01x42 - A Ninja's Job

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x42 - A Ninja's Job

Post by bunniefuu »

This time, I'm not letting you get away!

Found him!

Direction: o'clock, meters ahead!

Okay, I'm gonna settle this right now!


He's headed your way, Mitsuki!

Leave it to me.

There, there Don't struggle.

Damn it!

How did we get stuck with a mission to find a lost cat?

A Ninja's Job

A Ninja's Job Thank you so much!

A Ninja's Job My kitty

runs away from home sometimes.

No problem,

I'm glad we found your kitty safe and sound!

For all the fuss it caused, it was a boring mission.


Dealing with that kind of trouble is part of our jobs as genin.

I know, but all we've been doing lately

is dealing with problems in the neighborhood.

Like removing a hornet's nest

Mediating a fight between drunks

Are those worthy missions for us?

You feel that way too, don't you, Mitsuki?

What? I enjoy them.

Besides, I get to do them with you.

That's right, I forgot you're like that.

All right!

Our next mission's gonna be something more challenging!

Let's go, Mitsuki!

Huh? Okay.

Hey, wait up!

Oh, come on!

I'm saying

Give us

a flashier mission, ya know!

The request that you're making is

Man, it's no use talking to you, Miss Suika.

Let me go talk to my stupid old man.

Oh, Mr. Konohamaru!

Didn't I tell you that Lord Seventh is busy,

so you're to get your mission orders from the assignment desk?

But at this rate,

we'll never prove ourselves and it's a waste of our talents.

I don't think you really understand

what a ninja's job is in this day and age.


In the past, they could happen at any time.

But do you think showy battles are commonplace

in an age of peace?

Uh Well that's

You might have gotten the wrong impression

since your first mission involved enemy ninja

But missions like that are actually very rare.

What? Come on!

That's like saying we only do odd jobs like handymen!

Don't talk like that.

Every job we do is important.

We serve the village and support its welfare.

And besides, it's not only you guys.

All your classmates are working diligently

on similar low-key missions.

So, it's not just us?

Also, the time you spend as a genin,

is when you learn the realities of the village and the world

through such low-key jobs.

I bet you were fed that line by my dad, weren't you?

That being the case

please take care of your missions!

I can't take this!

Maybe I shouldn't have become a ninja.

He's such a child. Such an idiot.

We bring you breaking news.

The incident involving a g*ng of armed robbers

that att*cked the Hidden Leaf Central Department Store

LEAF NEWS LIVE! ARMED ROBBERS ARRESTED has been resolved swiftly.

Rock Lee quickly stopped them in their tracks,

along with Kiba Inuzuka of the Police Force.

Actually, I could've easily handled this alone.

I guess I just won over more female fans, eh.

Metal, are you watching?

This is the result of daily training!

LEAF NEWS LIVE! ARMED ROBBERS ARRESTED Trained muscles will never let you down!


That concludes our live report from the scene.

It seems like missions that are really dangerous

are settled by those guys right away.

Then we're only here to make However, much remains unknown

those jonin look good. about the g*ng's background,

and there is still a possibility


LEAF NEWS LIVE! ARMED ROBBERS ARRESTED This is boring. The investigation continues.

There's no incentive to work hard

unless people know about our accomplishments.

Let's hurry home and play.

I can't wait!

That's right! I can't waste time!


TOYS Thank you very much!

I almost forgot that today's the release date.

What kind of game is it?

Seems you were really looking forward to it.

"Super Ninja Hero Battle "!

You create your own ninja avatar

and make them stronger, and win battles.

It's a super fun game!

It's the sequel I've been waiting for!


The first one was amazing.

I stayed up all night playing it

and Mom got really mad at me.

Want to play it?

I swear you're gonna get hooked.

If you'll teach me how to play

There you are!

I've been searching all over for you!

Huh? What is it, Sarada?

Konohamaru Sensei's sent out an emergency summons!

It's probably just gonna be a mission

to look for a lost cat or dog

That's not what it's for!

We're to apprehend a robber who's barricaded himself in a bank!

Bank robber

barricaded himself?!

Don't move!

Didn't you hear


A kind of mission that's worthy of my attention!


This is it!

My chance is finally here!


That's the crime scene?

It's sure different from what I imagined


I've been waiting for you guys.

You're Team ?

Yeah Who're you, mister?

