15x22 - One Fine Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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15x22 - One Fine Day

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Go, Rangers! Go, Rangers!
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Go, Rangers! Go, Rangers!
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Pow-er Ran-gers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Ran-gers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Like five fingers reaching
for the sky in five ways

♪ Five her_s walking
through the sun for five days

♪ Dark forces lurking
Leaving evil where they roam

♪ Five Rangers looking
for the same five stones

♪ Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

♪ There's treasures to be found
There's some lives to be saved

♪ A planet to look after
There's a whole lot of space

♪ Good versus evil
We got her_s on the scene

♪ Power Rangers Overdrive
is the number one team

♪ Pow-er Ran-gers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Ran-gers

♪ Operation Overdrive ♪

[birds chirping]

- What?
- What, what?

Why are you iust sitting there
Iooking at me?

- Don't you have anything better to do?
- No.


- What?
- What, what?

You can't just sit there looking at me.

lt's... it's... It's weird.

All right. Then let's talk.

When you were seven,
before you started college,

what did you eat for breaMast?

l don't know. That's a dumb question.

All right. Here's another.

When you were eight, after you started
college, what did you eat for breaMast?

That's it.

lt's our day off. l should have
gone on the picnic with the others.

- Why didn't you?
- Because, l thought, silly me,

that l could hang out around here,
relax, read a book,

- and not be bothered by anyone.
- Go ahead.

l'll sit with you,
make sure nobody bothers you.

- When you were ...
- Great.

l think l'll meet the others
on the picnic.

OK, bye-bye. Bye. Have a good time.

Fresh air, beautiful sceney,
no monsters to fight.

This is just one fine day.

Easy for you to say.

You're not carying the backpack
for five miles.

What did you put in here, Ronny?

Oh, iust our lunches
and our swimsuits.

Four bottles of water, four towels,
some sunscreen, a tent...

lt's OK. l'll take the backpack.

l'm the one with super-strength.

l haven't been on a picnic
in over ten years.

My dad and l used to find
a great spot by the river.

We'd go swimming,
we'd toss a football around.

We used to have these amazing
fried chicken lunches that Spencer made.

Man, they were the good days
when Dad had more time.

- Hey, guys!
- l thought you weren't coming.

l wasn't. But it seemed like a nice day,
and you are my friends,

so l thought l'd join you.

- [all] Tyzonn?
- Yeah.

He's great and all,
but he's just... different.

He just wanted to look at me all day.

- So you ditched him?
- Well, no, l didn't.

Yeah, l ditched him.
l just need a few moments away from him.

Rose! Rose.

- You forgot your book.
- Thanks.

Hey, Ty, we're all going on a picnic.
You want to come?

- Yeah!
- Then let's go!

[Tyzonn] What's a picnic?

Well, this one in particular
is going to be a lot of fun.

- What is that?
- [Tyzonn] A bear?

- It looks like Bigfoot!
- Let's follow it.

lf it is Bigfoot we could become famous.

- [Mack] We already are famous.
- Famouser... er...

- Let's follow it!
- Sounds good to me.

lt is here!
Oh, l can smell it.

Somewhere in these hills
lies the Centurion Torch

that can set the world on fire.

With it, we can destroy anything.

Especially those pesky Power Rangers.

We iust have to stop them
from stopping us.

Consider it done.

l've created a force field that will
protect us from any interruptions.


Sir, l'm picking up an abnormal energy
reading just outside of San Angeles.

Abnormal? We'd better get
the Power Rangers to investigate.

Oh, but, sir, it's their day off.
They've gone off picnicking.

lt was only slightly abnormal.

lf it changes, l promise
l'll noti_ them straightaway.

All right.

l forget what it's like
to be a kid sometimes.

lt's only been mo years
since Mack arrived

and six months since
Operation Overdrive started.

Yes, sir.
Two years ago it was just you and me.

When we get the Centurion Torch
we will rule the world!

Oh, pipe down and keep looking.

We have to be getting close.


Where could he have gone?

He ran down this road and disappeared.


[Rose] Whoa. That's strange.

They just stopped.

lsn't Rose great?

The footprints iust stopped,
and she noticed right away.

See?! It's been like this all day.

Right. But the footprints did iust stop,
which is kind of weird.

He couldn't have just disappeared.

Let's stay on course,
see if we can find them again.

[all grunting]

What is that?

Some kind of force field.

A Lamporian Force Field, to be exact.
l've seen it before.

- [Mack] Can we get through?
- l can.

You can't. l'm a Mercurian.

- You're not going through alone.
- [exhaling] There's another way.

- l'll hold Rose's hand.
- See?

And she can hold Mack's hand
and he can hold Ronny's...

- We get the point.
- And then we can get through together.

But stay in physical contact
with the person in front of you.

That way my Mercurian energy
will pass through your organic matter.

Well, what if we break contact?

Just don't, or else you won't be able
to get through on your own.

This is too strange.

[all shout, groan]

- l don't know what happened.
- It's closed. It won't let us in.

And Rose and Tyzonn... They're gone.

[both grunt]

Where are the others?

- [beeping]
- Impossible!

Someone has penetrated the force field.

lt has to be that Mercurian, Tyzonn.

You keep looking. l'll take care of him!

l felt Mack let go of my hand.

Well, then they're not getting through.
It's just you and l.

- You and me.
- Did l notjust say that?

Never mind.

lf l find the source seal
of this force field,

l can break it
and the others can get through.

How do you know so much
about this force field?

- It's used by the Fearcats.
- Nice of you to mention that now.

Come on, we'd better find
the source seal.

