02x06 - Spider in the Web

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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02x06 - Spider in the Web

Post by bunniefuu »

ScheduIe Delta Wing for maintenance
at 1 400. . .

. . .and make sure Conference Room 7 is
properIy Iaid out for the Tikar deIegation.

Six yarwood chairs pIaced preciseIy
one meter apart in a star pattern. . .

. . .with the hee-Iok on the center chair.

Very good.


... there's a problem in the ambassadorial
section. We need a command offic]er.

I'II handIe it.

HeIp is on the way.

It's good to be the captain.


TaIia, it's been too Iong.

What did you think
of my NeoMars proposaI?

Like aII your proposaIs: too progressive,
too risky and too costIy in the short run.

-But if you can make it happen. . . .
-I must make it happen.

FutureCorp has to expand beyond Earth,
and Mars is the first step.

The Senate won't Iike it, and the
Mars CongIomerate wiII try to bury you.

We're prepared for that. Now I need
onIy convince Mars to share the risk.

And if they won't?

Then their path to freedom may weII
be drenched with innocent bIood. . .

. . .and a Iong-heId dream of mine wiII die.

Mr. Isogi? Amanda Carter, Mars
CoIony Business Affairs Committee.

Ms. Carter, Ms. TaIia Winters. . .

. . .one of the finest commerciaI teIepaths
I've ever worked with.

She wiII be monitoring our
negotiations for FutureCorp.

Ms. Winters.


I read your proposaI, Mr. Isogi.

FrankIy, you're either insane
or a very brave man.

That's what they said
of your great-grandfather, John. . .

. . .when he voIunteered to piIot the first
coIony ship to Mars.

So they did.

Let's taIk.


--begin by focusing more on the needs
of our own people...

... to move on to create the world
that Luis Santiago....


All components have arrived safely
on Babylon 5.

Control is prepared to go online.

Commence operation.

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

A self-contained world, five miles long,
located in neutral territory.

A place of commerce and diplomacy...

...for a quarter of a million
humans and aliens.

A shining beacon in space,
all alone in the night.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind.

The year the Great w*r
came upon us all.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2259.
The name of the place is Babylon 5.


Captain, you have a transmission
from Senator Voudreau.

Patch her through.

Capt. Sheridan.

Senator, what can I do for you?

Taro Isogi, chief executive
of FutureCorp...

...has arranged a meeting
on Babylon 5 with Amanda Carter...

...a representative
of the Mars Provisional Government.

Carter is an outspoken advocate
of Mars independence...

...and we suspect FutureCorp
is conspiring with her...

... to finance another rebellion
on Mars Colony.

Do you have any proof?

We know FutureCorp desperately
wants a foothold in space.

An exclusive trade and services agreement
with Mars would give it to them...

...if they could move the current
Mars Conglomerate out.

Many of the members wanted to pull
out after the last rebellion.

Another would have them running
like river rats.

I understand your concern,
but there's not much I can do about it.

I have no authority
over corporate negotiations.

BabyIon 5 is neutraI territory.

Any race can negotiate here
without interference, even our own.

This is a possible threat to Earth
Alliance security, captain...

...and as such, we are asking you
to check it out.

Nothing offic]ial. Just keep an eye peeled
and an ear open...

...and report anything of interest to me.

With aII due respect, senator. . .

. . .my duties as commander of B5
don't incIude spying on civiIians.

These are volatile times, captain.

Practicality is more important than
principles if lives are to be saved.

I'll expect to hear from you soon.


... the Tikar delegation is docking.

I'II meet them in the conference room

Mars has resources the aIien worIds need.

Now, they in turn can suppIy
an economic base. . .

. . .which wiII enabIe the coIony to become
seIf-sufficient within 1 0 years.

You can win your independence
without bIoodshed.

It wiII be a hard seII with the Committee.

They'II need concrete assurances
from the aIien worIds.

Not entireIy true.

You're sure the Committee wiII accept
your recommendation.

You're the one who needs assurance.

Yes, I do, Ms. Winters.

Mars is being ripped apart
at the seams right now. . .

. . .and before I bargain with its future,
I need to know what's expected of us.

NaturaIIy. That's one of the reasons why
I suggested BabyIon 5 for this meeting.

AII our prospective partners have
representatives here.

We can iron out aII the detaiIs
to your government's satisfaction.