I'm Kotaro Fuuma of the Police Force.

I'm in command here.

Thanks for coming!


Nice to see you again, Captain Kotaro.

Oh, Sarada!

I haven't see you for a little bit, and my,

look how you've grown!

You know this guy?

Hey! Don't run your mouth!

Mr. Kotaro is a Special Jonin and

he's the captain of the Police Force!

It's fine. No need to be so formal here.

That's right!

Members of the Uchiha Clan have served

in the Police Force for generations, right?

Yes. And I'm hoping that in time,

Sarada will also join the Force.

Well I don't know about that.

Never mind that. What about the suspect?

Where is this nasty villain holed up?

Well, about that


Huh? Who's that?

What is it? Have you decided to surrender quietly?

N-No way!

b*mb You think I'm fooling around?!

b*mb I'll really gonna set off this b*mb!

I'm serious!

That's the villain?

I'm serious!

Okay, okay.

It's dangerous, so put it away!

So, what are you demands?


Please wait a moment

I mean just wait!

What's up with him?

He's not quite what I pictured.

What a unique bank robber.

Well, there you have it.

Not only that,

the people in the bank were evacuated ages ago.

Rather than being a hostage situation,

it's kinda more like talking someone out of k*lling himself ?

That's why instead of a jonin,

the mission's being passed down to us?

Th-This is totally different!

What happened to the big fight to subdue the suspect?

Where's my moment where I shine?!

Still, that b*mb could be real.

Yes, it's because of that possibility,

that we can't force his hand.

And that's why you were called.

I see.

Want to try to talk him out of this? Or

What will you do?

If you're not game, I don't mind doing this without you.

Of course, if that's the case,

I'll be sure to report it to Sensei that you weren't any help this time.

Who said I'm out?

I'll come up with something to settle this fast

and make the jonin lose face!

I'm gonna settle this.

Why did I end up doing this?

No, there's no turning back now!

And if that's the case, I'll go out in a blaze of glory

Go out in a blaze of glory?


Hey, hold on!

I won't do anything, ya know.

Look, as it is, we don't know what the hell you want.

I thought we'd just talk, face to face.


You see

I'm like the negotiator for the guys outside

You can call me your hostage.

W-What are you up to?

Are you gonna look for a chance to arrest me?

No, I won't do anything like that.

If you don't trust me, you can tie up my hands or feet.


He's simply too reckless.

Are you worried?

If anything, I'm worried about the suspect's safety


Damn it!

I can't tie it right.

Hey, want me to hold that detonator for you?

Huh? Oh, thanks! That'll be a big help

What?! Like I'd give it to you!


Hey, you're really bad at this stuff.

Are you serious about robbing the bank?

Even the safe is still locked

Is it because the bank employees got away,

and now you're stuck because you can't open it?

For real?

You don't look like someone who'd commit a crime,

so why'd you do this?


What's your name?


Listen, Mr. Haguruma

Why don't you just turn yourself in? Then you'll get off lightly.

It's stupid to ruin your whole life because of this.

Ruin my life, huh?

It's already ruined.


I was fired from my job two months ago.

My boss blamed me for something I don't even remember doing.

What do you mean?

I was a programmer for a game company.

My job was behind the scenes and the work was intense,

but it was fulfilling and I was good at it.

The problem occurred during the last project I was on.

The team leader gave me a schedule

that normally would be impossible to meet.

But I was ordered to complete it, no matter what.

And? Did you finish the game?

Yeah, I managed somehow.

But as a result of the workload,

several of my coworkers collapsed from exhaustion.

We just couldn't take the team leader's abuse anymore,

and were going to file an appeal.


the team leader got wind of it.

He accused me of selling company secrets to a rival company

and submitted proof that he made up


Th-That's terrible!

I was made into an example

to make sure no one else opposed him.

To make everyone stop complaining and keep working.

How can something like that be allowed?!

That's totally ridiculous!

Maybe it's hard for you to understand, but

it happens a lot in the adult world.

Especially in the times we live in.



that suspect might be a disgruntled employee?


After the Great Ninja w*r,

there was drastic expansion in the world.

Overall, things improved,

but the gap between the rich and poor grew as well.

After getting fired for something terrible like leaking company secrets,

no other company would hire me.

I got sick from the shock of it all and went into debt

to pay for my medical treatment and living expenses.

