11x10 - Return of Thunder

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x10 - Return of Thunder

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret ninja academies train
our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three

who would be chosen
above the others.

Three who would become...

♪ Go, Power Rangers!
Go, Ninja Storm! ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ The call is on ♪

♪ Their force
is getting strong ♪

♪ They'll have
to brave the weather ♪

♪ Ninja storm! ♪

♪ Stand together ♪

♪ The storm will grow
The waters flow ♪

♪ Power Ranger Ninjas, go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Ninja storm is growing ♪

♪ It's growing! ♪

♪ It's growing! ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm! ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ At the speed
of the wind, go ♪

♪ And scream like thunder ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers,
go, Ninja Storm ♪

Yeah, Dustin.

You look really good out there.

Now I got to get some
factory dudes to see the tape.

Hi, there.

I'm looking for Kelly Holloway.

She's out at the moment.

Can I help you?

Dude, you're...

Roger Hannah.
Nice to meet you.

Who's Roger Hannah?

Five-time moto champ.

More wins than anybody
on the planet.

That might be a stretch.

You're the team manager
for Factory Blue.


Wait a minute!

Where is it?

Watch this tape.

I've been busting
superfast lap times.

Maybe another time.

I'm looking
for a couple of guys.

They ride at the local track

Oh, don't tell me.

One big guy.
One not-so-big guy.

- Both insanely fast.
- You know them?

Blake and Hunter?

You could say we know them.

You can tell me
where to find them.

I really wish I could.

She does.
Trust me.

She's got this thing for--

Don't go there.

Well, here's my card.

If you run into them,
have them call me.

Yeah. Okay.
Sure thing.


Wow! Can you believe
Roger Hannah...



Hey, what are you doing?

I'm borrowing your bike.

The way that usually works
is that you ask me first.

Then I think about it
for, like, half a second

and tell you the only way I
would let you ride my race bike

is if you tied me down
and tortured me.

You really want it
to come to that?

Tori, I just did a prep.

It's perfect.

Look, I really miss Blake.

Riding makes me feel like
he's still around.

Since Cam keeps
the Tsunami Cycles

under lock and key,
this is as close as it gets.


Alright. Fine.

But if you bend the bars
or you break the shifter off,

you have to...

- Fix it.
- Yes.

I know.

Are you sure he said here?


Maybe he forgot or got lost.

He's not technically
an intelligent life form.

Ooh! Ooh! Hot sand!

I don't think.

Whoa! Hey!


It's hot!

Ooh! ( Panting )

I think I got sand up my nose!

Come on. Get up.


We're here, just like you said.

- This better be worth the hike.
- Oh, it will be.

I've made
a life-altering decision

that will affect the balance
of power in the universe.

Are you for real?

I've decided to leave
Lothor's army.


Turn over a new leaf.

Go to the light side.

Who says the light side
will want you?

Because bitter ex-employees have
all sorts of information.

Classified files.

Secret passwords
to get in places.

Get it?

Like Lothor's ship.



What's in it for you?

Like I said.

I'm bitter, and I want payback

for all the nasty things
they said about me.

What do you say?

Dude, I just saw Tori out front.

Loading my pride and joy
into her van.

Yeah, I know.

You never let me ride
that thing.

Well, she hits harder
than you do.

Good point.




( Gasps )


( Grunts )

What's the deal?

( Gasps )



You totally freaked me out!

I thought you were
one of Lothor's g*ons.

Since when do they ride
dirt bikes?

You never know.

Where have you been, anyway?

You don't call.

No letter.

You missed me, didn't you?


Yeah, you did.

I can tell.

I don't like you anymore.

And I'm not talking
to you ever again.

Oh, yeah?

Even if I had a way
to get into Lothor's ship?

I don't buy it.

Why would Choobo all of a sudden
decide to turn good?

I must agree with Shane.

It sounds far too convenient.

Hunter and Blake said they were
going to check it out.

If they get in the ship,
they won't att*ck

until they can bring us in.

- That gives us time.
- For what?

For you to fix my bike,
Miss Freestyle, No-hand Landing.

It wasn't that bad.

I just took a little spill.

The fender is facing backwards.


( Chuckles )
Hi, guys!

- Hyah!
- Hyah!

( Grunts )

That's what you get
for sneaking up on people.


Dude, you seriously need to work
on your entrances.

Follow me.

He's taking a nap.

( Snoring )

We'll take it from here.

Fine by me.

He's out like a light.




Don't just stand there!

The beam!


Never trust an evil space ninja.


Hello in there!

Anybody home?

Hey, Candygram for Mr. Ranger.

Mr. Thunder Ranger.

Well done, Choobo.

Or should I say General Choobo?

( Both Gasps )

Did you say General Choobo?

I can't believe it!

( Grunts )
That makes two of us.

Yes, Choobo, you're
the only one around here

who truly understands.

Now, tell me the rest
of your plan.

The rest?

I kind of figured that was it.

I'm going into overtime
on this one as it is.


I'm waiting.

- ZURGANE: Yeah.
- Right. Okay.

How about...
Well, how about...

Don't look at me, General.

- Mmm?
- Alright! Here!

We fill them full of candy
and turn them into pinatas!


Scratch that.

How about this?

We erase their memory.

Give them new memories.

