03x115 - Team 25

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x115 - Team 25

Post by bunniefuu »


Lord Sixth!

What? Are you the only one here?

There's no one in the other rooms either.

Everyone's out investigating the b*mb thr*at.

Oh, you mean that warning letter?

It wasn't just a prank?

We can't just ignore it.

Everyone's on it, so all other work has stopped.

What's this?

A complaint about Team who was assigned to the post office.


Shall I go and look into this?

Is that all right? I mean, you're the retired Sixth Hokage.

FIRE I'll figure something out. Besides, I have some time on my hands.

It will do me some good to move around, you know?

All right.

POST OFFICE Excuse me!

Hako! I told you to clean up over here first!

Oh, but…

It's a problem if you don't do things according to the plan!

Hey, Houki! Move your hands, not your lips.

We've still got packages.

Hako won't listen!

Besides! It's dangerous to have them stacked so high!

It's fine.


Aw, see?!

Didn't I tell you to do things my way?!

What's going on here?

How many times has this been already?

– Our fifth time. – Hako!


We're sorry! Apologize, Hako!

I'm sorry.

Renga, you too!


Seriously! If you mess up again, I'm going to ask for different genin.

Keep your mouth shut, Hako!

But he asked how many times…

Aw man! That's not the issue!

Well, it's your fault for giving us bad directions,

in the first place!

It's my fault?

I don't understand your orders, Houki.

You give out bad orders.

That's why we end up doing things our own way.

What do you mean by that?!

The problem is, you two don't do things the way I tell you to!

Ugh. Fine, okay.

Houki, you be careful too.


Aw man, what the hell!

Got a minute?

Hey, aren't you that guy who was conducting career interviews

during the Academy graduation exams?

You're the journalist, Mr. Sukea?

I'm impressed that you remember.

I have a good memory.

What are you doing here?


Lord Hokage asked me to see how Team is doing.

I see.

So anyway, would you mind talking to me?

Thanks for your time, you're…?

Houki Taketori.

I saw you guys working back there.

Is it always like that with the other two?

Yeah, well…


Anyway, what you're wearing reminds me of someone.

Can you tell?

Ever since I was a kid,

I've been a big fan of Lord Sixth from the first time I saw him!

Was Lord Sixth that amazing?

With a sharp intellect, calm disposition…

Feared by other Villages,

the one who nurtured Lord Seventh, who saved the world!

The genius ninja, Lord Sixth, Kakashi Hatake!

Any way you look at it, he's a perfect ninja!

Can't complain with that much praise.

I'm not talking about you, Mr. Sukea.

I'm talking about Lord Sixth.

Oh yeah, that's right.

I want to become a perfect ninja like him…

Although it's kind of an overambitious goal.

That's why you're starting with appearances?


Well then, you've got to pull your comrades together

on this mission too.


So, what's the problem?

You see…

We kept messing up.

So now, we're only assigned to D-rank missions.

Who is your jonin in charge?

Our jonin got injured on another mission and is recuperating.

Our team only gets D-ranked missions,

and due to the labor shortage, there's no one to fill in.

That's why I've taken charge of the team,

and I'm trying my best, but…

My team just doesn't get it.

Hako's a kunoichi who uses puppets.

She always goes off and does her own thing.

Renga only believes in brute strength.

They're both so selfish!

Which packages are slated to be delivered by p.m. today?

Who are you guys?!

We're investigating the b*mb thr*at!

Please show us!

What did you say?!

The packages for that delivery window are over there!

Found it! It's this one!





Hey, you're Houki!


Are you guys here investigating the b*mb thr*at too, Houki?

Unfortunately, no.

What's going on?

I didn't hear anything about a mission like this.

Does this mean that a bomber's been sending expl*sives

in the mail?

Uh, yes!

Umm, Mr. Sukea?!

Long time no see.

Boruto, Sarada…how did you know that was the b*mb?


We figured out his hideout from the investigation thus far.

The perp took advantage of specified delivery windows

to mail out time bombs.

I see…

That's how they planned to set off expl*sives

at their preferred time and locations.

That b*mb just now was set to explode at p.m.

How were you able to tell which package was the b*mb?

We found wrapping paper from a department store

as well as a note about home delivery windows at the hideout.

Obvious clues were left behind.

So, did you capture the perpetrator?

We almost had 'im, but he got away.

Shikadai, Iwabe and the others are in pursuit.

Iwabe and the others, too?

Yeah. All genin have been mobilized.

I see.

So this is where you were!

Seems like we're done for the day, huh?

Oh, yes. How did you know anyway?

You kept looking at your watch.

Just from that?

You're fighting with your wife, huh?

You'd better make up quickly so you can get that shirt ironed.

H-How did you know?!

Anyway, as a precaution, we've stopped accepting packages today.

We were supposed to start the afternoon processing,

but there's no work now.

POST OFFICE What about the packages we already sorted?

Those will be delivered.

LEAF VILLAGE CENTRAL POST OFFICE I wish we could get back to business as usual quickly.

We'll capture the perp right away.

So please wait a little while.

I'm depending on you!

Anyway, I'm very grateful that you prevented any harm!

As expected, Leaf Shinobi are exceptional!


LEAF CENTRAL POST OFFICE Are you okay with just going home like this?

We're the only ones who were left out of the investigation!

Aren't you frustrated?!

I don't think there's anything we can do about it.

Besides, what do you expect us to do in this situation?

We can't even see what's in store for us. How can we give it everything we've got?

It's all over if you give up on yourselves!

Optimism isn't the answer to all our troubles!

Forget it.

I can't listen to this. I'm leaving!

It might be good if we disband for the time being.

Damn it!

Well, that was heated.

