01x30 - The Sharingan vs. The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x30 - The Sharingan vs. The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang!

Post by bunniefuu »

All right! New Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

We will light the first fires of revolution here!

That's enough!


You ended up coming.

The Hokage's son is a bigger idiot than I expected.

Yeah, because I'm an idiot.

I've come looking for a fight!

A fight?

You heard him correctly.



Yes. As Boruto just said,

this is a little scuffle between children.

And I happened to pass by in time to stop it.

Shizuma, this is our chance to take the Mizukage's head.

Red Mist Barrier.

Get back!


Look at the sorry state you're in now, Mr. Chojuro!

No one can escape the curse of

Nuibari, the Sewing Needle!

I'll smash your head in!

Old Man Chojuro?!

Shizuma, you're playing dirty!

Do you hear me?!

If anything, I wanted to be the one to skewer the Hokage's kid.

Just my luck I ended up with you.

Thunder Funeral: Feast of Lightning!


Looks like this might be a little fun, after all.

The Sharingan vs. The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang

The Sharingan?

I've heard rumors

To think, I'd get to experience the real thing here!

What a score!


You missed!

You've got the luck of the devil.

What idiot tells his victim he's about to crush him?!

Oh, you're right.

Stay outta my way, Kyoho.

I, Hassaku Onomichi, will show you how to use a sword.

Make sure you aim well


Striking a target that can't move can be pretty difficult.

Hassaku, hurry up and split him straight down

from the top of his head!

Nothing I'd like better!


Didn't I tell you to aim well?

It's quite fine if this ends in a draw

In the unlikely event, you fail to hit Chojuro

it will be the expl*sive Blade, Shibuki the Spatter's turn.

I'll gouge out both of your eyes

with my Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang!

You want these Sharingan that much?

I gotta watch out for the genjutsu from that nasty Sharingan.

Kiba can also be used like this!


You're really tough.

However, it's over

Ninja Art: Snakehead.

You're at a real disadvantage now.

I didn't know you were so shy

Why don't you show yourself?

Another feature of the Sharingan

is the ability to read the signs an opponent weaves, and copy them.

Basically, I don't need to fear you

as long as you don't see the signs I make.

So just die and let them mourn you!

Oh, good job!

Right there!


Is that you?


Let's go home!

I'll apologize with you!

You shouldn't have come.

I warned you

Huh? What are you saying?

It's too late already.

It's not too late.

We'll still make it in time for roll call.

You know

I warned you

You gave up your Hiramekarei. You don't scare me anymore!

Like you can do anything with that pitiful-looking sword.

He's underestimating our Mist Blades.

A sword is only as good as its wielder.



We'll delight in k*lling you,

and use your blood spray

to light the beacon of the Blood Mist's revival!

Revive the Blood Mist Village?

Talk about a childish revolution!

A revolution is just an excuse.

As long as I can rampage to my heart's content

with my Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang, I'll be happy!

Oh, are you that worried about time?

We've gotta take care of you guys

in time to make roll call by ten o'clock.

I'll take you down by nine o'clock.

The Hidden Leaf are such optimists!

Now, now

Watch where you step!

A clone?

I hate to admit that Boruto's jutsu saved me back there

But not being able to figure out

that one's Lightning Style is a real handicap.

Why don't you just give up?

The Snakehead already knows where you are.

You have nowhere to escape.

You'll die by the Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang.

Before you die, I'll tell you about Kiba.

The original owner of this sword was Raiga Kurosuki.

Naruto from your village k*lled him.

He was my father

Although, he never knew I existed

At this rate, it's do or die.

Found you!

Are you crazy?!

Lightning Style!

Lightning Ball!

I found you, Ms. Shy Girl.

Lighting Style! Lighting Style!

Lightning Ball! Lightning Ball!

Thunder Funeral: Thunder Funeral:

Feast of Lightning! Feast of Lightning!

Monkey see, monkey do?

You're so irritating!

Like you should talk.

Getting carried away with a sword that you stole!

I won this sword through skill!

Not like your Sharingan

that you got from your parents without doing a thing!

She's amplifying her chakra?!

Kiba the Fang gives me power!

Ninja Art: Thunder Armor!

You Hidden Leaf!

If you must hate

hate the weak environment that raised you!

We can save Boruto with this?

Like I'd know!

All I want is for that brat Shizuma to lose.

Got it.

Okay, I'm going to use this intel in the most effective way possible.

Hurry up, and take it to Boruto.

He's your "sun," isn't he?

I will.

Thank you, Suigetsu!

I see you've learned to say "thank you."

Kagura, that's it.

You have demonstrated your lineage to Yagura.

Stop Kagura

Don't do this

Let's just go home.

You're still alive?


I'll do it.


Don't, Kagura!

It's really too bad



You copycat!

And I'm sick of hearing you go on about a parent you don't even know!

Like you'd understand!

You're not the only one who's suffered because of a parent!

Then would you like a taste of my childhood?!


I caught the moon!

You're just like that worthless man.

I've got nothing to lose!

Looks like it's starting to wear on you.

I'm going to sew up your mouth!

That was close

Are you that afraid of being cut?

What idiot likes to get cut up?

Without a doubt, getting cut is painful.

But unless you're prepared for your flesh to be cut,

you will never sever bone.

Stay away!

It's futile to continue fighting!

Lay down your swords now!

N-No way!

This Executioner's Blade is all I have!

I'll never part with it!

Do you still want to continue?

I'm sorry.

You put up a good fight

No matter. There are countless other ways.

This is all going according to the script, you see.

Lord Sixth

Your life is mine.

Who are you?!

All right!

That Boruto, trying to hog all the spotlight.

Like I'm gonna let him!

Are you with them?

Don't tell me there are more!

I can handle guys like you all by myself!

A mere simpleton.

There's no need for me to deliberate then.

I shall expel you!

Quit using all those fancy words!

This is how you're supposed to use a sword!

I will not allow a simpleton like you

to get in the way of our impeccable plan!

I leave him to you Shizuma!

What happened?

Done copying?

You can't fool me.

The Sharingan uses up a lot of chakra, doesn't it?


Found you!

Okay, so why don't we bring this to a close?

Weren't you going to take me down by nine o'clock?










That Sharingan

is mine!

You Leaf half-pints

should've just stayed at the Academy and studied.

A genjutsu?!

Since when?

What did you think this thick mist was?

You mean since then?

Where are you?!

Did you know that running an electrical current

above a fixed level in water causes ionization?


The electrolysis of water produces

oxygen and


Good parent or bad,

there's isn't single one who doesn't love their child.

That's what I believe



What we each saw growing up, is completely different.

Why are you doing what he says?

Didn't you say you're the only one

who can decide how to live your life?

Yeah, and that's what I've decided!

No matter how hard I resist,

I could never escape from Yagura's shadow!

Where's the Kagura who played Shinobi Bout with us?

Don't talk as if you know me!

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"Boruto and Kagura"

You would never understand

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