02x34 - Past Aliens Present

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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02x34 - Past Aliens Present

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


Ben! How much longer are you
gonna be in there?

BEN: [ Groans loudly ]
Almost done!

[ Grunting ]

[ Laughs ]
Not bad, Tennyson.

Okay, all yours!

The bathroom should be
used for bathroom stuff,

not for taking selfies!

Oh, I also used it
for bathroom stuff!

If by bathroom stuff you mean
watching Internet videos,

then -- [ Gasps ]

[ Shudders ]

Crazy cats are so crazy.

Would it hurt you to not be so
careless in the bathroom, Ben?

Other people have to
use it to, you know!

If you're talking about
that little mess I left,

I find it usually
just takes care of itself!

Yeah, because either me
or Grandpa always clean it up!

She's right, Ben!
Great guacamole!

Handles itself!

-I don't know why I even try.
-Whoa, news alert!

Monster caught destroying
college campus?!

Look familiar?!
It looks like me --

as Cannonbolt!

Um, why are you
destroying a college?

That's not me!

Why would I destroy
a school?!

Because you're an aw--

And don't say because
I'm an awful student!

Someone must be trying
to set me up or something!

Are you sure it's not you?
I mean, you are pretty reckless.

Not as reckless as this
comment section, yeesh!

science campus or bust!

Okay, but I'm gonna
need at least

another minutes in here!

Oh, boy!

Who knew my alma mater
had a tech campus?

Go, wolves!

[ Howls ]
[ Honks horn ]

Stay focused, Grandpa!

There's the building
from the security cam footage!

You know
when I was in college,

our tech department
was a single ham radio.

We've come a long way
since lunch meat, Grandpa.

[ Screaming ]

-It's back!
-Who's back?!

That living wrecking ball that's
destroying all our equipment!

Save yourselves!

See, it wasn't me!

I've been here
the whole time!

I don't know.
Were you?!

-Yes! I think, hmm.
-Come on, kids.

Let's get in there
before whatever it is tears

the whole building apart!

Looks like you,
recklessly destroys like you!

It is you, Ben!

That's not me,
and I'm gonna show that imposter

what a real Cannonbolt
is like!

Maybe you should consider
a different alien!

Cannonbolt versus Cannonbolt
might end in a stalemate!

Sorry, Grandpa,
this is personal!

Hey, handsome!

Why don't you pick
on somebody your own size

and handsomeness?!

I am going to
roll you, sir!

Really? That's the best quip
you could come up with?

Oh, boy!

Cheap shot,
but it's my turn now!

[ Grunts ]

I don't think Ben's efforts
are helping this building any!

Maybe we can lend a hand!

Hey, Grandpa, can you
still throw a punch?

What's that? Oh!
Oh, yes. I believe I can!

[ Both grunting ]

Go, Wolves!
[ Grunts ]

Nice throw, Grandpa!

That's Wolf power,
right there!

It all works itself out!

What's up with that
steam-powered "me," though?

Wait a second, steam?
That could only mean one thing!

[ All yell ]

[ Organ plays ]

Yes, Tennysons!

Steam Smythe
is upon you once more!

Gaze in awe and horror
upon the bringer of your doom --

the Steam Bucket!


That's a pile of garbage!

[ Laughs ]

I don't get it.

Is that supposed to be
the Rustbucket?

Oh, laugh away,

I've come to the conclusion
that if you can't beat them,

then become them!

That doesn't make any sense!
You hate me!

[ Laughs ] Indeed!

But, your aliens have been so
effective in spoiling my plans,

that I thought why not build
some aliens of my own?

Turn back
the tide of technology

while simultaneously

dragging your name
through the mud!

Uh, dude, I totally trashed
your lame-o steam Cannonbolt!

What? You?!
More like we!

Not to worry, little Tennyson.

This show's
only just beginning!

Tick tock!
It's speed o'clock!

A steam powered XLR?

And what's with
the dumb catch phrases?

Well, that's what
you sound like.

But enough idle chat!
Go forth, Steam-celerate!

I am fast -- very fast!

No one out-XLR's me!

Hold on, Ben.

You should take a step back
and assess!

Yeah, matching alien for alien
didn't exactly work last --

-Oh, relax!

