02x17 - Knives

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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02x17 - Knives

Post by bunniefuu »

Home run.

Fair ball.

You're swinging like you've had
a rough day.

You try an eight- hour session
with the League of Non- Aligned Worlds.

They're thinking about banning the Narn
and the Centauri from the Corridor.

There've been a few incidents
around the trade gates.

Well, at least you didn't have
to spend your day in the triangle.

- The"triangle"?
- Holding pitch.

Grey Sector.

Ever since B5 went online,
there've been stories about the place.

- Registering batter change.
- Strange lights. Weird noises.

People vanishing. Maintenance
nicknamed it the"B5 Triangle."

Now they swear there's something
making their scanners go haywire.

- Foul ball.
- Anything to the stories?

Every station has its phantoms.

I've never seen anything down there,
but it is, you know, kind of creepy.

Foul ball.

Well, in that case, I'll have
to take a look for myself.

- Why?
- Curiosity.

- Holding pitch.
- When I was a kid...

...I used to love to wander through
all those creepy places:

Haunted houses. Forbidden paths.
lndian burial grounds.

It was like candy. I couldn't get enough.

Just don't go in there alone, okay?

That's half the fun of it.

Strike three. You're out.


No, no, no, Vir.

You can't even begin to compare
the compositions of Trantaro...

- ...with those of Dorva.
- But, Londo, Dorva is fine--

Fine? Fine? The man was
a giant of Centauri opera.

His opening aria for Travali Stocata?

Please. This is one of the most brilliant,
soul- stirring piece of music ever written.

That's very commendable, Londo,
and you sing it quite well.

But it cannot stand beside
Trantaro's Mi Gri Vitaro.

Vir, they don't write them
like that anymore.

How fitting you should die...

...with a song on your lips, Mollari.

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

A self- contained world, fiive miles long,
located in neutral territory.

A place of commerce and diplomacy...

...for a quarter of a million
humans and aliens.

A shining beacon in space,
all alone in the night.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind.

The year the Great w*r
came upon us all.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2259.
The name of the place is Babylon 5.

- Who are you?
- Your doom, Paso Leati.

Paso Leati? Urza?

- Londo.
- Urza!

How good it is to see
your sad face again.

Yes. You almost saw it
for the last time.

By all the gods, never play a trick
like that on me again.

Forgive me.

As always. Vir, I want you to meet
an old friend of mine.

This is Urza Jaddo.

Excuse me, Vocator Urza Jaddo,
hero of the Battle of Gorash...

...and the finest swordsman in the
Couro Prido, next to me, of course.

Urzo, Vir Cotto, my attache.

Now we shall go back to my quarters,
open a bottle of fine Brivari...

...and you'll tell me what happy miracle
has brought you here to Babylon 5.

Alas, I must decline for the moment.

The journey from Centauri Prime was
long. There are things I must attend to.

But later...

...we will talk of many things
and drink deeply of your fine Brivari.

I look forward to it.

Hey. Are you all right?

Sheridan to Garibaldi.


Chief, I'm in Grey 1 0.
I've just found a--

Chief! Chief!

Captain, I can't read you.
Send again. Send again.

Garibaldi, I can't read you.
There must be--

Captain, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Just get down here as soon as you can.

Your epinephrine level's elevated...

...but that's consistent
with a sudden state of shock.

You could use rest, but you're fine.

Shock's a pretty mild word for it, doc.

I've been att*cked by aliens before,
but never by dead ones.

So maybe next time you'll listen
when I tell you not to do something.


No, I'd say the attack was
a simple postmortem reaction.

Dead bodies build up gas which can
cause them to emit sounds...

- ...or move as if they're still alive.
- That's cute. A zombie with a gas attack.

Look, any idea what k*lled him?

Well, at first glance,
I'd say massive head trauma.

But I'll have to do an autopsy.

All right. Can you identify him?

That's easy.

His name's...

- ...Shush- Na- Sh....Something or other.
- Yeah.

- Chay- yosh- nay.
- Gesundheit.

