11x21 - Good Will Hunter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x21 - Good Will Hunter

Post by bunniefuu »

Quitting time.

So, are we riding?

Can't, bro.
l got to meet Charlie.

Oh, yeah.
Your other little brother.

There are more of you guys?

Not that kind of brother.

l know what it's like
to be without a father.

l volunteered to help out
after school.

Do stuff.

Hey! [ Laughs ]
Check it out.

''Big Air'' is having a contest

for the best
sports action video.

Let's see.

''The best one-minute video will
be played on national television

during the next Action Games.''

Oh, sweet.
l'm so gonna win.

Don't you mean
you're so gonna come in second?

No, dude.
l mean l'm gonna win.

Oh, l get it.
You're calling me out.


l don't know how any of you
are gonna win anything

without a video camera.


What about Dustin's?

Well, if l remember correctly,
you taped it to your helmet

right before you ran into
that big oak tree.

Yeah, but l got a cool sh*t.

You should see it.
It's all, like, ''Aah!''

And then, like, ''Boof!''
And then there's nothing.

Yeah .

So, Cam's got a camera.



No, no, no!

So, you gonna come?

Maybe this weekend .

Hey, you must be Charlie.

-Yeah .

You have no idea
how much this means to me.

-To both of us.

l wonder if we could trade
these dilithium crystals

for a new blow-dryer.

You think a blow-dryer's gonna
fix that roadkill?

You might as well shave...

What is this mess?

Well, we've been trading
space trash

for earthly treasures
over the Internet.

Clean this pigsty up.

And get me my P.A.M.

l have an evil itch
that needs to be scratched.


About your P.A.M.


Well, we sort of traded it.

But we got this wicked
eyelash curler for it.

Yeah .

Get back my P.A.M.

Or l will use that thing
to remove your eyelashes

one at a time!

-[ Grunting ]
-No, no, no!

Cam, can l borrow
your video camera?

-Dude, l called it in the car!
-Dustin did, man.

-After that, it's all mine.
-Get real.

Hold it.
Just wait a minute.

No one's calling anything
until l know what's up.

Check out page .

Okay, l'll do it.
But l have some conditions.

One, nobody touches
my camera but me.

l saw your last outing
on ''When Good Riders Go Bad.''

And two, everyone gets
equal time on their video.

l can't stand
all of this begging.

-Dustin .

-Can l go to the bathroom?
-No way.

Do you like motocross?





How about pizza?
Everybody loves pizza, right?

l hate pizza.
Pizza gives me hives.

My mom won't let me eat it.

Look. The kid's got the P.A.M.

Yeah, isn't that
a Ranger with him?

Good call.

Guess that private-detective
training is finally paying off.

ls there anything
you want to do?

Play this new game l just got.

lf that's alright with you.

Hey, l love games.

Single player only.


Look, l know
what you're trying to do.

And you don't have to.

l've gone this long
without a dad.

And l really don't need one now.

Mom, l'm home!

[ Marah laughs ]

Hi, there.

What are you supposed to be?


-We're obviously Girl Guards.

You want to buy
some Girl Guard salsa?

We have mild, medium, and spicy.

Aren't you a little bit old
to be Girl Guards?

l told you.

How about we trade all of these
for that thingy you have there?

Sound good?

Let me see one of those.

Yummy, huh?

And by the way,
Girl Guards don't sell salsa.

Okay. l don't like him.
Not one bit.


You know what?
l think he's kind of cute.

But orange
is so not your colour.

Yeah .

Looks good .

TORl :
Come on already.

-DUSTIN: Hey, we got to go.
-CAM: One more.

That was great.
l think l got some good sh*ts.

Yeah? Better than what you got
for Blake and Dustin?

Give me one more try, man.

l know l can land the kick flip
to frontside rail slide.

Can we go now?

l've got to get in the water
before the swell dies.

We haven't even been here long.
What about equal time?

-[ Beep ]
-Saved by the bell.

Go for Shane.

Kelzaks...the city...

[ Static ]

Something's obviously wrong
with Cyber Cam.

l'll check it out
and call Hunter.

We'll take the Kelzaks.

Two of them.
That's it?

l can handle this one by myself.

Charlie, are you playing
with that game again?

SHANE: Is it Kelzak
migration season or what?

l don't know about you,

but l'm feeling
a little outnumbered.

This just keeps getting better.

l think it's time to morph.

Word .


-Ninja Storm!
-Thunder Storm!

Ranger form!

Ninja Ranger power!



What's the deal?

There are so many.
l can't even count that high.

-And you're really good at math.
-Where'd they all come from?



Come on!

Stupid game.



Let me go!



Where'd they go?


[ Grunts ] l'm worked!

What's up with that?

As long as they're gone,
don't ask questions.

Cam, did you call Hunter?

CAM: There's been a glitch
in the system.

l couldn't give Hunter
the alert.

There's something weird
going on.

No lie.

Look what we got you .

What, pray tell, is that?

lt's the latest model
P.A.M., Uncle.

Yeah, it has E-mail.
Give it a try.

