07x14 - Assassin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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07x14 - Assassin

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does
not depict any actual person or event.

In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued by the detectives

of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Mrs. Khan, it's time.


We've waited two years.
We can wait a few more minutes.

Thank you so much. Thank you
so much for coming, my friends.

Mrs. Khan, how does it feel to be free?

So great to be came in
my second home.

But I must be honest,
I will never feel free

until there is a free
democratic Tamil homeland.

As a condition of your release,
you promised to refrain
from political activity.

This is a personal visit.

My mother is elderly,
and not in good health.

Does that mean you will not be working here
on behalf of Tamil independents?

No more questions, thank you.

Thank you.
Thank you so much for coming.


You look well.
House arrest agrees with you.

Gil, how have you been?

Fine, Madame,
good to see you again.

Where's my husband?
Is everything all right?

Visa troubles.
Last-minute Snafu.

He's, uh, flying in
from London this afternoon.

I wanted to see him before the rally.

Bela, maybe we should cancel.
You did promise them that you...

Promises made to one's captors
are not meant to be kept.

- There could be consequences...
- Yeah, what can they do to me?

What they did to father.
And to our brother.

Don't worry.
I'm here to see mother.

And you.

I thought I might die
without seeing you.

You're not dying, mama.

Of course I am.
That's why you're here.

Aunt Bela?

Jasmina? Look at you.
You're so beautiful.

Are you all right?
Did they...

Oh, I'm fine. How's Yale?

- I love it.
- I'm so proud of you.

I think we better...

Mama, I must go.
I'll be back later to say goodnight.

There has been too much
bloodshed on both sides.

We will win our struggle
not with bombs and b*ll*ts,

but through diplomacy.

The only route to freedom
is through non-v*olence.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Gil, get us out.

- This way, Madame.
- Thank you so much.


That's the assassin
taken out by the bodyguard,

but not before he gets a couple
of sh*ts off at Bela Khan.

The second shot
kills Rosemary Shah,

Mrs. Khan's personal assistant.
Mrs. Khan is...

Head of the Tamil Independence Movement.

Short-listed for the Nobel Peace Prize,

And under house arrest in Sri Lanka
for the last two years.

We get newspapers too, you know.

I just didn't know you read them.

Mrs. Khan and her entourage
were leaving the rally

through the kitchen to the back exit.

And the sh**t was waiting for them.

Shades of Bobby Kennedy.

FBI's on site.

Turns out they met her at JFK,
but this event was under their radar.

That won't happen again.

They're taking responsibility
for Bela's security.

Oh, good. Let them.

But this m*rder happened in New York,
so it's ours.

Rosemary, she saved my life.

She threw herself in front
of that b*llet.

She was with you when you were
under house arrest, Mrs. Khan?

Yes. And call me Bela, please.

Rosemary came from New York
to stay with me.

She was devoted to me,
to our people.

Who whose bright idea was it
to go through the kitchen?

Our bodyguard, Gil.

- You trust him?
- Implicitly.

He's worked here for our family
for many years.

- Oh, my God. My God, Bella.
- Ajay.

What's happened?
Are you all right?

- I'm fine.
- Look at you.

- Are you wounded?
- Rosemary, she saved my life.

I'm so sorry I wasn't here.

Bela could have used your support.

I came straight from the airport
as soon as I heard.

Yeah. Better late than never.

Rani, please.

Bela Khan, a beacon of hope
in a dark corner of the world.

Translation, she has a long
list of enemies.

Sri Lanka hardliners, Tamil t*rrorists,
pro-government militia.

Well, why don't we start
with what we've got, the dead sh**t?

Little tough until we ID the guy.

He doesn't have record.
Homeland Security doesn't know him.

We're running him through
other databases.

Great, and his g*n?

Uh, it's black market.
Serial numbers are filed off.

Unknown g*n, unknown gunman

who somehow knew which way
Bela was leaving the rally.

You know it was the bodyguard's idea
to go through the kitchen.

Of course, the family
trusts him implicitly.

As I told you,

we went through the kitchen
because the car was in the back.

This man jumped out of nowhere.

- You ever see him before?
- No.

He aimed at Madame.
I drew my g*n,

but before I could sh**t,
he k*lled poor Rosemary.

He fired twice.
Then you fire.

Yes. It was very loud.

One shot.
Right between the eyes.

How about that one, Wheeler?
From 10 to 12 feet away?

Where'd you learn to sh**t like that?

Indian Army. Special forces.

Well, here's what I'm interested in.

You're an ace marksman.

Ex-military man.
Cool under pressure.

You dropped that assassin
with just one b*llet, right?


