03x112 - The Chunin Selection Conference

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x112 - The Chunin Selection Conference

Post by bunniefuu »



How's it going? Have you come to a decision?

Hey, do you think this is something I can decide easily?

The Chunin Exams were suspended because of the Otsutsuki.

Consequently, we've put off promoting anyone to chunin.

I'm getting pestered by so many departments

to hurry up and decide!

I know that.

But it's really hard,

working under the rule that we can promote only one person.

All right, who do we choose to promote to chunin?


HOKAGE'S OFFICE The Chunin Selection Conference

This is pretty hard, isn't it?

A chunin is the leader of a team.

This isn't about individual fighting skills,

but the ability to lead a team,

discern battle situations and make decisions.

We have to match up those qualities with the participants

and choose carefully, right?

Part one of the exams was Sai's True-False quiz.

…is a true or false quiz.


A-A quiz?!


The correct answer is—!

Quite a few were eliminated in that round.

We started out with teams, and only eight teams made it.

It's ink! We started out with teams, and only eight teams made it.

A pool of ink!

We definitely can't promote anyone who failed in the first round.


Four Hidden Leaf teams made it through.

…the instant you realize you were backed From the other villages, there were two from the Mist

…the instant you realize you were backed and one each from the Sand and Cloud.

into a difficult situation.

Did you give up, or did you refuse to give up?

Which means, we have to choose from among these guys.

In a team battle, the leader of the team

influences if they win or lose.

It's the ideal test to look for chunin qualities.

Of course, that leaves out anyone

who disregards team coordination and rushes out on their own.

Yeah, that reminds me…

Shinki of the Sand rushed out on his own, didn't he?

Uh yeah, you're right.

But he was way ahead of the others in skill.

He took on Iwabe, Denki and Metal all by himself and won.

Just what you'd expect from Gaara's son.

You lost when you got caught up in my provocation,

and forgot about the rules.

Shikadai and his team's coordination was perfect, huh?

No, Shikadai's strategy just happened to work out, that's all.

Inojin and Cho-Cho just followed along.

That's how it's been since your Ino-Shika-Cho days!

I think, when you or Shikadai are in the lead,

there's no choice but to follow your strategy.

I got it! Think so?

Sumire's team failed in Round Two.

They had a strong team, but back then,

they lacked balance in their abilities.

Sumire's joining the Scientific Ninja Tools team, right?

Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a shinobi.

Sumire qualifies as a candidate. What do you think?

Let's look at Team .

Just kidding. Let's look at Team .

I was surprised by Iwabe and Metal's improvement.


But they're the type to succeed on the front lines of battle.

We did terribly. But they're the type to succeed on the front lines of battle.

We got our butts kicked. Rather than putting them in charge as team captains,

I didn't get nervous! it's better for them to gain more experience in actual combat.

Me too… I held back everyone. Also, with Wasabi and Namida,

What's done is done. Don't sweat it! they've gotten stronger,

We probably weren't ready for this. but I get the feeling that they haven't progressed enough to be team captains.

For sure, there were jutsu we never saw before… progressed enough to be team captains.

And we knew nothing about our enemies. Does that mean we keep Denki and Sumire on the list?

Maybe we were… Does that mean we keep Denki and Sumire on the list?

You think so? Sumire was strong to begin with.

Don't lose, you guys! She's sharp and has the qualities to be a chunin.

That is right! She's sharp and has the qualities to be a chunin.

Yup. We'll be rooting for you. As for Denki…

I think he's shown the most growth as a shinobi.

I see.

Originally, he had no desire to become a shinobi.

But now, he's a genin along with Boruto and the others.

Also, the way he analyzes situations from the back

makes him suited to be a team captain.

As you can see, it's five against three.

So, you know who has the edge, right?! Okay, next up is Team …

It seems Boruto thought

Ah… Nine on five isn't gonna work. he could use his Shadow Clones and do more than he could.

He failed miserably, huh?

And as a result of that…

Okay, reverse!

I'm not gonna…let you!

We learned afterwards

Water Style b*llet: Orca! that he was using a Scientific Ninja Tool during the test.

that he was using a Scientific Ninja Tool during the test.

By rights, he should be disqualified.

Well, setting Boruto aside…

Regarding Mitsuki and Sarada,

I can't think of a reason to drop them.

He used a Scientific Ninja Tool

because he wanted me to acknowledge him.

Still, there's no way I can promote him.

Sadly, Boruto won't make the cut this time.

If we went strictly by ability, Boruto has grown as well.

I have high hopes for him going forward.

Round Three consists of individual matches!

The individual battles in Round was fun

because everyone had unique personalities.

Yeah. Nowadays, we keep hearing that

fewer people want to become shinobi.

So, it's amazing how people with real ability show up each time.

Shikadai struggled quite a bit.

Damn it. You have such a bad attitude. Shikadai struggled quite a bit.

If anything, he's the type of shinobi who supports from the rear,

Fine. It's gonna be a drag, but I'll att*ck first. If anything, he's the type of shinobi who supports from the rear,

whereas Yodo's skills are in actual combat,

so it was a poor match-up.

