20x21 - End Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x21 - End Game

Post by bunniefuu »


Our world was once a safe

And happy place

until evil aliens arrived
with one plan--

to destroy Earth.

Gosei, Earth's ancient
guardian, awoke

and called on a new team
of teenagers

to fight off
this new thr*at.

They are
the Power Rangers Megaforce!


Finally, the time has come.

The alien armada arrives
in just a few hours.

I will start
the robotic invasion now,

and prove to my royal family

that I deserve
to rule this planet.


We just got word!

There's a new att*ck.
A big one.

I knew this was coming.

This is it then.

Let's go!

♪ [theme]

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Power Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Mega ♪

♪ Force ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪


♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ All together ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪


There's so many of them.

Where did they all come from?

Metal Alice must have reached
mass production level.

But I still can't believe
how many.

Something big
is clearly going on here,

so be ready for anything.

Then what are we waiting for?


It's morphin' time!

Go go Megaforce!


















This massive robot att*ck

must be what Vrak
was threatening.

[Black Ranger]
And they're throwing loogies
at us to slow us down.

We've got to get rid
of these loogies

and take out
those robots ASAP.

There must be
a hundred of them.

[Red Ranger]
Keep it up!

Shark bow g*n!

Phoenix sh*t!

I think it's time
that I joined the battle.

Sir, are you sure that you are
in good enough condition?

I have never felt better.

Master, my place is with you.

This is personal.
I'll summon you if I need you.


You loogies gotta go!


Phoenix sh*t!


Me and snake axe
will take all of you down.


[Yellow Ranger]
Eat my dust, loogies.


Tiger claw!

Shark bow g*n!


Robo Knight, morph!

Robo blade!


Robo blaster!


Good job, Robo Knight.

Now to take out those robots.

Sky dynamic!


[Robo Knight]
Knight dynamic!


Got 'em!
Is that all of them?

Look out!

[Blue Ranger]
Defense screen!

We have a new visitor.

[Pink Ranger]
It's Vrak!

I was going to
let you witness

the destruction of Earth
first hand.

But since you're such pests,
it's time to exterminate you.

[Red Ranger]
Think again.
Today is your last, cyborg.

Today we will get rid of him
for good.

Right! Ultra mode, activate!

Ultra mode, morph!


Let's battle one last time.


So where's metal Alice?
Is she too afraid to face us?


Today is a special day.

It's your last.


Yes, enough of you.


Nice try,

but my superior technology
will b*at you.


Direct hit!

Chest grenades!



We really need to
up our game.

You must all
access your ultra powers

or Earth will be lost.

Blue Ranger, with me.

Sea-shower, activate!


Rock rush, activate!

Twist tornado, activate!


[Pink Ranger]
Nice job!

After that
he won't be getting up.

That was a hard fall.

[Yellow Ranger]
You got what you deserve.

[Blue Ranger]
I'm not sure he's finished.

Cyborgs can repair themselves
pretty quickly.

Noah's right.
Look, he's already getting up.

Full power, Rangers.

Morphers, set.

Ultra Mega power, activate!

[Robo Knight]
Vulcan cannon, activate!

Summon Vulcan cannon.

Vulcan cannon set.


Ultra Mega power, ready!

Together, we will make
the Earth safe again.

Ultra power, dynamic strike!


Knight dynamic!

Knight dynamic, fire!


He absorbed the energy
of our att*ck

and threw it back at us!

I did it!

His circuits must be fried
after that move.


Oh, no! We're losing
our ultra mode.

The morpher! No!
Oh, no.

Look at them.

They're b*rned?

This can't be.


Mega quake, activate!


He's siphoned all the powers
out of our morphers!

Ugh, there's no energy
left in them.

I knew my plan
would render you useless.



Now that you are
the powerless Rangers,

all of mankind,
all of Earth,

will fall to us.


How could
you pathetic Rangers

even think you could
possibly b*at Vrak?


It's him again.

The messenger.


Well done, your highness.

[Pink Ranger]
Your highness?

Correct. You didn't know?
Vrak is the prince's brother.

The second in line
to the throne.

It has been an honor
to serve you.

Do not worry
about the Rangers.

I will handle them for you,
your highness.

We'll serve no rulers!

That's because
you don't know who is coming.

No! This planet is ours,

and no one
is taking it from us.

With your powers gone,
what you think is irrelevant.

Now I will do my duty,
protect my loyal leader,

and finish
what Lord Vrak started,

the task of eliminating you!


We bow down to no one!


Come on,
we've got to back Troy up!


Eat dirt, Ranger!

Hey bucket-head!

Back off!


Dragon leap!


Do you not see
that this is merely

survival of the fittest?

You humans are too weak
and worthless to survive!


You could have chosen
to join us, robot.

But instead,
you sealed your fate

by choosing the humans.