Put an alien mind warp on them

and make them think the
Wind Rangers are their enemies.

That's ridiculous!

They failed us enough.

Let's set them adrift in space
for all eternity.

I like it.

It's clean.

To the point.

Let's go with it.


Have you ever noticed
that General Choobo

is kind of a babe?

Don't even think about it.

He's mine, and I don't share.

Okay, Toxipod.

Do exactly as I say.

- Remember, I'm in charge here.
- Yes, General.

That's great.
Thanks, guys.


This is gonna be sweet.


So, did you guys sign?

Factory Blue.
That's crazy.

- We'll catch you later.
- You want to hang?

We got new triple clamps in.

We'll pass.

What about...

Don't you think we have some
things we need to talk about?

Have they told you their plan?

They said they'd let us know
what happened.

I trust them.

If "them" is Blake and Hunter,
you might want to rethink that.

What's up?

I just saw them in the shop.

And they just totally
blew me off.

I don't know. It's like deja vu
all over again.

that's impossible, Dustin.

Whatever, man.

These guys are suffering
from a major brain fade, okay?

It's like the Cavern
of Lost Souls never happened.

But I thought we were all cool.

Yeah, and like those guys
are ever reliable.

Speaking of reliable,

someone got up
on the wrong side of the bed.

Out of my way!

Where does Lothor get
these losers?

Do you want to say it,
or should I?

- Ready?
- BOTH: Ready.

Ninja Storm, Ranger form!

Power of water!

- Air!
- Earth!


I don't see anything.

I hate to bring it up, but this
is always how it starts.

Brutal smog alert!
Where is this dude?

Yo, alien!

I rest my case.

Well, if it isn't
the world-famous Power Rangers.

You know, you look taller on TV.

Anyone ever tell you
you look uglier in person?

What is this?

att*ck of the giant snail?

Not a problem!


There they are.

It's showtime.


Hey, remember us?

What are you doing?


BOTH: Hmm.


Hey, Blake, stop!

Not until you're destroyed!

I don't want to fight you!

You don't have a choice.

It's time to split!

Your tricks can't fool me!

Ninja power!

Oh, man!
That's my move!

Where'd he go?

I think I found him.

Give me five down low, Dustin!

I'm okay.
Not a problem.

I'm just getting warmed up.

Maybe a nice shower
will cool you off.

Thunder shield!


Tori, you okay?

Hey, watch out!

Let's finish this!

Crimson Blaster!




Come back!

I'm just getting gassed up!

Come on.
Let's get this over with.

Right. ( Groans )

Hey, what's the matter?

I don't know!

They're getting away.

Let's go.

I can't!

Where are we going?

Away from that stanky smell!

Works for me!

TOXIPOD: You can't run away
from my furious fumes, Rangers!

( Laughs )

That fully reeks!

ALL: Whoa!

This gas is a total blast!
( Laughs )

This guy's stinking up
my whole day.

I think he needs to be

You got that right.

Alrigh, how about we put
the "Wind" in Wind Rangers?

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Oh, yeah.

Like I'm afraid of wind!

Then come on down.

Unless you're too chicken!

Don't be "shellfish"!
Come on!

Oh, it is so on!

Stand back! Yah!

Mega morning breath!

( All coughing )

Try a mint!

- Ready?
- Yeah!

Let's put him in the spin cycle!

Aah! No!

Hey! No fair!

I'm supposed to trash you!

Ninja swords, power up!


Storm Striker!



Y'all gots to go, yo!


That's what I get
for not taking out

the extended warranty
on that pile of space junk.

Oh, well.

Live and learn.

Scroll of Empowerment, descend!

I told you, I'm fine.

Okay. Let's go!

Wait! What?

Oh, yeah!

- Whoa!
- Hey!

A big, giant alien.

There's a surprise.

Cam, your thoughts?

I'm thinking Megazord.

Me too.

- Let's go!
- Alright!

You are about to get

( Laughs )

Lightning Megazord, power up!

- Right!
- Right!

You want some more?

Ramp att*ck!

( Toxipod Groans )

Lightning mode, power down.


It's our turn!
( Laughs )

On it!

Oh, great.

The bugs are back.

Hey, what's the matter?

I feel weird.


Why are we fighting?

I feel it, too.

Where am I?

What's wrong?

Why are they stopping?

Don't worry, sir.

I'll take care of it.

What was I thinking?

Let's crush them!

With you all the way!

( Growls )

Power sphere!

Serpent sword!


The snail is escargot!

Now it's our turn.
No mercy.

Thunder Megazord going on-line!

Initiate sequence.

Oh, boy!



This is actually working!

( Laughs )
I hope you like the beach!

That's where you're headed!


- Aah!
- What's going on?

Not us!

I guess I forgot to tell you
the rest of my plan.

My bad!

The Megazord is off-line.

There's no one onboard!

Are you able to locate
the Rangers?

It's like they vanished.

Like they were never there.

( Choobo Laughs )


Now, that's an evil plan!

I hope you were
taking notes, Zurgane.

But of course, sir.

Oh, Choobo?

This is my number.

There's a great UFO movie

I already have a date.

With who?

( Echoing ) Marah!

I've tried everything.

There's just
no sign of them anywhere.


( Coughs )



( Echoing ) Where am I?
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