11x35 - A Gem of a Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x35 - A Gem of a Day

Post by bunniefuu »

Deep in the mountains,

secret ninja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three
who would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

The Gem of Souls.

- We'll always be looking after you.
- Make us proud.

Dad? l'm getting close to the source
of the radiation surge.

Good work, son.

Until we know for certain
the cause of the disturbance

you must be vey careful.

You don't have
to remind me evey time.

What is he doing out here?

Lose something?

You have got to lay off the caffeine.

Oh, it's you. Sory.

- What are you doing out here anyway?
- l could ask you the same thing.

l'd tell you l'm tracking an excessive
radiation signal l picked up.

Maybe it has something to do with this.

l found it out here.
It's one of Zurgane's swords.

But he wouldn't leave the ship
without it.

Not alive, anyway.

Who told you you could
destroy my number one general?

Forgive me,
but l thought you'd be pleased.

A mighty warrior such as you
deserves a mighty general at his side.

Zurgane had done nothing but fail you.

l suppose that's true.

And l did say it was his last chance.

So, in the end l did you a favour.

Even so, in the future you will not
destroy my men without my direct orders.

As you wish, my master.

- Where are my nieces?
- Beats me.

For the love of...
Choobo, go find them.

Yes, OK.

Since by default you are now
my new number one general,

l expect a plan in front of me
by the end of the night

on exactly how
to destroy the Power...

What's that?

A plan to destroy the Power Rangers.


Well, what are you waiting for?
Get down there.

With all due respect, sir, l am missing
just one piece of the puzzle.

l will fetch it at once,
and then victoy.

Now you're talking.

Go, but make sure l know exactly when
the att*ck is to occur.

l want to set the VCR on the viewer.

As you wish.

- Motodrone?
- Sir?

Follow him. l don't trust that fish
as far as l can smell him.

- l want to know his evey move.
- Yes, sir.

- And don't get caught.
- See you later, gator.

l'm running out
of generals l can trust.


After we found the sword, l located
a satellite picture of the area.

lt's true, Rangers.
Vexacus has destroyed Zurgane.

Not that l'll miss Zurgane,
but why would Vexacus do it?

lt appears a power struggle
is at play in Lothor's lair.

lsn't it a good thing? Maybe they'll
keep fighting till no one's left.

That is possible, Dustin,

but l suspect Lothor has
an even more sinister plot in mind.

So, what do we do next?

The time has come
to face the enemy proactively.

We must reinforce our ranks by
rescuing all the captured ninjas.

We must find a way
to get onto Lothor's ship.

Well, that's not gonna be easy.
Trust us.

The ship is protected
by a powerFul energy field.

Without some way to break through,
we'll never get in.

Leave that to me.

So, my readings are correct.

Meet Condortron, a genius creation,
if l may say so myself.

- What are you doing here?
- l suspect the same thing you are.

l've got more important things
to think about now.

Thunder Storm!
Ranger Form!

att*ck him!

- We've got trouble.
- It's Hunter.

And my favourite fish.

- l thought you liked sushi.
- Forget the fish jokes.

- Check out big bird.
- This is weird.

The radiation
l was tracking earlier is back.

We'd better get out there.

- Ready?
- Ready.

- Ninja Storm!
- Thunder Storm!

- Samurai Storm!
- Ranger Form!

Ranger Storm Power!

You are no match for Condortron.

Oh, yeah?


- Guys.
- You OK?



This is my battle.


Laser fire!

- Ready?
- Yeah.

All right!


Ninia glider bike!

Fly mode, engage!

l've got you now.

Hunter! No!

- Hunter?
- l'm OK.

Lucky l came when l did.

l didn't request back-up.

We will leave you this time.

But beware, l'm watching you.

Return to the ship.
l'll handle this alone.

Any last words?

Yeah. Super Samurai Mode.

l'm pulling the strings now.


My puppets.

What do you want?

Just having some fun.

- Give him back!
- Sure.

l'll take you all.

Ninia Storm!

Ninia Shadow Battle!

Navy Antlers!

Let him go, you doofus.

Ready for a FX?

Land shark att*ck!

Are you OK? Where is he?

You didn't think
l'd leave without saying goodbye?

With or without the gem
l will defeat you.

What gem?

What did he mean, Hunter?


The Gem of Souls.

But l threw it into the ocean.

Not all of it.

- You should have told me, Hunter.
- You didn't know about it.

