Dungeons and Dragons , Honour among thieves ( 2023)

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Dungeons and Dragons , Honour among thieves ( 2023)

Post by Maskath3 »

Start walking

Edgar: Oh great, another cellmate, no offense pal, I you seem lovely , show you around , get you situated, there’s the bucket where your pee freezes, that’s it
What’s your name lass?
Edgar: That’s Holga, I’m Edgin and you are?
I’ve been in a lot of cells, never shared one with a female before
Edgar: Word of advice, she doesn’t like to be disturbed while eating her potatoes, highlight of her day
Shut up you
Edgar: Have at it
I’m not so bad, don’t be like that

Edgar: Jonathan’s on the council this time, if anyone’s going to free us, it’s him

Second year for crimes of Grand larson and skull duggery
I noticed Jarnathan isn’t present, should we wait for him to be here?
Baroness Torbo: Councilman jarnathan is delayed by the storm

Chancellor Anderton: Begin or wave your proposal

Edgin: You may surprised to know I wasn’t always a thief
I was a member of the Harper faction, a network of spies who swore an oath to fight tyranny , defend the operssed, never asked for anything in return
By day Stopped bandits in their tracks, brought a red wizard to justice
I came home to my loving wife and daughter
Being a Harper you were bound to make enemies, sometimes those enemies come looking for revenge, no cleric could heal the damage dealt by a red wizard’s blade ,
As Zia died so did my devotion to the oath sorry it’s hard to re live without Jarnathan
He missed the most important part of my back story
Torbo: We’re capable of deciding your case without Jarnathan

Edgin: I came home to my loving
You went back too far, quit stalling

Edgin: That’s where I met Holga, she took pity on me, she took pity on the baby , Holga was a fellow resident of rock bottom , cast out became like brother and sister, built on trust and mutual respect , we didn’t have money, tabled honest, tried something new

You may be wondering how we continued this criminal lifestyle with a young girl involved, we didn’t leave her home
Wasn’t the only new recruit, Simon a so so sorcerer and a con man named Forge who pushed us to aim higher

We were thieves, didn’t hurt anyone, robbed the people who would feel it the least

Robbed coren’s keep , this is a harper’s keep, not sure you’ve heard of it, I’m sure Jarnathan has

Edgin: It’s too dangerous
Young Kira: Then you shouldn’t go either

Edgin: I didn’t tell her about the tower and it all went to shit , to shit it went

She’s caught in a time stop
Simon: Sophina’s too powerful

Edgin: Take the tablet, keep Kira safe
Forge: You have my word

If you sentence me to another two years or twenty for that matter, it wont be punishment enough for the worst crime I ever committed , robbing me daughter of her father

I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you
Jarnathan: Step away

Torbo: Jarnathan!

But we aporoved your pardon

Edgin: Fly bird fly

Holga: He’s still breathing
Edgin: I told you he’d get us out

Holga: Sure Kira’s here
Edgin: It’s been empty for a while

Bartender: Another for you and your wife
Holga: Those lips
Edgin: Gross

You sure you want to put yourself through that? What if Marilman doesn’t want to talk to you
Holga: It’s not about what he wants, it’s about closure
Edgin: He sent you a letter saying he wasn’t your husband anymore, isn’t that closure

Edgin: Forge is lord of Neverwinter?
Holga: How’d that happen?
Edgin: If he has Kira I don’t care

A lot of people like my lips

Edgin: Never soon the place so crowded
Here for the high sun games
Edgin: My Dad took me to the last one before they were outlawed
Holga: Anyone win?
Edgin: No-one’s made it to the final round before being k*lled so no

Forge hasn’t lost his sense of modesty

Edgin: How long’s it been?
Holga: Two years
Edgin: How long have we been sitting here?

