Righteous Thieves (2023)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Righteous Thieves (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[wind howling faintly]

-[airplane engine rumbling]
-[Young Josef pants]

[ominous music playing]

[explosions booming in distance]

[twig snapping]

[shouting in German]

[Young Josef pants]

-[heavy thud]
-[Young Josef groans]


["Rise" playing]

♪ We're gonna rise
We're gonna rise ♪

♪ See that look in our eyes
We're gonna rise ♪

♪ Reborn from the rubble
Like kings on the mountain ♪

♪ We emerge from the darkness ♪

♪ It's our fate
Never doubt it ♪

♪ Like a storm in the desert
Hear the words of a sermon ♪

♪ We gonna flood
Through the valley ♪

♪ And sweep up
With the current ♪

♪ Like the soul of the river
We rise up and deliver ♪

♪ Ain't nothing
Gonna hold us down ♪

♪ We're gonna rise
We're gonna rise ♪

♪ See the look in our eyes
We're gonna rise ♪

♪ We're gonna rise
We're gonna rise ♪

♪ See the look in our eyes
We're gonna rise ♪

♪ Let the world know
We're coming ♪

♪ Like smoke on the mountain ♪

♪ I see the tides of the ocean
Overflow the fountains ♪

♪ Got that rebel behavior
Take your fortune and favor ♪

♪ Leave it all on the table
We're rising up ♪

♪ We're gonna rise
We're gonna rise ♪

[song concludes]

[suspenseful music playing]

[in English]
I wouldn't go that way.

Good evening. You have come
to steal from me tonight?

[chuckles] I must apologize.

He can be a little
overprotective at times.

I am Herr Goodman.

Shadows don't scare me anymore.

-[Josef] That's better.

[blows air]

What was it
you were hoping to find?

Money? Jewels?

My Tréhot?

Ah, yes.

A beautiful and priceless piece.

I wonder,

what is it that drives one
to... to risk freedom?

Or even death?

Come here.

I promise
I will not hurt you, come.

Does she, uh,
remind you of anyone?

My mother.

[Josef sighs]

I see now. [chuckles softly]

Do you know what that is?

Your number... from the camps.

Millions in the world
continue to deny it.

I am pleased to hear
you acknowledge the truth.

I knew I made the right choice.

What do you mean?

We are not too different,
you and I.

We both know what it means to...

to carry the suffering
of our ancestors,

hatred of our eternal enemy.

You may not take
the Renoir tonight,

but you may come
and enjoy it anytime you like.

On one condition.

And what is that?

Instead of stealing from me,

you're going to steal... for me.


Why are you here?

Oh, you know me.
I couldn't stay away.

Retirement doesn't
really suit me.

Have you tried gardening?

A cruise, perhaps?

-[Annabel chuckles]
-[drink pouring]

You know, unless there
was a vote to remove me,

I believe I'm still a member
of this organization.

We should have voted you out
the moment you failed.

I did what I had to do.

That was not
your decision to make.

You know damn well

Josef would have
destroyed those paintings

rather than see them stay
in the hands of Nazis.

What I don't know
is what Josef ever saw in you

in the first place.

You've never belonged here.

You can't ever understand.

I'll ask again.

Am I not... still the CEO...

of this organization?


[sighs] Welcome home, hmm?

You look well.
Well, what brings you in?


I found them.
I found all of them.

-[Aleksander] What? Where?

Here, they're in Los Angeles.

Our resources
are no longer at your disposal.

I'm not asking for permission.

Oh, look, Annabel,
I want to honor Josef

as much as you do,
but I'm afraid I have to agree.

No, Alek, listen to me.
This is our chance to do

everything Josef
wanted us to do.

The world will not forgive
another failure.

Oh, after what happened...

...we must put our faith
and resources in the courts.

-[melancholic music playing]
-[Vanderhoef sighs]

When I first met Josef...

we had just arrived at the camp.

We were standing in line
for our numbers.

We were only ten years old,
frightened and alone.

Being tattooed by strangers.

[breathes deeply]
When the Americans freed us,

we ran away
the first chance we got.

We walked, we hiked, we rode

for four nights back
to his home.

All he could talk about
was getting back to this box.

He was like a brother to me.

A father to you.

So you understand?

I made a promise to Josef.

One I plan on keeping.

Tell us, Annabel,
what do you need?

-[resolute music playing]

[breathes deeply]

-[resolute music concludes]

They gave their full support.

-No. Seriously?

Well, how'd you convince them
to trust you again?

Not for you to worry about.

Now, this is still
about stealing paintings

-back from Nazis, right?
-Of course.

The last time it got personal

and shit went sideways
real fast.

Like I said,
it's not for you to worry about.

-Okay? Now, come on. Come on.
-Whoa, where are we going?

We need intel.

Please, not Lucille.
Don't say Lucille.

Yes, we're gonna go
see Lucille.

Come on.

[upbeat music playing]

[keyboard clacking]

[upbeat music concludes]

-I'm in.
-[keyboard clacking]

How are you in?

This is the strongest
firewall we have.

[clicks tongue]
I don't know what to tell you.

buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

[Agent Garcia]
Okay, great. How do we fix it?

That's not my job.

Okay. Do I need to remind you

of the conditions
of your little work release?

[exhales] I'll run diagnostics

and have a report to you
by tomorrow morning.

Your lab rats
should be able to close

most of the gaps
in the firewall.

[footsteps receding]

[birds chirping]

[Eddie] Hey, Luce.

[blows kiss]

-[Lucille] Eddie, I--
-How have you been?

-You look good.
-[Lucille hesitates] I...

You clearly didn't understand
"Stay the hell away from me."

-You're still mad at me?
-Wow, I--

Wait a minute.
If you're here, that means...

Hey, Lucille.

How you been?

[sighs] Surviving.

Good. I got a job for you.

-I already have a job.
-What? Working for the feds?

Yeah, well, it pays the bills
and keeps me out of jail.

We pull this one off,
you'll be free and clear.

[Lucille] It's the FBI.

You don't just
make a phone call.

Why do you think you're still
not in jail right now?

[Lucille] Seriously?

The Syndicate
still has connections

in the state capital.
We'll be helping each other out.

[Lucille] The only person
you've ever helped out

is yourself.

I... I'm not down to go through
that shit again with you two.

-No, thank you.
-You really want to spend

the next five to ten years
explaining shit to men

who aren't even
half as smart as you, huh?

Come on, Lucy, come on.

You're better than that.

-I need you, mama.

I really need you.

-Him too?
-I'll deal with him.

[grumbles, exhales deeply]

[breathes deeply]

[suspenseful music playing]

-What are we stealing?
-A painting.

-Four paintings.
-Wait, what?

-Four paintings. Come on.

-Let's go.
-[Lucille chuckles]

Four paintings?

-So, who's the mark?
-[Annabel] Otto Huizen.

A German venture capitalist
whose investments are focused

on trying to create
a neo-n*zi Fourth Reich.

