01x20 - Yuuki Kagurazaka

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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01x20 - Yuuki Kagurazaka

Post by bunniefuu »

-Do it!

Nicely done, Master!

A Megalodon fillet!

Easy enough to do before breakfast.

Or in this case, dinner.

It's light,

but also hard.

We can make good use of this.

These would make nice weapons.

Good shields, too.

It could also be made into armor.

Or into some minor accessories.

They'll sell for quite a lot.


You did excellent in the battle!

I want to emulate your bravery.

Gabiru, you were an indomitable force!

You have my utmost admiration.

Now, now, Geld!

Now, now, Gabiru!

Both of you are so cool!

With the threat posed by Charybdis gone,

peace returned to the city of Rimuru.

In a turn of good fortune,

we made an agreement
with Demon Lord Carrion,

further solidifying the foundation
of the Jura Forest Federation.

I'm exhausted after all that.

You really helped, Milim.

Thank you so much.

It was nothing.

That's to be expected.

But thank me all you like!

You also did pretty well, Rimuru.

If you wanted to become a Demon Lord,

I wouldn't be opposed to it.

Demon Lord?

I wasn't intending to do that.

Are there any benefits that come with it?


Why did you become a Demon Lord, Milim?

Why did I?

Maybe something bad happened
and I did so out of frustration?

Are you asking me?

That's right! I really don't remember!

It happened so long ago
that I don't remember!


Oh, yes! There are benefits!

By becoming a Demon Lord,

I found my dearest friend!

By the way, best friend,

I need to return to work.


You're working now?

That's rather sudden.

Well, we'll see each other again!

It's only for a little while.


I'll tell the other Demon Lords
not to interfere with this place,

so put your mind at ease!

You're meeting with other Demon Lords?


It's part of my work.

Be careful so you aren't tricked.

Please don't be tricked.

Don't go and get fooled.

Please don't let it happen.

Don't be deceived.

Everyone sure is worried!

I'm too clever to be tricked.

I shall return!

Hey, wait!

Oh, she left.

I really envy her free spirit.

That's Lord Milim for you.

I look forward to seeing her again.


Those children, save them.

Hurry to the Royal Capital.


That was more than just a dream.

Shizu's presence lingers on.

That's why I retired and became a mentor.

A mentor?

A schoolteacher.

Oh, there are schools?

It was in the Kingdom of Ingracia.

It was a place
for Otherworlder children to come.

The Royal Capital
is in the Kingdom of Ingracia.




The Goblin Riders.



Even Gabiru.

It shouldn't be a problem
leaving them for a short time.

That's why I plan to travel
to the Kingdom of Ingracia.

Those children were one of the reasons
Shizu went to see the Demon Lord Leon.

I made a promise with Shizu.

I understand what you're saying.


If anything happens to you,

the Great Jura Forest Alliance
that we worked so hard for

could be pulled up from its roots.

I will travel with him.

You have nothing to worry about.

Ranga is right.

Combine your strength
and protect the town.

I want you all to perform your tasks.


We shall return.

Be strong!

We eagerly await your return!

Lord Gabiru is so sensitive!

How kind, Lord Gabiru.

Don't exaggerate.

I'll be back soon.

Please return as soon as you can!

We pray for your safe journey.

So long!

-Take care!
-Take care!

And so my journey began.

After my reincarnation two years ago,

it's my first time setting off
for a human country.

I'm excited at the prospect.


The Kingdom of Ingracia
lies to the west of our nation.

It also hosts the headquarters
of the Free Guild,

an organization for adventurers
that Fuze belongs to.

This location is easily accessible
from every other country.

The school with these children was founded
by one of Shizu's students.

His name is Yuuki Kagurazaka.

He must be Japanese.

I think I'll go and meet him first.

Fuze wrote me a letter of introduction,

so there shouldn't be any problems.


Thanks to Ranga,

we arrived at the Royal Capital
of Ingracia in three days.

Remain concealed in my shadow.

If you enter the city,
it could cause a panic.

Yes, My Master.

Call me at any time.

Be careful!

Upon entering the capital,

there is a strict identification process.

There was also a magic barrier
to prevent monsters from entering.

I wore the magic-suppressing mask
to hide my aura.

It may cause trouble
to reveal that I'm a monster,

so it's better to be safe.

Also, I used the identification
Fuze made me

and entered the capital without an issue.


There are so many people.

It's completely different
compared to our nation.

It's certainly a big city.


Is that glass?

Since coming to this world,

this is the largest pane
of glass I've seen.

A church.

The church must consider monsters
to be an enemy.

It's better if I avoid
any involvement with that.


This is the Free Guild Headquarters.

There's glass here, too.

They must be rich.

An a*t*matic door?

I've verified your letter of introduction.

The Grand Master will see you now.

Follow me.

-Come this way.


They must have concerns about spies.

Please wait here for a moment.

Now, what kind of person
is this Grand Master?

Thank you for waiting.

It's nice to meet you.

I'm Grand Master Yuuki Kagurazaka...

It's nice to meet you, too.

I'm Rimuru Tempest.

I lead the Jura Tempest Federation,

a nation of monsters in the Jura Forest.

That mask is Ms. Shizu's.

That's right.

You know my true form, right?

I'm a slime

with the power to mimic any monster I eat.


You eat monsters?

Calm down, kid.

I'm not a bad slime.

That line...

I beat the same game.

You taught it to Shizu, right?

I would like to discuss this
in greater detail.

That's why I came here.

I see!

That's what happened in the final episode!

So, Belldandy...

Is there anything else you want to ask?

By the time I was stabbed and k*lled,

I had completed all the manga
and anime, you know.