However, leave it to Shikadai.

He came up with the right tactic and won, didn't he?

According to him, it was just sheer luck.

When you took your hood off, your earphones were gone,

so it crossed my mind… Shikadai said he accidently stepped on a piece of gum

but who would've imagined that you could hear the slight sound that was left from the previous match and

of me shifting my weight as I turned to control my shadow! he was able to figure out that his opponent had the ability to discern sound.

That explains why your reaction was a b*at delayed Seriously?! To be able to figure out Yodo's ability

when I stepped on the gum earlier. just from that demonstrates amazing perception, right?

Being modest is just like Shikadai.

Your hearing is frighteningly good.

There was no other way to muffle the sound of my shoes…

Shall we call it a match?

Sarada won her match easily.

The winner…Sarada Uchiha!

Ninja Art! Super Beast Scroll!

And in the following match-up, Inojin…


How's that?!

Araya was using a puppet to battle.

Inojin lost because he wasn't able

to see through his opponent's abilities.

He lost that match, but I understand

No reaction to the explosions? he's been using the Mind Transfer Jutsu recently.

he's been using the Mind Transfer Jutsu recently.

His future looks promising.

No way!


Then Mitsuki won easily.

And the next match was…

I…give…up! Cho-Cho versus Shinki.

Well, seeing Cho-Cho so motivated was very unusual!

But of all the luck, she got Shinki for an opponent.

Partial Expansion Jutsu!



Had it been anyone else, she might have won.

I kinda feel sorry for her.

I wish she had displayed that determination a bit sooner.

And, the next match…

Hey, hold on!

We have to narrow down the list or we'll be here all night.

Human Boulder! I get what you're saying, but…

It's like they're all so close and it's such a waste…

Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll!

You need to be strict here!

The team captain is entrusted with the lives of their subordinates.

It's a huge responsibility.

We have to be stringent and

drop anyone who doesn't have the right qualities.

Yes, sir.

Inojin isn't ready to lead people.

Cho-Cho is… Well, it goes without saying, right?

Next up, the match between Shikadai and Boruto.

Boruto used a Scientific Ninja Tool in that match too.

Under normal circumstances, Shikadai would have won.



Even though Boruto used a Scientific Ninja Tool,

he only called one Shadow Clone out.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Boruto could've managed something like from training alone.

But deciding that four was Boruto's limit,

only highlights Shikadai's inadequacy.

Hey, c'mon! Isn't that a bit harsh?


Misinterpreting things like that causes death in battle.

Damn it!

I'll retrain Ino-Shika-Cho from scratch.

Wow… Are you serious?

Sarada's match against Araya was a surprise, huh?

Lightning Style: Lightning Ball!

Who would've imagined that the real Araya

was manipulating a puppet from a distance?

What's more shocking was Sarada's ability to see through that.

She used the Sharingan, and the Fire Style on top of that.

She's another Sasuke!

The leadership skills to command a team.

The ability to analyze battle situations. She's definitely got them.

Qualities necessary in a chunin, huh?

Wind Style: Breakthrough.

Since we're talking about that…

There's a part of Mitsuki that lacks awareness about the world.

In that way, he's far from the makings of a chunin.

The most critical issue is that he deserted the village.

After being the epicenter of an incident like that,

no one will accept his promotion to chunin.

But according to Konohamaru's reports, he's changed recently.

He's started to speak his mind.

Wind Style: Wind Scythe.

Well, I guess you can say that Mitsuki is maturing too.

Sarada made it to the finals and battled Shinki.

Although she lost there.

I've got no qualms about her qualifications to become a chunin.

Compared to Denki and Sumire,

you could say Sarada's abilities far outshine theirs.

All right…

I guess it's decided. We'll promote Sarada to chunin.

Sorry to interrupt.


Sasuke, you're back?

Yeah. I thought I should report in.

Did you find out about the whereabouts

of the man with the fishing rod?

No, not yet.



I found several markers that place him in certain locations.

It seems he was gathering intel here

even before the arrival of Momoshiki and the others

Before Momoshiki and his group came here?

So, he was working reconnaissance?

I don't know that for sure.

But it wouldn't surprise me if he appears again in the near future.

Damn it. I guess that means

this unpredictable situation is gonna continue…

Got it.

Thanks for the report.

No problem. I'll continue investigating.

Oh, this is…

Are you going to promote Sarada to chunin?


How'd you know?

You and Shikamaru, two of the Leaf's top officials,

poring over genin photos this late at night?

It's pretty obvious.

Well, you're right.

Be happy! It's been decided. Sarada is our pick.


Aren't you happy?

Well, it's the logical outcome. However…

Shikamaru, don't you still have something on your mind?

N-No. I was just thinking that a lot of time

has passed since the Chunin Exams.

And during that interim, a pretty major incident occurred.

You mean the incident where…

…genin deserted the village?

Hey, how did you know?

I'm Sarada's father. She's one of the participants.

Sakura told me all about it.

I see.

