20x16 - The Human Factor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x16 - The Human Factor

Post by bunniefuu »

[announcer] Our world was once a safe

and happy place

until evil aliens arrived with one plan--

To destroy earth.

Gosei, earth's ancient guardian, awoke

and called on a new team of teenagers

to fight off this new thr*at.

They are the power rangers megaforce!

Bring it Jake! Ooh Ooh, hah!

Whoa, nice.

I'm so happy I'm a part of this team.

We really have become a family.

You've always been like a sister to me.

[man] oh no, you don't!

[both laugh]

Yeah, quite a family.

You have such a beautiful planet.

Yeah, as planets go,

we pretty much lucked out.

We have to do everything we can

to preserve it.

Hey, I'm gonna get us some ice cream.

I'll be right back.

Ice cream! Mmm!

Here you go.

One scoop soy strawberry cheesecake with sprinkles.

Exactly what I wanted.

I've only known you since forever.

This place is beautiful now.

But I was imagining

how perfect it must have been

thousands of years ago.

At last, my underwater lab is complete!

From here, I can finally launch

my new plan to destroy the rangers.

And conquer this planet.

All the efforts of the insectoid monsters

have proven ineffective.

They weren't powerful enough

to achieve real results.

It's time for a new force to rise.

The era of the robot has arrived!


And you have the ability to create

even more like yourself.

I am Metal Alice.

I am your creation, master.


You are the perfect machine

to crush those power rangers to dust.

♪ [theme]

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ power Rangers ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go power rangers ♪

♪ go, go power rangers ♪

♪ power rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ mega ♪

♪ Force ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go power rangers ♪

♪ go, go power rangers ♪

♪ rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

So, Metal Alice, are you ready

to carry out your mission?

Robot design data compiled.

I am ready, sir.

I'm looking forward to seeing what

this new robot you designed can do.

Activate robot creation protocol.

It's working.

Activation complete.

I am the robot rotox, ready for action!

Show our master what you can do.


I'm glad my robot design pleases you, vrak.

Nothing will stop me

from completing my mission.

You are as brilliant as you are indestructible.

Begin phase one.

Let's set rotox loose to terrorize

those pathetic humans.




Emma, let's have some pictures together.


Hey Jake, take a picture of the both of us.


Watch it.

Here, I'll hold this.

Okay, just go act like supermodels.

That's good!

Nice! There we go.

[girls laugh]


Good, Good, yeah, that's great.

Camera loves you-- ooh!

Oh! [girls laugh]

[guys laugh]

[morpher buzzes]

Tensou? There's a monster

attacking the warehouse district!

We're on it.




The reign of the robots has begun!

What kind of monster is that?

That's not a monster,

that's a robot.

Either way,

it's morphin' time!

Go go megaforce!

Megaforce red! Megaforce yellow!

Megaforce blue! Megaforce pink!

Megaforce black!

Power rangers, huh?

Let me show you how I roll!

time to peel out!

What a blast!

[Rangers groan]

human beings really are weak!

You'll never break through my defenses!

Grabber beam!

Megaforce blasters!

Not a scratch!

[Blue Ranger] what? [Pink Ranger] how?

My shield protects me!

But nothing can protect you

from my shield!

No way!

[Robo Knight] stop right there!

Another Ranger?

Wait, no life signs?

What are you?

Are you a robot?

Like me?

[Red Ranger] not like you, Robo Knight!

He's evil!

Oh, so you're the Robo Knight?

I've been wanting to meet you!

No! Robo Knight!

Robo Knight!

Hang on!

Where do you think you're going?

Grabber beam!



Must find...


Robo Knight, come in!

Are you there?

Robo Knight, are you okay?

Concerned for your friend?

Another pathetic human weakness!

You'd be Wiser to worry

about your own fate!

[Yellow Ranger] Troy!


[Both] mega weapons!

Fire claw! Snake axe!

[Both yell]

Nice try!

[Black Ranger] Noah, hang on!

Do your worst!

Robo Knight to red ranger, over.

Robo Knight?

I will be there.

I'm trying to reboot my systems.