-Sounds like a piece of work.
-[Annabel] Yeah, he's sadistic.

And you're sure he has
all four paintings?



[Annabel] Huizen recently
had a business meeting

with Uriel Kantor.

-The Russian oligarch?
-Yup, that's him.

[keyboard clacking]

After a few bottles of vodka,

they started trying to compare
whose billions were bigger.

[Eddie] And priceless pieces
of artwork came to mind.

[Annabel] Huizen was bragging
about missing paintings

only he gets to look at.

[scoffs] A Russian and a n*zi.
What could go wrong?

He's more than just a Russian.

He's Jewish.

[Annabel] His uncles
were at Auschwitz,

-same time as Josef.
-[keyboard clacking]

-So what's the play?
-[exhales] Okay, I'm gonna spam

his company's email server
with a weaponized PDF.

I mean, it won't take long
for one of his idiot employees

to click on it.

And then the real fun begins.

[upbeat music playing]

[upbeat music concludes]

[computer beeping, chirping]

-Whoo! Got you!
-[Eddie] Whoa, what the hell?

-Got you.
-[Eddie] You okay?

-Oh, I am better than okay.
-[keyboard clacking]

Hook, line,
and sinker, baby. I...

I now have access
to their network

and their login credentials.

[mellow music playing]

And their network.

[sighs sharply]

[breathes deeply, clears throat]

-[clears throat] So, uh...
-[mellow music concludes]

[clicks tongue]

-You were saying, um...
-Yeah, I was say-- I'm in.

I'm... I can see everything.

-What's everything?
-Everything, everything.

Um, emails,
banking info, purchase history,

-browser history--
-Whoa, whoa, wait, wait.

You... you can do that?

You can, like,
see what websites he looks at?

I... I could.

That's a little scary.

I bet he looks up
a lot of weird shit.

What... what do you...
what do you mean?

You know, rich guys like him,

they all got
their freaky shit they're into.

You know,
I bet he looks up some, uh,

like, bondage, S&M type shit
or something.

Oh. Well,
if you think that's freaky,

then you need
to get out more often.

Oh, yeah?

Well, that doesn't sound like
the Lucy I remember.

Hmm, if you only knew.

Okay, now get out of here.
You're making me hot.

-Like I'm hot, I'm hot.
-I knew it, I know.

Go, please.

[lips sputter]

[upbeat pop music playing]

[Annabel] Hey, hey.

[Lucille over phone]
Hey, I gotta make this quick.

So, one of his dumbass lackeys
clicked on the fake file.

It transmitted
identifying packets

that I ran through
a decryption program,

I pwned his network.

-[Eddie] You what?
-[Lucille] It... it means

I made it my own. I own it.

Any security systems
will be online

and I'll be able to disable
and intercept any alarms.

-All right, I gotta go, bye.
-[Annabel] Hey, good work.

Now, let's go
steal us some blueprints.

[upbeat music concludes]

Welcome, I'm Victoria.
What can we design for you?

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

This is my assistant, Nathan,

and we're looking
to build a new weekend house

on the Northern Coast.

Excellent, if you'll follow me,

we can head back
to our conference room

and take a look
at a few designs.

[Annabel] Thank you.

["Gonna Be Successful" playing]

Excuse me, Victoria?
Is there a washroom I may use?

Of course, just down
this hallway and to the right.

Thank you.

♪ Uh, I'mma be successful ♪

♪ I'mma be great ♪

♪ When I look in their eyes
I can see their hate ♪

-♪ But it's okay ♪
-♪ It's all right ♪

-♪ I said I'm on my way ♪
-♪ I'm on it ♪

♪ We can all eat ♪

♪ And it's a big enough plate ♪

♪ Come on, uh ♪

♪ I could never hate on nobody
I'mma always sitting here ♪

♪ I'mma gonna just do
What I do, uh ♪

♪ So many people
In the world out there ♪

♪ That wanna be just like you ♪

♪ Well I'mma untie my laces
I'mma sit right here... ♪

I like a lot of space.
You know, open floor plan?

Of course. I think I have
just the architect for you.

I can't wait to meet them.

Is everything all right?

-Maybe some coffee or water?
-No. I'm fine, thank you.

I hope Nathan is okay.

I'm sure he's okay.

♪ I'm not stressing off
A single option ♪

♪ I'm taking off
like a rocket ♪

♪ I gotta be
The greatest, baby ♪

♪ Ain't no way around
Come on ♪

♪ I'mma be successful
I'mma be great... ♪

Would you excuse me?

I'm actually gonna go ahead
and use the restroom.

-[Victoria] Of course.
-Thank you.

-♪ But it's okay ♪
-♪ It's all right ♪

♪ I said I'm on my way ♪

♪ We can all eat ♪

♪ And it's
A big enough plate... ♪

Where have you been?

I thought I'd take a tour,
you know?

Seems like a nice place to work.

We don't have time for that!

-Did you get what we need?
-I got lost. Yeah, yeah.

She started to ask
questions already.

♪ Come on ♪

[song concludes]

We got a problem.

I've been going through
his emails, invoices.

Huizen has a safe technician
to the house every six months.

So, I started searching
for other similar purchases

and found that he owns
a Gateway Super Defender TRX.

It's one of the best
home safes out there.

[both] We need a locksmith.

Well, there's more.

The security cameras
around the house are IP cameras.

I've been streaming
the feeds of each one.

I've counted no less than

half a dozen guards
on the property.

We're gonna need a wildcard too.

-Really? You sure?
-[Annabel] Yeah. Definitely.

What about Ricky?

Not up for parole
for another... 18 months.

-Got out, retired.

I might know a guy.

Okay, fine. Get him.
I'm gonna go see Nadia.

["Who Want It" playing]

♪ Too fast, too fly
Too flaunty ♪

♪ Too gas, too high
Yeah, we on it ♪

♪ We go
Wherever the crew going ♪

♪ I'm ready so tag me
Who want it? ♪

♪ Too fast, too fly
Too flaunty ♪

♪ Too gas, too high
Yeah, we on it ♪

♪ We go
Wherever the crew going... ♪

-Hey, Nadia.
-[song continues in headphones]

[song stops]

Don't tell me
you locked your keys in the car.

Well, hello to you too.


What do you want?

Looks like
you could use a little

excitement in your life
right now.

-[Annabel] Mm-hmm.

I have all the excitement
I need right here.

Mm-hmm. How about a challenge?

I've known you
for a very long time.

[Annabel] Mm-hmm.

And you know damn well
you can't challenge me.


How about
a Gateway Super Defender.

Residential, heavily guarded,
high stakes.

Five, ten minutes tops.

That safe is
20 man-hours resistant

and you want me to break into it
in under ten minutes?

[Annabel] Yup.

-Is that right?
-[Annabel] Mm-hmm.

I guess Eddie's gonna have
to take a crack at it, huh?

-Eddie? [chuckles]

How about you don't come
into my shop and insult me.

So, can you do it?

["Put Your Money On Me" playing]

I'm in.

