03x22 - Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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03x22 - Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Kira: Hm...

Kira: Deadly Queen... is what I've named it.

Kira: I'm going to eliminate you now,

Kira: so I can sleep soundly again tonight.

Shige: I warned you not to move!

Shig: Don't underestimate Harvest!

Kira: There are this many?

Not only that, but crushing three or four did no damage, either.

Shig: If you move any more,

I'll cut that something-or-other artery in your neck!

Shig: Oh, yeah! It's the one called the "carotid"!

Shig: I'm gonna cut it! My Harvest is invincible!

Shig: And it looks like your Stand

Shig: is the type that has power, but can't go very far.

Shig: Looks like its range is about one to two meters, right?

Shig: If you want to die, go ahead and try to move.

Kira: I see... So individual users have their own unique powers?

Kira: Stand? Hmm... Stand, eh?

Kira: By the way, my Deadly Queen also has a special power...

Shig: He has something... Grab it!

Shig: What? It's just a -yen coin.

What were you planning to do with this?

Kira: Well, I thought I'd show you my Deadly Queen's special power,

Kira: seeing as how you're already as good as done for.

Kira: Deadly Queen's special power

Ira: is that it can turn anything it touches into a b*mb.

Kira: Anything...

Kira: Even a -yen coin.

Shig: Throw away that -yen coin, Harvest!

Kira: Now I can relax and sleep well tonight.

Girl: Did you know there's a salon that'll grant you love?

Girlb: Huh? Seriously? That's hilarious.

Girl: It's true! I hear it worked for someone in the high school!

Kira: Looks like one blast didn't k*ll him...

Shig: Wh-What happened to me? What...

Shi: What the...

Shig: What the heck happened?!

Kira: I told you.

My Deadly Queen can turn anything it touches into a b*mb.

Kira: I turned this -yen coin into a b*mb.

Kira: I can push the switch whenever I want,

and my opponent is blown to bits from the inside out.

Kira: Though in your case, Shigechi,

Kira: half of your face blew into your head,

Kira: and about a third of your brain got mixed in with the flesh of your face.

Kira: Before I deal one more blow to you, I just remembered

Kira: there's something that I want to confirm with you.

Kira: You called this power a "Stand."

Kira: That Josuke and Okuyasu also have Stand powers, don't they?

Shig: H-Help me...

Ira: No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Kira: You must die.

I can't leave witnesses alive.

Kra: No one is allowed to know the true identity of one Yoshikage Kira.

Kira: But you see, I'd like to know about Stand users.

Kira: I'm sure I'd be able to find out

with some research, but I'd like to ask you personally.

Kira: Josuke, Okuyasu...

Who are the others?

Kira: How many more are in this town?

Kira: What are their powers?

Shig: I-I don't know...

Ira: I'm certain you must know.

Listen, if you don't tell me...

Kira: I will eliminate your parents, too.

Shig: Wha...


Shig: M-My mama and papa?

Kira: Hurry up and tell me.

If you do, nothing will happen to them.

Kira: If you take too long, someone might show up here.

Kira: Just names will do. Come on, hurry it up.

Shig: E-Everyone was saying they were looking for a m*rder*r in this town!

Shig: A m*rder*r... They meant you!

Sshig: You k*lled Reimi Sugimoto, too!

Kira: What? Reimi Sugimoto?!

Kkra: You're still able to use your Stand?

Kira: Deadly Queen!

Kira: That brat...

Kira: He was so torn-up, too.

shig: I-I'm... gonna go to Josuke...

shig: Josuke's Shining Diamond...

shig: can fix me...

shig: I'm... going to protect Mama and Papa...

shi: I'm gonna protect Mama and Papa from him!

Shig: That nasty, filthy guy

Shig: can't live in the same town as Mama and Papa!

High School Ahead No middle school students beyond this point —Middle School Principal

Shig: I have to go...

Shig: to Josuke...

Girl: Oh, sorry.

Girl: Are you okay?

Shig: I have to go...

Girl: You don't look so good.

Girl: He's from the middle school.

Girl: Th-There's something wrong with him.

Girl: We should get a teacher...

Girl: No, just leave him alone. He's creepy.

Girl: Let's go.

Shig: J-Josuke!

Shig: J-Josuke!

kira: You said everyone was looking for me?

Kira: Do you mean there's someone in this town

who knows about Reimi Sugimoto's m*rder?

Kira: But no one will be able to pursue me...

Kira: No one knows the identity of Yoshikage Kira.

Kira: As long as you are out of the picture...

Shig: I'm gonna protect my Mama and Papa...

Kira: Deadly Queen has already touched the doorknob.

Shig: Josuke!

Kira: This is Deadly Queen's power.

Kira: He's been eliminated without a trace.