[ Beeps ]

Oh , look!

How cute!

This isn't a P.A.M.

lt's an M.A.P.
''Make A Puppy.''

Oh, can we keep him, Uncle?



l already got you a pet,
and you never play with it.

[ Puppy barking ]

You two find my P.A.M.,
or you'll be in the doghouse.

How's everything with Charlie?

He won't even talk to me.
l think l'm just gonna bag it.

Look, he lost his dad.

Just give him some room.
He'll come around.

Dude, l'm trying.

He'll let you know
when he's ready.

Just kick it with him
until then.

l thought l was supposed to be
the older, wiser one.

You're still older.

Way older.



Yo, yo, yo!
D.J. Drummond on the airwaves!

What's up?

l don't know.
Something's missing.

lt's like l've seen it
all before.

That's what you look like.

l trust, since you are
spending time on this project,

that the operating system
has returned to normal.

lt's all clear, Dad.

l just have this feeling
the judges want

something totally out there.

That's totally out there.

Better go.

l'll call the others.

l'm gonna rock this town
till it drops.

Nobody can escape my phat beats!

Ooh ! Ow!

l'm getting rocked in the middle
of this music block!

-Who is this radio head?
-He thinks he's Johnny Love.

Don't touch that dial.

D.J. Drummond is coming at you
with ,OOO watts of power!



Charlie, time to wash up.

Come on.
Put the game away.

Hey, where'd he...

He just vanished.

-Oh, what's up with that?
-lt's so weird.

Let me know
when you figure it out.

l got to be somewhere.


Whoa. Check out those graphics.
They look so real.


Hey, is Charlie around?

He's playing inside.
One of those new games.

Can't tear himself away
from it.


Excuse me.

[ Grunting ]

This game is way too real!

Maybe you just need a little
help getting to the next level.


That was awesome!

You didn't tell me
you did martial arts.

You never asked.

Don't tell me there's something
we both actually like.

CAM: l think l should consider
a career in cinematography.

l don't know, dude.
It's just not blowing me away.

Yeah, but check out
this cool power slide.

[ Chuckles ]

At least you got
one k*ller sh*t.

But it takes more than one
to make a video.

Maybe we should head back out.

You up for it, Cam?

Sorry, guys.
l had some real work to do.

Now, what were you saying?

Oh !
Here it is!


-You shush !


Who are you?

We're evil space ninjas

sent here from the master
of the universe, Lothor.


Well, aren't you afraid?


So, how'd your tapes turn out?

About as good as mine?

l think all my best moves are in
the first seconds.

Mine too.

The rest is just tired.

Let me get this straight.

After all the hard work from
yours truly, no one's happy?

We're not saying
it's your fault.

We just didn't think it'd be
so hard to make a rockin' video.

Rangers, this is not
new territory.

Have you not learnt by now
the value of working as one?

Dad, may l?

You guys ever hear the term



[ Beeping ]

[ Marah and Kapri shouting ]

You give it to me.
l want it.

Now what?

TORl :
They've got Lothor's P.A.M.

That is freaky.

Get the bikes,
and l'll meet you there.

[ Thunder crashes ]

[ Laughs ]

D.J. Drummond is back
on the air, baby!


You've just been cancelled.

Cyber Morpher, power up!

Bring it!


We've got you.

Crimson Blaster!

Where's the b*at?
Ow! Oh!

Right here!

Thunder Staff, full power!


-Right on, guys!
-Always here to help.


Rough road ahead.

Hyah !


Hunter! Blake!
Call it!

You got it!

Thunder Blaster!

Not that! No!


-Great, guys!

That wasn't so hard, was it?

What have you done?

Hey, Choobo's back, baby!
[ Laughs ]

That's all l need.

Scroll of Empowerment, descend!

Ninja Zords!

Thunder Zords!

Super Minizord!

Thunder Megazord!

This is D.J. Drummond
coming at you live.

So sit back and enjoy a hit!

Look out!

You guys alright?


Later, gator!

P Go, Power Rangers,
go, Wìnja Storm P

P Let's go P

Let's put some sting
in his sing.

You got it, Cam.

Power Disk locked and dropped!

That should help.

lt's time to turn down
the radio!

Right with you, little bro!

You can't stop the b*at!



-Yeah !
-Mo problemo!

Hey, Hunter?

Yeah, buddy?

You ever miss your dad?

Every day.

Me too.

Will it ever go away,
missing him?

But it will get easier.

Tell you what.

l know l can't replace your dad.

But if you ever feel bummed out

and just want to talk,
l'm there.


Dude, it's on !

Come on.

And once again,
that was the winning video

from the kids
in Blue Bay Harbour.

We k*lled it.

We have to give Cam
some of the credit.

Thank you.

But the moto stuff
was the sickest, no?


Dude, did you see the skating?

Nothing we ain't seen before.

Come on, man!

Well, it's obvious
Uncle isn't an animal lover.

How were we supposed to know
the puppy wasn't house-trained?

Chase me, will you?

You little runt!


Here, puppy!
Here, puppy!
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