He came in three days ago from
the Corridor, registered a cargo...

...departing tomorrow.
He was staying in the Markab Sector.

All right, you and I will go through his
quarters. Send a detail to check out his--


Are you all right?

I just felt a little dizzy there.

Maybe the doc is right about me
needing some rest.

Okay, look, I'll handle the search.
You cop a little sack time...

...and I'll let you know what we find.

So how long have you and Vocator
Jaddo known each other?

Ever since we were children.

But our houses have been allied
since the earliest days of the Republic.

Why does he call you Paso Leati?

In dueling societies, it is customary
for each member...

...to be given a fighting name
by his comrades.

They said I fought like a crazed leati.

And so they called me Paso Leati.

Urza was known as Skal Tura,
the silent beast.

Those were great times, Vir.
We were young, proud, fierce...

...bursting to prove ourselves
to each other and to the world.

Our starships ruled the spaceways...

...and our power was rivaled by that
of the gods only.

Great Maker, it was good
to be a Centauri then.

Every generation of Centauri mourns
for the golden days...

...when their power was
like unto the gods.

It's counterproductive. I mean, why make
history if you fail to learn by it?

You know, Vir, you have what
the Earthers call a negative personality.

No, I don't.

There, you see?

Delightful. Urza will be pleased.

In the old days, his capacity
for Brivari was almost legendary.


Paso Leati, my heart leaps
to see you again.

No more than does mine,
my good and dear friend, Skal Tura.

- The Brivari?
- Yes, and you won't be disappointed.




You okay?

Yeah, yeah. I'm okay.

- How'd you get here so fast?
- I was taking in the forensics report...

...when e- systems picked up g*nf*re
in your quarters.

- Yeah.
- What happened?

It was here. It att*cked me.


A grylor.

It's an animal native to Janos 7.
I was stalked by one once.

It almost k*lled me here.

I shot it.

- It must've been a nightmare.
- No. No, no.

No, it was no nightmare.

I saw it.

At least I think I did.

Hey, it happens.

I once saw a whole chorus line of purple
wombats doing show tunes in my tub.

Of course, I was pretty drunk
at the time.


So, what does forensics say?

- su1c1de.
- He bashed his own skull in?

Yeah, against the pipe
where you found him.

- Doc picked half out of his brain pan.
- Any idea why?

No, not a clue. I mean, bioscans
were all normal.

Oh, no. Maybe he was in a religious--
A religious frenzy.

The Markab have rituals where
they lose control of themselves.

That's possible, except those rituals
usually involve psychotropics.

This guy's system was clean.

And besides, why would he go
to Grey Sector to practice his religion?

I don't know.

You keep checking. I want answers.

I'll be in C&C if you need me.

I kind of like it.

And what about you?

Are you still married to Marilya?

We are comfortable with each other.

She understands.

Well, I'm happy for you.
And jealous.

After all these years, Paso Leati...

...have you still not found love?

There was someone,
a dancer named Adira.

- And?
- It ended as all love does.


Listen to me.

Moaning about dead passions like
an old drunkard. You know what I need?

A drink.

A drink!

Your name is spoken often
on Centauri Prime these days.

Oh, yes? And what do they say
about me when they speak my name?

That your star is once again
in ascendance.

As is the Republic's.

Well, it's about time.

The Centauri have bowed to the whims
of other races for too long.

Now we will show the galaxy
our true spirit.

Beginning with those thrice- damned Narn.

Emperor Turhan, may the gods
comfort him...

...never wanted another w*r
with the Narn.

The emperor was a good man,
but he was wrong about the Narn.

w*r with them was inevitable.

And they have given us
little choice in the matter.

The Narn did not start this conflict!

They were forced into it by a faction
within our own midst.

The same faction who m*rder*d
Prime Minister Malachi...

...and put that infantile puppet,
Cartagia, on the throne.

I was told Malachi took his own life
when the emperor passed away.

That's the official story.
Many such lies are told nowadays.

Why do you tell me this, Urza?

A resolution is about to be brought
before the Centaurum...

...declaring me and my house
traitors to the Republic.

