03x08 - Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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03x08 - Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Oku: So that guy, Hazamada, says

Oku: he doesn't know anything about the electric villain

Oku: that k*lled my big bro?

Josu: Yeah. He said he's only ever talked to him on the phone.

Oku: And you believed him, Josuke? Did you t*rture him?

Josu: If Hazamada actually knew who that guy was,

Josu: he would probably havealready come to silence him.

Oku: R-Right... Just like my big bro.

Josu: Yeah. Seeing as how Hazamada is alive,that proves he really doesn't know.

Josu: But Hazamada did say this...

Haza: Stand users, for some reason, seem to be unknowingly drawn to one another,

flashback: ,even if they don't know each other.

Haza: They say that you're bound to the person that you're going

flashback: ,to marry by the red string of fate, right?

Haza: It's sort of like that.

flashback: ,You just end up eventually meeting them.

Haza: They might be an enemy, a friend, the guy who steps on your foot on the bus,

Haza: or someone who just moved in next door.

Haza: You just don't know.

Haza: Morioh's not very big...

flashback: ,I don't know how many Stand users are in this town right now,

Haza: but no matter how they try to hide, they'll eventually show themselves.

Haza: He knows that's going to happen eventually.

Haza: He wants you to disappear.

Oku: it.

Oku: What a coward.

Oku: He needs to attack us already!

Josu: But that also means that he's cautious.

Josu: When guys like that attack,

Josu: it's probably only when they're certain they're going to win.

Oku: Oh?

Oku: Hey, that's Koichi.

Josu: Why's he trying to act all cool, drinking tea?

Oku: Hey, Ko—

Oku: What?!

Oku: A... A girl?!

Title: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Title: Diamond is Unbreakable

Title: Episode Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part

Yuka: Koichi, was me asking you to come here, um...

Yuka: a bother?

Koi: Huh? No, it's not a bother...

Koi: But I was wondering what you needed.

Josu: Wow, so Koichi's with a girl...

Oku: That chick's in my class! Her name is Yukako Yamagishi.

Oku: All right! Let's get a bit closer!

Koi: If you wanted to see my notes on some homework,

main: ,my grades aren't that good, and my handwriting's messy.

Koi: If it's money, I can probably manage about , yen...

Koi: Or did you want me to switch weekly duties with you?

Yuka: That's not what this is about.

Koi: Huh? It's not? Then what is it?

Koi: If you need someone to take in a kitten or a puppy,

Koi: we've already got a foolish dog named Police at home.

Yuka: Koichi!

Yuka: I'm just going to come out and say it.

Yuka: Koichi...

Yuka: I'm in love with you, Koichi.

Koi: Huh?

Oku: What?!

Koi: U-Um... Uh, um... Wh-What?!

Yuka: You're the only thing I think about all day, Koichi.

Yuka: I've been so afraid to express these feelings...

Yuka: But if I don't, I feel like my chest is going to burst.

Yuka: I don't mind if you hate me.

main: ,I just thought I'd be brave and tell you.

Koi: Wh-What is going on? Did someone just confess her love to me?!

Koi: To me?!

Koi: I can't believe it, but she did just say that, right?

Koi: I-I'm so happy...

Oku: Why is it Koichi? You can't be serious! Come on!

Oku: Even I've never had anyone tell me that!

Josu: You don't have to cry about it.

Josu: But seriously? I'm surprised, Koichi...

Yuka: I'm sure that you must have a girlfriend, Koichi...

Koi: Huh? I-I don't...

Koi: But, um... Are you making fun of me?

Yuka: I'm serious!

Yuka: Koichi, your face has gotten sharper lately.

Yuka: You look like a man with courage and conviction.

Yuka: But you're also so cute when you smile.

Josu: Yeah, she's definitely got a point.

Oku: My face is pretty sharp too, isn't it?

Yuka: I think the best thing about a man is his future.

Yuka: And Koichi, your future is shining.

Koi: Wh-When you speak that highly of me...

Yuka: I'm sure you must hate girls like me that aren't cute.

Koi: Huh? Not cute? That's not true...

Oku: it, she is cute!

Oku: Just say yes already!

main: ,That one has all the luck!

Yuka: Do you hate me?

Koi: Huh? Uh, n-no, I don't, but...

Yuka: Then do you love me?

Koi: Huh? Wait a sec... It's just that, um...

Yuka: So you do hate me...

Koi: Huh? That's not it!

main: ,It's just, when you ask me that so suddenly—

Yuka: Which is it?! Do you love me or don't you?!