♪ Make a wager
Go all in ♪

♪ You put your money on me
I'm gonna win ♪

♪ I'm gasoline to your fire ♪

♪ Oh, I'm hot-wired ♪

-♪ Put your money on me ♪
-♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ Put your money on me ♪
-♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Put your money on me ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪


-Come on here! [grunts]
-[Eddie] Hey, Bruno!


If I see your ass here again,
you ain't gonna need a phone.

I'm gonna break
every one of those fingers

on that pretty little
hand of yours, you understand?

-Now piss off.

Piss off! [laughs]

[laughs] Eddie.
What the hell, man?

What are you doing
in, uh, Skid Row, huh?

Still striking the fear
of God into children, I see?

Ah, you know, the little shit
wanted to buy a phone,

then he thinks
he can just take off with it.

f*cking kids these days.

The hell are you doing
at a pawn shop?

You make good money here?

Uh, you know, old man pays cash

to keep the crackheads
and the tweakers out.

You want a real job? Big payday.

You pulling your own work now?

Not yet.
Still with my same crew.

Always play second fiddle,

staying in the same place
too long.

Thanks for the career advice.

You in?

[exhales sharply]
Whose ass I gotta kick, huh?

Okay, so, Huizen's property
is set up like a compound.

It sits right on the water

and we're gonna
take advantage of that, okay?

We're gonna moor here,

and these rocks shouldn't
be difficult to get up.

Oh, why... by the water?

I mean, why not
just approach on foot?

[Lucille] Well, the back patio

is the least guarded side
of the house.

There are two guards

at the front door
around the clock,

two guards in the driveway,

and another guard
inside the house

that roams the first floor.

A fourth one
takes care of the back patio

about every 35 or 45 minutes.

If we time it right, we can
get in the house undetected.

[clicks tongue] Assume
there's sliding patio doors?

Yep. We see them
in the main floor camera

-and the back patio camera.
-[Eddie] Nadia?

Sliding glass doors usually
have a mortise bolt lock.

Easy to get into,

but I'll be ready
for anything heavier.

Okay, good.

Once in, we have to subdue
the first floor guard.

Hmm. Leave that to me.

We just need him
incapacitated, not hurt.

How do you expect me
to drop someone

without hurting him?
Just a tiny bit.

-I mean...
-A little bit.

I... I can do it.
I know a little jujitsu.

-[Bruno] A little?

-[Bruno] Well, congratulations.
-Can you do it?

-I think I can handle it.
-All right.

We'll find the safe
and then Nadia will be up.

Uh, what about Huizen?

[smacks lips] We hit the house
when he's not home. Luce?

Yeah, his secretary
keeps his calendar in the cloud.

He'll be in San Francisco
next weekend.

-Just the guards will be there.
-We could be in and out

without any of the other guards
ever knowing we were there.

Then it's set. Lucille
will disable the alarm from here

and override
all the camera feed,

creating a new loop
of clean feed.

Wait a second. You're coming?

[chuckles] Yeah, I'm coming.
Why shouldn't I?


Oh, I don't know.

-Um, it's just, uh, um...

[scoffs] What?
'Cause she's a woman?

Um, it's just that...

-Wow. Um...
-Don't look at me, man,

you're digging
your own grave here.

-Yeah, okay.
-Okay, you... you're funny.

You're real funny, bro,
but, um, I've been waiting

on this score for a long time,
so there's no way

I'm gonna be
missing it, okay? So...

[clicks tongue]
No, hey, uh, it's cool.

It's awesome. Love it.

I don't have to be the fastest.
I just gotta outrun you.

Oh, even in heels,
you can't outrun me, okay?

So, yeah.

-[Annabel laughs] All right.

Back to work.

[upbeat music playing]


Get my f*cking purse!

[henchman] Let's go...

[upbeat music concludes]

-Ah, Miss Gomez.
-[classical music playing]

It's a pleasure
to finally meet you.

Please, sit.

Do you know

there's an actual bounty
on your head?

-The Kerrs?

Seems retribution is the price
for their destroyed Monet.

-How much?
-The Monet?

-[Annabel] The bounty?
-Half million.

-[Annabel] No, thank you.

Tell me.

Why destroy such a priceless
piece of artwork?

You know who the Kerrs are
and where they're from.

Ah, so, their ideology
gives you the right

to take and destroy
what is theirs?

It's not theirs, it was stolen.

-[Annabel] Yeah.

From whom? When?

It was taken
from the Rosenbaum family

during the n*zi plunder
of France. Sound familiar?

-Never heard of such a thing.
-[Annabel] No?

What about the execution
of six million Jews?

I bet you've never heard
of that either, huh?

I should turn you over
to the Kerrs right now

and collect the bounty.

So, what are you waiting for?

I take pleasure in watching you

chase after things
you cannot have,

things that are not yours.

You're right. They're not mine.

They belong to the world
and I'm gonna give them back.

I'm gonna give them all back.

-Even yours.

You can't possibly believe that.

You will never get my paintings.
The world is not worthy of them.

Only a superior people
deserve such fine art.

Oh. Well.

When you're ready
to collect on that bounty,

you know where to find me.

Your arrogance intrigues me.
Come for my paintings.

And then you fail,
then I'll collect the bounty.

Till then.

[Annabel] Excuse me.

[tense music playing]

-[Eddie] Hey.

We need to talk.

[tense music fades]

[Eddie] Are you okay?

-What happened in there?
-I'm fine.

The Kerrs are on me.

They want payback
for destroying the Monet.

[Eddie] Shit!

And now he knows we're coming.

Relax, okay? I got this.

He showed his hand.

He has the paintings,
we stick to the plan.

Jesus, what are we walking
into here, Annie?

Just be straight with me.

Is this just another
Syndicate job?

-[tense music playing]
-What paintings are we stealing?

A Monet, a Degas,
Picasso, and a Van Gogh.

f*ck. I knew it.
Josef's paintings.

We've been through
some shit, Annie,

and God knows I owe you,

but I ain't ready
to die for some paintings.

Well, I'm not sorry
because I made a promise.

A promise
that I'm willing to die for.

You know you gotta
sit this one out now.

-No, no way.
-Annabel, you've been made--

-[Annabel] No! No.
-[Eddie] You've been made

and it's the only way
we move forward.


We decided
it would be better off

if Annabel didn't come along.

Why the sudden change?

Look, we can't take any chances
on this one, okay?

We think it's best
if I make the plays from here,

keep eyes and ears
on everything,

and if something goes south,
I can bail you out.

but what's the backup plan?




I can... I can do it.

No, okay, I can do
Annabel's part and mine.

Thanks though, sweetheart.
I appreciate the team effort.




-[laughs] Holy shit!
-[Annabel] Damn!

-Look at him!
-[Bruno chuckles strainingly]

-I can get--
-I said I got it.

-I could get--
-There you go. Good job, mama.

All right, come on,
stop f*cking around.

Let's go. Focus.
That was good, mama.

Show him you can
kick his ass, that's right.