I must say, genin these days are quite exceptional.


I mean, your former classmates are investigating the b*mb thr*at, right?

That's amazing.


Even I have no intention of taking a back seat

to Boruto and the others…


But, I wonder why your team didn't get assigned

to investigate as well?

Anyway, we're all useful in our own way.

You guys should just do your best in missions that suit—

I want to become a perfect ninja, just like Lord Sixth!

Yet, no matter how hard I try,

Hako and Renga won't do things the way I want…

Perhaps that's because you aren't thinking about how they feel.

Huh? That's—!

About those two…

Hako's pretty interesting.

The way she figured out that clerk had a fight with his wife,

just like that.

The other one, Renga, has extraordinary strength.

Though, perhaps to you, it's the norm.

Well sure. We're on the same team.

Hako possesses outstanding perception,

and Renga's not just strong, he excels with defense.

Oh, I see.

Is that why those two were working how they were earlier?


Hako anticipated the deliveryman's thoughts earlier,

and reorganized the packages.

Renga was trying to make up for the time we lost,

by hauling a ridiculous number of packages.

Those two ignored my orders for a reason.

And I'm supposed to help them,

so they wouldn't have to do all that.

That's my job…

All I thought about was giving out my own selfish orders!

And I didn't even think about those two!

What should I do?

Since you admire Lord Sixth, have you heard this story?

It seems Lord Sixth himself made many mistakes.

And each time, he reflected on them and tried again.

By focusing only on orders and rules,

he put his comrades in danger and lost a friend.

He regretted it so much. And he wanted to apologize,

but the friend he wanted to say it to was no longer there.

If you want to apologize, there's no time like the present, right?

There's no time like the present… to apologize.

What am I even saying?

By the way,

there's so many kinds of department store wrapping paper.

I wonder how they knew which package was the b*mb?


I'm pretty sure the packages the department store actually wrapped,

have the store's sticker on it.

But the wrapping on the package containing the b*mb

didn't have a sticker.

What's the matter?

Once I see something, I never forget it.

They were there among today's packages!

Wrapped packages without a sticker!

Three of them!

Which means?

I have to get Hako and Renga right away!



There was actually one left.

Once a b*mb was discovered,

everyone would relax and let down their guard.

The perp was after that.

That's right. And he chose a delivery window set for later

than the first b*mb that was discovered.

The perp mailed several bombs from the very beginning.

That's was the perp's strategy all along?!

There should be one more b*mb.

There's a designated delivery window

to the New Town area at : p.m.

And where are the packages for that window?

That batch that just went out for delivery.

Go after them immediately!

Just a minute. That's impossible!


There's no set order for delivery.

Depending on what there is to deliver,

it's all at the discretion of the postal worker.

So then, it makes no sense to go chasing after them blindly.

Anyway, let's notify those shinobi from earlier!

Yes, but there's no time left.

The delivery will happen in minutes.

This is terrible!

Please let us help!

Houki, are you—?

Renga, if you can see what's in store for us, you can give it everything you've got, right?


Hako. I agree with you that disbanding for the time being…

is a good idea.

Can you do it?

All right.

I'll contact the Hokage's Office.

The rest is up to you.


Are you sure they can manage?

I'm sure of it.

They are also exceptional Hidden Leaf Shinobi.

There's no time, so please do exactly as I say!

Hold it!

Are you putting yourself in charge again?

Hako, I want you to take lead!


I can't draw out your strengths.

But, Hako, with your outstanding perception,

you'll figure out our strengths and how to put them to use the best!

We disband, so we can start new!

So, please!

All right!

If you can see what's in store for us, I think I can do my best.

Do you know who's assigned to this route's delivery window?

Don't worry. I have it memorized!


I have a delivery for you.

Thank you very much!

There he is! Over there!

I knew the postal worker would come here first.

Way to go, Hako!

I can't believe you narrowed down the postal worker's location

from his personality and behavioral patterns!

It's amazing how you can analyze the postal worker's personalities!

There's only a few of them.

I can just observe them for a day and get it, no problem.

How strong are your powers of perception anyway?

What's this about?

I'll explain later. Please give us the package first!

Found it.


There it is.


What do we do?

Leave it to me!

Houki, the b*mb!

Quarantine Wall!

I guess I didn't have to worry.

L-Lord Sixth?!

Why are you here?!

Sukea contacted me and I rushed over, but…

Is everything okay?


We joined forces and managed somehow!

Renga's defense is the best in all the Leaf!

Well, we got word that the bomber's been captured.

Still, switching leaders was a drastic course of action.

After listening to Mr. Sukea's story about Lord Sixth,

I thought about each of my teammates seriously.

And I realized something.

Hako, Renga… I'm sorry.

– Huh? – Oh?

All this time,

I blamed the both of you when things didn't go right.

When it was all my fault.

Forget it! I was wrong too.

I'm sorry.


Me too. I left everything up to you, Houki.

Because that made it easy for me.

I'm sorry!


Well, we may not get anything higher than D-rank missions.

But let's just keep on doing our best.

– Yeah! – Yeah!


FIRE On the recommendation of the Sixth Hokage, Mr. Kakashi Hatake…

FIRE Team will be under my command from today.

Hako Kuroi with your powers of perception,

Renga Kokubo with your defensive abilities,

and Houki Taketori with your photographic memory.

You three are perfect for intelligence missions.

Looking forward to working with you!

– Yes, sir! – Yes, sir!


If you have the time to think about stuff like that,

you should be training!

Aren't you interested in things like that, Big Bro?

My Ninja Way is my girlfriend!

My goal is to be the Hokage!

I can't lose focus with things like relationships!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Konohamaru and Remon"

Big Bro, that's totally uncool!

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