No, you're joking.
They could never prove such a thing.

These days, the mere accusation
is enough.

I am a marked man, Londo...

...and if these villains have their way,
I will be disgraced.

And you know what that means.

What do you want me to do?

You were always clever, Londo.

And House Mollari is still one of the most
respected of the noble houses.

If you stand with me...

...I know I can save my family.

I'll do what I can.

I knew you would not deny me,
Paso Leati.

And now I must go.

Tomorrow I will arrange a banquet
to celebrate our reunion.

I thank you for the fine Brivari
and your friendship.

Commander, everything in order?

Remarkably so, and it's beginning
to worry me.

Do you always worry
when things are going well?

I don't have time when they're not.

Jumpgate online.

It's the Arkati.

She's preregistered.
Route her to Bay 8.

What the hell?



Captain, what is it?

Station 6, go to hypertrack. I want
that whole area scanned, right now!

What area, sir?

Captain, is something wrong?


I have to see to something.

And then in C&C, I saw the Icarus.

The Icarus?

Yeah, it was a science ship
my wife was aboard.

I saw it explode as if I were there.

And, doc, it happened
over two years ago, and I wasn't there.

Look, I have run you through
every test that I know.

There is nothing wrong with you,

Great. Then I'm just plain nuts.

Well, anyone willing to command
Babylon 5 has got to be slightly insane...

...but I don't think that you're
ready for the asylum just yet.

Then what is wrong with me?

It's possible you picked up some
kind of new virus from the corpse...

...something our scanners can't spot.

I know a good Markab doctor.
I'll check with him.

There might be a simpler explanation.

Seven months ago, you were
commanding a starship, right?

- Yeah.
- All right.

Suddenly, you're put in charge
of a small city in space...

...as a major w*r breaks out.

Your diet changes,
your sleep is interrupted...

...you face a major crisis
every other day. To top it off...

...you're not sure you can trust
the very people who put you here.

Now that is a lot of stress.

Maybe you're sending yourself
a message.

I'm gonna put you on medical leave
for a few days.

No, no. lmpossible.
I have a station to run.

Well, Commander Ivanova is
quite capable of doing that.

- I want you to relax.
- Yeah.

Let other people handle things
for a while. Give me your hand.

This is going to monitor any abnormalities
in your system functions.

- Doc--
- And I'm also prescribing a mild sedative.

I want you to relax and enjoy yourself.
That is an order.

You know, you're just like your father.

Well, thank you.

Refa! At last!

Taking care of our mutual interests
consumes much of my time.

What can I do for you, Mollari?

I am told Vocator Jaddo will be declared
a traitor by the Centaurum?

He is a traitor.

Don't be a fool.

Urza may differ with a few politicians,
but he would never betray the Republic.

I will vouch for him personally.

Have you said this publicly?

It will not be necessary.
I want the resolution dropped.

It is already accomplished.

Well, then unaccomplish it.

Urza is a friend, more than a friend.
He's a dueling comrade.

My house and his have been allied
since the earliest days of the Republic.

I will stand up for him.

That is unfortunate.

I'm afraid the political repercussions
will be very grave.

House Jaddo is crumbling, and anyone
who defends it will crumble as well.

We'll try and protect you, of course...

...but if your link with this man
gets out...

...you may no longer fiit in
with our plans.

I fit in with your plans?

Perhaps you are forgetting
who made your plans a reality...

...and how it was done.

Mollari, if you insist on clinging
to the coat of a doomed man...

...there is little I can do.

But I will try.


You know, on rare occasions,
I am proud to be your attache.

Be careful, Vir, such compliments
will turn my head. Get me a drink.

And then contact all my agents
on Centauri Prime.

It's time I paid more attention
to what's happening on Homeworld.

Foul ball.

Foul ball.


Mr. Garibaldi, is there
something wrong?


Just wanted to see how you
were doing.

Better. A lot better.

You know, I almost forgot
what it's like to just relax.

If you call three hours
of batting practice relaxing.

Does the term"obsessive- compulsive"
ring a bell?