And they turned out to be unscrupulous loan sharks

and the money I owed ballooned !

Okay, I understand why you got so desperate.

Damn it!

I want to b*at up that rotten boss of yours!

You're angry for my sake? Thank you.

But that's not my only grudge.

What do you mean?

I was happy working behind the scenes on a game

as long as everyone enjoyed playing it.

That's what sustained me when I was doing the grueling work.


No one knew how hard I worked,

or that I ended up like this.

When I realized this, nothing mattered anymore, you know?


There's no incentive to work hard

unless people know about our accomplishments.

And so, I pretended that I was a bank robber

But I'm done now.

What do you mean?

I feel better after telling you

all the things I couldn't get off my chest until now.

It was the first time.

Mr. Haguruma?

You took a moment to listen to this fool,

so I don't want to drag you into this.

Hey, you're not !

I activated the b*mb.

In five minutes, this place will be blown to bits.

But I can't let you get hurt.

So, I'm going to close this door behind me.

I'll blow myself up with a loud bang

as a final protest to my damned boss.


You're okay with that?!

It's perfect today's the release date of that game.

This might make the news


The last game I worked on.

You probably don't know it, but it's Super Ninja

Super Ninja Hero Battle ?!

I know it! Look In my jacket pocket!

This is


You're a fan of my game?

I played the first one for hours on end,

and cleared every mission.

And I plan to play the second one just as much!

It's the first time

anyone's said something like that to my face!

I'll tell you as many times as you want!

Hey, you have to hear

what I think about Part after I play it!

So, don't do anything stupid!

Yeah You're right.

I wouldn't want to miss hearing about it.

Then Mr. Haguruma !

Yeah, I'm not gonna k*ll myself.

That's more like it!

Now, all of a sudden

I'm scared of this thing.

Yeah, so hurry and turn it off!

Yeah, I just have to quickly press this twice


What are you doing?

Weird is there connection failure?

Is there a bug in the program?!

A-At this rate

Oh no! Can't you take it off?!

I made it so it's hard to take off.

I wasn't expecting to take it off.

I know! Mr. Haguruma!

Untie my hands!

All right!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

That thing runs on electricity, right?


You're gonna feel a little shock.

Sorry in advance!

Lightning Style! Lightning Style!

Boruto isn't coming out.

Maybe he's having a hard time convincing the suspect.

He said he was going to take the detonator

the moment he had a chance

Maybe this plan was too much for him alone!

What was that just now?!

That was Lightning Style?



Mission accomplished, ya know!

Well done!

Thanks to you, no one was hurt!

Look, Mr. Haguruma is

After questioning the suspect,

we believe he was under extreme mental duress

and unable to make sound decisions.

Furthermore after inspecting the expl*sive

It was just a worthless appliance

that wouldn't have caused any fatalities.

Huh?! What the hell ?!

After causing all that panic!

Considering the circumstances,

and his sincere regret at this moment

His punishment probably won't be too severe.

Good job, Boruto!



What's he going to do from now?

As for that

Yes, hello?

Hey, Boruto! How did the mission go?


Sure, if there's anything I can do

If it's that, I think I can help.

The Kaminarimon Company is always looking for exceptional people!

Okay, we've made our report.

I'm gonna go home to relax and play my game!

That sounds like fun.

I have to be ready to go tomorrow,

no matter what the request, ya know?

Huh? What caused that change of heart?

Well how do I put it ?

Even if there's no glory in a job, it still has value.

Did I actually hear you say that?

Maybe it's gonna storm tomorrow.

What did you say?! What?

Someone instigated the suspect to barricade himself in the bank?

Is that what you're saying?


It became clear during questioning earlier.

I wondered why someone so timid

would try something so bold.

At first, my intent was to die without telling anyone.

But moments before I jumped in front of a passing train,

a man came up to me.

And that person gave him the idea of barricading himself?


And they told him where security was lax,

and even at what time

Just who would do such a thing?

Excuse me!

What's up?


The case that Boruto and his team solved

was just a diversion to distract us.

Damn it!

Seems like it's the work of these guys who call themselves noble thieves.

The Byakuya g*ng?

They've been active in several other villages here and there.

They're an anonymous group.

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"The Byakuya g*ng Surfaces!"

Damn you, Byakuya g*ng! I'm gonna capture you!

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