Of course, I left nothing out
in that regard.

The fundamentals are essential.

That's how a gentleman must behave.

Outstanding, Master Rimuru!

Teach me more!

What about games?

How many FF's are there now?


That many?

What else?

The Sagrada Familia is almost finished.

Oh, finally.

Iitomo ended.


What will I enjoy watching
when I have a free afternoon?

Comic BomBom is gone, too.

When I was a kid,
I loved reading that manga every month!

Is that series finished? Glass--

That's still going.


What about Five Star--

Each story in that has a clear ending.

It's still going.

I'm also interested
in knowing how it ends.

Now, onto all the prime ministers.

I'm not interested in that.

That's amazing.

I'm so happy.

Hearing about this is great,

but I wish I could have seen it all
with my own eyes.

With your own eyes?

Do you have paper?


Hold on.


This is your true form.


The complete collection.

What kind of trick did you use
to make this, Master?

That's a trade secret.

It requires using the full range
of the Great Sage's ability.

I copied images from my memory
onto the papers I ingested.


This is a waste of--

Idiot! This is an incredibly useful
application of your abilities!

Well, you should get more paper

if you want to read more.

Thank you so much, Master!

You see that I'm not a bad slime, right?

Of course.

What happened to Ms. Shizu is unfortunate.

I trust you, Rimuru.

I'll be sure to enjoy all of this later.

Tell me.

Why have you come here?

Perhaps you're looking for a way
to get home?

That's not it, but...

Is returning home even possible?

If it was possible, I suppose
you would have done it already.

I've given up on that.

My body was cremated by now, I'm sure.

It seems like the traffic flows
in one direction.

But for what it's worth,
I don't think it's impossible.

In Japan, there is folklore
with ogres and monsters.

Places throughout the world
have similar stories and myths.

That's why if certain conditions are met,

I believe it's possible to travel
between worlds.

I see.

If you aren't looking for a way back,

why did you come here?

I'm perfectly content living
a care-free life.

I've built a town,

and planned on living there happily
with my friends.

However, there's something bothering me.

Something bothering you?

Shizu's lingering regret.

I see.

Ms. Shizu's lingering regret?

The children from the Free School?

If that was Ms. Shizu's wish...

Of course.

Rimuru, I will entrust them with you.

Yuuki arranged for me
to become a teacher at the school.

I'll be teaching Shizu's students now.

Also, there's a dormitory for the teachers

and three meals a day!

I'm paid ten pieces of silver coins a day!

The working conditions are great!

Rimuru, do you know Hinata Sakaguchi?

Hinata Sakaguchi?

She's a former student of Ms. Shizu's.

Is she the one who abandoned Shizu?

That's right.

At her most powerful,

Shizu had complete control
over the spirit, Ifrit.

But Hinata surpassed Ms. Shizu in strength
at the age of .

That alone should give you
a sense of her power.

I don't have a clue.

Better stay quiet.

You may be wondering
why I'm telling you all this.

Hinata, you, and I are Otherworlders
who came to this world naturally.

Those five students are different.

They are Summoned Ones.

Summoned Ones?

Veldora talked about that.

Summoned One.

Is that different from the Otherworlders?

She was brought here from another world

through a ritual held over several days
that was conducted by wizards or more.

They are also expected to serve as
powerful weapons.


For the Summoned One, that is.

To ensure that the Summoned One
does not defy the summoners,

a curse is imprinted on their soul
using magic.

Summoned Ones are brought here
with a specific purpose

and are bestowed with powers
to fulfill that purpose.

In that sense, they are a secret w*apon,
a kind of hero.

When crossing between worlds,

a new body is created for you.

At that time, the body takes in
a great deal of energy

and begins to acquire abilities.

In some instances,

a child may be summoned.

As the child's body develops,

too much energy can be taken in.

Before long,

the energy will have no release
and will incinerate the body.

Hold on.

So those five children...

That's right.

They were all summoned.

Are they okay?

Those children

came here after various nations
tried and failed to summon a hero.

That's when Ms. Shizu took them in

and tried her best to help them.

Various nations?

Nations are involved in summons?


That was a choice this world made.

Instead of building armies
to face monsters,

it can be more prudent to summon
an Otherworlder with exceptional strength.

That's the thinking behind it.

As you know of Ms. Shizu's strength,

I'm sure you understand the implications.


Shizu hated this world.

Anyway, what will happen to these kids?

The longest confirmed record
of a Summoned One living

is five years.

Five years?

No one has found a way
to prevent their demise.

Almost every child under the age of ten
who has been summoned here

died within five years.

That's why other countries allow us
to look after these children.

So, I can do what I like with these kids

and there won't be any complaints?

Do you intend to do something?


This is Shizu's wish,

so I'll take it on.

Please do.

If there's a way,

please save those children!

I'll do whatever I can.

I've done it up to now,
and will continue to do so.



Starting today, I'll be your new--


I thought these kids
didn't have long to live.

It seems like all that excess energy
is running rampant.

Kenya, you're so cool!

Is that your k*lling move?

You've perfected it!

It still needs work.

He dodged it, after all.

Quiet! I'll hit him next time!

This is totally unacceptable!

This class is in complete chaos!

He looks like Ms. Shizu.

Oh, really?

They don't look alike at all.

Kenya Misaki, age ten.

Ryouta Sekiguchi, age ten.

Gale Gibson, age .

Alice Rondo, age nine.

Chloe Aubret, age ten.

There was some kind of reaction.

Was it Veldora?

Anyway, I didn't think
they had long to live,

so I thought these kids would be meek.

That's slightly depressing.

Next time, "Shizu's Students."
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