So why was your reaction slower
than the girl who got shot?

Think about that.

Bodyguard; what do you think?

Well, he's either embarrassed
about how he screwed up,

or he's hiding something.

So hold on to him.
Let him sweat.

The beauty of a material witness.

We ID'd our assassin.

Married, two kids.
Jackson Heights.

Does he have a record?

With the taxi and limousine commission.
He was a cabbie.

They came from the same village.

Your husband and Mrs. Khan?

The Khans cheated his family
out of their ancestral property.

And then he couldn't become an officer
because he came from her village.

"Untrustworthy," they said.

That would piss...

- That would upset me.
- Nothing to be done.

The Khans, they are too powerful.

Too powerful.

Did your husband know this man?

- No.
- You sure?

I have never seen him before.

Was your husband acting
differently lately?

I mean by that, was he making a lot
of phone calls, was he talking to strangers,

did he talk about Mrs. Khan's
return to New York, anything like that?

He was the same
as he's always been.

He drove 12 hours a day,
seven days a week.

He came home to his family.

I don't know why he did this.

I don't.

I've never met him.
We knew the family from our village.

There was bad blood between you?

Some land disputes, litigation,
nothing unusual.

And that's why my Rosemary died,

over a 50-year-old property disagreement.

Does this mean you can release Gil?

You say you knew
your bodyguard a long time?

He and his family
are completely loyal to us.

His brother's under a death sentence
for supporting our cause.

I trust Gil with my life.
There's no way he was involved.

That may be true, but we don't think
the sh**t acted alone.

And we've heard you're uncomfortable
with the security detail.

I've had enough protection
these last two years.

Believe me.

I'm sure you have.

Mrs. Khan, we're going to ask you
to cancel all your public appearances

until we can sort all this out.

Do you believe in destiny,
Detective Logan?

I believe you make your own destiny.

My fate is already written.

Welcome back to Canada.

Thank you.
It's good to be home.

The Khans are convinced
the assassin acted on his own.

They don't want to believe
their loyal bodyguard could turn on them.

Well, Gil was more than a hired g*n.

His whole family's on the Khan payroll.

Except for a brother who was
sentenced to death for treason.

Gil's brother,
he was under a death sentence.

A judge in Sri Lanka ordered
his release three weeks ago.

Go get him.

Mr. Gil, what did you agree to in
exchange for your brother's freedom?

After the rally, steer Mrs. Khan
through the kitchen...

Let the sh**t get off
a shot or two...

And then take him down.
Was that the deal?

I was told no harm would come to her.

It was to scare Madame off.
Make her stop her political work.

If Rosemary hadn't gotten in the way...

I know, Madame would be dead.

Who was your contact?

He called himself Hari.
No last name.

Well, uh, that's not
giving us very much.

His cover was working
for the consulate here, in New York.

I followed him after a meeting.
He got into a car with diplomatic plates.

We'll make an inquiry at the consulate.

He'll be long gone by now.

They won't stop.

They will try again.

Welcome to New York City, sir.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Hari Jindal.

He looks like a paper pusher,
not a double agent.

Probably makes his job easier.

This photograph of Jindal
was taken at Heathrow.

The day of the attempt
on Mrs. Khan's life.

The FBI has Jindal under surveillance?

Not him, the other guy.

Nik "The Mechanic" Loren.


So he Nicks you and you die, huh?

Corsican born,
now a Canadian citizen.

Person of interest
in a dozen contract killings

in the UK, Europe, North America.

After their meeting at Heathrow,
Nik boarded a flight for Toronto,

- using his own passport.
- And then?

We think he came across
the border by car.

We know he took a flight
from Michigan to New York city.

He wasn't on the watch list?

He was... but...

You lost him?

We'll find him.

I was born into wealth,

with plenty to eat, the best schools,

with my family's great privilege
comes great responsibility.

The responsibility to bring our homeland
into the modern world.

To ensure our children have drinking water,

access to education,
the opportunity for a better life.

This evening is about raising awareness
and much need funds.

Hari Jindal?

The consulate told you
they didn't know him?

- Did you?
- Not really. Rani does.

Jindal was the security liaison when
Rani negotiated Bela's recent release.

- Thank you.
- He did a little more than that.

We believe that Jindal orchestrated
the attempt on your wife's life.

So is he working with government
hardliners, or rogue elements?

We don't know yet.

But until we do, we're concerned
there will be another attempt.

It would be prudent for your wife
to lower her public profile.

You try telling her that.

The man she's talking to...

President of Hudson University.

Her alma mater just invited her to speak.

She accepted?

She feels anything less
would be a sign of weakness.

