03x21 - Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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03x21 - Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Kai: Good morning. This is Morioh Radio,

Kai: brought to you again today by your neighbor, Kai Harada.

Kai: Our first song of the morning is this...

Kira: All right, let's eat.

Oh, yes. I have a present for you.

Lady: Mr. Kira... Um, Mr. Kira?

Lady: Mr. Kira, if you're not busy, would you like to have lunch with us?

Kira: Sorry, but I'll have to pass.

Kira: I need to go deliver these documents.

Kira: Goodbye.

Guy: Give it up!

Guy: He never wants to hang out.

Guy: Whenever we invite him out somewhere,

I can't tell if he's really having fun or not.

Guy: Yoshikage Kira, age , single.

Guy: He's serious about his work and gets it done efficiently,

but the guy lacks any passion.

Guy: He's not a bad guy, but he just doesn't stand out very much.

Kira: Hey, what are you so grumpy about?

Kira: The new girls at work just invited me to lunch, that's all.

Kira: I promised that I'd have lunch with you,

Kira: so there's no way I'd go with them.

Kira: You heard me decline immediately, didn't you?

Kia: Have I ever left you alone? Hm?

Kira: Now, stop worrying about it,

and let's pick out some sandwiches together.

Katsu_Sandwich,Sign: Katsu Sandwich

Kira: Come on, which one do you want?

Kira: Isn't the bread wonderfully soft?

Kia: The sandwiches at this shop

use bread that's freshly baked at AM, so they're really popular.

Kira: They're usually sold out by PM.

Kira: You can feel how warm they are, even through the wrapper.

Kira: The katsu in the katsu sandwiches are freshly fried, too, and so crispy.

Kra: Oh, no.

You broke though the wrapper, and now the sauce is spilling out.

Kira: You naughty girl.

Kira: But now this sandwich has a hole in it,

so let's buy the one below it.

Pers: Thank you very much.

Kira: Morioh is such a beautiful town...

Kira: Could there possibly be another town this wonderful?

Kira: It almost feels like we're on a picnic.

Kira: She's getting a bit ripe.

Kira: I guess it's about time to break up with her...

Kira: Time to sever ties.

Kira: "Sever ties"...

Kira: Maybe I'll go find a new girl, one who's on vacation or something.

Kira: Oh, it's just a dog.

Oku: Shigechi!

Shig: Oyo?

Shige: Josuke, Okuyasu!

Oku: Hey, perfect timing, Shigechi.

Josu: Sorry this is out of the blue, but please lend us some lunch money.

Josu: We forgot to bring money.

Shige: Huh? What are you talking about?

You guys should have your share from the lottery.

Oku: That money's in the bank.

It's a pain to have to get money from the bank just for some lunch.

Oku: A thousand yen will cover both of us.

Josu: Yeah.

Oku: Come on, please?

We'll go to the bank right after school.

Josu: Hey, that bag... You've got a sandwich from St. Gentlemen!

Josu: They actually weren't sold out?

Shige: You can't have this! This is my lunch.

Shige: Oh, fine. I'll lend you a thousand yen...

Oku: That's the spirit!

Josu: Thanks!

Shige: I'm gonna keep an IOU for this in my planner,

so don't skip out on me.

Oku: You're the one who skips out all the time!

Shige: Let's see... "June th."

JoJo-overlap,Josu: Well, anyway, thanks again, Shigechi.

"Lent , yen"... Lent?

JoJo-overlap,: Later!

Um, how do you write the kanji for "lent" again?

Shige: Lent...

Sign: Lent

Shige: Well, whatever.

Shige: I'll just write it in hiragana.

I don't know how to write "Josuke" or "Okuyasu" in kanji, anyway.

Shige: Huh?

Shige: M-My sandwich...

Wh-Where is it?

Shige: Oh, it's right there.

Shige: I feel like it's further away than it was before, but whatever.

Kira: Th-That's...

Shige: Hey, Josuke, Okuyasu, wait!

Shiige: You need to put your thumbprints on this IOU!

Your thumbprints!

Kira: What? That little brat!

He mistook my bag for his and took it?

Josu: Ah, what a pain.

How do we even put our thumbprints on it?

Oku: You know, you cut your thumb with a Kn*fe...

Shie: Y-You don't need to be so dramatic.

Fine, I'll just take your signatures.

Oku: Hey, let's hurry up and go to St. Gentlemen. They're gonna sell out.

Kira: This isn't good. If he opens that bag...

Kira: She's wearing the ring I bought her.