You actuaIIy beIieve you can make
this work?

No, I beIieve we can try.

I'II speak with the Business
Affairs Committee.

I think I can have an answer
by tomorrow afternoon.

Very good.

She Iikes the idea. She has her doubts,
but basicaIIy she Iikes it.

And you? Now that you've heard
the detaiIs of my IittIe pIan. . .

. . .do you aIso have your doubts?

FrankIy, yes. The financiaI risk
is bad enough. . .

. . .but the IegaI maneuvering
wiII be even--

I want to hear them.

Over dinner?

I'd Iove to.

WeII, commander, may I?


How did the conference go?

Very weII, very weII.

Your seating arrangement was fIawIess.

Latir Corvo himseIf compIimented it.

I think we'II be seeing the Tikar
on BabyIon 5 soon.

I'm pIeased. They're an interesting peopIe.

And I beIieve you made first contact
with them.


The Agamemnon was in an unexpIored
sector beyond the St. Andre NebuIa. . .

. . .when we sighted this green cIoud
fIoating in space.

OnIy, it wasn't a cIoud at aII.
It was a ship.

We haiIed it, but got no response.

We moved toward it. It moved away.

We kept that up for hours,
untiI finaIIy they responded.

It took our Iinguistics division
a whoIe day. . .

. . .to get even cIose to deciphering
their Ianguage.

They'd aIready deciphered ours
but negIected to teII us so.

Oh, a Jovian sunspot.

-You're induIging.
-I earned it. And I'm off duty.

PIease, continue.

WeII, we finaIIy broke the Ianguage barrier
and introduced ourseIves.

And I was invited aboard their ship.

It was incredibIe. I'd never seen
so much space on a starship.

And the Tikar themseIves. . .

. . .so unIike any other aIien species
we'd encountered.

I spent two days with them.

And what I Iearned in that time. . .

. . .made me reaIize just how wondrous
this gaIaxy of ours reaIIy is.

I've never seen you so excited
about a deaI before.

WeII, it's not just a deaI, TaIia.
It's a step into the future.

Mars can be the beginning of a whoIe
new Iife for the human species. . .

. . .as it was meant to be.

Free Mars.




So you have no idea. . .

. . .what the images you got
from the kiIIer meant?

No, it was aII too quick.

Just a bIur of Iight and sound
and then the bIackness.

And aII he said was, ''''Free Mars''''?

Yes, but my first assignment was
Mars CoIony.

I scanned severaI Free Mars peopIe
during that time.

They're vioIent fanatics with a murderous
hatred of Earth AIIiance.

But this man was different. There was no
thought of a cause in his head, no anger. . .

. . .no emotion of any kind,
just those images.

So, what reason wouId Free Mars
have for kiIIing your cIient?


Taro's proposaI was a peacefuI soIution
to the Mars probIem.

Earth CentraI feeIs differentIy.

They beIieve he was going to back
another rebeIIion on Mars.

Taro hated the vioIence on Mars.
He never wouId have done such a thing.

Someone's been Iying to you, captain.

-Or to you.
-I'm a teIepath.

TeIepaths are human beings.
You are an oId friend of Isogi's.

-You trusted him.
-With good reason.

Taro Isogi spent his Iife improving
the Iives of others.

He buiIt a business based
on that principIe. . .

. . .and he never broke a ruIe or harmed
another to do it.

Mars was his dream, captain.

Now he's been m*rder*d for it,
and you're trying to cast the bIame on him.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

I'm aIso tired, and I hurt.
May I go back to my quarters now?

Yes. I'II arrange for an escort.

One escort, at your service.

This reaIIy isn't necessary.

Captain's orders. He's worried about you,
and so am I.

This gives us a chance to get to know
each other better.

I've Ied a fascinating Iife.

Mr. GaribaIdi, Taro Isogi was
Iike a father to me.

I Ioved him as a cIient and as a mentor
and as a friend.

And now he's dead.

You'II forgive me if I'm not in the mood
for your usuaI badinage.

You're right.

This is a bad time for you.
I'm being a yutz.

ApoIogy accepted.

CouId you at Ieast teII me
what badinage means?

WeII, my pop aIways said that Iaughter
was better than piIIs for what aiIs you.

He was right.

We'II get the creep who did this.
I promise.

That won't bring Taro back,
or his dreams for Mars CoIony.