I'm just glad that you're okay.


[Yellow Ranger] Troy! [Black Ranger] hold still!

Impressive strike,

but you won't get so lucky

a second time!

It's not about luck.

It's about protecting the earth.

It's our duty to protect this planet

from creeps like you!


We believe in our mission,

and that belief is what makes us strong.

Strong enough to send your tin Butt

to the recycling bin!

When you plot against the eart

or its people,

you have to deal with us.

The power rangers!

Ultra mode!


[Gosei] ultra mode, morph!

[All] ultra mode, ready!

Earth's defenders

never surrender!

Megaforce Ultra mode!

What nonsense is this?

You're an impressive machine.

Too bad I have to turn you into scrap metal!

[Black Ranger] your fate's not up in the air!

You're headed for the junkyard!

No! Stop!

It can't end like this!

Sorry, robot.

You picked the wrong planet

and wrong people to mess with!

Get beaten by girls?

No way!


You ready to take him down, Emma?

You bet!

You again!

I'll cut you down where you stand!

That's some shield, but let's

put a positive spin on this!

My shield!

[All] Gosei ultra sword!


[All] ultra Gosei dynamic! Activate!

[Gosei] ultra sword, ready!

[All] ultra...


[Red Ranger] so much for being indestructible.

Nicely done, rangers.

Master, that was just a test run.

That's the great thing about us robots.

We can learn from our mistakes,

and, after a few adjustments,

we can be sent right back into battle.

The rangers don't know

the kind of enemy they're up against.

Fighting that robot was different

than dealing with Monsters.

Their changing of tactics

has got to mean something, but what?

Monsters can be destroyed,

but a damaged machine

can be repaired.

[Noah] he's got a point.

Making these improvements to rotox

will make him unstoppable!

Good, they won't expect this.

I will begin rebuilding him at once.

Did you see the way Robo Knight got confused

when he first saw that robot?

He immediately recognized him

as one of his own.

What do you think about it, Troy?

Robo-Knight understands

the way they work better than us.

But you're right.

He did hesitate before engaging him.

I'm repaired, upgraded,

and ready for action!


How I envy your immortality.


Wreak havoc in the city!

At your command, sir!

I'll go too.

I want to make sure he works perfectly.

Alice, show them that robots

are superior to humans.

That's a given, sir.

Your non-fat sundaes!


That was delicious.

So good.

[morphers buzz]

What is it, Tensou?

There's a new att*ck

at the civic center!

Finish that later.

Let's go.


Hey, isn't that?

The same guy?

Sure looks like him.

Unless I'm seeing things.

Your confusion is understandable.

But this is the new, improved model

of the robot you faced this morning.

This is Rotox D.X.

Who's she?

She's just another tin can!

We'll blow both of you robots back

to where you came from!

Come on rangers, the megaforce blaster!

[All] combine!

Megaforce blaster!


[Rangers] Dynamic victory charge!

Around and around we go and boom!

[all] what?

[Black Ranger] How'd he do that? [Pink Ranger] No way!


I have told you rangers,

he's new and improved.

Show them.

I'm ten times stronger than that!

Let me demonstrate!

See how tough?

Dragon sword!

[Red Ranger] He's definitely much stronger!



Do not interfere, Robo Knight!

Who are you?

My name is Metal Alice.

We robots are not your enemy.

Another robot?

We have no intention of harming the earth.

We have come to conquer the humans

and make them our slaves.

That can only help the earth in the long run.

[Black Ranger] what're you talking about?

That's just crazy.

[Pink Ranger] How will enslaving humans

make the earth better?

[Metal Alice] who created all this pollution

you see around you?

It was the humans!

True. Just try to imagine

how beautiful the earth was

before humans came along.

[Blue Ranger] it's not that simple.

Robots are the future.

We will be here long after

you humans become extinct.

Starting now!

[Rangers scream]

I think I've made my point.

Robo Knight,

think about which side you should be on.

Which side...

[Yellow Ranger] Can you believe the nerve

of that robo-witch?

[Black Ranger] she's evil.

What do you expect?