Kira: And my fingerprints are on her... With the police's investigative skills,

Kira: it'll just be a matter of time before they trace the ring back to me.

Kira: I, Yoshikage Kira, have never left a single clue in the last fifteen years.

Kira: And I'm not going to let that kid do that for me!

Okku: Josuke, let's hurry.

Josu: Yeah.

Shige: I'll be waiting outside.

Kira: What should I do?

I'll just have to take it from him.

Kira: The best thing to do is to swipe it without him noticing.

Oku: Shigechi!

Okku: You're super lucky, it.

Josu: The St. Gentlemen sandwiches are already sold out! !

Shige: Oh, I see. So they sold out.

Shige: Well, that's too bad.

Shige: In that case, I guess I wouldn't mind selling you mine for , yen.

Oku: You're such a cheapskate.

Oku: I guess we don't have a choice. Let's go to Hokaben, Josuke.

Josu: Hokaben, huh?

The stuff we could get for yen each with a drink

wouldn't really fill us up.

Josu: If we get school lunch as usual, it'll be plenty, though.

Koichi said he was getting school lunch, too.

Oku: No way! He's with Yukako Yamagishi, isn't he?

Oku: Why do I have to eat lunch with a happy couple?

Oku: Not to mention, with the lunches there,

the meat's only about a millimeter thick,

and who knows what that stuff in the miso soup really is?

Shige: Hey, there are a lot of drinks in the prep room in my school's gym.

Shige: The gym teacher always sneaks coffee and tea from there.

Shire: All of the teachers are in the faculty room during lunch,

so I sneak in through the window sometimes and take some.

Shige: Wanna just go buy lunch and come with me?

Josu: What the heck? Are you stealing from the school?

Oku: That's pretty cheap.

We can at least buy our drinks. I'm not that greedy.

See ya!

Shige: And I was trying to be nice...

Shige: See ya. Oh, and pay me back my thousand yen tomorrow!

Shige: Oh, pardon me!

I wasn't watching where I was going.

Shige: Sorry about that.

Kira: Crap... It's good that he parted ways with his friends,

but he's heading back to school.

Kira: He's planning to eat it at school...

What should I do?

Kira: They were calling him "Shigechi," right?

Kira: There's no doubt he'll open that bag in a matter of minutes...

Kira: This is extremely bad.

Shige: Now, then... I should be able to eat my lunch in peace here.

Shige: Whoops! I almost forgot!

Shige: Before I eat my sandwiches, I need to brew my coffee.

Shige: Since I'm here, I'm gonna have some coffee before I leave.

Kira: You're a lucky boy, Shigechi.

If you had seen what was inside, I would've had to get rid of you.

Ooku: Hey, Josuke! This is it!

Oku: It's smaller than I thought...

Kira: Wh-What?

They just said they wouldn't come here!

Oku: Shigechi, you here?

Oku: Shigechi!

Shie: Oh, hey. It's Okuyasu and Josuke.

Josu: We decided we'd have some coffee after all.

Oku: Because we got the -yen Makunouchi bentos!

Shige: Hmph. After calling me greedy and a thief...

Shige: You've got some nerve!

josu: Now, now, don't be so stubborn.

Josu: People tend to change the way they think over time.

Kira: What should I do?

Eliminating one of them would be easy, but not so with three.

Kra: ! And she's only a few dozen centimeters away...

Josu: Hey, Shigechi, get me a drink, too.

Josu: I'd actually like Japanese tea instead of coffee.

Oku: Is there any black tea? Like milk tea?

Shige: Blech. Makunouchi with milk tea? That's gross.

Kira: ! He's planning to eat his lunch up there.

Kira: At this rate, he's going to open the bag in front of them!

Oku: Aw, it's soy sauce again.

Oku: The katsu here always come with soy sauce.

Josu: Huh? You're supposed to eat katsu with soy sauce.

Oku: What?! You idiot!

You're supposed to eat it with tonkatsu sauce!

Oku: If you used soy sauce, the tonkatsu sauce would lose its namesake!

Josu: Who cares about that?

Kira: Yes!

Kira: Wh-What?

Kira: Crap!

Josu: What?

Sign: Morioh Landmark # Bakery "St. Gentlemen"

How_to_get_there,Sign: How to get there: Get off of the bus bound for Morioh Budogaoka High School and walk two minutes. It's a bakery on the Green Road leading from the station. It's popular because of the varieties of bread made there using a stone oven. Customers include students, housewives, and office ladies. Their most popular items are their sandwiches, which always sell out.

Kira: Crap!

Josu: What?

Shige: Hey! What are you doing, Josuke?