[pensive music playing]


[exhales deeply]

[Eddie] So, you think
she can handle it?

Yeah, absolutely.

You know, I understand

what these paintings
mean to you.

No, I don't think you do.

I was 18.

Living in the streets,
stealing everything I could

that wasn't nailed to the floor
just to survive.

I was good at it.

And I'd heard
about this old Jewish guy

that had a stash of cash
in the safe.

I went there to steal it.

And hanging on the wall
in the office

was this painting, this...

It was a Renoir.
It was beautiful. I was...

I was just mesmerized by this,

the beauty of this woman
in this painting.

It was just visceral
and so powerful to me.

Did you steal it?

No. [chuckles softly]

Josef caught you?

Josef saved me.

I don't know how,
but he planned the whole thing.



Josef was like a father to me.

He was my mentor.
He taught me everything I know.

He believed
he could heal the world

of all its pain through art

and he wanted
to give back all the beauty

that was stolen by the Nazis.


You think it'll still work?

[sniffles] Those four paintings
belonged to Josef's family

and he spent his whole life
searching for them,

so it has to work.

This is the only chance
we're gonna get, Eddie.

We got a big problem.

-[tense music playing]
-[keyboard clacking]

Lucille, what's going on?


-They're hack-backing me.

They're... they're
hacking my system.

Who could
possibly be hacking you?

Okay, so what can we do?

Should we pull the plug
or something?

No, no, no, no, no.
If we do that,

I... I'll never know who it was,

what they've seen,
what they've taken.

-What if you tried--
-[indistinct chatter]

Everyone just needs
to shut up and let me work.

[keyboard clacking]

That's it.
Yeah, I-- They've...

-[Annabel] What's happening?
-Shit, I'm... I'm locked out.

-[Annabel] What?

[Lucille sighs] They...
they changed everything.

They're onto us.
They know we're coming.

[Nadia yelling] How?

f*ck. f*ck!

[mutters indistinctly]

[Eddie] Annabel!

[tense music concludes]

-[melancholic music playing]
-[footsteps approaching]




[sobs] I'm so sorry.

[melancholic music fades]


[speaking Spanish]

-[in English] Eat.
-Okay, bro. Uh...

Are you gonna... you gonna
hurry up a little bit?

I gotta check my email.
I gotta update my blog.

-You know, I got followers...
-Hey, Luce?

Am I reading this right?

Yeah. Yeah,
those are the invoices.

I thought you said
you were locked out.

No, I am,
that's just from the data mine

I did of their servers
and cloud.

What's "Safe Domains"?

That's the company that
services the safe at the house.

[mouse clicking]

Hold on a second.

The invoices are dated
two days ago.

Wait, the service
wasn't done at the house,

it was done
at a different address.

Do you think
he moved the paintings?

I mean, it would make sense to.

If he knew
we knew where they were.

Yeah, there's the threat of us
alerting the authorities...

-[Lucille] Guys.
-...and a guy like Huizen

-would be threatened by that...
-[Lucille] Guys.

...he'd need something bigger.


A moving company specializing
in the crating and packaging

of fine arts
was at the house the next day.

-Where's the address?
-Right here in downtown L.A.

What? Oh, my God!
Yes! Yes. [chuckles]

Good job.
Nadia, we're in business, baby.

-We got some work to do.

-All right!
-Good. Good.

'Cause I was this close

-to finding myself another team.
-[Annabel clicks tongue]

Can I check my, uh,
email, update my blog?

You good?

-No? I can do it later.
-[indistinct chatter]

[Lucille sighs]

[exhales] Annabel. I just...
I... I just wanted to apologize.

I... I don't know how
they found me in their network.

-I don't blame you.
-[Lucille clears throat]

-Lucy, it wasn't your fault.
-I just...

-What are you doing?
-I don't know what happened.

They should've never known
I was there.

Lucy, don't worry about it.
We're gonna be okay, all right?

-Come on, Annabel.

-Seriously? What the hell?
-Leave it alone.

-It's fine.
-Oh, f*ck that.

You can't let her think
she messed up.

-It wasn't her fault.
-Yo, you guys want tacos...

-It's not gonna help.

Her confidence is shaken
and we need her solid.

Since when the f*ck do you give
a shit about her feelings?

All right, someone tell me
what the hell is going on

right now or I walk.

-They didn't find you, Lucille.

-They found her.

She was made two days ago.

-Huizen cornered her.

There's a bounty on her head
for the last job we botched.

Oh! That's why
you're not coming.

-Lucy, wait.
-[Nadia] Annabel, what the f*ck?

I thought this job was gonna be
different than the last.

I told you nothing good
would come out of that.

You people are crazy.

[Eddie] Luce.

-[tense music playing]
-Luce, slow down. Hey.

Can you wait up?

-Luce? What--
-What are you doing?

-Please come back.
-[scoffs] Come back, wow, okay.

-I... I need a minute.

-Okay, let's... let's take one.

I, uh...

You... [sobs]
You broke me, Eddie.

-You broke me.
-I know, I'm...

I'm sorry.

I was scared
and I wasn't ready--

Okay, cut the bullshit.

Look, there's...
there's nothing I can say

right now that's gonna make
anything better, okay?

When Annabel
wanted to come get you,

I... I didn't fight her.

Okay? I didn't fight her.
I... [sighs]

I thought
that if I saw you again...

[exhales] ...I thought
that I could make things right.

But this... is bigger than us.

-And we can't do it without you.
-[Lucille sighs]

-You know, I-- God, I...
-[Eddie] What?

-I knew I couldn't trust her.
-[Eddie] Hey.

You can trust me.

Yeah, well, I hope you're right.

[tense music fades]



I'm sorry.

So sorry.

I, um...

I want to apologize
to all of you. I...

[sighs] This job is not like
any other job.

Each one of you
is the best at what you do.

I chose you. I chose you.

We're trying to right
a wrong against humanity

and Josef believed that
and I believe that.

And I'm putting my faith
and trust in each of you.

You're my team. I need you.

I can't do this without you.


Okay. Okay, I'll stay.

We're still here.


I'm in. Just... don't hide
anything from us anymore, okay?


[exhales heavily]
I mean, look, that...

k*ller speech. k*ller speech.

Now, I hate Nazis
as much as the next guy,

but, um... [clicks tongue]

...how much are these
paintings actually worth?

-They're priceless.
-[Bruno] Priceless?

Wow, I mean, that's...
that's a pretty big payday, no?

Well, you're already being
compensated pretty generously.

[clicks tongue] Right, but,
by the sounds of it,

could be a whole lot more, no?

Well, that's not
what this is about.

Does anybody else
feel like this?

-No, I'm good.

-[Bruno scoffing]

Oh, so, it's just... just me.

All right, never mind.
We're good.

[Lucille] So, the building
has IP cameras all over,

inside and out.

Here we go.
There's one right here, here.

Um. Won't they catch you
hacking into the system?

Not this time.
I've doubled the number of times

I've rerouted,
as well as doubled my layers.