Josu: Did someone call my name just now?

Ok: Yeah, I heard it, too.

Oku: H-Hey, Josuke, look!

Hrv: I... found... you!

Josu: Sh-Shigechi?!

Oku: Shigechi!

Oku: S-Something's not right, Josuke!

Oku: Harvest was gushing blood when it disappeared.

That's not a normal way for a Stand to disappear!

Oku: Why did just one of them show up in front of us?

Josu: Let's go to the middle school.

We have to find Shigechi!

Kira: Oh, dear. Where did that fall off?

Kira: Well, I guess I can't help it now.

Kira: I hope my usual tailor has the same button...

Reei: How horrible...

Rei: It happened again. It's him again...

Rei: Another soul k*lled by him is flying away...

Rei: He must have encountered him.

Josu: Shigechi...

Rei: There's no doubt about it.

This boy is dead.

Rei: Shigekiyo encountered him, and was k*lled by him.

Re: I can tell.

Rei: Though I don't know why he encountered him,

Rei: or how he was k*lled.

Rei: But it was definitely him.

Rei: I can tell it was him because he k*lled me.

Josu: I looked for Shigechi everywhere, but couldn't find him.

Josu: He disappeared within just five minutes

after Okuyasu and I separated from him.

Josu: Shigechi's books and school supplies were all left behind,

Josu: and his parents have requested a police search.

Josu: That probably means...

Koi: Y-You're saying... The culprit is a Stand user?

Josu: You guys probably don't know much about Shigechi,

Josu: but I can't imagine there's anyone who can beat Shigechi's Harvest.

Josu: This guy k*lled Shigechi within five minutes,

and managed to hide his body somewhere within the school.

Jose: Jotaro, now that it's clear we're dealing with a Stand user,

we'll have to help out, as well.

Jojo: Josuke.

Jojoj: I heard you picked up a button.

Josu: Yeah... One of the Harvests brought it to me.

Josu: This is it.

Jojo: This is Shigechi's final message.

Jojoj: It could be that Harvest ripped it off of the m*rder*r's clothes and brought it to you.

Jojo: Let me hold on to this button.

I'll do some research.

Josu: Y-You can locate the guy with the kind of button you could find anywhere?

Jojo: It's possible.

Jojoj: We might be able to figure out the brand of the clothes and where it came from.

Koi: I see...

Oku: I-If we're done talking, I'm gonna go home.

Oku: I-I'm kind of in a weird mood.

Oku: I-I'm really annoyed...

Oku: Let's go home, Dad.

Koi: There's something wrong with Okuyasu.

Josu: Yeah... Shigechi was a greedy, irritating little punk,

Jos: but he was the type you just couldn't leave alone.

Josu: We can't believe he's gone.

Josu: Not to mention, he must feel annoyed because he can't tell

if he should be angry or sad right now.

Josu: We both feel that way.

Josu: I'm sure Okuyasu feels it far more.

Oku: it...

Yuka: It appears something awful has happened outside my notice.

Toni: I'm going to warn all the customers who come to my restaurant.

Aya: Phew... I don't think he'll come to my place, but just in case...

Haza: Stand users eventually attract other Stand users...

Haza: Though I never want to meet that guy.

Roha: So now everyone's going to take action, huh?

Kira: Oh?

Kira: That was Josuke just now...

Kira: And Okuyasu was there, too.

Girl: Hey, listen to this.

Girl: Last Friday was my birthday, right?

Girl: The guy I'm seeing gave me this super lame ring as a present.

Girl: Look at it! Why would I want this thing?

Girl: Though I still put on an act like, "Oh, my gosh! I'm so happy!"

Girl: I was dating him because his dad owns some land,

but he's a total bumpkin.

Girl: This really is a kiddie ring. How much was it?

Girl: Probably around , yen.

Girl: I'm gonna go pawn it off for some money.

Girl: It doesn't compliment my beautiful fingers at all.

Kira: That woman's heart is ugly,

but her hands and face are beautiful...

Kira: If she comes to me, she can date me with a cleansed soul.

Irl: Oh, I have to go. See you later.

Gil: Okay, bye-bye!

Kira: I'm afraid we'll have to part ways now.

Let's keep this farewell clean.

Shigekiyo_Yangu_,Sign: Shigekiyo Yangu: Deceased {\b \fs }Stand: Harvest

Deadly_Queen,Signtop: De

Deadly_Queen,Signtop: Dead

Deadly_Queen,Signtop: Deadly

Deadly_Queen,Signtop: Deadly Qu

Deadly_Queen,Signtop: Deadly Que

Deadly_Queen,Signtop: Deadly Quee

Deadly_Queen,Signtop: Deadly Queen

Signbot: Yoshi

Signbot: Yoshikage

Signbot: Yoshikage Ki

Signbot: Yoshikage Kira

Kai: Good morning. This is Morioh Radio,

Kai: brought to you again today by your neighbor, Kai Harada.