You saw
that bucket of bolts!

There's no way
it can outrun me!

[ Groans ]
He never listens!

Yes, what a pity.

-You, shush!
-You, dare shush me?!

I wasn't the one
who rushed off

and left you two behind
with a criminal mastermind...

completely defenseless!


Time for speed smashing!

What to pummel, what to break!

You've done it, Jim.

These cars are gonna
change the world.

[ Laughs ]

Back to horse and buggy!

Hey, rust-face!

I'm catching up to you, and I'm
not even breaking a sweat!


Throwing cars is bad!

Your face is bad!

You have
the same face!


[ Panting ]


All right, hunk o' junk,

see if you can dodge
my Super Speed Punch!

[ Clang! ]

I see you chose
not to dodge!

[ Grunting ]

I mean, this is
probably fixable, but...

Jim, wait, come back!

Ugh, no fair.

XLR's supposed
to be fast, not strong!

Well, I guess
that just means...

[ Clang! ]

[ Clang! ]
...the better...

[ Clang! ]

[ Groans ]

Nice doing damage with you!

Aw, man.
I just got out-XLR-ed!

See without me
and Grandpa around,

things don't always just
"work themselves out"!

SMYTHE: Really?! It's quite
the opposite for me!

My plan to do you better
than you do you

is working out quite well!

[ Laughs evilly ]

Oh, I sure wish I had another
punch to throw right now!

Well, you don't!

But I have something
to throw at you!

[ All scream ]

Sorry, guys.

I guess Steam Smythe
gets the win on this one.

Hey, it isn't over yet!

When your watch
times back in,

take a second
before you act

to make
a rational game plan!

Yeah, you're right!

I'm not gonna stop
Steam-XLR with speed!

I'm gonna stop him
with crystal!


Here I come, XLR-fake!

Good! Now try not
to be too reckless!

You mean
reckless like this?!

[ Laugh evilly ]

Solar panels?! Perfectly
terrible technology to trash!

Not if you get trashed
first, steam snout!

And I know just
the modern hero to do it!




What'd these panels
ever do to you?

Well, at least I still have
a working prototype

for the auto-copter.

Hey, steam train,
eat wall!


[ Cling! ]

Cursed crystal!
Give me a break, will you?

If you insist!

[ Blows ] Still got it.

Way to go, Ben!

You thought logically
and cleaned up your own mess!

I could maybe get used
to this thinking thing!

[ Clattering, rumbling ]

[ Train screeches ]

Ugh, Tennyson,
I thought my steam XLR

would have disposed
of you by now!

Oh, guess you didn't check out
my handiwork yet!

[ Gasps ]

You're going to pay for
destroying all my steam aliens!

You only made two?

You do know that I actually
have aliens, right?!

Actually, I made three!

[ Laughs maniacally ]

Say farewell to this
miserable modern world

and witness the true power
of the past returned!

[ Laughing evilly ]

Who's laughing now?

That's right, it's me!

I guess they couldn't
do small in the past?

And sometimes the baddie
just begs for reckless!

No, wait!

No one can clean up
this mess for you, Ben!

You've got to think!

All right, all right,
I'm thinking!

Uh, he's like
a really big me!

And even when
I'm my energy-boosted version

of Grey Matter,
I'm kind of top-heavy!

Ben, think faster!


Your alien powers are no match
for this masterpiece

of steam, steel,
and perfectly-aligned gears!

Perfectly aligned
gears, huh?

Hey, Steamy, one thing
I know about the past --

You can definitely...

learn from it!

Whoa! Saboteur!

Get your diamonds away
from my crankshafts!

Uh, let me
think about that.


I hate you, Tennyson!

-Is it down for good?

You may have triumphed
this time, Tennysons,

but you will rue the day
that you made an enemy of me!

The return of
the steam era is nigh.

Uh, now,
what is he saying?

I'm sure
it's not important!

[ Screams ]

Well, I hope Steam Smythe
learned his lesson today.

Yeah, that there's more to me
than just my alien forms!

I've also got brains!

-Uh, Ben?

What about all this mess
you helped make?

Oh, Gwen.
Remember, in my experience,

these things always
take care of themselves!






[ Blows ] Still got it!
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