It'll take them forever
to find me this time.

Plus, I'm not in their network.
I'm just watching the cameras.

-You haven't pwned 'em again?
-Funny. No.

-[suspenseful music playing]
-Uh. So, so far I've counted

at least ten different guards.

That's more than double
what was at the house.

[Lucille] Not only is that more,
these guys are dangerous.

I've done some
facial recognition

and most of these guys
are in the system.

-[Lucille] Worse.

Ex-KSK, Kommando Special Kraft.
German special forces.

The more the merrier,
if you ask me.

Easy. The minute
one of those guards

sounds the alarm, we're screwed.

Okay, so,
not a standard smash-and-grab?

No, it's not.
Not this time. Uh-uh.

So, how are we gonna get in?

Here. This garage door.

Serve it special delivery?

Yeah. Shell game on the way out.

Okay, that works.

But I think
we're gonna need more.

What do you mean?

Well, I mean,
we're going by assumption here.

He could be playing us.
This could be a trap.

We need confirmation.

What do you think, Luce?
Can you get us anything more?

Well, I'm not
in his network anymore,

but I've got an idea.

-Who you calling?
-[clicks tongue, inhales]

A girlfriend
who owes me a favor.

Yeah, would... would I like her?

-[suspenseful music concludes]
-[Lucille scoffing]

-Stupid. [chuckles]
-["Buss It" playing]

♪ Run up the bands
f*ck up a check ♪

♪ Cartier frames
And they match with the fit ♪

♪ Always on go
A hunnid percent ♪

♪ If your man wanna roll
He gon' hop in the Benz ♪

♪ He need a straw
Drink up the mess ♪

♪ Louis Vuitton
Designer my step ♪

♪ I turn him on
With a flick of the wrist ♪

♪ The Patek on ice
I'm fresh out the fridge ♪

♪ I'm too lit, saucy
Booty put him in a coffin ♪

♪ Drop it low
And put it on him ♪

♪ Don't get comfy
I got options ♪

♪ My status poppin'
Got too many hoes watching ♪

♪ Independent
I'm a boss bitch ♪

♪ Check me out bitch
I'm gorgeous ♪

♪ Big bands tell that hoe go
Head and buss it ♪

♪ Wrist blam yeah
Them diamonds going dummy ♪

♪ Ass fat you can look
But please don't touch it... ♪

I've never seen you here before.

Oh, we come here all the time.

No. I come here all the time.

I'm sure I would have seen

two such beautiful creatures
such as yourself.

[chuckles] Oh, you got me.

This is our first time,
but a friend told me

that these were
the best martinis in L.A.,

so, we had to try them.

Ah. I heard they do the trick.

-[Angie] Yes!

[Angie chuckles]

-Who's your friend?
-[Angie] Hmm.

This is Francesca and I'm Angie.

Ah. It's a pleasure
to meet you both.


-And you are, mister...
-Oh, please. You call me Otto.

Otto? That is an adorable name
for such a powerful-looking man.

-[Angie] Mm-hmm.
-Otto, maybe you can help us

settle a disagreement
we're having.

-Angie here...
-[Huizen] Of course.

...um, doesn't think
she looks good tonight.

Don't you think
she looks beautiful?


-No more so than yourself.
-[Lucille chuckles]

And, uh, incredibly sexy
if I'm not being too forward.

-Oh, thank you.

You should have seen me earlier.

-I was a hot mess. [chuckles]
-She was a mess.

But Francesca here
helped me get ready.

That's right.

I would say
she's quite the artist.

-Don't you think?
-[Huizen] Artist?

-[Angie and Lucille] Mm-hmm.

Was she your, uh, your canvas?

Maybe. [giggles]

Are you a--
Are you a connoisseur?

I know what I like
when I see it.

[both] Hmm.

-[Angie giggles]
-Do you like what you see now?

I have seen
the most beautiful art

the world has ever known.

And you both come in
a very close... second.

-Oh. Second?
-Oh, come on.

Where have you seen art
more beautiful than us?

-I own it.
-[Lucille] Oh.

Like, you mean,
like, a... a gallery?

More of a privat collection
here in Los Angeles.

-Oh. Can we, um, can we see it?
-Can we see it? [chuckles]

Like I said,
it's a... private collection.

One only fit
for an Aryan people

of which you... are not.

[dollar bills rustling]

Good night, ladies.

[electronic dance music playing]

[electronic dance music fades]

[Lucille groans]
He's such a pig.

Oh, he's got 'em
here in L.A., all right.

-What else did he say?
-He wouldn't stop bragging

about his private
downtown collection.

He wouldn't
let us see it, though.

He said... [chuckles]
He said we weren't worthy.

Yeah. That sounds like him.

-You did good, Luce.

-You did good.
-[Lucille] Yeah. Thanks. [sighs]

-You okay?

You look good.

[Annabel] Hey, guys.


All right, Nadia, Bruno.
You guys are up.

[grunts] Let's do it.

[Annabel] Come on, come on.

-We'll work on that.
-[Annabel] Let's go.

[Bruno] Ah, shit.

[Victoria] Nathan!

[intense music playing]

-[chuckles] It's Victoria.
-I'm sorry?

We met at my architecture firm

where you lied your way
in to steal some blueprints?

Um, not quite sure I know
what you're talking about.

You think you're pretty slick?

We have security cameras.
I saw you go into the file room.

[chuckles] Well, that's...
that's quite a story.

Don't worry.
I didn't tell anyone.

-I deleted the security footage.
-Really? Why?

Architecture isn't
too terribly exciting.

Plus, I might have
a weakness for Latin men.

-Is that so?
-[Victoria speaks indistinctly]

So, what else are you into?

This thing's not gonna
zap me, is it?

[clicks tongue]

It's not broadcasting
any signals,

-it's listening for one.
-You know what?

I bet he's got more than
just paintings in there.

Yeah, I bet he's got,
like, gold or some shit.

-[Bruno] Mm-hmm.

No one deals with gold anymore.

[chuckles] No, you bet your ass
a guy like Huizen?

-He's got gold.
-Well, you know what?

Then you can come back
and rob him.

Right now,
we're not checking for no gold.

Shit. If I find gold,
I'm taking it.

Do you know how heavy
gold worth stealing is?

-You won't get too far.
-Oh. Hey, hey, hey, wait.

It's opening.

Oh, yeah,
I'm picking up the frequency.

-You getting it?
-[device whirring]

Hang on.

Oh, you're gonna miss it.

[Nadia] I'm getting it.

It's getting close,
you're gonna miss it!

-[device beeps]
-I got it.

Yeah? [chuckles]

[intense music concludes]

-Let's go.

[device chimes]

All right, done.
That'll open the garage door.

Okay, I'll override the cameras

looping in the street
while you guys get in.

What if there's guards
waiting in the garage?

Ah, you should
leave that to me, yeah?

Ah, yeah. Uh, no.

No g*ns.

-[Bruno] What?
-Yeah, no g*ns.

-Wait, wait. Are you for real?