A signal to her enemies
that she is afraid.

And Bela's not afraid of anything.

Rosemary was always
the brave one.

When I was placed under house arrest,
she rushed to my side.

When I was in despair,
she gave me hope.

She knew we were traveling
a long and dangerous road.

Rosemary, daughter of Tamil,
you join the Martyrs

whose names will be remembered
when the struggle is over.

Rosemary would not want us
to turn back.

Not now. Not ever.

She grew up in New York,
but her heart, her spirit,

was with the Tamil people.

And the best way to honor her memory
is to keep her dream alive.

To bring our country... our people...

Out of the darkness and into the light.

And we will not rest
until that new day dawns.

We must work for a Tamil Homeland.

But with words and deeds,

not g*ns or b*ll*ts.

Let Rosemary's death be the last one.

Let there be no more bloodshed.

Let there be peace.

- What's your name, sir?
- What are you doing?

Sir, we have to ask you
a few questions.

Start with your name.

Tamim Shah.
Rosemary's uncle.

- Very sorry, sir.
- Sorry.

CSU says the shot came from that roof
across the street.

This your guy?
Bela Khan's bodyguard?


That's a nice piece of sh**ting.

Routine bail hearing.

Why were they offloading
these guys on the plaza?

They're doing construction.

And the sn*per knew?
Any witnesses?

Passer-by saw a man
on the roof after the shot.

- I'll see if he can make an ID.
- Yeah.

sh**t left the w*apon behind.

Custom-made US survivor
sn*per r*fle.

We'll try and run it for prints,
but don't hold your breath.

I won't.

It was too far away to see his face.

The guy on the roof
was wearing a dark cap,

but was clean-shaven.

Oh, it could still be Nik.
He's just changing his look.

Somebody's tying up loose ends.

Who else would know that
the bodyguard had a court date?

His lawyer.

That's a $500 an hour mouthpiece.

Pretty steep for a bodyguard
from Sri Lanka.

Yes, we paid for Gil's lawyer.
Bela insisted.

Even though he betrayed her?

She felt for him.

His situation with his brother.

- She's very forgiving.
- To a fault.

Wanted to post his bail too.
I put my foot down.

Did you know about the court date?

We were kept informed, yes.

We? Who else knew?

The office staff, my family...

Uh, you're not suggesting
we had anything to do with his death.

You seem like a tight-knit family.

That's you, your sister, and...

My older brother, Davi.

We're late for lunch, papa.

Is everything all right?

You remember my daughter, Jasmina?

Bela's life is in danger.

Let us know when you
have a legitimate lead.

Mr. Khan, somebody tried
to k*ll your sister.

And then your bodyguard betrayed you.

Revenge never crossed your mind?

My family are pacifists, Detective.
We don't k*ll people.

And they said you'd become
quite the diplomat while I was gone.

In the loosest sense of the word.

Did you notice lots of pictures
of Rani with his family?

Rani with his daughter, but no wife?

Yeah. And no wedding ring, either.

I wonder what the ex-Mrs. Khan
thinks about family loyalty.

This is Jasmina.
We share custody.

Jasmina spends a lot of time
with her father and his family.

Well, it's hard to compete with the Khans.

And their money.

Something like that.

Nice place.
You been here awhile?

Since the divorce.

- Can I be blunt with you?
- Excuse me?

I think you got screwed.

In fact, I think you got screwed big-time.

You're the ex-Mrs. Rani Khan.

With his money, you should
be living in a palace on Park Avenue.

Well, I was naive to sign the prenup.

But Bela was my friend.

You were at school with her?

She's an amazing woman.

She's idealistic,
compassionate, honorable.

And I thought her brother was the same.

- And he's not?
- No.

Rani's only allegiance
is to the family fortune.

After Davi died, he wanted the Khans out
of the free Tamil business.

Davi was the older brother?

He was k*lled in a plane crash.

Rani's plane.

Rani's ex-wife thinks he'd commit
m*rder to get the family fortune?

She's not exactly
an unbiased source.

He's got overhead.
A daughter at Yale.

Homes in New York, London.

Chateau in the south of France.

With family wealth like that,
and not enough to go around?

It's expensive liberating a country.

Especially if your brother-in-law
is looting the coffers on the side.

While she was under house arrest,
Rani sued Ajay, Bela's husband,

accused him of embezzling family funds
for risky investments.

Ajay was part of an international consortium.

A lot of complicated financials
involving Nauru.

Isn't that the Island in the South Pacific
where everyone's rich from selling Guano?

Not in 50 years.
It's a failed state now.

Passports for sale, money laundering...