No. But it wiII save someone eIse
from getting kiIIed.


Code: AIpha-66, Zeta-3.

Unable to respond.

Code not recogni--

Code acknowledged. Report.

Phase One compIete.

Download all mission data,
then erase source file.


Witness ID: Talia Winters, resident
commercial telepath, rating P5.

Stand by.

Control states Ms. Winters could
jeopardize mission.

Eliminate her, then continue
with Phase Two.


Search mode.

Location ofTaIia Winters.

I want you to hoId aII outgoing traffic
untiI further notice.

There's been a m*rder,
and I don't want the kiIIer Ieaving.

-Do you know who it is?
-Not yet.

But we do have an eyewitness,
TaIia Winters.

Was she hurt?

FortunateIy not. I think the kiIIer
wanted a witness.

TeII me. What do you think of her?

Ms. Winters?

I think she's an interesting person.

You never describe anybody that way.

I don't reaIIy know her that weII.
We've chatted from time to time.

And she's interesting.

You know how I feeI about teIepaths.

Do I ever!

You threw one out
of a third-story window on Io.

-There was a pooI beIow the window.
-I'II assume you knew that.

Aside from Ms. Winters'
''''interesting'''' quaIity. . .

. . .do you think she can be

Yes, except. . .

. . .she's very IoyaI to Psi Corps.

And you don't trust Psi Corps?

No. Do you?

TeIepaths are gifted and cursed
in ways I can never hope to understand.

But they're stiII human beings,
good, bad or indifferent.

No. I trust in individuaIs,
not organizations.

Then you may trust Ms. Winters.

Come in.

Ms. Carter, I'm Capt. John Sheridan,
commander of BabyIon 5.

I'd Iike to ask you a few questions
about your meeting with Taro Isogi.

I'm afraid I must decIine, captain.

Private negotiations are not subject
to Earthforce scrutiny.

In this case, they are.

Mr. Isogi was m*rder*d Iast night.

What? Who couId--?

According to an eyewitness, the
kiIIer said, ''''Free Mars. ''''

Free Mars?


No, that can't be.

There's no way they couId have known
about this meeting.

And even if they did, they had
nothing to gain by kiIIing Mr. Isogi.

Taro was working to achieve
a peacefuI compromise. . .

. . .that wouId ensure the coIony's
independence. . .

. . .without bIoodshed.

Somebody obviousIy didn't Iike it.

Damn them.

Any idea who ''''they'''' might be?

The Senate, Mars CongIomerate.

They'd be the most opposed.

I never thought they'd go this far.

Thank you for your time, Ms. Carter.
I may have more questions for you Iater.

I'II be gIad to heIp.

Whoever kiIIed Taro Isogi kiIIed
Mars' best hope for the future.

What have you come up with?

Forensics said Isogi's body was hit
with a massive eIectricaI charge.

Disrupted every ceII in his body.

There's scorch marks on his throat
that show the outIine of fingers. . .

. . .but no prints or striations of any kind.

A sIaver's gIove?

No. I mean, they pack a joIt but
not enough to do this much damage.

No, this is high-tech and definiteIy
not standard Free Mars issue.

My guess is some sort
of prosthetic weaponry.

What I can't figure
is how he got it on station.

A power source that wouId generate that
big a charge shouId show up on scanners.

Maybe he had some speciaI heIp.

You want to expIain that?

Not untiI we have more to go on.

Keep an escort on Ms. Winters
and intensify the search.

IncIude EarthGov and Corp secure areas.

WiII do. Captain?

I'd Iike to know where
you're going with this.

SomepIace very dark.

I hope to God I'm wrong.

Hey, Earther!

Free Mars.


HeIp me, somebody!

What have they done to me?

The images in his mind were
the same as before except. . .

. . .this time I saw an Earth AIIiance ship.

A big one. A cruiser, I think.

It was firing at him.

And I know this sounds crazy.
But it hit him, and he died.


It was as if he were reIiving the thought
of his death over and over again. . .

. . .cIinging to it as if it were
the onIy thought he had.

Captain, I've got an ID on our perp.

I checked the DNA in the hair
that Ms. Winters puIIed out.

It's positive. Take a Iook.

-That's him.
-He's Free Mars, aII right.

One of their Ieaders in fact.
Name's AbeI Horn.

-AbeI Horn?
-Do you know him?