Yuka: Just answer me already!I've already told you so much!

Yuka: I spilled my coffee! This is all your fault!

Yuka: Um... I just got all worked up...I-I'm sorry. I'm just...

Yuka: By the way, you will come see me again, right?

Oku: Y-You know... I feel like a balloon that's been deflated.

Oku: All my jealousy just flew away somewhere.

Josu: Y-Yeah...

Josu: Let's just pretend we never saw anything.

main: ,Yeah.

Koi: What's wrong with this cola?!

Koi: Th-Th-There's so much... hair in it!

Josu: Stand users are drawn to one another...

Josu: Nah, it couldn't be.

Chemistry_Lab,Sign: Chemistry Lab

Yuka: It's me, Koichi.

Koi: Y-Yukako!

Yuka: What are you doing?

Koi: Um, as you can see,it's my turn to clean the lab.

Koi: Fourth period was chemistry lab.

Yuka: Ah...

Yuka: Koichi...

Uka: I said some weird things yesterday.

Yuka: Would you just forget all that?

Yuka: I get that way when I think too hard.It's so embarrassing.

Yuka: People are supposed to be more broad-minded.

Koi: Uh, r-right...

Koi: It was a little surprising,b-but I didn't think anything of it...

Yuka: Will you still be friends with me?

Koi: O-Of course! I would be honored, yes!

Yuka: Thank goodness.

Yuka: I was so worried about what I'd do if you hated me,

main: ,I couldn't sleep all night.

Koi: That's a bit dramatic.

Yuka: And to make it up to you... Here.

Yuka: I was up until this morning knitting this for you, Koichi.

Yuka: Thank goodness! It's a perfect fit!

Yuka: I knew your height and chest size, butI was worried how it would fit your shoulders.

Charm,Sign: Charm

Yuka: I made you a good luck charm, too...

Yuka: In hopes that you'll find a wonderful love.

Yuka: I also prepared lunch so we could eat it together...

Yuka: I bought this shrimp at the fish market this morning.

Yuka: You can't find this freshness at a store.

Yuka: See this flounder meuniere?

main: ,I personally took out all of the bones, one by one, with tweezers.

Yuka: Here. Say, "Ah."

Yuka: Ahh...

Koi: There's one thing I know now...

Koi: Yukako Yamagishi, to be completely honest, is extremely strange!

Yuka: Ahh...

Koi: I have to hurry up and turn her down!

internal/narrator: ,B-But if I eat this, it'll be like saying yes...

main: ,Ahh!

Koi: But if I refuse it, she'll probably get mad.

Koi: What should I do?!

Girl: Hirose!

Girl: Why are you wasting time?

Girl: You need to hurry up and throw this garbage away before class starts.

Koi: I-I'm saved!

Koi: R-Right! Right!

Koi: I-I'd better go throw it away.

girl: Ugh, you're useless.

Girl: Here, give me that.

Girl: I'll hold half of it for you.

Koi: Huh? N-No, I'd feel bad...

Girl: Just give it to me!

Girl: I'm the class rep, so I'm the one who'll get yelled at.

main: ,Ah!

Koi: S-Sorry...

Yuka: Hey, you.

Yuka: Would you stop bothering Koichi?

Girl: Koichi? You mean Koichi Hirose?

Girl: I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about.

Yuka: I know what you're doing.

main: ,The stench of a homewrecker is all over you.

Girl: Homewrecker?! What are you talking about?

Yuka: Listen well. If you ever come close to Koichi again,

Yuka: I'll make sure you regret it.

Girl: Just one second.

Girl: I tried to be classy about this, but...

Girl: Koichi Hirose?

Girl: I couldn't care less about him!

Girl: You have no right to tell me what the hell I can or can't do!

Girl: foolishass!

Girl: Ow!

Girl: What was that?

Girl: What is her problem?!

Girl: She's not right in the head. She actually likes Hirose?

Girl: Hmph. Hilarious. I'll tell the whole school!

Girl: Huh?

Girl: What is that?

Girl: Something's hot... Something's wrong.

main: ,Something's not right...

Girl: It's insanely hot...

Girl: W-Water!

Girl: S-Someone! I need w-wa...

Oku: Hey, Josuke...

Oku: Looks like Yukako Yamagishi really was a Stand user.

Oku: Her Stand has hair that moves.

Josu: Yeah. But it doesn't seem like she'san enemy, or going to attack Koichi.

Josu: By the way, Okuyasu, what are you gonna do about her hair?

Josu: I can't fix something after your The Hand takes it away.

