02x26 - Go Viral

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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02x26 - Go Viral

Post by bunniefuu »

Dude! Get off the computer, Muscle Man! Read the sign

-up sheet! We're signed up for 130! Hey, chill out, you jerks! We still have 5 minutes.

Go wait in the lounge.

Fine! 5 minutes! Aw, yeah! More internet videos! Old Man Horseshoes, you're pathetic! I saw that one coming.

Oh, dude! Road Hog! Oh yeah! That's a good one! This is some hilarious stuff, losers! It's got a setup, a punchline, a dude gets hurt! Come on! Still not funny.

Get over here! You guys are gonna thank me for this.


- Wait for it Why, Wedgie Ninja? Oh, my back! He just farted on that guy's back! Why are you laughing, dude? That dude did get hurt! Plus the bear farted on his back! Dude! Muscle Man, Wedgie Ninja? Glocken Bear? This viral video stuff is stupid.

What? Bro, if it's so stupid, why does it have so many hits? Me and Rigby could come up with a video that gets way more hits than that.

Yeah! In your dreams! Me and Fives could get way more hits than you dorks.

No you couldn't.

Yes we could! Ten bucks says we can make a better video than yours by the end of the week.

You're on.

Pay up, losers! No way! The week's not even through yet! Well, I got a million views ahead of you! You might as well just give up! No! We'll have an awesome internet video by the end of the day! How much are you going to bet on that? Double or nothing! Aw man! We're gonna be rich! Okay, best internet video ever! Take one.

Wait, what do I do again? Yeah, so, just start jumping, right? And get some major air.

And I don't know, then like, do some awesome backflips or something.


Are you getting this? Hmm, still not going high enough.

I know, let me try something.

Rigby! Dude, are you okay? Dude that was AWESOME! That's called a double

-jump! Is this one of those new fangled movie cameras? Oh, Pops, You don't wanna touch that, we're trying to make a movie.

Does your movie have sound? Back in my day we used to call those talkies.

Ha'yeah, we're making a movie about jumping on the trampoline.

We used to call those jumpies.

Can I be in your jumpy? Dude, Mordecai, if we put more weight on the trampoline, we could get more air, right? Yea, ok, but Oh, somebody's dropped a shilling! You wanna be in our movie, Pops? Triple jump! I guess that was pretty high.

But it wasn't a million views high.

What we need is more power.


Dude! I know exactly how! OK, Pops, you're going to do a double

-jump with that refrigerator.

I'm going to be on the interwebs! Alright, on three.

One, two, three! Jump! Dude, this is gold! Wait til Muscle Man sees this! Dude, look how high he's goin'! Dude, where'd he go? Don't worry, he'll fall down any second.

Dude, he's not comin' down! Oh, no.

Oh no! Dude, we've gotta go get him! What? But we've still got to take care of the viral video.

Dude, he could be dead.

I'm going after him and you're coming with me.

- Ready?

- Just a sec.

Might as well have a follow

-up video.


One, two, three! This footage is gold! We'll definitely beat Muscle Man with this.

Priorities, dude.

First we get Pops.

Wherever he is.

What is this place? Kinda looks like an insane asylum.

Hey, look! it's Wedgie Ninja! Help me.


- What's your name?

- Pops.

It's Pops! Step over to your right, Pops.

- Is this my passport photo for the interwebs?

- Sort of.

Ooh, I love photos.

I am ready, madame.

Say 'doomed for eternity.

' Doomed for eternity! No! Who are you and what did you do to Pops? My job.

I'm the warden of the internet.

Pops made the mistake of trying to make a viral video.

So? The internet should be a serious place used for writing research papers and maybe for keeping in touch with relatives once in a while.

These silly viral videos are a disease.

They must be contained.

Dude, that's not fair.

Yeah, we're just trying to make entertaining videos.

Wrong! All these people need to be punished, forced to live their stupidity on repeat forever.

You're insane.

It's not even Pops' fault.

He was just doing us a favor.

Isn't that right, Pops? I don't like the interwebs, Mordecai and Rigby! Wait a minute.

Mordecai and Rigby? You're supposed to be in Pops' video.

Now I have to reconfigure the laser video transporter for two more criminals that will spend eternity in endless loop for their interweb crimes.

Dude, get Pops.

we're gonna get you out of here but we've gotta leave right now.

Go into all the videos and get as many people as you can.

Pops, jump! Crimes! What? You! Guys! Up here! Old man horseshoes! Come on! Come on! You'll never get out of here alive! Get in! Wait.

Who's driving this? Roadhog! We're gonna die! Look! Alright, everybody.

To the portal

- quick! Come on, come on! Now you, Pops! Now! Wedgie Ninja! I don't know how much longer these panties are gonna hold!

- But


- Go, now! Guys link to my video.

We'll never forget you, Wedgie Ninja.

Where are those clowns? Probably skipped town because they know they won't win the bet.

What are you guys doin'? Mmmakin' viral videos! Oh, man, that's the best part.

And two million views cannot deny.

You know what else is the best part? Gettin' twenty dollars from this guy! Don't you losers have somewhere to be?
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