- Good scam.
- Ajay was lost a bundle on it.

And Rani is tight-fisted
with the family fortune.

Well, not when it comes
to private planes.

Rani's company owns
five Cessna citation tens.

Used to own six.

Until the crash that k*lled Davi?


It was a paid mission.

No black box,
the engineer who serviced the plane

disappeared after the crash.
They never found him.

Rani k*lled his older brother,
and now he's trying to k*ll his sister.

If Bela dies before her mother does...

Rani gets the whole inheritance.

The rally her first night back,

find out who set up the arrangements.

The meeting hall?
Rani chose it.

And he hired the security?

Yes, he takes care of all
the financial arrangements.

You political activities are expensive.

Any tensions between you?

I'm sure I drive my brother crazy.
But that's what sisters are for.

Please, come in.

What about Rani and your husband, Ajay?

He did accuse your husband
of embezzlement.

Oh, a misunderstanding.
The press loves to create scandal.

I rely on Rani totally.

He and mama are all I have left.

Must have been hard
when your older brother died.

The worst day of my life.

They never found the cause
for the accident?

The plane wreckage was scattered.

What really happened,
we'll never know.

- Were your brothers close?
- Not particularly.

Davi was the pure idealist.
Rani, the businessman.

Didn't he own the plane
that Davi was on?

I won't listen to this.

Mrs. Khan, there's an assassin
who's been hired to k*ll you.

And you think my brother
was involved?

You don't understand
how sacred our bond is.

And tomorrow, when I speak
at Hudson University...

We asked you to postpone that.

When I speak,

my brother will be by my side,
as he always had been.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please welcome to president
Hudson University Dr. Keneath Jamison.

15 years ago, I had the privilege of teaching

a brilliant, beautiful, determined
young woman from Sri Lanka.

I had barely finished my opening remarks

when her hand shot up
in the air with a question.

Well, through the years, she has never
stopped questioning.

A daughter of privilege,
she chose a harder path.

To work for people.

It is my great honor to introduce
the most courageous woman I know.

Fourth row, second seat.

He's alone now,
came in with a wife and kid.

My former student, my dear friend,

and the future president
of an independent Tamil homeland,

Bela Khan.

Thank you, Dr. Jamison.

Dear friends, just before
I was arrested, I visited my village,

and I met a woman there
who was crying.

She had no clean water
for her two small sons.

I held her hand, and I told her
I would help her.

And I will keep my promise
to ensure our children

have the opportunity for a better life.

My family stand with me in that struggle.

Actually, I owe my freedom to my brother,

who worked tirelessly to obtain my release,
and I thank him now.


FBI, freeze.

My brother's death will not be in vain.

We will continue our struggle.
They will not silence us.

Yes. How the hell did this happen?

Everyone was looking for Nik,

which means we missed
the heavy-set guy in the wheelchair.

How'd he get his g*n through?

Plastic g*n.

Came in with a wife and a kid.

We're collecting cell phones,
camcorder videos, news footage.

- Captain Ross.
- Agent Corbett.

We're very sorry for your loss.

Very sorry.

No lawyer.

He doesn't think he needs one.

Ballistics on the plastic p*stol.

Single b*llet, short range.

Oh, well then Nik was the clean-up man.

Guy in the wheelchair takes
a shot at Mrs. Khan, Nik sh**t him,

drops the g*n, walks away.

Anything on the wheelchair guy?

Patsy Moran. Quite a jacket.

B&E, truck heists, just did
a dime upstate for armed robbery.

Another g*n for hire.
Who's paying for all this?

Don't know him.

Why would he try
to assassinate Bela Khan?

What were you doing at her speech?

- I'm a fan.
- With a g*n?

Well, I heard New York is still dangerous.

You're having fun, aren't you?

Hari Jindal.
Did he hire you?

London, the airport.

This man asked me for directions.

Nice talking to you, Nik.

- It's over.
- I guess we're done here.

Thank you.
I'll take my passport.

Oh, no, you don't get your passport.
You're not going home, Nik.

You're going on a CIA-sponsored tour
to all the hot spots.

Egypt, Morocco, Romania.

These are places where
interrogation is sort of a... Art form.

Maybe I do need a lawyer.

Too late.
Extraordinary rendition.

You're out of the system, Nik.
We never heard of you.

How can I help you?

Hari Jindal.

He's just a matchmaker.

But he hired you
to put the hit on Bela.

Bela? No.

- Nik...
- Wait.

Bela wasn't the target?

Rani was.

Yes. From the beginning.

Both attempts?

Jindal ever tell you
who wanted Rani dead?

I never ask who a client is.