Holding pitch.


- Find out any more about that Markab?
- Not really.

Every check confirms
he was just your average business type.

But there is one thing. He came
through Sector 1 4 on his way here.

Sector 1 4? lsn't that restricted?

Right. Ever since the incident
last year with Babylon 4.

Babylon 4? I thought that was destroyed.

So did we, until we got
a signal from it.

Wait. I never read anything
about this in the station logs.

Earthforce decided to confiscate
all the records for their investigation.

Now, B4 was caught up in some kind
of weird space- time phenomenon.

We managed to get all its people
off before it disappeared again...

...but Earthforce believes there's
still some anomaly out there.

Maybe the Markab encountered it.

Anyway, it's all here.

I thought you said the records
were all confiscated.

I made a copy.

You never know when I might
wanna write my memoirs.

- Thanks.
- Keep your elbow up.

Oh, my!

Yes, magnificent. Urza always
knew how to throw a banquet.


- Urza.
- Welcome, Londo.

- You know Lord Valo.
- Lord Valo, good to see you again.

- Londo.
- My lady.

A month ago he would have grown
horns rather than speak to me.

He still may.

- You must try the Japoti.
- Oh, yes, please.

- I brought it fresh from the Homeworld.
- Oh, really? Good, good.

Oh, yes, look.


To us. Old comrades well- met.
And to the Republic.

To the Republic.

Quite an impressive array of guests.
Nobles every one?

They are friends.

And when I announce our alliance against
those who seek to dishonor my house...

...and our Republic, they will make sure
word is spread throughout the court.

It will not be necessary.
I've taken care of it.

- What do you mean?
- Well, you've asked for my help.

I've given it. No charges will
be made against you or your house.

The resolution has already been brought
before the Centaurum.

And my sources assure me
it will pass.

Yeah, well, that's not possible.
Lord Refa promised--


What do you have to do with him?

He is a friend, a man of great influence.
With his help, we intend--

I will get no help from that assassin.

It was he who had the resolution
brought before the Centaurum.

You must be mistaken.

Knowledge is a basic tool of politics.

Mine is considerable.

But I never dreamed you would be
a part of his schemes.

Why, Londo?

I have a destiny to fulfill.

One which will take our people
back to a golden age.

We are Centauri, Urza.

We are meant to conquer, to rule,
to build empires.

You, the hero of Gorash,
should know that.

I am an old hero.

And what I saw ended at Gorash...

...still haunts me in the night.

I do not want to return
to that kind of glory, Londo.

Listen to me, Urza.
No one can stop this.

A new day is coming
to our people. A great day.

And I can help you be a part of it.

You cannot build an empire...

...based on slaughter and deceit.

Turhan knew that.

I thought you did too.

Perhaps it is best that I go.

No, you cannot go yet.

I have a gift for you.

A Coutari.

And a finer blade I have never seen.

It is the blade I carried at Gorash.

I meant it as a symbol of our alliance.

It is magnificent...

...but I cannot accept it.

Then accept this, Paso Leati.

By the laws of the Couro Prido...

...I challenge you to the Morago,
Londo Mollari.

You would fight me to the death, Urza?

Yes, to save my honor...

...and my family from your new friends.

Or have you become
as cowardly as they?

I take your gift and your challenge...

...in the spirit in which they are offered.


Make your peace with the gods
and return here in two hours.

Freeze- frame.

Well, I'll be....

What do you want?

Mom, Dad.


Franklin to Sheridan.

Franklin to Sheridan.

Franklin to Sheridan.

What were you thinking?
You can't fight a duel to the death.

I must. Urza and I are Couro Prido,
proud knives.

It would bring disgrace on our house
if I were to decline his challenge.

Those noble friends of his would
see to that.

Disgrace is preferable to death.

There was a time when I would agree
with you. That time has passed.

Londo, this is insane.

lnsanity is part of the times.

You must learn to embrace
the madness. Let it fire you.

- Garibaldi.
- This is Dr. Franklin.

- Where is the captain?
- What's wrong?