You... you heard what she said
about those guys, right?

They're not messing around,

so... [clicks tongue]

I said no g*ns. You got that?

My man,
we're thieves, not K*llers.

[Annabel] Exactly.

This m*therf*cker
gonna get us k*lled.

-Thank you.
-[breathes deeply]

The Syndicate
does not condone g*ns or m*rder,

and neither do I.

[clicks tongue]
That's just fine.

But any friction,
I'm gonna handle things my way.


-[siren wailing in distance]
-[suspenseful music playing]

[Eddie] All right.
Everyone ready to go?

Let's do a comms check.

[earpiece beeps]

[Eddie over comms]
Annabel, you read me?

Okay. I'm starting recording.

Okay. Cameras are looping.
You're invisible.

[Lucille exhales sharply]
All right, here we go.

Fingers crossed.

Jefe, why is it not working?

[Bruno] m*therf*cker.

This is gonna be
a short trip, huh?

-[Lucille] No, no, no, no, no.


-[Eddie] There we go!
-[Lucille] Hell yeah, girl!

We're in.

[breathes deeply]

-[suspenseful music concludes]
-[upbeat pop music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

[suspenseful music playing]

[Eddie] Okay, we split up.

Radio silence
'til you find the safe.

Stay out of sight.
You two go. Now.

[toilet flushing]

Holy shit. This is it.

-[Bruno] Yeah? How do you know?
-It has a biometric lock.

What the hell does that mean?

It means it needs a fingerprint.

-Okay, well, can you open it?
-[clanking in the distance]

Hold up.

-[indistinct radio chatter]
-Keep going.


[both grunt]

-[suspenseful music concludes]

What the hell
did you do that for?

You were taking too long.

I had him
right where I wanted him!

-Let me get that g*n.
-[g*n clicks]

No g*ns, remember?

I kicked his ass, though.

-[upbeat pop music playing]
-[indistinct chatter]

-[Otto indistinct]
-Oh, my goodness. I am so sorry.

It's been so long
since I've worn heels

and just had
a little too much tonight.

I really am sorry.

I'm fine.

Clean that. Dry it.

-[guard mutters]
-[suspenseful music playing]

[shouts, grunts]

[both grunt]

Do you copy?

Lucille, do you copy?

Hey, two guards are approaching.


[both grunt]



[lock beeps]

Holy shit.

-That's not a safe.

-[Bruno] That's a f*cking vault.
-[Nadia chuckles] Yeah.

I knew he had more
than just paintings in there.

[clears throat] Can you open it?

I guess,
we'll have to find out, right?

-[pants] Hey. Where do we go?
-Hey, you good?

[Annabel over comms] Eddie,
head up to the eighth floor.

Come on, come on.

[exhales sharply]

-[metal clattering]
-Woah. That's not a safe.

-Really? I hadn't noticed.
-[exhales] Can you open it?

Huh, I've always
wanted to use this.

Okay, well, Nadia,
whatever you're gonna do,

you gotta do it fast.

Oh, hold up, hold up.
Is that nuclear?

No, no, no, no,
this is a rare earth magnet,

it's made out of neodymium.

Once turned into an alloy
with iron and boron,

-it becomes magnetized.
-Science lesson later,

we gotta get this
open right now.

Okay. Just give me one second.

-[Eddie] Yeah.

S... speed it up, Nadia,
come on.

[Nadia] I'm trying to find this.

-[magnet beeping]
-What? What? What? What?

Give me more time.

Uh, we gotta
keep the guards away.

What do you got for a diversion?

Hmm, I'll improvise.

-I'll go with him.
-[Eddie] No, Luce, no.

-No, no, I need to help him.
-[Eddie] No.

I'll be fine.

[guards thud]

You're just full of surprises,
aren't you?

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

I forgot my stuff at school.

All right. Yeah. Okay.

All right. Here we come.
Let's get this bad boy.

-[magnet chimes]
-[grunts, sighs]

-Now what?
-I'm looking for the solenoid.

The what?

When you enter a passcode,

the keypad sends a signal
to the solenoid.

The signal then passes
through a magnetic field,

converting it
to a mechanical movement.

If the magnets hit the field,

-it causes the locks to unlock.

[breathes heavily]

But it'll go faster
if you help me move it, okay?

-Yeah, no, no, yeah,

-of course. My bad.
-Give me a second.


What's the word?

Just... just give me one second.

Guys, we don't have
enough time.

[Nadia] Yeah, just give me
one second, please.

[breathes heavily, grunts]

-Come on, come on, come on.
-[magnet chimes]

-Whoo! [chuckles]
-[Nadia chuckles, sighs]

["Came For It All" playing]

Ladies and gents, the treasure.

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Yeah, no you do not put
No fear in me ♪

♪ Don't think you're hearing me
This is a special delivery ♪

♪ Why would I give up
To me that's a mystery ♪

♪ You make excuses
While we makin' history ♪

♪ Make sure
They never forgetting me ♪

♪ Turn down my energy,
You must be kidding me ♪

♪ I will not stop
You'll have to get rid of me ♪

♪ Never had anything
Now I'm coming for it all... ♪

-Good old sparky.
-[Eddie] Seriously?

All that technology
and you're just gonna use a saw?

You always got to go
back to the basics.

♪ ...Yeah, I'm coming for it ♪

♪ I don't wanna little
I don't want half ♪

-♪ Yeah, I'm coming for it all ♪
-♪ You know I came for it all ♪

-♪ Tell 'em we came for it all ♪
-♪ Tell 'em we came for it all ♪

♪ You know I came for it all
All, all, all ♪

♪ I need it all,
all, all, all ♪

-♪ Chains can fall ♪
-♪ Fall ♪

♪ Yeah we came for it all
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Yeah I'm coming for it all ♪

♪ I'm a giant
Standing ten feet tall ♪

♪ Don't you try to hide now ♪

♪ Do you hear yourself?
Tell 'em I came for it all ♪

♪ Tell 'em I came for it all ♪

[song concludes]

-[suspenseful music playing]

[Nadia] Holy shit.

They're beautiful.

Look at this m*therf*cker.

Just the paintings.

Dry it, give it back to me.

-[upbeat pop music playing]
-[indistinct chatter]

Oh! Give me that.

Where are the guards?

-[suspenseful music playing]
-[mouse clicking]

-[computer beeps]
-[Otto over video] Annabel.

You have foolishly
put your people in danger.

And for what?

Now, you will suffer
for your insolence.

Go! Go!

[Annabel over comm] Get the hell
out of there right now.

-Huizen's on his way, hurry up.
-[Eddie] We gotta go.

No, no, no,
I don't think so, I... I...

I'm gonna be the one walking out
with those paintings.

-What's the matter?
-Call it an insurance policy.

I carry 'em,
I either get away or I don't.

You carry 'em,
get nabbed or dropped,

-[Bruno] I get nothing.
-No, we stick to the plan.

We don't have time
for this shit.

No, no, no, I'm not leaving
without those paintings.