Kira: Holga, dad
Holga: Hey bug
Kira: I missed you
What are they?
Edgin; Mittens
Holga: Oh thanks

Kira: Holga I still have the pendant you gave me, use it to sneak around the castle, so strange you’re here

Edgin: I took a risk and it didn’t pan out, why do you look mad at me?
Kira; Because you’re acting like it wasn’t your fault

I did think you’d serve longer
Edgar: Early release
Olga: Good behaviour

This is blistering hot, speak to the kitchen staff , there’s no need for it to be this hot

Edgar: How are the lord of dundermin?
Forge: When you charged me with Kira’s wellbeing, I didn’t care for it, had to be better , so when Neverumber , the money from Coren’s keep paved the way for my campaign

Forge: You remember Sofina
Edgar: You’re still working with her?
She’s the one that got us caught
Forge: If it wasn’t for her, we all would have been caught
I didn’t realise we were just in
I’ll leave that for later

Kira: Of course that’s why you came back, for the tablet of riches not for me
Olga: The what?
Edgar: The tablet of reawakening, the reason I agreed to the heist, I was trying to bring back your Mum
Is that what he told you? I left you for more riches
Olga: You snake You damn well know what he was after

Kira; Why wouldn’t you tell me it was for Mum?
Edgar: I didn’t want you to be disappointed if I failed
Forge: You’ve been lying since you stepped foot in here
Kira: You escaped?
Holga: We were trying to get back to you bug

Forge: I don’t think i’d be returning it or Kira
Kira: You snake
Forge: She really is a very, very powerful wizard , you think you’d learnt that from the last time you were trapped
Edgar: You wanted us to get caught
Forge: I wanted you and Simon to get caught
Olga: After all these years you double cross us for this witch
Forge: Never put your trust in a con man

I never understood the appeal of being a father until I was one, have someone look up to you, shape in your image, like a God, I’m a God and a lord

Got two of the wealthiest men from Balders gate and waters keep to talk about the high sun games

Holga: Have to think about our own hides right now
Edgin; You got this?
Holga: I know you don’t

Holga: Gail vanderman’s?
How did you know that?
Holga: Ink on the haft, nice parry, that’s nice

Holga: What do you clean it with?
You’re about to have your head chopped off , this is what you’re concerned with?
Boiled linseed oil , once a month
Holga: Should be once a week, that’s why you’re getting rust on the head

Chop it off

Edgin: We’ve got them now

Olga: Before we go
Edgin: Linseed oil

Kira: Why did he lie?
Forge: Maybe he was ashamed to admit he had given up so much for so little
Kira: I should go talk to him
Forge: He’s gone, i gave him the tablet of riches

Holga: sh**t an arrow with a message into her room
Edgin: What if you hit kira?
Holga: That’s a risk we’re going to have to take
Edgin: Hitting my daughter is not an option

Holga: A team? Who’s going to help us ? We have nothing to pay them with
Edgin: Forge does

Kira will know
Holga: We abandoned her for the right reasons

Holga: Simon is a terrible sorcerer
Edgin; We haven’t seen him for two years , I’m sure he’s gotten better

Simon: Can’t hold a candle to this trick , you know the smell of fresh cut grass

He’s making off with
Simon: This is part of the act

Simon: I could have warned you Forge was a prick
Sophina tried to k*ll me, he just stood by

I love the idea of knocking Forge off his perch, Robbing Forge isn’t worth it
Edgin: How broke are you?
Simon: Desperately, I was planning on sleeping in the den, that’s out

Simon: Do you know what kind of magic is protecting the keep?
Edgin: That’s what you’re going to find out

Me? No, Druid, a wild shape , they can get in and out as a mouse
Or a deer

Doric: Stay where you are
Simon:It’s me, Simon
Doric: Simon who?
Simon: Ouch, Simon Olmar , I courted you, you said I made you sad, not anything I did just who I was

Doric: What are you doing here?
Holga: We need a deer

Doric: I don’t trust humans,I find you to be hateful and selfish
Edgin: I’m finding you mean
Simon: I’m half human
Doric: But you’re a bad sorcerer

Edgin: When it counts , this young man delivers which is why I keep coming back to him
Holga: He’s the only sorcerer he knows
Doric: What are you?
Edgin: I’m a planner , I make the plans
Doric: You’ve already made the plan, what value do you have now?
Edgin: When the existing plan fails, I make a new plan
Doric: So you make plans that fail?
Holga: He also plays the flute

Doric: None of our plans to take down Forge have worked
We dared question how he came into power, he declared us enemies, began destroying our homes, ex*cuted our people , if we don’t stop Forge soon, there’ll be nothing left to defend , I’m not doing this for the money, I’m doing it for the people who took me in
Holga: So we’ll keep your share

