01x20 - Green With Evil (4): Eclipsing Megazord

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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01x20 - Green With Evil (4): Eclipsing Megazord

Post by bunniefuu »

Goldar's blowin' Angel City to bits! We gotta move! It's Morphin Time.

What's going on?

We're not morphing.

Something is seriously wrong?

- Alpha, what is it?

- It's an inter

-dimensional power surge caused from the beam trying to locate Zordon.

It's temporarily shutting down all sources of energy within the Command Center.

You mean we can't morph?

Not until the power surge ends.

But Goldar's rippin' the city apart.

There's nothing I can do.

And now we've lost the computer, too.

If we can't morph, Goldar's going to trash the world.

In town we have giant Goldar smashing things to lure the Power Rangers and their Megazord into the open, then


- And then it's lights out for Megazord.

I've cast a spell to eclipse the sun and cut off the source of Megazord's power.

Instead of one of my monsters finishing off those teenagers, I suppose you'll use the Green Ranger.

- Yes.

- Finster's in trouble.

I'm ready for battle now, I am ready to destroy the Power Rangers.

I don't believe we're stuck here! This has been the worst week in Power Rangers history! I wish there was something I could


- Hold on.

I've get on idea.

Let me try something.

Ay yi yi yi! Alpha, Billy is trying to concentrate.

- You can do it, Billy, I know it.

- Come on, Billy.

Hey, it worked! We've got power back.

We should to able to morph.

Then let's do it.

Alpha, keep looking for Zordon while we handle Goldar.

It's Morphin Time!

- Mastodon!

- Pterodactyl!

- Triceratops!

- Sabretooth Tiger! Tyrannosaurus! Ready.

Alright, Power Geeks, I'm tired of fooling around.

Now, feel my sting! Jason, we've got use a new tactic.

Ai yi yi yi.

The Rangers need help Zordon! They need your guidance.

Where are you?


You read me?

Zordon! Yes, Zordon.

I'm picking you up


-! Making contact.

Sector Q


Reading me?


-9, I'm on it, Zordon.

Calm down, everyone.

Let's get out of the building before it collapses.

Sit down.

Bulk, the building's about to fall down.

I'm not finished with my ice

-cream yet.

Now I'm finished.

What are you going, Bulk?

Goldar is heading this way.

The Youth Center Bus is the fastest way out of here.

Goldar, stop playing and get the Rangers.

We're getting closer, Zordon! The computer is still decoding your coordinates.

Hurry, Alpha! There's no time.

Ay yi yi yi yi.

I can do it, I can do it, I can do it! Alpha look behind you.

No, you can't! Are you stupid, Power Geeks, ready to give up?


Jason, you are a fool.

You're the fool if you think that we'll surrender to you.


You guys alright?

You won't win this fight, Rita! It's time to complete my evil plan.

No, Rita! Goldar, do it! Watch where your going, who taught you how to drive?

Nobody, how am I doing?

You drive like a maniac.

Thank you.

That's not a compliment, dimwit.

Say Bulk, where are we going anyway?

As far away as possible, that monster is right on out tail.

Oh, right.

He's not on our tail.

No their civilians.

Yes, I know.

Actually they're friends of yours.

I believe you call them Bulk and Skull.

No more put them down.

Not until you surrender.

How come buses don't have seat belts.

Take them to the beach.

No! Got to save them.

I'll make sure your history this time, Zordon.

Alpha, is that you?

What happened?

I'm what happened, old man.

The Green Ranger.

Rita's prize warrior! Green Ranger.

You will not win following her dark path! You are wrong! She will win, and evil will rule.

Evil will never rule.

Oh, it will, Zordon, when I defeat the Power Rangers.

That will be impossible.

Enough, it's time to send you to another dimension.

This time you'll be lost forever.

Green Ranger.

Tommy No.

Well, Rangers, what took you so long.

There she is up there, with Scorpina.

- Look.

- Come down here.

Wait a minute, where's the bus.

I'll help you, it's over there.

What are we going to do now?

Let's get out of here.

Great idea!

- Man, this is serious.

- It's going over any second.

We've got to do something.

Oh! We're going over the edge.