[Pink Ranger] she's trying to make it

sound like we're the bad guys!

[Red Ranger] Robo Knight!

need to process.

[Yellow Ranger] What's up with him?

[Metal Alice] Who created all this pollution

you see around you?

It was the humans!

Robo Knight, think about which side

you should be on.


this will be the perfect space

to imprison all the humans

who resist us.

[Red Ranger] that's not going to happen!

Because you're both going down!

[Pink Ranger] Troy, can we

really take both of them?

We don't have a choice.

We have to. Right!


Robo Knight isn't with you, is he?

I guess he finally realized

that you're the real thr*at to the earth.

Now you children have to face us

on your own, and lose again.

Don't worry!

Robo Knight will see through your evil plans.

[Red Ranger] For the earth!

Foolish human!

You are no match for my new powers.

And now I will

terminate you all!

Foolish human!

You are no match for my new powers!

And now, I will terminate you all!

Unlike us, you humans

can be destroyed.

Think again.

I'm going to turn you from metal

into dust!

What stubborn creatures you are.

I will prove how superior

machines are to man.

En garde, red ranger!

On your left!

Now your right!

[Rotox D.X.] I'll finish them!

[Rangers groan]

Metal Alice.

Ahh, Robo Knight.

I assume you gave some thought

to what I said.

I did.

Humans are emotional creatures.

And they often make illogical

and Reckless decisions as a result.

But you are wrong about them.

And I will not join you.


humans are part of the earth, too.

They belong here.

And the good they do

far outweighs the bad.

My mission is to protect the earth,

and all who live on it,

including humans.

Scrap them all!

Yes, ma'am!

You are robots

fighting for the wrong side.

Robotic threats must be eliminated.


[Robo Knight] I won't allow you to destroy

any living being on this planet.

You seem surprised.

Not at all.

You believe in us,

and we believe in you!

Let's finish them, guys!

[All] Ultra swords!


[Gosei] Summon battle gear!

[Red Ranger] ultra sword!

[Rangers] ultra mode!


[Robo Knight] Knight dynamic card!


Rangers, let's show them

how humans and robots

work together!

[Rangers] right!

[All] Knight dynamic!

What's this? --now!

[All] fire!

[Rotox D.X. groans]

you've made your choice, Robo Knight!

If you stand with these humans,

then you'll fall with them.

Then I choose to stand with them.

I have faith that humans

will save the earth!

Very Well, then.

Until we meet again.

That was a very disappointing test,

but perhaps it won't be a total loss.

Zombolts, enlarge!

[Blue Ranger] Those work on robots too?

[Yellow Ranger] No problem, we can handle

this bucket of bolts.

We must.

[Rangers] Command ship, activate!

[Gosei] Summon command ship.

[Rangers] Command ship, morph!

[Rangers] Gosei ultimate megazord!


Change card, activate!

Summon megazord!

Gosei Grand megazord!


[All] for the earth!


My mission is to protect this planet

and all who live on it!

Sky lion kick!

I can still b*at you

with one hand!

How about no hands, villain?

Time to shut this robot down for good!

No chance!

Why don't you do the honors this time?

[Red Ranger] We'd be glad to, Robo Knight!

[Rotox D.X. screams]

[Rangers] ultimate charge!



[Rangers] Earth's defenders

never surrender!

Ultimate strike!

Metal Alice will defeat you!

[All] Megaforce rangers,

that's a mega-win!

Hello, rangers.

Robo Knight.

We wanted to thank you for your help today.

We're glad you chose to stay on our side.

I am on the side of earth.

You are an inseparable part of ths planet.

And you are at your best

when things are at their worst.

Thank you for seeing it that way.

Of course he would.

It is only logical.

You've truly become the sixth ranger.

This morning, I was wondering

about how people's presence

have changed this planet.

But now, I'm so proud

of how we protect it too.

And we still have a lot of work to do.

Yeah, but Robo Knight

said it right.

Our capacity for good

far outweighs the bad.

We are a part of this planet

as much as trees and animals.

Do not be too hard on yourself, pink ranger.

After all, you are only human.

Did he just make a joke?

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