[tense music playing]

-Just give it to him, it's fine.

Yeah. Not so hard.

-Yeah. I'm happy.

Oh, split up! Move!

[Lucille over comms] Shit.

-[Bruno grunts]


-[security guard grunts]

[both grunt]

-[alarm blares]


[both grunt]

[mellow instrumental
music playing]

[breathes heavily]


-Go. Go.
-[pants] Go, go. Go. Okay.


[groans] Shit.
Oh! Oh! f*ck! f*ck!

I've just been shot.

[both grunt]


[both grunt]


[both grunt]


Nadia! Nadia, Nadia!

-What happened?
-Come on.

They shot me!

-They f*cking shot me!
-Okay, okay. Hold on, hold on.

-[Lucille] Let's go, let's go!
-[Nadia screams] f*ck!

Let's go! Go, go, go, go!

-Hurry, hurry.

We gotta go. Go, go, go, go, go.

[breathes heavily]

Freeze! f*cking hold it!
Don't move!

[Annabel] Drop it.

-Okay. Okay!
-[Annabel] Drop it now.

-Back the f*ck up!
-[security guard] Okay.

[Annabel] Eddie, get in the car.

Hurry up.



Let's go! Eddie. Let's go! Go!

-What the f*ck?
-Oh, what the f*ck?

-Just hold on.
-[cries, whimpers]

[somber music playing]


Okay, I got it,
I got it, I got it.

I got it. I got it.

Gotta just hold on.

[Nadia sobs]

It's okay.

-[speaking indistinctly]
-[breathes deeply]

[Annabel] Okay, Nadia,
you're all right, you're okay.

[Nadia groans]

Come on, up in this chair.

Get me the first aid kit.

The first aid kit
is right there.

-[Lucille] Right there.

Right there. Let me see, mama.

That's right. You're okay.

Let me look at it.
Let me look at it.

-[Nadia groaning]
-[indistinct chatter]

-[Lucille] Press it.
-[Annabel] I think it's okay.

-What the hell was that?
-[Nadia] Oh, my god! f*ck.

What about your little
no g*n rule, huh?

Why did you k*ll that guard?

Hey. What were you doing?

Why did you k*ll that guard?

Everybody just shut the f*ck up!

-Annie, what the hell...

-...were you thinking?

We don't do that! That's not us!

Okay. You're all right,
you're okay.

We go to the Syndicate
and tell them what happened.

No! You know they'll have
nothing to do with this.

you said they were priceless.

Sell them to the highest bidder.

No, selling stolen art
is the quickest way

to get busted,
even on the dark web.

-We can't do that.
-[Eddie] Then what?

-[yells] Then what?
-f*ck. [breathes heavily]

-We destroy them.
-[Eddie] No.

-No way. Not again.

-[Annabel] Yes!
-No. Ransom.

We demand
a ransom from the n*zi.

No. No.

Josef would have
never wanted that.

Josef? I'm so done
giving a shit about Josef

and your little cause.
All right?

You just shot
a guard in cold blood.

You did that.

Now, me, I'm gonna get paid
one way or another. All right?

[somber music concludes]

-[siren wailing]
-[indistinct chatter]

[computer beeps]

[Eddie over intercom]
Hey, Annabel.

Hey, guys.
He said he'd meet later today.

Where are you going?

[clicks tongue] So close.

Uh. I got some errands to run.
Is that okay with you guys?

The paintings?

Yeah, like, I trust any of you,
especially you.

Whoa, whoa.

We can't just let you
walk out of here with them.

-I'm coming.
-Yeah, I don't... I don't care.

See you later.

[helicopter whirring]

[upbeat music playing
over stereo]

What the hell are we doing here?

Gotta unload something
real quick.

I thought you quit.

Uh. No, I'm just out collecting.

I got something you want.

Boom. What do you think?

Where'd you get this?

It's pretty nice, huh?

[Pawnshop owner]
I'm gonna ask you again.

Where'd you get it?

-Does it matter?
-Hell, yes, it matters.

It's my ass that's on the line.

Okay. Look, old man,

I know you know people,
all right?

I know you got
buyers for shit like this.

I do.

-What the hell?
-Calm down.

That's what I'm talking about!

Hmm! [sniffs] Smells so good.

One ain't enough.
They gonna want more.

No worries, Gramps. Plenty more
where that came from.

Let's roll.

[upbeat music concludes]

Something's not right.
He should be here by now.

I'm gonna go find the others.


Try and stay
out of trouble, huh?

[clicks tongue]

[elevator bell dinging]

[suspenseful music playing]

Where is she?

I'm sure she's around.

[chuckles] You are either
incredibly brave

or incredibly stupid.

I'm the one who's here, ain't I?

Ah. Tell me why I don't just

sh**t you where you stand
and take what is mine?

Um. Maybe
there's a g*n on you right now.

And, maybe if you k*ll me,
the cops will be here

before you make it out
with your car.

You have no idea how much
those are worth, do you?

I figure...
[exhales] ...a million?

More than enough
to live a pretty damn good life.

A million? Yeah.
[chuckles] Is that all?

What is this?

That's an account number, chief.

Sure you got a team of bankers
on speed dial.

Now, I take my paintings.

[clicks tongue]
Sorry about your guy.

My guy?

[Bruno chuckles]
Yeah. I mean, you know

how these things
go sometimes, right?

sh**t or get shot.

I think we have a problem here.

Yeah, and what's that?

None of my guards were shot.

Bullshit. I saw him go down.

And these are not my paintings.

What are you talking about?
[chuckles] They... they are.

I don't believe
that Monet or Van Gogh

bought their canvases
from a hobby store.

-Son of a bitch.
-[paintings thud]

They switched bags on me.
All right, uh...

To steal my paintings
is one thing.

But to steal my gold,
that's a grave mistake.

[chuckles] What are you...
what are you talking about?

I'm trying to bring your shit
back to you.

You know what they used to do
to thieves in n*zi Germany?

-[Bruno thuds]

[suspenseful music concludes]

[sentimental music playing]

-Miss Gomez?

The museum is immensely grateful
for your donation.

It has always been believed

that these works
were lost forever.

May I ask,

how did they come
to be in your possession?

I own them.
They were given to me

by the original owner,
Josef Goodman.

He was a Holocaust survivor.

These are the original
ownership papers and letters

of authorship
from the artists themselves.


-May I?
-[Annabel] Yes.

My goodness.

We will, uh, of course,
have to, uh,

-examine these for authenticity.
-Of course, of course.

I know they're real and I'm sure

you'll find that
to be true as well.

Thank you.

[Annabel sighs]

[Otto] Those are my paintings.

I would love to see you
tell that to the authorities.

Keep them.

-I was tired of them anyway.
-Is that so?

[chuckles] How did you do it?

How did you allow that fool
to bring me those fakes?


[upbeat music playing]

I'm not leaving
without those paintings.

-Just give it to him, it's fine.

Not so hard.

[Annabel] Drop it!

-Drop it now.
-Okay, okay.

[Annabel] Hurry up.