Kai: How is the beginning of the new week treating you so far?

Kai: Already, there are only three days left in June.

Kira: Now, let's eat.

Kai: And once it's July... That's right, it's vacation season.

Kira: Oh, yes.

I've got several errands to run today,

Kai: What plans do you all have?

so I'd like you to stay home.

Kai: I can't wait.

Kai: And now, the perfect song for this sunny day

Kira: Let's eat dinner together when I get back.

Kai: in the middle of the rainy season. Here you go.

Girl: Thank goodness they still had the Parisian special.

Girl: Talk about lucky!

JoJo-overlap,Girl: Let's hurry up and go to Yohee Lake.

Girl: Wait, Asuka's not here yet.

Girl: What? What's taking her so long?

Koi: It's been four days since Shigechi's incident...

Koi: Nothing has really happened since, but...

Koi: There's no doubt that there's a k*ller somewhere in this town.

Koi: Honestly, anyone can look suspicious,

Koi: yet anyone can also look completely innocent.

Koi: Ah... H-Hello, Jotaro.

Koi: Um, did you find anything out since last time?

Koi: Like, about the m*rder*r's button, or...

Jojo: No, not really.

There's nothing yet.

Koi: I-I see...

Koi: Um, where are you going?

Jojo: Nowhere, really.

Jojo: Just over there.

Koi: Ah...

Koi: Oh, man... He doesn't really talk, so it's hard to have a conversation with him.

Koi: Rohan-sensei is scary because he's so overbearing, but Jotaro's silence is scary, too.

Koi: Isn't there something we can talk about? Um...

Koi: That's a very lovely coat!

Mukadeya_Shoes_,Sign: Centipede Shoes

Jojo: This store appears to be a shoe store.

Koi: Huh? Oh! Yes, it's a shoe store.

Koi: Is there something wrong?

Sign: We also do simple tailoring

Koi: It's a shoe store, but they also do things

on the side, like fixing waist measurements on skirts and hemming pants.

Koi: There's also an electronics shop that sells flowers.

Koi: Is there something wrong?

Jojo: I heard about all of the tailors around Morioh,

but I didn't think to ask about places like this.

Old: Something wrong with this button?

Jojo: No, if you haven't seen it before, don't worry about it.

Jojo: I just couldn't remember what it was originally attached to.

Old: Little boy, would you like an animal cr*cker?

Animal_Crackers,Sign: Animal Crackers

Old: I always eat the camel last, so you can have any of the others.

Koi: No, thank you.

Old: Oh, okay.

Old: But not only have I seen that button before,

Old: but look, I just finished repairing the suit it came off of.

Old: A customer came in yesterday,

Old: asking me to put on the exact same button.

Old: See? It's the exact same button.

Koi: Jotaro!

Jojo: Good grief. We found it, Koichi.

Old: Found it?

Koi: Oh, n-nothing...

Koi: M-More importantly, what did the customer look like?

Do you know his name?

Old: His name?

Old: Well, of course I do. What do you take me for?

Old: I remember all of my customers' names.

Old: That's how you're supposed to treat customers,

Old: even if you have hundreds or thousands!

Jojo: Really?

Koi: Yes! That's amazing! Could you tell us his name?

Old: Anyway, the jacket has an order tag on it.

Old: Of course I remember it... Even out of hundreds.

Ld: But I figure it might be faster to look.

Old: Let's see...

Kira,Sign: Kira

Old: The last name is... How do you read this?

Old: I think it's...

Koi: Wh-What is it? M-May I see it?

Old: Um... Um...

Hear: Look over here.

Old: Wh-What the?! My hand!

Hear: Look over here.

Koi: J-Jotaro! L-Look!

Jojo: Watch out, Koichi! Don't go any closer!

Hear: Hey, I told you to look over here.

Jojo: Is that his Stand?!

Koi: J-Jotaro!

Koi: H-He's here! He's taking the jacket!

Kira: To think someone would actually investigate the button that fell off my jacket...

Kira: Did they see my name?

Kira: Why do things like this keep happening to me lately?

Jojo: Good grief.

Who would've thought he'd come to get his suit now?

Kkira: But I will make them disappear

with Deadly Queen's second b*mb.

Kira: Just like that brat Shigechi...

Koi: It's still moving!

The jacket is evidence!

Jojo: Wait!

Jojo: Don't run after it without thinking.

Jojo: The way that jacket is being pulled is suspicious.

Jojo: Something about that Stand...

Jojo: is dangerous!
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