20x15 - Raising Spirits

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x15 - Raising Spirits

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ [organ music]


I got the eggs, got flour,

got the milk, and I just need the butter.

Here, here, here.

Ah, thank you.

Check this out.

All right, Noah...

show us what you got.

Okay, but it's not very good.


Whoa! Are you kidding me?

That's genius.

Wow! Thanks.

This isn't right!

None of These humans look like they're celebrating Halloween.

Time to trick them with a little trick!

[maniacal giggling]

they don't call me Glytcher for nothing!



Ooh, eerie.

Way to go with the creepy lights, Ernie.

Uh... that wasn't me.

It wasn't? That's not good.

♪ [theme]

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ mega ♪

♪ force ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ rangers forever ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ all together ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ megaforce ♪

[laughs] Back on!

That was weird.

Hey, guys, there's something you gotta see.

Ha! Cow. Not now.

She is making pumpkin pie.

Wrong holiday, but okay. Come on, come on, come on!

We are in the middle of something--

What is the big deal?

There's a fortune teller's tent! Let's go you guys.

It's totally cool, it's totally Halloween!

Let's mo ooo ve! [Sighs]

fortune teller? Are you kiddin'?

[Noah] this wasn't here this morning.

[Gia] "Contact Spirits from beyond?"

[Scoffs] don't worry.

There's no scientific basis to back up

the existence of Ghosts.

Uh, I'm gonna go carve my pumpkin.

Whoa, turn your broomstick around.

Come on. It is Halloween.

Let's have some spooky fun.

That's the spirit!

[laughs] get it, spirit?

[Gia] it... it looks bigger inside.

[Jake] sit next to me.

Jake, you know This is all hooey.

Okay, they get an a-Plus for creepiness.

Whoa! Okay!

[laughs] This is weird.

Oh, please, it's got to be attached to some hydraulic mechanism.

Floating tables go against the basic principles of physics.


Mechanism or not, it's freaking me out.


I'm here to show you visions sent from the other side!

Where'd you come from?

I was hidden like the spirits

who will reveal your past and future to me.

Wait, I'm already sensing that one of you

has a secret crush on someone in this room.

I don't know, he seems pretty real.

Maybe we should just give him a chance?

Yes. Yes!

A vision is coming through.

Observe and be amazed at what the forces

from the beyond reveal to us.

Ah, yes!


And so it begins.

My sneeze will rain down on these humans

and infect all of them.

Soon all of humanity will be my minions.

[zapping sound]


I feel a sneeze coming on!

Hmm. How strange.

[laughs] I infect you,

and you infect all the other humans!

Huh. I should be seeing images from your lives!

Why is the other side showing me this?



My virus is nothing to sneeze at!

Or is it?


you're a virus, and we're the cure.

Ah, the Power Rangers!

Snake axe...


[Gosei] Summon battle gear.

I'm gonna force-feed you

some gooey virus! Ha!


Aim for his torso!


Snake axe! Tiger claw!

Dragon sword!


Guys, let's blast him.

[Rangers] Combine!

[Rangers] Megaforce blaster!

Hold on!

[Rangers] Energize!

[Red] Megaforce blaster...


[Rangers] Dynamic victory charge!



No, no, no!

There must be something wrong with this vision.

This can't be right.

I don't know, it seems to be going pretty well to me.

Though it is quite freaky.

Who knew that contacting the spirit world

would be like watching home movies?

[laughs] silence!

Your jibber-Jabber is breaking my concentration!

I think the only thing worse would be getting tickled!

[shudders] Okay, okay, I'm sorry.

I'll be quiet.

I have no intention of tickling you.

[Noah] I'm more worried about him finding out who we are.

♪ Hmm-Hmm gotta mix the batter ♪




Ah, yes.

Another vision is crossing over.

I'm sure this one will be about you.



First the buildings, and next, the whole world!

Creepox was right,

we're on the fast track to victory!

Stop, monster!

Who the heck are you?

A scaredy-cat, I guess!