- We're gonna have a long talk why.
- l was gonna tell you.

But the more time that passed,
the harder it got. l'm sory.

Those fragments must be the source
of the radiation l was tracking.

lt had nothing to do
with Zurgane's sword.

After Lothor shattered the gem,
l hid these mo pieces out there.

l'd go now and again to see if they
could help me contact my parents.

l understand that sometimes
your loss is difficult to accept.

But what's done is done.
You can never go back in time.

Not without a scroll or something.

l know my parents are gone,
but l still miss them.

And those students up on Lothor's ship,
someone misses them too.

lt's not too late for them.

Let's bring them back.

l hear you were after quite a prize
down there.

Only to enhance my plan
to defeat the Rangers.

l hope so, for your sake.

You? Did you ever find my nieces?

- Yes, sir.
- Well, what are they up to?

They're working on a plan to take
over the world, but it's a secret.

- Don't tell anyone.
- Take me to them at once.

So how is our little spy today?

l was just following orders.
You should ty doing the same.

But it's so much more fun
when you make it up as you go.

You will suffer great consequences
if you fail too obey Lothor again.

And who's going to make me? You?

lf those are my orders.

l think Zurgane
had some orders like that once,

and look what happened to him.

He'll be sory.

With the gem shards
l should have enough power

to break through
Lothor's energy field.

Once l've done that, you should be
able to teleport onto the ship.

- We'll be standing by.
- Be careful.

Why does eveyone
keep telling me that?

Good luck.

Dragon Force vehicle, online.
Here we go.

That's awesome!


What? Zurgane!

Oh, that's right.
He's not here anymore.


You called?

What can l do for you?

That too-smart-for-his-own-good
nephew of mine is up to something.

- You must be so proud.
- l want him stopped!

Of course, sir. Activating defences.

So far so good.

Should reach the ship in a matter of...


Cam, come in!

l'm hit, but l'm OK. My bigger
problem is, if l don't get closer,

l'll never be able to break through
the energy field.

Could this get any better?

Might l suggest launching another
att*ck with my Condortron?

Brilliant idea.
Glad l thought of it.

The big bird is back.

We have to call the Zords.

- We can't leave Cam out there.
- Cyber Cam and l will monitor my son.

You must take the Zords
and face Condortron.

Let's go.

Engage super-density drill.

OK, here it goes.

- Let's do this.
- Right with you, Shane.

l've armed the drill nose
with the Gem of Souls.

l think it's opened a portal
l can teleport through.

Then you know what l am going to say.

Don't wory, this time
l will be careful. Activate.

l'm in.

Look, a Ranger!

- Help us, please.
- Yes. l found the students.

Dad, teleport the others
to these coordinates.

You must return at once, the Rangers
are in need of your assistance.


So nice to have family drop by.

Why don't you stay?

Not a chance.

Super Samurai Mode.

So close.


l will be back, l promise.

- We can b*at this bird.
- Concentrate.

- OK, focus.
- We can do this.

- You made it.
- Heard you needed some help.

- It's Hurricane Megazord time.
- Locked and dropped.

Hurricane Megazord!

Go, Power Rangers, go
Winja Storm, let's go!

- Good stuff.
- Yeah!

Vexacus will be doomed
once l make my report.

Going somewhere?

Out of my way.
l must make my report to Lothor.

Let me help you out.
Give that here.

Says here Vexacus, that's me,
was disloyal, disobedient,

and may be planning
to take over the ship.

Now, why would you
report something like that?

Because it's true.

l guess the last person l'd want
to know that is Lothor. Isn't it?

- l'll just be keeping this.
- You can't.

And who's going to stop me?


Back off, or perish.

- Do you submit?
- Never.

Wrong answer.

l warned you.

Goodbye, Motodrone.

What's that?

Motodrone had a little meltdown.
Where have you mo been?

Your uncle has been looking for you.

You'll find out soon enough.

You don't have any more surprises
buried out here?


Hey, thanks for
giving me the gem shards.

l know it must have been hard
for you to give them up.

They weren't doing me
much good out here.

- Didn't do you much good, either.
- Got me onto the ship.

lf it hadn't been
for Condortron's att*ck,

those students might be free.

Do you think
we'll ever get back up there?

The Dragon Force vehicle took quite a
b*ating, but l'll get it running again.

We'll get those Ninjas home,
l promise.

You're on.
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