02x08 - Animorphosis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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02x08 - Animorphosis

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Ben !

♪ Ben !

♪ Ben !

♪ Ben !

♪ Ben !

♪ Ben !

♪ Ben !

♪ Ben !

That sandwich was ours!
Give it back!

Will you three
knock it off?!
Both: Huh?

You're supposed to be
my alphas! My elites!

And yet here you are
squabbling over a panini.

How can I realize
my scientific visions

without more powerful DNA?!


Wee all the way home!

Oh, that hurt,
you hairless ape!

[ Groans ]



[ Electricity zaps ]

Who are you?
What have you done to my alphas?

I am Vilgax,
conqueror of worlds.

And I've given your alphas
what you could not --

discipline and purpose.

Well, you can't just
barge in here and --

I can build you a device
capable of sharing

your genetic engineering gifts
with the world.

In return,
you will help me get access

to the most powerful genetic
material in the universe.


Oh, yeah! Fossils, here I come!

This looks promising.

[ Grunts ]

[ Squeak ]
Huh? It's a toy?


It's plastic! ♪

I thought these were gonna be
real fossils.



Another point for me.

I'm at, like, points
ahead of you, slowpoke!

Give me back my bone!

Ah, look at those two.

So nice to see them
working together.

[ Laughs ]


If you're gonna play dirty,
expect to get dirty --



Real! ♪

Hey, are you all right?

Oh, my gosh!

It's a rare
Rajasaurus fossil!

When I turn this in,
the museum is

probably gonna make me
a senior archaeologist.

Well, I bet I can find
an even cooler fossil.

A whole dinosaur, even!

Where are you going?

I'm going to win.

I can find fossils,
too, Gwen.

All I need
are some diamond shovel hands.

Aah! Ooh!

Oh, it's just you guys.

Animo's alphas back
for another beatdown?

Aah! Shovel hands
will have to wait.

Time to turn up the heat.



Or maybe this is a job
for Wildvine --

Hey! Quit it!



Whoa, whoa! Cool it!

[ Growls ]

Aah! Ugh!

When did you guys
get so coordinated?

Come on! Four against one
is so far from fair!

Oh, I disagree, Tennyson.

You and I both know

that you've got other aliens
to back you up.

Euggh, I thought I smelled
a moldy old scientist.


He's trying
to provoke you, Doctor.

Let's focus
on the task at hand.

You guys are working together?

[ Whimpers ]

Yes! It's working!

[ Laughs evilly ]

What's working?!

I am collecting
all the incredible alien DNA

from your watch.

Why didn't I think
to do this sooner?!

You didn't!
I did.

Well, without my expertise
in DNA manipulation,

the secrets of the Omnitrix
would remain just that --


Yet, without my leadership,

you are no better
than Tennyson.

Now, bring me the g*n.

Who do you think you --

Huh? My alphas?

What --
What are you doing?!

Stop! You nincompoops,
I created you!

Ow! Aah!


These creatures, when commanded
by the right leader,

aren't so useless
after all.

Animo! Wake up!
Hit my watch!

Nice job, Dr. Animo!


Animo: Tennyson!

Take out the --

...mind-control units
on the neck!

And hurry!

You're not
the boss of me!

I'll do it
because I want to.

Oh, come on!

Awww, yeah!

I got stink-seekers!

[ Babbles ]

[ Moos ]

Take that,
you traitorous cow!

[ Growls ]

[ Screaming ]

Put me down!


[ Thud ]


What are you doing?!
Are you insane?!

You can't
leave me up here!

Calm your britches,

You need to stay put

while I go stop Vilgax
from whatever he's planning.

First of all,
I know what he's plotting.

Second, he's using my
highly sophisticated technology,

which only I know
how to disable.

And third,
there's the drones.

The drones.

And your point is...?

The only way you'll beat him
is with my help.

The only way you'll get in
is with my help.

How do I know
you aren't trying to trick me?

He double-crossed me.
He's my enemy, too.

What do you say?

No funny business?

No funny business.

Uhh, okay. Deal.

All right,
take me to the lab, child.

Sure. In, like, uh,
five minutes, maybe.

Uh, dude?
Your lab is glowing.

Hey! Help me out here,
would ya?!

[ Whispering ] Don't give
our location away, water bug!

The name's Overflow,
Dr. Anidope!

[ Gasps ]

My g*n!

[ Powering up ]

Focus, Doc.
Forget the g*n.

The g*n is the key,
you nitwit!

With it, I can disarm
his pathetic cannon.

[ Sighs ]

You get your DNA g*n,
and I'll distract Vilgax.

Got it?

Bet you thought you'd seen
the last of me, Octosnot!


Is that the best you got?


Eat this!



[ Growls ]

Unh! Whoa!

I don't need
any more hindrances, child.

That fool Animo was
more than enough for one day.


How does it feel
to be double-crossed?

You're nothing
but an old man --

even weaker
than this changeling.


You're right.

Let's see what we can do
to change that!


No! You don't know
what you're doing!

[ Electricity crackling ]

[ Groaning, screaming ]

I know exactly --

[ Screaming ]

...what I am --

[ Screaming ]

[ Growls ]


Wait a second.
What alien is that?

Let me tell you

All this time, I had been
experimenting on animals,

when I should have
just cut to the chase!

There's only room for one ruler
on this planet, Vilgax!

Aah! What?!

Ha ha!
I can get used to this.

[ Growling, snarling ]

Whatever happened
to a thing called teamwork?

Even with this new form,
you are still but a pest.

[ Gurgling ]

Pest number ,
reporting for duty.

[ Growls ]

[ Groans ]

Animo! Duck!

Actually, I think
I'm more of a tiger.


[ Electricity crackling ]

[ Rapid beeping ]

That's probably fine,

[ Gasps ] That thing
will destroy us all!

Quick! Hop on!

And get ready
to punch!

Punch, punch, punch, punch,
punch, punch, punch!

[ Both screaming ]

[ Both groan ]

Still in one piece!

You know, we work
surprisingly well together.

I still despise you.

I'm okay with that.

I should never have
wasted my time with a human.

It's a mistake
I won't make again.

that was really cool.

You dolt!
He's escaping!

Hey! I can admire
a cool exit if I want!

There's no way
he jumped off of --

I stand corrected.

Ugh! Vilgax is
on the loose -- again!

Well, there is one upside
to this day.

And what's that?

Today's the day
that I finally...

Ugh! Aah!

...get to destroy my rival!


Oh, come on!


[ Grunts ]

You've been a thorn in my side
for far too long!

Goodbye, Tennyso--


[ Grunting, screaming ]

[ Groans ]

What --
What happened?

You timed out!

Ha ha!
Stinks, doesn't it?

[ Groans ]
All that power just...gone?

Not as easy as it looks, huh?

And also, I take back
what I said earlier

about working well

Have fun being stranded
on a mountain!

[ Groans ] Fine!

[ Dialing ]

Hi, there. ?

So, uh, funny story.

[ Chomping ]

[ Dog barking ]

Both: Hmm?

[ Chomping ]

[ Panting ]

What'd I miss?

Well, I basically
halted the entire dig

because of
my wicked fossil find.

But all they gave me
was some dino cookies.

Want one?

So, we're cool, right?
No competitive grudges?

Yeah. We're cool.

You never try
to throw me off cliffs.

Wait. What?
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