01x05 - The Alien Invasion of Griffin Rock

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x05 - The Alien Invasion of Griffin Rock

Post by bunniefuu »

The Alien Invasion of Griffin Rock We interrupt yet another encore presentation of the parade for this late breaking news.

A dangling truck, a struggling rescue vehicle, a life hanging in the balance.

Don't worry, Edgar.

Everything is going to be fine! It will be fine, won't it, Boulder? I hope so.

Hold on just a little longer, buddy.

Cover is here.

OK, be on your best robot behavior, guys.

You're on TV.

Heatwave! Ladder, got it! I mean, as



I trust your emergency break is properly engaged, Boulder.


Not do much good though.

Hop on, Edgar.

Easy, gasp.

Have a seat, just one make sure you're OK.

And the Burns family pulls off yet another stunning rescue.

Now for securing that highly toxic payload.

# A routine patrol of four bots in stasis # # Years later awoke in the strangest of places # # Earth was their home now and in addition # # Optimus Prime gave them this mission # # Learn from the humans surge and protect # # Leaving the world on their respect # # Family of heroes will be their allies # # While they remain robots in disguise # # Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue.

# # Heroes in need.

Heroes in need.

# # Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue # # Rescue Bots.

# # With Cody to guide them and show them the way # Rescue Bots are now saving the day # Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue # # Rescue Bots.

# transcript by Arvegtor timing by Deska

- Good job!

- All right!

- That's right.

- You did a good job! Uh, dad.

Nobody is driving Chase.

Chief Burns, is this not proof of what I am suspecting and reporting all along? That! A crop circle.

Well, technically it's not a crop or circle.

It's where the mayor and his wife had the grass cut for their weekly picnic.

Well, my search for truth you refuse will never vain.

This is Huxley Prescott digging for dirt, so you don't have to.

Don't worry, Chase.

He is not mad.

The Chief has every right to be mad.

Task was keeping our true identities as secret.

I failed miserably.

And my shame was rubble.

Yeah, you are.

Didn't know you had that in you.

Don't worry, buddy.

You'we made the right call.

If it wasn't for you we will be cleaning up the toxic spills for the next week.

Sir, slap a wheel boot on me.

I deserve nothing less.

I'm not here to repremend anyone.

I should've made this clear long ago when are lives at risk never hesitate to act even if it means revealing your true identities.

Sir, Optimus does not believe humanity is ready for the truth.

Optimus would be the first to agree with me.

If the secret gets out we'll deal with it.

Saving lives is always priority one.

You still believe anyone on this rock will care that we're from Cybertron? We do help people that ought to be proof we come in peace.

It would be nice if we didn't have to act like mindless robots anymore.

Some of us aren't very good at it anyway.

I realize this has been difficult for all of you.

But for now keep the truth to ourselves.


- Yes, sir.

- Yes, sir.

Nice job today, team.

And so the charade continues.

Wow! Outstanding work, Doctor Greene.

Just a little something I patched together in my off hours.

Dad, I can't believe you built this SETI

-dish and didn't tell me.

We can use this dish to ears drop on other life across the galaxy.

That's what SETI stands for, Mr.


The search for extraterrastrial intelligence.

Actually, little girl.

I'm more concerned with what aliens out in space are saying to the their spies here in Griffin Rock.

You think aliens live here? Mr.

Prescott can believe whatever he likes, Frankie.

Especially, since he payed to build this dish.

Now, move aside.

Oh, plug me in, Doctor Greene.

Well, first we turn this amplifier dial to normal power.

And then you just listen.

If you hear something unfamiliar turn the dial all the way up.

But don't leave it that level for very long or the system will overload.

Finally I will have proof that aliens from outer space are hiding among us.

Connection to Griffin Rock satellite succesful.

- Movie time.

- I vote for an action film.

Preferably with high

-speed pursuits.

Comedy, please.

I am so in the mood to laugh.

- Oh, how about romance?

- Forget that, put on a w*r movie.

We gonna try something new.

A historical drama.

- Oh, really?

- Come on, Cody, w*r is part of history.

You'll like it.

It's about explorers living with natives on uncharted land.

- Oh, k*lling me!

- Cody, this hurts inside.

The natives have spears and blow g*ns.

Now you're talking.

Species of us, we must not yet reveal ourselves to those on the island.

Soon, ten ships will arrive, followed by ten more.

We will call this "The New World".

It's worse than I thought.

Griffin Rock is on a bring of a full scale alien invasion! I used to think everything on Earth was interesting.

This is a Griffin Rock emergency announcement.

Huxley Prescott reporting live from my new SETI


When only moments ago I intercepted this secret communication sent to Griffin Rock from outer space.

Must not yet reveal ourselves to those on the island

- soon ten ships will arrive

- What?

- followed by ten more.

- Huh? We will call this "The New World".

At this very moment aliens are establishing the beach on our island in advance of their invasion.

You have permission to be afraid.

Very afraid.

Alien communication? No way.

Huxley mostly made that up.

Tried to save face after embarrassed himself today.

But in this time someone might actually believe him.

I'd like to think that no one in this town will pay any attantion to but, what would I know.

Griffin Rock emergency.

Yes, Mr.


No, no I don't know why aliens would abduct your cows.

Let's suit up.

Hold, please, Mr.


Griffin Rock emergency.

- Cody, command center.

- On my way.

But I just saw your husband earlier, Mrs.


Edgar is not the giant cockroach from Mars.

Griffin Rock emergency.