Oku: She can't complain. I saved her from getting burnt to a crisp.

Oku: Sorry, but I'm not a beautician.

Signtop: Re

Signtop: Rev

Signtop: Rever

Signtop: Reverb

Signbot: Ko

Signbot: Koichi

Signbot: Koichi Hiro

Signbot: Koichi Hirose

Koi: What am I gonna do?

Year_____Englis,Sign: Year English Exam Answer Sheet

Quiz________Koi,Sign: Quiz Koichi Hirose

Koi: This is my English test from earlier.

Koi: I'm worrying so much about Yukako,I can't concentrate on anything else.

Oku: Even I did better! I only got points, though.

Koi: To be honest, I was a little happy at first.

Koi: I'd never had a girl tell me she loved me before.

Oku: I get that. I totally get that! So much it hurts!

Koi: But I'm the one who let it come to this by not being up-front with her.

Koi: I'm thinking about telling her straight

Koi: that I don't like her or anything, so she needs to leave me alone.

Josu: That's not a good idea, Koichi.

Josu: If you say that, you're only going to add fuel to the flames of Yukako's passion.

Josu: You'll piss her off.

Koi: Y-You think so?

Josu: Of course! Listen.

main: ,Convincing Yukako Yamagishi not to use her Stand of hair for evil will have to wait.

Josu: Right now, we have to figure out how to make her not hate you.

Koi: But how?

Josu: No matter how strongly she feels about you,

Josu: if she gets an idea in her head that you're a disenchanting, horrible, boring guy,

Josu: everything will be happily ever after, right?

Koi: Y-Yeah...

Josu: So you've just got to act thatway on purpose in front of her.

Oku: Yeah, that totally makes sense!

Oku: You're so smart, Josuke.

Josu: Thanks!

Josu: But hearing that from you doesn't make me feel better.

Koi: I wonder what I need to do to make Yukako think I'm terrible.

Josu: Well, most girls aren't intobad hygiene or mama's boys.

Koi: I-I don't want her to think I'm a mama's boy!

Koi: She might get mad at mymom and put her in danger!

Oku: Then it's bad hygiene for you!

Oku: Starting today, no more baths.

Koi: Huh?!

Josu: Yeah, and don't brush your teethor change your underwear.

Oku: How about getting some lice or spiders in your hair?

Josu: Having smelly socks is pretty bad.

Oku: Maybe you should fart everywhere.

Josu: Yeah, she'll totally hate that!

Koi: Stop messing around! I'm serious about this!

Oku: I'm being serious, too!

main: ,You need a snotty nose and some drool, too.

Koi: What?!

Josu: If you don't want to do that, then you need to become a guy

main: ,who seems like he doesn't have a future.

Josu: You need to make her give up on you.

Josu: We'll help you out. All right?

Koi: Okay...

Josu: What? Koichi Hirose did that? Unbelievable!

Josu: He was really shoplifting? That's awful.

Oku: Yeah! Koichi said so himself.

Oku: He was talking about it like he was proud of it.

Josu: You know what else?Koichi never keeps his promises.

Josu: I lent him money, and he never paid me back.

Oku: He cheats on his testsand steals girls' underwear.

Oku: He's got no future. He's gonna bring about his own downfall.

Josu: I'm gonna stop hanging out with him.

Oku: I'll cut ties with him, too.

Oku: Man, that girl is intense.

Josu: Now as long as Koichi confirms he did all of this stuff by tomorrow,

Josu: she'll give up.

Koi: Josuke, Okuyasu...

Koi: I hope they did a good job with all that stuff.

Koi: I hope she actually gives up on me.

Koi: What is that?

Koi: My eyes are closed... Is this a dream?

Koi: A woman?

Koi: I-It's Yukako!

Koi: I can't believe this. She's even showing up in my dreams...

Koi: I can't rest at all!

Yuka: It appears that your friends don't think too highly of you, Koichi.

Yuka: But don't worry. You have me.

Yuka: I'll properly discipline you and make you into a fine man.

Yuka: You have something that other men don't.

Yuka: You must live up to that potential.

Koi: J-Josuke! This totally backfired!

Koi: Where am I?

Yuka: Koichi, are you hungry?

Yuka: Breakfast will be ready shortly.

Koi: O-Okay...

Koi: She has that hair Stand...

Koi: I'm going to have to wait for a chance to run.

Koi: That's my only hope!

Koi: Th-There's something I want to ask you.

Yuka: Yes?

Koi: Your hair last night... Wh-What was that?