Oh! We're going to be history.

- You mean like famous?

- No, I mean like dust.

Stop screaming.

Stop moving.

Stop breathing.

We're going over.

Yeah, we're going over.

Look, they're almost over the edge.

- Oh, no!

- We're got to get up there.

But if we make a move, they'll send it over for sure.

Oh I want my mummy! Yeah I want your mummy! They're going over anyway.

Let's go! Whoa! Man, not Goldar again! Ha ha! Don't forget the bus.

You'll never get away with this.

Oh, but I already have, I just need to finish the job.

The Power Rangers will stop you.

I don't think so, your little super hero group can't help you now.

- Maybe not.

- What?

But I can, computer, activiate force field around intruder.

No, this is impossible.

I thought I turned you off.

You did, but my backup system kicked in.

You're going to pay for this robot.

Alpha, the grid is failing, I'm losing contact.

Ai yi yi yi! I'll get you back.

It's no use robot.

Zordon's gone forever.

- Hold on, Skull.

- I am holding on.

You're choking me.

Come on, Rangers, let's do it.

We need Dinozord Power now! The Zords are here.

Alright, do it! Alright.

- Hold on.

- Let's get this party started.

- System ready for action.

- Ready to rock.

- Alright, guys.

Let's do it!

- Activate, power crystal.

- Power crystal activated.

- Power up.

- 2 1 power up!

- Move out.

Let's show them some Megazord Power.

Megazord power sequence initiated.

Megazord activated.

- Are we alive?

- I don't know.

- We'll find out.

- Ouch.

Feel that?

Oh, we're alive.

- We're alive!

- We're alive! An eclypse is starting.

Solar power diminishing.

Oh Hurry up, Scorpina.

Now, let's see her grow.

Try me A scorpion monster.

Watch out for her stinger.

Solar power is down 25%.

We're losing power fast, we're down to 50%.

Oh a black sun is a thing of beauty, isn't it.

Now you will be powerless to stop me.

Solar Power Cell is almost out.

Jason, the Power Sword.

Hurry! Right! We'll use it to try and fix the Power Cell.

Try all you want robot, it will do you no good.

Zordon, I'm losing you.

Zordon is lost and soon the Power Rangers will be lost too.

Ai yi yi yi! We need the Power Sword now! Good, now we have a chance.

Zordon, Zordon, please come in.

Ah! What's the matter, you little mechanical misfit?

Can't you make anything work.

Let me out and I'll do the same for you.

You are truly evil, Green Ranger.

It's time to find out who's behind that green mask.

Excellent, time to call on, Green Ranger.

Use your spells to release him.

Better luck next time, tinhead.

Wait! How did you?

What Ai yi yi yi! Now Green Ranger grow! Oh, man! It's Green Ranger! Come on.

You're going to get it.

Your finally going down.

We're in trouble, we don't have enough power left to finish this fight.

If only this thing was at full power.

We'd crush him.

We've got to hang in.

Give me all the power that's left.

I love it when the plan is working just as I knew it was going to.

What happened to Megazord.

Over there.

Our Zords.

They're totalled.

I can't believe it, it's like Rita destroyed a part of us.

Theyve always been there for us when we needed them.

Now they're gone.

When we need them most.

Power Rangers are history.

It's over, Rita's won.

Rangers, we can't give up.

Why shouldn't we.

Zordon's gone.

The Megazord been destroyed, we're outmatched.

Billy, what are the chances of bringing Zordon back online?

Less then 10%.

Isn't the smallest chance of victory enough of a reason for us to keep on fighting.

The world needs us, Rangers.

Let's face it, the Green Ranger was Rita's trump card.

She played it and won.

No Ranger's I cannot accept that.

Zordon would not accept that.

But Zordon's not here.

What's going on?

The computer finally has on answer.

When the Green Ranger was caught in the force field, the computer locked onto his interspacial biovibrations, it's been running them through the system trying to find a match.

You mean the computer know's Green Ranger's identity?


I've program it to show us who he is on the Viewing Globe.

Finally some answers.

It's coming together.

- Ah, man!

- No way!

- Can you believe?

- I don't believe it! Tommy?
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