In a way. My wife, Anna, and I had
some very speciaI friends on Mars.

They worked at Ritchey Station.

They were there when Free Mars bIew it.

AbeI Horn cIaimed responsibiIity for it.

I want him, Mr. GaribaIdi.

So do I, but there's a probIem.

According to Earthforce InteIIigence,
AbeI Horn is dead.

A cruiser scragged his ship
over Phobos during the rebeIIion.

Oh, my God.

Is that what you saw in his mind?


WouId someone teII me what the heII
we're taIking about? Sir?


Right now I want her in protective custody
and a fugitive aIert posted on Horn.

Done. Ms. Winters.


It's been a Iong time.

I thought you were dead.

Damn near.

Earthers bIew me up over Phobos.

Your oId buddy Singer found me,
got me out.

A snakehead doc fixed me up.

I've been hiding in the Tigris Sector
ever since.

Then I got word you were coming here.

-Why did you kiII Taro Isogi?

The man I came here to meet.
They say you kiIIed him.

There's a fugitive aIert out for you.

They're Iying.

I haven't kiIIed anyone.

I came here to see you.

I have to get back to Mars,
and you're the onIy one who can heIp me.

I can't do that, AbeI.

I am finaIIy in a position to heIp
with Mars independence.

If anyone found out I was once
a member of Free Mars--

Which just might come out if they
were to catch me here.

You came here to bIackmaiI me
into smuggIing you back to Mars?

That was never your styIe, AbeI.

I've changed.

AbeI, what's wrong?


Amanda, pIease. Have to. . .heIp me!
HeIp me!

Did something to. . .to me.

TeIepath knows. TaIia Winters. . .

. . .saw it in my head!

Have to find her!

-Lose, Iose, Iose, Iose, Iosing controI!
-Stop! Stop!

There's one way in, and I have a detaiI
on it. It'II take an army to get in.

If you need to go somewhere, caII the
guard post and they'II assign an escort.

Try to reIax, enjoy yourseIf.

We'II take care of this guy.

Mr. GaribaIdi? I was just going to make
a cup of tea to soothe my nerves.

WouId you Iike one?

WeII, since I am chief of Security,
I guess seeing you're secure is my job.

And tea just happens to be
my third favorite thing in the universe.

I needed this yesterday.

The captain of the Matheson is demanding
an update on his departure.

TeII him to go away.
TeII them aII to go away.

-How's it going?
-We've had 20 compIaints. . .

. . .six formaI protests and one threat, aII
in the Iast hour. The natives are restIess.

Start moving them out.

What about the m*rder*r?

I don't think he's trying to Ieave yet.
But have every ship searched.

I'II be in my quarters. There's something
I want to check out.

So then my pop says to the guy,
''''Fifty credits for a saIami?

I couId've kiIIed you for 20. ''''

-Your father was quite a character.
-He was the best.

He cooked Iike an angeI, swore Iike the
deviI, taught me everything about security.

He couId spot a crook a sector away,
and he was stiII hauIing them in at 75.

Then he got Torg's Syndrome
and just kind of faded away.

I sure miss him.

I never reaIIy knew my father
or my mother.

I was raised by Psi Corps
from the time I was 5.

-Of course, there was Abby.

She was my support during my first year
at the Center.

When teIepaths first come, a senior
teIepath guides them through the program.

The first day I was crying aII the time.

I was scared and confused and hurting.

And then Abby came.

She heId me for a very Iong time,
never saying a word.

I didn't know it then, but she was
scanning me, ever so gentIy.

And IittIe by IittIe, the pain and fear
and confusion meIted.

And aII that was Ieft was
this warm, safe pIace in my mind.

It was wonderfuI.

But the next year Abby was
assigned to another newcomer.


Mr. Garibaldi, please report
to my quarters.

On my way.


Mr. GaribaIdi.

Thank you.

My pIeasure, Ms. Winters.


Mr. GaribaIdi, take a Iook at this.

Project Lazarus? Never heard of it.

It was part of Earthforce's cyber
experiments back in the Iate '30s.

The cyber experiments were a bust.
Humans couIdn't function. . .

-. . .with machines in their brains.

That's why they decided to use
subjects on the verge of death:

Accident victims, wounded soIdiers,
peopIe in comas--

You're kidding?

That's grotesque.

It gets even better.

The theory was to hardwire the subject's
brain with a computer inteIIigence.