Yuka: Did that startle you?

Yuka: Of course. I guess anyone who suddenly saw that would be.

Yuka: Around February of this year,

Yuka: someone shot an arrow through my chest.

Yuka: No, that might have been a dream.

Yuka: When I woke up, my wound was healed, and I was able to do that...

Koi: Keicho Nijimura!

koi: D-Do you know anyone else who can do anything like that?

Yuka: No.

Koi: She hasn't realized that I'm a Stand user!

Yuka: Now, have a seat. You're a growing boy.

Yuka: If you don't get proper nourishment,

Yuka: you can't become a fine man for me.

Koi: I-I just need to play along with her for now.

Koi: Wow, this looks delicious! I'm digging in!

Yuka: You're not eating just yet, Koichi.

English_Exam____,Sign: English Exam Answer Sheet

Koichi_Hirose,Sign: Koichi Hirose

Yuka: You got a on your English exam.

Yuka: Even if a man is more than just his brains, this is just awful.

Yuka: I've decided to have you study while you eat.

Yuka: Understand?

Yuka: I'm going to give you some questions.

Yuka: You'll choose the correct answer from boxes A, B, and C,

main: ,and you'll eat what's inside your chosen box.

Koi: W-Wait a sec...

Yuka: You're going to do this!

main: ,While you live in this house, everything we do must be for your betterment!

Yuka: Right?

Yuka: Here's your question.

Yuka: Prince often sings the lyric "funky music." What does that mean in Japanese?

Wild_Music,Sign: Wild Music

Yuka: A: Wild music.

Yuka: B: Primitive music.

Primeval_Music,Sign: Primitive Music

Yuka: C: Fantasy music.

Fantasy_Music,Sign: Fantasy Music

Koi: I-If I disobey, I'll be in trouble...

internal/narrator: ,B-But I have no idea what the answer is.

Koi: I have a feeling it's A,but B and C also sound right.

Koi: Whatever, I'll just pick one.

Koi: I think it's B...

Yuka: Squee! You're right!

Yuka: I'm so happy! This box contains boiled eggs!

Uka: I'll peel them for you. You want some salt, right?

Yuka: By the way, if you had chosen box A, I would have had you eat this eraser.

Wild_Music,Sign: Wild Music

Koi: Huh?!

Yuka: Box C contained soap.

Koi: Wh-What?!

Yuka: Next, you'll be able to eat bacon and eggs. Do your best.

Yuka: Question: How is "contrast" (taisho) written in Japanese?

Yuka: Is it taisho A, taisho B, or taisho C?

Missing_Missing_,Sign: Taisho

Missing_Missing_,Sign: Taisho

Missing_Missing_,Sign: Taisho

Koi: Sh-She's serious...

Koi: If I choose the wrong box, she'll definitely make me eat what's in there...

Yuka: Come on, hurry up and answer!

Yuka: The food will get cold.

Koi: U-Um, uh...

Koi: What am I going to do? This is ridiculous...

Koi: I-I think it's C...

Yuka: Koichi, you just chose your answer bywatching the look on my face, didn't you?

Koi: Huh?!

Yuka: So the rumors about you being someone

main: ,who's sneaky and shoplifts and cheats on his tests is true!

Yuka: As punishment, I'll have you eat both A and B.

Yuka: A is English vocabulary corn flakes.

Yuka: B is asparagus wrapped in pages from an English dictionary.

Yuka: I'm going to make sure you learn while you eat!

Yuka: Here!

Yuka: Open your mouth! I'll feed it to you.

Yuka: What's the matter? Eat!

Koi: No way! You expect me to put up with this?! I can't take it anymore!

Koi: I'm outta here!

Koi: I-I'm being pulled! By my scalp!

Koi: Th-There's moving hair mixed in!

Yuka: That's right. I had planted a few hundred strands of my hair in your scalp.

Yuka: Koichi,

Yuka: you may come to hate me.

Yuka: But once you leave this house,

main: ,you'll see a much better man in the mirror,

Yuka: and I know you'll thank me.

Yuka: You'll realize that you need a woman like me in your life.

Yuka: You won't be able to live without Yukako Yamagishi.

Yuka: And just so you know, until you finish eating plates A and B,

Yuka: you won't be getting the next dish.

Yuka: This is some company president's holiday villa.

main: ,No one will come here until summer.

Koi: S-Summer?!

Yuka: Even then,

Yuka: it doesn't matter if anyone comes...

Yuka: Because love is invincible.

Koi: H-Help me!
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