Hi, Mr.


Moon people are eating your corn? Mr.

Perkins, are you all right? They're coming! They're coming! Boulder, transform! Cody, let Mr.

Bufkin know we found his missing cows.

If we come across an alien I hope it's just that small squishy one who is looking for a phone.

Hey, Dani, I'm getting a bunch of calls about a UFO taking off on town's square.

We'll check it out.

What are you doing, Milo? Going higher than the flying saucers.

I need you to land this thing before you hurt yourself? Sorry, Dani, I have the right to defend my home! You see, Mrs.

Neederlander, Mr.

Pettypaws wasn't abducted.

He was just on a tree.


What is going on here? Warning, sir.

Afraid a pedestrian is approaching.

They are after us.

They are here! You're next! It's Mayor, nobody is after us.

No, no! You're in danger! Can't you see? They're everywhere! Just yet get out! This is just a brown out mayor.

They're everywhere! They're everywhere! I'll turn off that air siren before the whole town has gone nuts.

All right, team, listen up.


Dad, I can barely hear you.

The power is going crazy here.

Tap it all over the island, Cody.

Which is why I want Kade, Dani and Graham to meet me at the power plant and maybe we can Dad? Anybody? And now the aliens are cutting communications the first step before a full scale invasion.

Get off the island any way you can before it's This doesn't make any sence.

Wait for me! Alien invasion! Aliens! Relax, everyone! Griffin Rock is not being invaded.

Now hand tight and we'll tow you to safety.

- Boulder, where is Graham?

- Inside.

Graham! Uhm, when did this place get so creepy?

- Cody, what are you doing, man?

- You shouldn't sneak around like that.


I just I was by myself.

And the commlines were down.

And, uh I was worried about you.

Appreciate that, son.

You can help us look for Graham.

I already found him.

Follow me.

Aliens! Or just an owl! You're all a little too jumpy.

For good reason.

I've seen pictures of aliens.

They hug your face and lay eggs in your tummy.

No, they're round blobs that swallow everything in their path, including vehicles.

That is incorrect.

Aliens are clophunters but they can't see you if you're covered in mud.

Let's go for some mud.

Just to remind you.

We're aliens.

How did you even get in here? Through one of the bunker tunnels.

It leades right to the basement.

I thought everybody knew that.

What have you learned, Graham? Something is syphoning the energy from the power plant.

You mean, like aliens? You're saying aliens are stealing our electricity? I don't wanna believe it, but maybe Huxley is right.

Guys, let Graham finish what he was saying.

From all I can tell the energy is going straight to Huxley Prescott's SATI


Why does that not surprise me? All right, so we just need to shut the dish down, right? Right, before it overloads.

What would happen then? Powersurge so huge that it will blow every electrical device on the island.

Including this power plant! The entrance! We have to get back there before the power goes out.

Too late! The electronic locks are offline.

We're stuck inside.

Heatwave, can you hear me? We hear you.

The door is sealed! Stand back! There's no time! We'll take the tunnels.

Heatwave, you and your team get to the SATI

-dish and disable it.

Hurry, people's lives are at stake.

- On our way!

- But we'll driving without occupants.

If anyone sees us, our cover is blown.

It's pretty obvious even to me that humans aren't ready to learn about us, but like Chief said, saving lives has priority one.

Rescue bots, roll to the rescue! Frankie, stay in the car.

Has the national guard been summoned? The Navy? Where are the evacuation choppers? There's no alien invasion, Huxley.

Then how do you explain the lost communications and the blackout? My guess is you left the amplifier dial on high.

And I'm right.


-dish has been pulling energy from all over the town and now is overloading.

Well, well, I that doesn't mean there aren't aliens and they're defenitely invading.

I assure you that! Then they might want to rethink their plans because these controls are fried.

We're about to have a powersurge that could crater half the island.

Where are the Burnses? Chief, Chief! You must destroy the dish! It's our only hope! I don't think Chief Burns can hear you, Dad.

There's no one inside those robots! Then who is giving them instructions? Activate camera, record mode!

- Nice plan!

- Well done! Robots without masters, could they be our aliens? Are they the ones who recieved that mysterious communication from space? Since Chief Burns and his family are not here That's not true, Mr.


Robots, return.

Mission accomplished.

Awaiting further commands.

That will do for now.

Vehicle modes, please.

But I, I thought they While I built you that dish I'll never know.

You and your imaginary aliens nearly blew up the island! Imaginary? How can you deny this evidence? Must not yet reveal ourselves to those on the island, soon ten ships

- Wait, that's the show we just watched.

- Endured is more like it.

We will call this "The New World".

Wait a minute, now I get it.

That transmittion didn't come from aliens, it came from a movie.

- A movie?

- Cody, what are you talking about? I watched it tonight.

It's called "The natives of Tattui".

Oh, Cody streamed the film from the Griffin Rock's satellite.

And Huxley's dish picked up on a signal.

That explains everything.

- But I, I

- Unbelievable, Huxley.

Did you have any idea what you put us all through? We've been out all night.

You know what they say about digging for dirt, Huxley? It gets your hands dirty.

Let's go calm down the masses, everyone.

I don't think you'll need to, Chief.

Huxley has been broadcasting live.

Never sensed the power came back on.

Dad, are vehicles capable of driving themselves? Not yet, Frankie.

That is something I'm still working on.

See you, Frankie.

Night, Cody.

Wait, have the aliens just been toying with us? Are they watching right now? Come out, show yourselves!
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