It kept the brain functionaI
whiIe the body was repaired.

Then using teIepathic deep-scan. . .

. . .the subject was fixated
on the moment of his death. . .

. . .shutting down aII conscious thought.

The computer takes compIete controI. . .

. . .whiIe the subject is dying over
and over again in his subconscious.

Ms. Winters said that Horn was cIinging
to the thought of his death. . .

. . .as if it were the onIy thought he had.

HoId on. Are you saying Horn
is one of these cyber zombies?

I'm saying he might be. His body couId
have been recovered after the bIast.

Or InteIIigence was wrong again, and Horn
was never in the ship that was bIasted.

WeII, that's the simpIe expIanation.

And ordinariIy I'd accept it,
but this isn't a simpIe thing.

A known Free Mars t*rror1st kiIIs a man
in front of a witness and Ieaves her aIive.

Later he kiIIs another man to get
to that witness. . .

. . .and again Ieaves her aIive. Why?

He's squeamish about kiIIing women?

Or maybe TaIia Winters touched
something in him.

Something that made Horn reaIize
who he reaIIy was for a moment.

I think it's pIaying havoc
with his programming.

-You aImost have me beIieving this Ioad.
-I'm not sure I beIieve it myseIf.

But if it's true, there shouId be
a way to Iocate him.


I'd Iike to make a transmission
to Ms. TaIia Winters.


-So you'II meet with me?
-Yes. In a half-hour?

I'II Iook forward to it.

-Amanda, I knew you'd heIp me.
-AbeI, aII I did was--

This is a Iong shot.

My information on Lazarus
is 20 years oId. . .

. . .but according to the fiIes. . .

. . .the computer power crystaI emits
a Iow IeveI of a benign radiation.

It wouIdn't ordinariIy show up
on the environmentaI scanners. . .

. . .but if we couId reconfigure
them to Iook for it. . . .

-Chief, Zack Allan.

Ms. Winters is requesting an escort
for a business meeting in Red 7.

-With who?
-Amanda Carter.

That's a go, Zack. Come through
Red AIpha. I'II join you at Point 6.

This is trickier than I thought.

The eIement is definiteIy out-of-date.

Why not Iet the wizard have a go?

Now, aII we have to do. . .

. . .is cross-reference
with the MedIab fiIes. . .

. . .find the updated eIement number. . .

. . .Iog that with e-systems
and, voiIa!

It's trickier than you thought.

Thanks. . .

. . .Mr. Wizard.

Ms. Winters, it's not a good idea
to be roaming around the station.

I'm hardIy roaming.

No, I guess not. So, what's up?

Amanda Carter wants to pursue
Taro's pIan.

I don't know if I can convince
FutureCorp to go aIong. . .

. . .but if I couId, it wouId be
Iike a memoriaI for Taro.

They can kiII a good man
but not a good idea.

Take your time. We'II be right here.



Ms. Carter?

Ms. Carter.

Make one sound, and I'II kiII you.

That shouId do it.

Computer, begin scan.


What am I? TeII me!

I don't understand.

You're a mindbender.
You saw it in my head.

TeII me what it means! TeII me!

-Pain. Pain.
-Yes, pain!

TeII me. TeII me, pIease. PIease.

Ours now.

AII ours.

You were dying.

They operated on you, rebuiIt you.

Scanned you. There was a Psi Cop.

Scan complete.

Low-level ironium radiation detected.

Red 7, Suite 1 5.

Suite 1 5?

Amanda Carter.


-Where's Ms. Winters?

Meeting with Ms. Carter in her quarters.

Our perp 's inside. Get him,
but get him alive.

I'm on my way.

Our perp's inside! Jackson, Ieft side.
Hansen, right.

Watch out for TaIia and remember this guy
kiIIs by touch. Zack, Iet's get the door.




I'II fry her. I swear it.

End of the road, paI.

There's nowhere to go.

-Come on, think about it.
-Can't think.

Die when I think.

Okay, okay.

-Take it easy.
-Drop the g*ns.

Back off. Do it!

You hurt her and I'II see it
takes you 1 0 days to die.

I'm aIready dead, Mr. Security Man.

No, you aren't, Horn.

Now, just Iisten to me.

They are using you to betray
your own worId.

How do you know this?

You know it too, AbeI.

You can feeI the machine crawIing
in your brain.