The living have befouled this world long enough
Take solace in knowing your work is nearly complete

Forge: Taken every measure imaginable to maintain the asset you choose or choose not to wager, new port on every tower , if the alarms raised no-one gets in or out
What prompted you to resume the games? Lord Neverumber considered them barbaric
Forge: Neverumber and I are very different men, i prefer to be up and about while he prefers to be in a vegetative state

You are terrible
Forge, I can be, the truth is it Brings the people together, it is not the right of government to deny them or deny you rich bastards to profit off them

Simon: If the vault is protected by Morden kanen’s seal , we’re not getting in

Holga: Can’t you just magic
Simon: I hate everyone thinking you can solve every problem with magic, this isn’t some bed time story, this is the real world

Simon: That battle was over a century ago, they’d all be dead
Holga: Ask them with magic
Doric: He just made a whole speech about how you can’t use magic
Simon: Actually I can, have this token that allows me to ask corpses questions then they go back to being dead
Dolic: Yuck
Fairly horrible
Edgin: Fairly wonderful

Doric; That’s Marelman?
Edgin: We were all a little suprised first time we met him

I thought your sentence was longer
Holga: Busted out of there
Same old Holga
Holga: How you been?
Got my garden, working on my book
Holga: You’ve still got that stick i gave you
You can take it, Gwinn’s not one for rambling

Gwinn: I’ve heard a lot about you , I would shake your hand , how long you in town?
Holga: Passing through, going to talk to corpses south of Nessmir

Holga: How long you two?
Going on a year
Holga: Does she make you happy? Happier than I did?
She makes her work honestly, doesn’t drink herself silly, make me weep in the small hours wondering where she is
Holga: I was in pain, I was banished from my damn tribe to be with you
I built us a home to help you forget
Holga: Gwinn seems lovely , you deserve that
When you left, i lost my family, i was lucky enough to find another one, I wish nothing less than that for you

Holga: So many of my kin died here, I imagined being buried on sacred ground like this
Edgin: Yeah, anyone got a shovel

Simon: The dead man is revived , ask them five questions, he will die never to be re revived again
Foric: Why five questions?
Simon: I don’t know, that’s just how it works
Doric: Seems arbitrary

Edgin: Were you in the battle of evermores?
Yes Corpse: Yes
Edgin: Four more questions?
Yes corpse: Yes
Edgin: No, not you, did that count as a questio?
Yes corpse: Yes
Edgin: Only speak when I’m speaking to you, okay?
Simon: Why did you say okay?
I didn’t

Edgin: Do you know where the helmet of dysjunction is?
It was in posession of my chief, Stonehurt grimwurf

We knew we outnumbered them but our advantage meant the dragon Raycor

That’s the last thing I remember

Simon: Ask him the last three questions
Edgin: What for? He told us everything he knows
Simon: Look at the poor bloke
Edgin: What’s your favourite food?
Oats no barleys
Edgin: Do you like cats?
Not really
Edgin: What’s two plus two?
I’m bad at math
Simon: Feel better?
Edgin: No

Sven Corpse: It was the morning of the battle ,as i stepped out of my bath, my foot slipped on a stone
Edgin: Then you went into the battle?
Sven corpse: No, I died from the fall
Edgin; Your chief gave the helmet to you, Van sullivan
I’m Sven Sullivan, that’s my brother

Excuse me, I’m still alive
Edgin: What’s your favourite book?
Corpse: Can’t pick just one, historical works, Fanged tomb of licanthus za , that was just the fourth question, hello? shit

Xenk: Many have died in defense of that helmet, to mention it dishonors their sacrifice

Simon: You’re known as a man of integrity and honour, we can assure you our reasons for using the helmet are noble?
Holga: We’re going to rob someone

Holga: What is this place?
Xenhk: Harper’s sanctuary , but your friend already knew that
Edgin: How did you know I was a Harper?
Xenhk: Just because you foresake your oath, doesn’t mean your oath forsake you
Edgin: Just because that sentence is symmetrical, doesn’t mean its not nonsense

Xenk: Why do you want to take down Forge?
He took a great deal of treasure from us also the tablet of reawakening
Holga: In other words he’s a real son of a bitch
Xenk: So you blame his mother for this corruption?
Holga: No, it’s an expression
Xenk: I don’t travel well in colloquialisms
Holga: You’re not a lot of fun are you?