Well whoever you are, I'll cut you down quick!


You won't Dodge the next one.

Another monster att*ck, but you're not there!


[Black] hey! Stop!

[Yellow] why don't you deal with Someone who can actually fight back?

But the Power Rangers are again!

Rangers! Cool.

Leave this to us. I need to get you to safety.

Come on! We've gotta go now.

As you can see, it's gonna get busy.

Okay, they're clear. Hiya!

[all grunting]

Strike! One hit from dragonfly and you're all down!

Guess you guys aren't up to speed.

We insects are taking over this entire world!

None of your little ranger tricks can stop me.

I'll take you down, fast and furious!

[wings buzzing] Where is he?

[Blue] He's so quick we can't see him!

[yellow] maybe he went after that kid.

I'm glad Emma isn't here, she would've freaked out by now.

I don't understand.

Why do we keep seeing visions of the Power Rangers? Ugh!

This is fascinating!


Ah, I see people.

Maybe you're there.

I don't see you yet. Look.





No! You must pay attention for us to make

a clear connection with the spirit world.

Whoo! That must be why they keep mistakenly showing us

visions of the Power Rangers.

Now focus!


Aah! Hey!

Snake blast! Tiger blast!

Loogies! In the name of science!

[Maniacal laugh]

There's something about those Power Ranger voices

that sounds familiar.

Capture those two human samples.

Heads up! I've got your back!

[Yellow] Welcome to the party!

Dragon sword!

For you! Shark bowgun!

Mega weapons! [Rangers] combine!

Target acquired!

Target? You can't mean me!

[Together] sky power energize.

[Together] land power energize.

Sea power energize.

Megaforce blasters!

[Rangers] ready!

Ha! Bring it on.

Dynamic... [Rangers] Victory charge!


No, no, no, no!

That's not the way it's supposed to end!

Those poor monsters!

This guy's rooting for the wrong side.

Maybe it's a Halloween thing.

Spirits, show me a monster who Can handle those rangers!

Ah, pathetic!


Now it's my turn.

Have a taste of what real power feels like.

That tickled!

Troy, quick!

This is more like it!

Meteor sh*ts!

Defense-Stream activate!

I don't know how much longer I can hold this for.



Wait, that's you?

You're the rangers?

Beg for mercy!


Now everything makes sense.

No, no, no! I've got news for you.

You're not the only ones with a secret identify.

I'm Glytcher! [gasps]

you lousy Power Rangers

are the ones who destroyed my cousin, gremlin!

But I'll show you!

I'll get revenge by finishing what he started.

Out of my way!

Un-Happy Halloween!

Out of my way!

Un-Happy Halloween! [laughs]

I knew that guy was a creep! Ow!

We can cut him off before he gets too far in the city.

It's morphin' time!

[sonic blast]


[Red] The monster, where'd he go?

That way!



I'm so sorry!

Aah! Are you okay?

[Blue] let's go!


Let the mayhem begin!

[Maniacal laughter]

ah, it won't work.


A glitch here, a glitch there.

Soon I'll have glitches everywhere!


Earth's machines will all be junk.

[gasps] [laughs]

Glitch or treat! [laughs]

I-- I can't stop it!

Something wrong?

Wh-- What...

[screaming] [laughs]

This one's done. on to the next one!

[horn honks]-- [driver] whoa!

Someone help!

[Gosei] change card, activate!

Robo Knight, morph!

[Red] That was a close call.

Here. Thank you.

I gave him a break. --Yes, you did.

But Glytcher got away.

And who knows what he'll do next. Right.

Let's go! We need to stop this guy

before he turns this city upside down.

Yes, I will back you up.

[cars honking]

What's going on?

Excuse us.

Now where is he?

Look! Here I am!

[Glytcher] missed me!


Whee! Missed me again!

Ha! They're easy to get away from!

Why couldn't all those other monsters do it?

Okay, it's glitchin' time!


Wha-- Ranger, I can see your future.

You don't have one!

Think again!

Uh oh!


Exactly minutes Okay?