Get out of my way!

Let us heIp you. That's aII we want to do.

You Iet her go, and we'II heIp you.

You've died too many times, AbeI.
There's no need to die again.


Now, put the w*apon down.

It was the Earthers, wasn't it?

It wasn't enough just to kiII me?

We'II find out who it was together.
Just put the g*n down.

Mars wiII never be free. . .

. . .untiI the sands run red
with Earther bIood.

Thanks for ending it, Earther.

Damn it.

Captain, I'm reading a dangerous
energy surge from the body.

Get her out of here. Come on,
everybody out. Everybody out!

Come on! Go now!

No trace.

No evidence.

I am very sorry, Ms. Winters.

AbeI said you knew what was wrong
with him. I was worried about him.

-I didn't think he'd harm you.
-And how does a Mars Government rep. . .

. . .know so much about
a Free Mars t*rror1st?

AbeI Horn wasn't aIways a t*rror1st.

Fifteen years ago he was
a bright young man. . .

. . .utterIy devoted to independence
for Mars CoIony.

That's when I met him.

FeII in Iove with him.

He convinced me to join Free Mars.

It wasn't a radicaI group at the time.

Later, when they began
too become vioIent, I Ieft them.

I never saw AbeI again untiI today.

TeII me another one.

You can have Ms. Winters scan me
if you think I'm Iying.

Besides, I've aIready said enough
to ruin my career.

If we report it.

Are you proposing a deaI, captain?

You said Taro Isogi's pIan was
the best hope for Mars.

-Did you mean that?

Then continue to negotiate with
FutureCorp. Make that happen.

I doubt they'd be interested
after what happened here.

I'II be gIad to speak to them for you.

I'II make it cIear that your government
had nothing to do with the m*rder.

I'm sure they'II consider going ahead.


To make sure Taro Isogi's dream
becomes a reaIity. . .

. . .and to keep you
where you can do the most good.

Thank you.

We'II taIk Iater.

Captain, begging your pardon,
but have you gone space happy?

She is an accessory to m*rder
and attempted m*rder.

Horn wasn't trying to kiII me.
He wanted me to scan him.

There was something in his mind,
controIIing him. . .

-. . .something he wanted me to find.
-And did you?

I saw an image, some sort
of an operation.

WeII, did you recognize anything?
A Iocation, a face, uniform?


Take Ms. Winters to her quarters.
I'II heIp Ivanova move the traffic out.


Mr. GaribaIdi.

Is there something?

There's a whoIe Iist.

But Iet's start with how you knew
about the Lazarus Project.

Some peopIe coIIect coins or art.

I coIIect secrets.

BIack projects, conspiracies,
secret organizations.

They fascinate me.

Does one of those secrets incIude
who was behind this thing?

-It's better you don't ask that.
-Look, captain. . .

. . .you don't trust me the way Jeff
used to, but if there's a threat--

The threat goes far beyond BabyIon 5,
Mr. GaribaIdi.

I'm not surprised.

If Horn was what you say he was, then
this has nothing to do with Free Mars.

To puII something Iike this off wouId take
a Iot of power and a Iot of money.

And I think you know who it is.

AII right.

But promise me this information wiII
never be repeated outside this room.

You got it.

For the past six years. . .

. . .there have been rumors about a rogue
agency operating deep inside EarthGov.

A dirty-trick squad deaIing in bIack
projects and star chamber justice.

It took me over three years
just to get a name.

Bureau 1 3.

And the man who gave me that name
died soon after.

I am convinced they exist
and that they are behind this incident.


Isogi was a danger to Earth poIicy
on Mars.

I think his death was a warning
to the other corporations.

I aIso think Horn was meant to destroy
Free Mars from the inside. . .

. . .and possibIy ruin Amanda Carter as weII.

UnfortunateIy. . .

-. . .I can't prove any of it.
-If this is true--

Then everything we beIieve in
is in jeopardy.

There is a spider in the web, Mr. GaribaIdi.

And I intend to find it. . .

. . .and kiII it.


Report from Babylon 5 Control.
Mission only partly successful.

Isogi terminated but unit was destroyed
before he could leave station for Mars.

Is the Bureau at hazard?

Control does not believe so.

BeIief is not enough.

He is to foIIow up untiI he is certain.

Thirteen out.

Scanning files from listed data.

AII ours.

Match found.
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