Well, his med bracelet monitored a
strange neural surge and then went dead.

- He's not answering his link.
- I'm on it.

Garibaldi to officers, I want
a location on Captain Sheridan.

Commander, my board shows Delta 1
prepping for launch.

Delta 1, why are you prepping
for launch?

Delta 1, please respond.
This is Commander Ivanova.

Ivanova, this is Sheridan.

Captain? What are you doing?

Going out for a little spin.
There's no need to worry.

I'll be back before you know it.

I hope.

Authorization code:
Gamma- Six- Six- Zed- Niner.

Override locking controls.

Open bay doors.

Delta 1 is launching.

lvanova to Garibaldi.

Londo, I knew you would not
disappoint me.

Do you really intend to go through
with this, Urza?

It is the only way.

I do not want to k*ll you.

In all our duels together, you never
could match me with the Coutari.

In all our duels together, my life
was never in jeopardy.

You'll find I set great store by it.

Delta 2 to Delta 1.
Do you read me?

Garibaldi, is that you?

It's one and the same.
What are you doing?

I'm giving someone a lift, I think.

You wanna explain that, sir?

I haven't got it fiigured out myself...

...but I think you were right.

The answer's in Sector 1 4.

Sector 1 4? But that's--

Yeah, I know.

Lucky me.

The Morago is declared and accepted.

Draw your swords with purpose
and sheathe them with honor.

Skal Tura.

Yeah, this is the place.

Computer, scan for any
unusual phenomenon.

Unable to comply.

Sensors malfunctioning due to
high level of tachyon particles.

What the hell?

Holy jumping!

Captain, do you read me?

Captain Sheridan, do you read me?


Computer, lock on to Delta 1
and prepare to grapple.

Unable to lock on.
Signal unstable.

Damn it.

Remind me to leave you home next time.

All right, we can do this ourselves.

All right, come on.

Come on.

Come on. Nice and easy.

That's it! Yeah! All right!

Reverse thrusters. Full power.

Get us out of here.

Babylon 5, this is Garibaldi.

I'm bringing our wandering captain home.

Age has not dimmed your skill,
Paso Leati.

Nor yours, Skal Tura.

Let us end it then.


A fair stroke, Paso Leati.

Why did you make me do this, Urza?

My family. I could not let them
share my disgrace.

This way I die with honor.

And you will see they are protected.

Yes, yes. I promise it.

I will guard them
as if they were my own.

Thank you, old friend.

I will miss you.

It was a life form,
sentient but completely alien.

What was it doing
in your head?

It was trying to survive and go home.

It must have come through that rift
in Sector 1 4...

...and somehow wound up
in that Markab's body.

It drove him mad.

How did you figure out
what it wanted?

The images I got: fear, loss, home.

it was sending me a message...

...touching deep emotions in me
which mirrored its own state.

I was actually seeing
what it felt.

This is fantastic. For this creature
not to show up on my scans...

...it would have to be totally different
from every alien species we know.

Possibly gaseous in nature
or maybe even pure energy.

And yet, somehow it made
an empathic connection with you.

I think he's excited.

Excited? We could be discovering
a whole new life form here.

Do you think we might be able
to contact it again?

No, thanks. I prefer to be
only slightly insane.

Yeah, don't we all?

I have made the arrangements
you requested for Urza's family.


Yes, very good, Vir. Thank you.

You had no choice.

He would have k*lled you.

He could have k*lled me anytime.

He was right, you know.

I never could best him
with the Coutari.

But my death would not have saved
his family.

I don't understand.

By the laws of the Morago...

...the victor must accept
the loser's family as part of his own.

They are House Mollari now.

They cannot be harmed by the resolution
passed against Urza.

He sacrificed himself.

I have made many choices lately, Vir.

And today, for the first time...

...I am not sure those choices were right.

Perhaps some good has come
out of this tragedy.

It's not too late to make
some new choices.

No. The blood is already on my hands.

Right or wrong...

...I must follow the path to its end.

But, Londo--

You can go now, Vir.
I want to sleep...

...if I can.
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