We're good, right?

Yeah, we're good.

Every time
you walk into that vault

and see four empty spaces
on the wall,

I want you to wonder,
"How did she do it?"

How did my team
walk out of your vault

with these four paintings?

You think you've gotten away

with something so grand here.

These paintings are nothing
compared to my other treasures,

pieces far greater in value

and significance than...
than some old canvases.

I'm sure.

-And we're coming for all of it.
-[Otto] Oh?

Yeah. And we won't stop
until we get

every last piece
and give it back to the world.

[clicks tongue] I'm not so sure
you'll get a chance.

It's time now for me

to collect the bounty
from the Kerrs.

[clicks tongue]
Well, like I said,

you know where to find me.

But until you do,
I have some friends

who would love to speak to you.


Oh, look at this.

You can't hide her forever.

I've seen
what you're willing to risk

for some old paintings.

But what is a mother
willing to risk

for the safety of her own child?

Trust me.

You don't wanna f*cking know.

Mr. Huizen,
would you come with us, please?

What is this about?

[Agent Garcia]
These treasures of yours.

We have some questions for you

documentation of ownership,

and whether or not
you've paid taxes.

Right this way.

Hey, Annabel?

-Can I ask you something?

Where'd you get
the fingerprints?

And how'd you know
we were gonna need them?

Sorry, that was... that was me.

Yeah, I, uh...
I overheard him bragging about

all his treasures,

and how he keeps them
well-protected with guards

and biometrics
and a state-of-the-art safe.

Which turned out to be a vault.

-[Eddie] Right.

[clicks tongue] Son of a bitch
was so arrogant

he didn't know the difference
between a vault and a safe.

Wait a second, how did you know
Bruno was gonna double cross us?

We needed a wildcard.

Someone to take the fall
if things went bad.

Yeah, and he played
the role perfectly.

I mean, him going there alone
was the best smoke and mirrors

we could have hoped for

to get these
paintings here safely.

-[Annabel] Yep. Yep, yep, yep.

[Nadia sighs]

[soft music playing]

[Annabel] Josef, we did it.

Oh, Annabel, you've done well.

Josef would be proud.

The paintings you recovered
are... are priceless.

Our appraisers
have valued them beyond

the levels
of our... our current assets.

And with their donation
to the museum,

we're able to shelter
our other taxable resources.

Our budget
for future operations

is tripled.

But Josef was not the only one
the Nazis stole from.

There are others.

And like yourself,
they have done everything

in their power to preserve
their ownership and right.

So, we hope you are not
considering retirement just yet.

-I wouldn't think of it.
-[all chuckle]

-[all] Lehayim.

All right, ladies, round two...

-[all] Yes!
-[Eddie] ...has arrived.

Whoo-hoo! [chuckles]

-Oh, she ready. What? [chuckles]
-What? [chuckles]

I just, uh...
I've been thinking, right?

-I don't... I don't know.
-[indistinct chatter]

Like, I get
that we did a good thing, right?

You know, that everybody
gets to see the paintings,

the Nazis don't have 'em.

But why did we have
to donate them?

Oh, come on.

-We did a good deed.
-[Annabel] Eddie...

-That should be reward enough.

Listen, plus it saves
the Syndicate millions in taxes

when you donate the paintings.

That means we make more money
to steal more shit.

-[Lucille laughs]

-Which, now that you mention it,

the Syndicate
has another mark for us, so...

[clicks tongue] ...who's up
for another challenge?

Huh? Huh? [chuckles]

You know
you're my ride or die, Annie.

-[Annabel] Yes!

-[Annabel] Yes!
-It beats the hell out

of spending another five to ten
with the feds.

-So, I'm in.
-Mm-hmm. [chuckles]


-Hell, yeah. [chuckles]
-Hell, yeah!

-[Annabel laughs]
-[speaking indistinctly]

-Good. [chuckles]
-[Annabel] Are we good?

-You know...
-Come on, come on.

...it still would have been cool
to be millionaires.

-[Annabel chuckles]
-I'm just...

...I'm just saying,
you know? [chuckles]


-To the team.
-["Came For It All" playing]

-♪ Yeah, coming for it all ♪
-♪ Tell 'em we came for it all ♪

-♪ Tell 'em we came for it all
-♪ Tell 'em we came for it all ♪

♪ You know I came for it all
All, all, all ♪

♪ I need it all
All, all, all ♪

-♪ Chains can fall ♪
-♪ Fall ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa
Yeah, we came for it all ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa
Yeah, I'm coming for it all ♪

♪ I'm a giant
Standing ten feet tall ♪

♪ Don't you try to hide now ♪

♪ Do you hear yourself?
Tell 'em I came for it all ♪

♪ No need to lie to me,
don't need your gas ♪

♪ Already got fire
Inside of me ♪

♪ I come alive
When it's down to the wire ♪

♪ See how all that pressure
Turn into a diamond ♪

♪ Peace out, I can do it
Yeah, that's my belief ♪

♪ Unless I'm winning
I don't find relief ♪

♪ I hear the gossip,
Tell 'em to stop it ♪

♪ All their talkin'
Never bothered me ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Watch out
'Cause we 'bout to blow ♪

-♪ Oh, no, no, no ♪
-♪ No ♪

♪ I am coming for the gold
I gotta answer the call ♪

♪ They just want me to fall
Yeah, I'm coming for it ♪

♪ I don't want a little
I don't want half ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm coming for it all
Tell 'em we came for it all ♪

-♪ Tell 'em we came for it all ♪
-♪ Tell 'em we came for it all ♪

♪ You know I came for it all
All, all, all ♪

♪ I need it all
All, all, all ♪

♪ Yeah, we came for it all
All, all, all ♪

♪ Yeah, we came for it all
Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Yeah we're
coming for it all ♪

♪ I'm a giant
Standing ten feet tall ♪

♪ Don't you try to hide now ♪

♪ Do you hear yourself?
Tell 'em I came for it all ♪

♪ Unstoppable, unmovable,
Champion ♪

♪ And it's provable, facts ♪

♪ Vengeance, relentless
If I'm swinging ♪

♪ Then it's for the fences
Unshakeable ♪

♪ Unbreakable, the crown's mine
It's untakeable ♪

♪ Well-deserved
What you hating for? ♪

♪ You wanna challenge me?
What you waiting for? ♪

-♪ Yeah, I'm coming for it all ♪
-♪ Yeah, we came for it all ♪

-♪ Tell 'em we came for it all ♪
-♪ Tell 'em we came for it all ♪

♪ You know I came for it all
All, all, all ♪

♪ I need it all
All, all, all ♪

-♪ Chains can fall ♪
-♪ Fall ♪

♪ Yeah, we came for it all
Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa
Yeah, I'm coming for it all ♪

♪ I'm a giant
Standing ten feet tall ♪

♪ Don't you try to hide now ♪

♪ Do you hear yourself?
Tell 'em I came for it all ♪

[song concludes]

[mellow music playing]

[mellow music concludes]
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