Don't forget! I gotta run!

Ah, the robot too!

So, I see you've got me surrounded.

Ah, I'm not scared. [laughs]

Even if you managed to hit me, it just tickles!

Dragon sword.

But I hate tickles!

Where is the pink ranger?

[Red] she was... busy.

Did she forget that protecting the earth

is a ranger's first priority?

[Glytcher cackles]

that's it, fight amongst yourselves!

I'm outta here! time to cause more mayhem.

Glitch you later! Sayonara, suckers!

[Red] Stop him!


Where'd this bug bounce to?

Found you!

Ah! That could have hurt!


Pretty good, but you can't keep up with me!

You're fast, but I can still catch you in the air!

Twistornado card!

[Gosei] twistornado.


All right! Everyone, I found him!

Why are you having such trouble?

Don't you get it? Your att*cks don't hurt me.

Ah! He keeps moving around!

[Tarzan call]

surprise! You didn't think I was fleeing

like a little flea?

[Pink] hey monster, leave my friends alone!

[Red] it's Emma!

Sorry, I was stuck in the kitchen,

but now I'm ready to cook this guy!

[Yellow] Yeah!

Trick or treat?

We got a monster to b*at!

[laughs] ugh.

Oh, you mean business!

But I won't stand here and get tickled pink.

Huh? What's that?

I had some left over all-Purpose flour!


Ah! My eyes!

That's for ruining Halloween!

Now it's time to mix the batter!

And then pound the dough!

Ooh, ouch, ouch!

The recipe's almost done!

He's baked!

[Yellow] Emma, you're amazing!

[Blue] glad you made it!

[Red] right on time.

Good work!

Flames of the Phoenix!

It might be Halloween, but we won't let you scare anyone else!

[Rangers] Earth's defenders...

never surrender!

Sky Brothers activate!

[Gosei] Summon zords!

Pterazord! Hawk zord!

Phoenix zord! Dragon zord!

Crow zord!

[Rangers] sky blast!

Ugh! I don't like the way this tickles!

I sense something! Zombats!


now you've done it!

I don't need a crystal ball to see your future.

I'm going to smash you, and this whole city,

to the ground!

He's on a rampage. How can we stop him?

Wait, he hates to be tickled.

Right! There's got to be something to that! Let's try it.

[Rangers] Gosei mechazords, activate!

[Gosei] summon zords!

Phoenix laser!

Tickle att*ck!

Stop it! [laughter]

Stop it! I can't take anymore!

It tickles too much! Stop it!


[Laughter] goochie-Goo!

Aah! The tickles!

They're too much! My defenses are down!


way to go, Emma. Your att*ck worked!

Just had to find his weak spot.

And now, sky megazord activate!

[Gosei] summon megazord!

[Rangers] sky Gosei great! Ready!

Now it's my turn.

Change card...


[Gosei] lion zord, morph!

[Robo Knight] zords combine!

[Gosei] Summon Knight zords!

[Robo Knight] Gosei grand megazord, activate!

[Gosei] Summon megazord!

[Robo Knight] Gosei grand megazord, ready!

[Rangers] victory charge, activate!

[Gosei] Ready!

This isn't gonna tickle.

[Robo Knight] Let's finish this.

Victory charge.

[Gosei] ready!

[Robo Knight] activate.

Victory charge, grand strike.

Victory charge!

[Rangers] sky strike!

♪ [theme]




Un-Happy Halloween!

[Red] Mega rangers, that's a mega win!

I'm glad we don't have to deal

with any more real monsters tonight.

Yeah. Maybe now we can fit in some Halloween fun.


Emma, I gotta say, that tickle-att*ck move

you invented really takes the cake.

[gasps] my pie.

Hi, chaps!

You remembered!

I followed your instructions. degrees for hours!

Oh, Ernie.

It was supposed to be degrees for minutes!


I don't know, Ernie, I mean it looks okay to me.

Let me try a slice.

[teens groan]

Could have used more spice.

[teens] Ernie!

♪ [theme]
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