- What should we do?
- There's not much we can do.

l'm sure if there's a way to turn this
thing off, Rose and Tyzonn will find it.

l know something that may work.

ls there a reason you brought
the Sentinel Sword on a picnic?

Never mind. Glad you did.

Sentinel Knight!

So. This is a picnic.

No, this is a problem.

Rose and Tyzonn went through
this force field and we can't.

- Can you help us?
- l'll give it a ty.



- What was that?
- Someone's in pain.

Hold on. That thing looks wounded.

l'm not sure it's safe to get near him.

[Tyzonn] He's hurt. l have to help him.

OK, big fella. l'm going to help you.
Let me see where it hurts.

- It's my foot!
- He can talk.

l can talk without yelling
if you take this thing out of my foot!


Got it!

Thank you.

And... And... And thank you, too.


You're a Yeti, aren't you?
The legenday Abominable Snowman.

Large, cumbersome, smelly
and not too smart.

Stop it. l'm blushing.

- Oh, isn't this lovely?
- Fearcats! Run!

Smart enough to run.

My lucky day. Rangers.

[both scream]

We have to finish this fast
so we can destroy the force field.

All right!

Game on!

- [grunts]
- [yells]

Tyzonn, we have to
keep looking for the seal.

Right! [groaning]

Tyzonn! What's wrong?

[cackling] It's over, Rangers.

Come on!


Shall l continue?

Naw. l think it's pre_ clear
you're not getting through.

l'm sory l couldn't help.

l had an easier time breaking down the
indestructible wall at Kolaris Three.

- [Rose] Are you all right?
- l'm fine.

Did l mention that though Mercurians
can pass through force fields,

it does weaken them?

No. You didn't mention that.

Ty, what's up with you lately?

You've been acting really strange.

You've been staring at me.

And you've been asking me
a billion questions

- about what l eat, what l like.
- You noticed?

- l'm iust tying to be close to you.
- You are close to me. You're my friend.

No, Rose.

You don't let anyone close to you.

You like to answer questions
about things in books.

You don't like to answer
questions about yourself.

And that's why
l want to know more about you.

- l don't like talking about myself.
- Why not?

When l was a little girl,
l never felt special.

No one ever told me l was.

So l made a decision that l'd learn
evemhing there ever was to know.

- Then l'd feel special.
- Did you?

- No.
- Rose, the way l see it is,

what makes us special
is already there when we're born.

What we accomplish is just what we do.

Rose, l think
you are a vey special person.

Ty, l think you are
a vey special person, too.

- l know.
- [both laughing]

[groans] Now, let's go find that seal.

- [beeping]
- The reading is strong here.

Yes! The Centurion Torch!

Now to set it free. [grunts]

There it is. All we have to do
is break one part of the seal

and the force field will open.

[both yell]

Come on!

- [groaning]
- Game over.

You break the seal, Rose.
l'll handle Mig.

Oh, no you don't!

- Fire!
- [screaming]



l did it!

- [grunting]
- [screaming]

You lose!



- [moaning]
- Ty!

No! Ty!

Cying will do him no good.

[cackling] Loser.


[Rose] You're going down.


- It's you and me, Fearcat.
- Fine!

You're strong, but no match for me.

Come on!




You're done, Ranger!

l'm not done!

l'm mad!

- [rumbling]
- What's that?

lt's about time you got here.

Great news, Mig!
l've found the torch.

- We have more energy than ever.
- Oh, no!

- Ah, good iob! You failed, Pinkie.
- Let me get her, Mig.

One Pink Ranger pancake, coming up!

- l don't think so! [yells]
- [screeching]

mill] Hovertek Cycle, fire!

These Rangers never give up.

- [Ronny] Tyzonn!
- You all right?

All right. Let's do it.

Sentinel Knight!

- You rang?
- Go see if you can help Tyzonn.

- Yeah.
- Of course.

OK, guys.
Spencer, send the goodies.

[all] Full power!

Activating Centurion Torch. Fire!

- l'm glad l'm still breathing.
- That was a blast.

Let's get back in the fight!

- Rose, give it evemhing!
- Got it.

Oh, you've come back for more.

You got it!

Guys, stand strong!

We're overheating!
We can't take much more!

No, we have to.
We've got to push the limits.

- Give it more.
- l'm with Ronny.

- Rose?
- l'm going full throttle.

Eveyone, stay cool.

They should be toast!

But they're not.
They're still coming!

[both yell]

When we get the Centurion Torch back,
we'll rule the world.

Ah, it's all your fault.

We were doing all right
when l was driving the robot.

Oh, so now you're a better
robot driver than me, huh?

Let's head back home.

[moans, chanting]

- No!
- What?

He won't hurt him.

He says he can help.

[continues chanting]

- Thank you.
- [chuckling]

l know you.
You're the Red Power Ranger!

Yeah. We're all Power Rangers.

Ah! Run, Norgie, run!

That's Norg. l met him
when l was a prisoner of Flurious.

- Tyzonn!
- Are you all right?

l ate scrambled eggs on toast
when l was going to college.

Evey day, scrambled eggs on toast.

[wind howling]

Oh, and where have you been,
my walking welcome mat?

Well, well, l thought
because it was my day off,

that l would go
for a little walk in the woods.

Well, l hope you had a good time,

because it's the last day off
you will ever have!

l'm tying to conquer the world, and
you're off prancing through the forest!

Do you think the Power Rangers
are walking through the woods?

- Well...
- [screaming]

Oh... Here...

- So what happened out there?
- You know...

...take a walk, have a bite,
fight bad guys.

And we brought back a gift
for the both of you.
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