But what's that incident got to do with promoting her to chunin?

Mainly, Shikamaru probably wants to say that…

I'm gonna trust Mitsuki.

Right now, that's my will.

Let's take that snake to Orochimaru's research lab.

We can probably get more information there.

Until we find out what Mitsuki's thinking,

Are you okay with that?

You'll end up being pursued too.

You and Mitsuki aren't the only members of Team !

Hey, Boruto… It was a significant incident instigated by the Hidden Stone.

Do you really think we'll be able to get there? It was a significant incident instigated by the Hidden Stone.

Experiencing an incident that serious

It's not whether we'll be able to. Experiencing an incident that serious

We have to! is sure to have had a huge impact on them.

Found them! is sure to have had a huge impact on them.

is sure to have had a huge impact on them.

Exactly. And since we didn't take that into consideration

when we made our choice…

I have my doubts if we should go with Sarada as our pick.

You're not getting past us, Boruto! I have my doubts if we should go with Sarada as our pick.

Well, unlike you two…

My job takes me to straight to the scene of an incident.

From my perspective, I'd rather you send someone

Cha, damn it! picked for skills in actual combat than test scores.

picked for skills in actual combat than test scores.

Hey c'mon, you make it sound so simple, but…

I wasn't expecting such valuable advice from someone in the field…

Don't you dare underestimate me! I wasn't expecting such valuable advice from someone in the field…

I wasn't expecting such valuable advice from someone in the field…

Still, taking that into account…

Die! Still, taking that into account…

Sarada has more than met and exceeded the conditions to become a chunin.

You okay with this?

I heard that she had her genin rank stripped.

Lightning Style: Lightning Ball!

That's true…

But Sarada managed to fight off several formidable assailants.

And in resolving the Hidden Stone incident,

the Tsuchikage herself requested that she not be blamed.

Oh well, use your empty head and think about it long and hard.

Huh? You're leaving already?

You're here, so let us hear your thoughts!

An idea popped into your head, didn't it?

It will probably be faster if I stay…

But I don't want to take away from your job as the Hokage.

What did you say?

Even if you're not here, I can—

And he's gone.

Hey, so what's this idea of yours, Naruto?

Huh? Well…

Boruto and the others went to another village and returned safely, right?

Yeah, they did, but…

What's going on?!

From one angle,

what they all accomplished counts as an S-rank mission.

And the fact that they all came back safely,

speaks volumes about Shikadai's strength.

Hold on a minute!

I have to see Mitsuki one more time Only Team was sent on the manhunt to find Boruto's team.

and confirm things with him! Only Team was sent on the manhunt to find Boruto's team.

I'm saying it's a dangerous situation Shikamaru, that was your plan.

because you're rushing in while you're frantic! Yeah, because I thought

because you're rushing in while you're frantic! Shikadai's analysis of the incident would be on a level equal to mine.

That's why I entrusted Shikadai to act on his own.

The game board's changed.

Sorry, Dad.

And Shikadai felt something was out of place with the incident,

and went with Boruto…

Everyone said during the debriefing,

that Shikadai took leadership,

That's why in order to clear up this mystery… and thanks to him, everything worked out.

I'm gonna go with you, Boruto. Yeah, I kinda thought that would happen.

Yeah, I kinda thought that would happen.

I knew they'd act without thinking.

And I thought it would be safer with Shikadai around.

And back then, you could say that

the only ones who could move around freely were genin.

And just as you predicted,

Shikadai got crucial intel about the incident.

And immediately sent word to the Leaf…to us.

And thanks to that, we were able to take immediate action.

All right!

The village has been taken over!

I understand the situation.

Now listen, just lay low.

If you get captured again, there's no guarantee you'll stay alive.

Naruto, what have you been trying to say?

Dad, but I… Naruto, what have you been trying to say?

Dad, but I… In other words, you sent Shikadai to Boruto,

In other words, you sent Shikadai to Boruto,

in your place…correct?

I've got to do what I can!

Wait, Shikadai!

"The knight that jumps far, falls prey to a pawn," huh?

Dad, I'm sorry for acting so selfishly.

But I came here of my own will.

Because of our position, we couldn't move around easily.

But Shikadai could act in your place.

He can stand in for the Hidden Leaf's most brilliant intellect.

It's pretty remarkable, wouldn't you say?


You're strong…stronger than us.

We just have to compensate

with another kind of strength to make up the difference.

Another kind of strength?

The strength of the heart.

We're able to put our lives in the hands of our friends…

Friends we trust with all of our heart.

Do you know why you were selected?

It's because…

a chunin must have the ability to lead the team,

and discern battle situations and make judgments.

And I can, right?

That alone, isn't the right answer.

It's also because you have the most important quality

required of a chunin.

You care about your comrades.

Will you accept?

Yes, sir!

My first mission as a captain?

Your team's been assembled in a rush,

but it will be a piece of cake for you!

What does that mean?

This seems like it's gonna be a drag.

Well, do your best, new captain!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"The Qualities of a Captain"

If it comes down to it, I can manage it myself, right?

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