The money was wired
into this bank account.

Where did the money come from, Nik?

London, through some bank.

In the South Pacific.


As a matter of fact, yes.

Detectives, can we speak another time?

I'm sorry, but the investigation
has taken a turn.

I'm picking photos for Rani's memorial.

We just need to go
through a few things.

Did you know that
your husband and brother
had a falling out over family finances?

They settled that.

We checked the court transcripts,

and Ajay had to reimburse
your family trust $25 million.

Forgive me, what's this about?

We're beginning to believe that Rani
was the assassin's target, not you.


Your husband had interests in Nauru?

He traveled there from time to time,
infrastructure development.

What does this have to do
with my brother's death?

Mrs. Khan, please.

The money for your brother's assassination
was wired through Nauru.

Maybe one of my husband's
business partners.

Well, during the first attempt on your life,
your husband was in London.

There was a problem with his Visa.

No, actually there wasn't.
We checked with the State Department.

His visa was approved weeks ago.

This doesn't make sense.

What can you tell us
about the family trust?

I don't know.

There might be papers
here somewhere.

I can't find them for you.

Ajay and Rani handle all that.

And now that Rani's dead?

This is impossible.
Ajay is the love of my life.

Well, forgive me for saying,
but wasn't that an arranged marriage?

And when our eyes met,
I knew he was the one.

And besides,
Ajay was standing next to me.

He could have been k*lled.

Bela's in denial.

She's convinced herself
her husband was by her side.

He wasn't?

Not when it counted.

Actually, I owe my freedom to my brother,
who worked tirelessly...

There he goes, right on cue.

Out of the line of fire.

What happens when she sees this?

She'll find a way to rationalize it.

Look at this.

You'll have to wait outside.
Bela's about to do a live satellite feed.

Actually, we're here for you, Mr. Khan.
You may want to call your lawyer.


The hitman you hired to k*ll Rani.

He's been talking.

I've never met this man in my life.

Technically, that's correct.
Mr. Hari Jindal is your matchmaker.

Bela, do your interviews.
I'll walk the detectives out.

No, no, no. Let them speak.

We need a moment.

It's about the money.

We went over the family trust
papers your wife gave us.

Ajay, we have nothing to hide.
Do we?

What's going on?

Jasmina, not now, please.

It's about your father.

Ajay needed to k*ll him
before your grandmother dies.

Otherwise, you would inherit
your father's half.

You're wrong.
I know my husband.

Do you?

You told us Ajay was by your side
when your brother was shot.

Yes, that's right.

Look who made sure
he wasn't in danger.

You took a call.
Right before Rani was k*lled.


Oh, my God.
How could you?


You k*lled my father, for money?

I stood by you.

The allegations and the smears.

I defended you, Ajay.

Bela, Ozi-tal.

Rani said he robbed my accounts blind
when I was under house arrest.

We were hemorrhaging money.

Bela, enough.

How could you do this to me, Ajay?

To Jasmina?

To our people?

Ajay Khan, you're under arrest for m*rder.

Ajay, you didn't see this coming?

How long you been married to her?

You didn't think she'd cut you
loose to save her own skin?

How dare you.

My brother is dead.
You said yourself my husband k*lled him.

You're very, very good.

She doesn't flinch ever,
does she, Wheeler?

Not even when her brother was shot.

We watched the rest of the tape.

You pushing him away from you.

Into the line of fire.

My partner's right you didn't flinch.

You were clam, composed.
No surprise.

Everyone else in that auditorium
is looking for the sh**t or cringing.

But she stays right on message.

My husband is guilty.

You were too quick to kneel.

To cradle your brother.

To get his blood on you.

On your pink suit.

My brother was shot.
That's all I cared about.

No, you knew your picture
would be on the cover of every magazine

and newspaper in the world.

The pink suit...

That was her idea.

She said the blood would show better.
That the image would resonate.

The assassin in the wheelchair,
that was her idea too.

She said Americans
would be embarrassed.

Too PC to search a cr*pple.

- My God, it was you.
- Jasmina, don't listen to him.

He'd say anything now to save himself.

Did your father
ever suspect his sister?


But my grandmother does.

When I told her my father was dead,
she screamed.

She said now Bela had taken
both of her sons.

Jasmina, these are lies.

My... my own niece against me?

Bela Khan, you're under arrest.

All I have fought for.
All I have endured.

This is almost too much to bear.

It's your destiny.

It was already written.

I will survive this as I have survived
all the att*cks against me.

This only strengthens my resolve.

I will continue to fight for an independent
Tamil Homeland for the Tamil people.

They will not stop me.

They will never stop me.
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