Shige: Hey! You weren't trying to steal my sandwich, were you?

Josu: No! Don't be stupid.

Josu: There was a weird sound that got my attention,

so I was just taking a look.

Shige: Don't you dare touch it!

There's no way you would just look at it!

Shige: I know you're going to say,

"Their teriyaki chicken sandwich is my favorite, Shigechi. Give me a bite!"

Josu: You sure are a greedy little guy.

You got my tea yet? Where's my tea?

Oku: Don't forget, I want milk tea.

Shige: I'm just about to make them.

Kira: Now!

Kira: I did it.

Shige: Here you go.

I brought your Japanese tea and milk tea.

Oku: Sweet.

Josu: Thanks!

Oku: What's with you?

Shige: Wh-Where did you put m-my sandwich?

Oku: Huh? Oh...

Josu: Looks like it's gone.

But we don't know what happened to it, right, Okuyasu?

Oku: Yeah.

Shige: Stop messing around!

How could you not know? You're the only ones here!

Josu: No, we seriously have no idea!

Oku: Seriously, we're not messing around.

Oku: No joke, we really have no idea.

Shige: Y-You jerks... I-I'm really gonna get mad!

Josu: We're telling the truth!

Oku: You really need to stop.

Why would we take your sandwich—

Shig: We'll find out the truth soon enough!

Shige: I just need my Harvest to check the room!

Oku: You're such a pest! Yeah, go ahead!

Do it! Look as much as you want.

Oku: We wouldn't steal your stupid sandwich.

Kira: What? I can't see what they're doing from in here.

Kira: What is that brat trying to do?

Guy: Hey!

Guy: I know someone's in the prep room!

Shige: That's the gym teacher!

Josu: Let's get out of here, Shigechi!

Shige: B-But my sandwich!

Josu: Now's not the time for that!

Teach: Hey, come back here!

Teach: you, little brats.

Teach: I thought it was strange that my tea and coffee

kept disappearing so fast. No wonder.

Teach: I need to be more careful about locking the door.

Kira: That was rather messy,

but I got through this hard situation, and was able to get her back.

Kira: I always have to wonder if I'm protected by luck...

Kira: And if I do things with careful consideration and in a bold manner,

Kira: I have a feeling that I can live a pretty happy life.

Kira: That was close.

Kira: I'm so glad you came back to me.

Shige: Found it!

Shige: Why does someone I don't know have my sandwich?

Shige: Why is an adult that I don't know sneaking around my middle school?

Kira: Could it be that you're talking to me, little boy?

Kira: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Kira: This is my sandwich.

I just bought it at St. Gentlemen.

Shige: No, that bag is mine!

Shige: There are reasons why I know!

Shige: They're reasons you wouldn't understand, though.

Shige: Take it back, Harvest!

Kira: Wh-What? What's going on? The bag is being pulled...

Shige: Wh-Wha?! Wh-What... My sandwich...

Shige: Is this... a r-r-real human hand?

Kira: Oh, dear. It seems you've seen it.

Kira: It also appears, little boy, that you have the same power I do.

Shige: You can see my Harvest?

Shige: H-Hey, what's this hand?

Why are you walking around with just a hand in a bag?

Kira: Are you by yourself? You two friends...

I believe you called them Josuke and Okuyasu?

Kira: Do they have a power similar to yours?

Shige: Hey! Don't move!

Shige: If you move even a bit, I'm gonna att*ck!

Shige: You're a really creepy guy! Don't come any closer to me!

Shige: I get a really creepy, unfamiliar feeling from you!

Shige: Don't move! Don't move from there!

Kira: My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm years old.

My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are,

and I am not married.

Kira: I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores,

and I get home every day by PM at the latest.

Kira: I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink.

I'm in bed by PM,

and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what.

Kira: After having a glass of warm milk

and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed,

I usually have no problems sleeping until morning.

Kira: Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning.

Kira: I was told there were no issues at my last checkup.

Shige: Wh-What are you talking about?!

Kira: I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life.

Kira: I take care not to trouble myself

with any enemies, like winning and losing,

that would cause me to lose sleep at night.

Kira: That is how I deal with society,

Kira: and I know that is what brings me happiness.

Kira: Although, if I were to fight, I wouldn't lose to anyone.

Kira: Basically, Shigechi,

Kira: you are a troublesome thing that would hinder my sleep,

therefore my enemy.

Shige: Th-That's...

Kira: Deadly Queen... is what I've named it.

Kira: I'm going to eliminate you now before you have a chance to speak,

Kira: so I can sleep soundly again tonight.
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