Here, you dropped this.
Too bad it has no power.



We have to find a way
to stop him.


This is too easy.

They're charging head first
towards their destruction.


He's taking us down
one notch at a time.

We can't morph back anymore.

Gotta keep fighting.

I admire your willpower.

This planet must mean
a lot to you.

we are taking it from you.

And now a new era
is about to begin.

It's a shame you will
not be here to see it coming.


I must get ready
for the prince's arrival,

so this is when we say goodbye
to each other.

Farewell, Rangers.


We don't give up.


Not a chance.

I was just resting a little.

Me too. Just letting him
catch up to us.

Where are you finding
the will to get up?

Well, no matter.

It's time
to disintegrate all of you.







Stand back.
This is my duty.

Trifusion, activate.

Knight power, energize!


Amazing! His morpher is working.

But how? Your morpher
was completely dead!


Wait, what is happening?


How was that possible?

[powering down gasp]

Robo Knight!

Are you okay?


I was able to divert
all of my internal energy

to recharge my morpher

and open a trifusion portal

that drained all of
the messengers energy from him.

He is currently incapacitated,
but I don't know for how long.

Time is of the essence.

Quickly, get out your morphers
while there's still time.


I absorbed his att*ck energy
so I can pass it on to you.

I can only hold it
for a short time.


Robo Knight!

No, Mega Rangers.

I used the last of my energy
to recharge your morphers.

So you will have to
complete this mission

without my assistance.

The messenger
is regaining his strength.

Take this. It will give you
the edge you need.

I'll bring it back.

The messenger has revived.

You must go and destroy him
once and for all.


I'm at full power again.
Time to finish them.

It's morphin' time!

Go go Megaforce!



Ultra mode, morph!




Now that we've got
our power back,

it's time
to cut to the chase.


Our turn!

Let me at him!

Me too!


Quick, twist tornado!

Mega quake!



[Red Ranger]
Stay strong, guys.



He absorbed all that power?

We need to use
all our ultra power

to take down this guy.

Give it all you've got!

Bring it on.
You're powerless to stop me.

Ultra power!


Dynamic strike!


Ugh, why isn't
this working?

Hey, we forgot
to combine our power

with Robo Knights power.

This is for you, Robo Knight.


Vulcan cannon, activate!

Summon Vulcan cannon!

Vulcan cannon set!

Get ready. All six of us.

Rangers together as one.

Ultra power!

Knight dynamic strike!


We sent that robot
to the scrap heap.

We did it!

I really wasn't sure
we were going to be able

to pull that off.

Nicely done.
Yeah, thanks.


Hey, Troy. How about that?

Be proud
we got the messenger!

That we did. Huh?

It's Vrak!

You haven't won yet.

Metal Alice...

You are too injured
to fight them.

Forgive me, master.

I waited for you to summon me,
but you never did.

I've been holding back
until now.

Time for you to witness
what a real robot can do.

I've had enough
of all of you.

None of us is leaving
this place today.


Even if you had a hundred
more Rangers beside you,

you couldn't stop me.

You wanna bet?


She's about to implode!

No! I'm malfunctioning!

This cannot be happening.

Ugh, I did
all I could, master!

Forgive me!





I never realized
she was so devoted to Vrak.

So devoted, she was willing
to sacrifice everything.


It's sad though.

All her loyalty wasted
on hatred and conquest.

Huh? Where's he going?

What's Vrak gonna do now?

Ah, sire.


It is unfortunate
that us robots

could not
complete our mission.

And that those pathetic Rangers
are still standing.

It doesn't matter now.
They will still be destroyed

from above!

Start the invasion!--

Sir, if I were you,
I would go into hiding.

What are you saying?

The armada
will be here any minute,

and the place will be crawling
with new soldiers.

They won't recognize you,

and may mistake you
for an enemy.

You must hide!

There will be thousands
upon thousands of them.

They've gathered here to att*ck
from all across the universe.


Huh, I understand.






I thank you, metal Alice,
for being a loyal robot.

But now you have been reduced

to nothing
but a casualty of battle.

Is this the end?

You are damaged
and obsolete.

You failed, and,
logically, must be discarded.


Now I must go.



You're ruthless, Vrak.

Yes, and even though
I couldn't do it myself,

I take comfort knowing that
you will be destroyed soon.



Is everyone all right?

I think so.


Robo Knight.


He's gone.

Looks like
he dragged himself off.

But where?


Gosei, metal Alice
and the messenger are destroyed.

But Vrak got away,

and Robo Knight is missing
and injured.

Do you read?

Rangers, morph now!

What? Why?
Morph! Morph! Morph!

You heard him.

It's morphin' time!

[spaceship sounds]

The invasion...
It's started.


Watch out!


Gosei, do you read me?

[radio static]

No answer at all?


I've got to find Robo Knight.

Wait, Troy no!


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