro!


He... can really move!

Only momentarily, but he can!

The magnet wasn't so
I would think he could move...

It was so I would think he couldn't move!
It was a trick to lure me in!

You must believe
it's completely ordinary!

To think that one of the Joestars
could invade my domain...

It is infuriating!

I was able to move for a second...
Just a second.


Good grief.

Just enough time for one punch.

You. Woman.

Go fetch me my leg.

Bring it to me now!

Imagine you're a flight attendant
bringing wine and caviar

to a passenger in first class!

But it seems
I'll have to blow your head off

to do any real damage.

Looks like you've already recovered.

That gaping hole I opened in
your gut has healed over.

Your eyes followed me
while time was at a standstill.

You can see me moving,
can you, Jotaro?

Thanks to him.

Kakyoin did you quite the favor.

Because he figured out
The World's secret,

you knew I can stop time,

and then you learned how to do it.

Which makes me wonder...

Exactly how long can you move
while time is frozen?

Two seconds? Three?

Or perhaps, like me,
you can move five seconds,

but you're just pretending
that you can't move longer?


This isn't good.

I could probably move longer
with some practice,

but right now,
the best I can do is a second.

I speculate you can move
for only a single second.

Still, you have managed
to infiltrate my world.

Only a fool would risk
approaching you now.

My advantage over you
is overwhelming, yes, but...

Jotaro, I've devised a way
to execute you

regardless of how long
you can move!

You've grown pale.

These knives must bring
back memories, no?

You know you're going
to die a death

even more terrible than
that pathetic old man Joseph.


How the hell does he come up
with stuff like this?

This is really bad.

You can't escape!

The World!

Five seconds!

Once time resumes,

can your Star Platinum really
deflect all of the knives?

Four seconds!

It must be terrifying
to helplessly gaze upon

the agent of your imminent death!

Three seconds.

Just two more seconds.
Is that all you can do?

That is the proof
of your short-lived abilities.

One second.


It's over.

And one more just in case.

To be frank,

I'm relieved that I could defeat you
so quickly, Jotaro.

I never would have thought
you would infiltrate my perfect world.

I suppose a fitting analogy is
the automobile.

Those moving machines are useful,

but only when the roads
are not clogged with them.

The master of time must be me,
and me alone.

Good grief.

Throw enough knives?

He had to go and turn my favorite uniform
into Swiss cheese.

Glad I stuffed my clothes
with magazines.

I figured he'd try throwing
something at me

but that many was a surprise.

My best bet now is to play possum

and wait for a chance to strike.

I've got to smash his head in
and destroy his brains

or he'll never die.

As they say,
one can never be too careful.

The Joestars have always enjoyed
uncommonly auspicious luck.

He may very well be playing dead.

I have to make sure
he is completely devoid of life!

I'll use this...

to chop off his head!

Prepare for your final blow...


Die, Dio!


The World!
Time is stopped.

So it's you, Polnareff?

And time resumes.

Such a shame, Polnareff.

Just a split second more,

and with just a bit more oomph,

you could have jostled my brain
into a mess of scrambled eggs.

Bastard! This can't be...

It's impossible to k*ll me.

After I'm through with you,

Joestar's Merry Tour of Egypt
will come to a tragic end.

Damn it.

At this rate,
Polnareff's going to end up dead.

I was going to play dead
until the last moment possible

before landing a critical blow
to his cranium, but...

saving Polnareff would be easy.

But he won't come within range
of Star Platinum.

It'll end up just like last time.

I can't let him know I'm alive.

As long as he thinks I'm dead,

I'll still have a chance
to get close to him.

It's kind of twisted.

One minute I'm trying to move
while time has stopped,

and the next
I'm trying to stay completely still.

Farewell, Polnareff!


Is he alive
or is he regaining consciousness?

Freeze! Police!

Try anything and we'll sh**t!

Now put up your hands slowly.

Ah, what perfect timing.

There's someone I'd like you to sh**t.

It's that man lying over there.

sh**t his leg, his torso,
whatever you please.

Come on. Be sure you hit him.

I thought I heard Jotaro
make a sound

or was it my imagination?

That sick bastard...

But now his attention is on me,
not Polnareff.

He's more than suspicious.

Now he's gonna make
doubly sure I'm dead.

It's only going to get worse
from here.

Is he breathing?

No, I don't hear respiration.
He's not breathing.

Then a heartbeat?

Shit, this hurts like a...

If I black out,
I'll never come back.

If I die because I used
my Stand to stop my heart,

now that's sick irony...

No heartbeat.
He really is dead.

His being alive was just
a figment of my imagination.

I'd better behead him
for peace of mind, just in case.

You won't mind right, Jotaro?


Stop time!

The World!

You put me through hell back there.

I'll be damned if I let you try
to stop the clock again,

let alone escape with
your skull intact... Dio.

What? It can't be...


Finally, I got to run my fist
into his skull.

But that shithead Dio

lived at the bottom of the sea
for over a century.

I can't be sure
that bastard's croaked.

This is no time to celebrate.

I'll m*rder you.

What? But how?
No! My legs...

I can't move my legs.

I can't stand up!

My head! The excruciating pain...
I think I'm going to vomit.

How could this happen?
Me, Dio, feel sick?

He damaged my brain.
I can't move my legs!

Blast it! I've got to...

I've doused you with gasoline
so I can sniff you out.

I hate to kick a guy
when he's down, but...

well, actually I don't give a damn.

It's because of you
that my friends

and countless innocent bystanders
are dead.

The World!

If I can...

If I can just make it there...

And now, time will start again.

He had his ear
to the ground listening for cars.


I can't let him get away!

Just a little farther!

I'm almost there.

Sorry, spot's taken.
You're not getting away.

Give it up, Dio.

The World!

You fell for it, Jotaro!

This is my escape route!

I, Dio, have outsmarted you!

Doesn't this street look familiar?

This street... It can't be...

That's right.

My escape route is to drink the blood
of your grandfather, Joseph Joestar!

Dio, you bastard!


This trip was truly fun, wasn't it?

Joestar blood suits me so well!

This is the greatest high!

There's one simple answer.

You're going to...
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