At the aid of his red wizards, Created an army of the undead

I will not be complicit in the illicit use of ill gotten booty
We’ll divide it among the people

Xenk: Swear on it, place your hand on the Harper seal you will distribute your wealth among the people of Never winter

Edgin; Being a Harper got my wife k*lled
Zenhk: Did the assailant’s find justice?
Edgin: The thegns? No
Xenk: The thegns are not all malevolent

Xenk: Witness to the first hand horrors of the spell, honourable men turned to monsters, minds wiped clean, turned on their children
You and I both lost a part of ourselves, what we do with it

Edgin: I don’t trust this guy
Holga: Even though he’s helping us
Edgin: He’s got something up his sleeve
Xenk: The only thing up my sleeve is my arm
Edgin: : How did he hear that?
Xenk: I hear that as well
Edgin: I hate you

Xenk: Consume the brain, Take control of the body , they’re drawn to mental energy, the higher intelligent the prey, they’re likely to strike
Edgin: That’s a little hurtful

The bridge is protected by an ancient gnomish trap which a precise formula one must follow

Simon: What’s the formula?
Xenk: Oddly numbered blocks, move forward with each step every fifth step which must be a lateral move
Simon: I may have put My foot on the bridge, didn’t realise it started

Xenk: This I give you now, protect with your very life
Edgin: I will, hold this

Xenk: We must flee
Holga: Why? You k*lled them all already
Xenk: It’s no simple feat to k*ll that which is already dead

Holga: That’s one pudgy dragon
Xenk : Thimbleserd, he must have found a new den
Edgin: Did he eat the last one?

Edgin: Thanks for that
Xenk: You would have done the same for me
Edgin: Yeah

We’re stuck
Edgin: Portal us out of here
Simon: I can only portal to what i can see, you want to go from that wall to that wall? Chuck
Edgin: It’s salt water, that trick you’ve been working on
Simon: Fresh cut grass
Edgin: No the flame finger thing
Holga hit him
Doric: You want to make him angrier?

Edgin: When I say so, everyone goes under and that’s your queue, What are you looking at?
Xenk: A harper shaking off its slumber

Edgin: There he goes, wondering off, walks in such a straight line, coming
up on a rock, is he going to go around it? No, right over the rock

Simon Olmar sorcerer descended from wizarding blood
Simon: Who are you?
Olmar: You don’t know me, My name is Olmar too
Simon: You’re my great great grandfather
That’s quite a helmet, what makes you think you’re worthy of it?
Simon: I believe in myself?
You’re asking me?
No, I’m sure
The funny thing about magic is it chooses who wields it

Simon: I spoke to my great, great grandfather, he was unhelpful
Edgin: You spoke to him? From here it looked like the helmet flew off the second you put it on
Simon: Time moves differently there

Simon: I told you it wasn’t going to work but he said to keep it between us for morale
He’s the most pig headed person I’ve met, you talk us into things you know wont work and when it goes pear shaped you blame us
Edgin: If you can’t attune it, we go to Plan B
Holga: Plan B? We dug up my family , we went to the everdark and you knew he couldn’t use it!
Doric: You’re human, you can’t help but lie

Simon: Aren’t you sick of failing?
Edgin: We have to keep failing, if we stop, that’s when we fail , Holga you left your tribe to be with a man who left you because you were upset about your tribe, if you quit now, that’s in stone
Simon you’re a petty thief masquerading as a pettier sorceror

Simon: You’re quick to call us failures, what about you Ed?
Edgin: I’m the champion of failures, i lost everything that mattered to me, you know what k*lled my wife?
I did, i decided we deserved a better life, i didn’t know red wizards marked their treasure , I brought them to our door
I didn’t even had the good luck to be there

Sneak the hitch on something, sneak it on something getting inside

Edgin: They’ll be guarding things coming out of the wagon not going in

Edgin; It’s facing the floor, why would they store it like that?

Edgin: Plan C is we go back to Plan A
Holga: Why not call it plan A?
Edgin: Plan A has a sink on it

Edgin: You’re going to get in that vault not because you can, because you must
Doric: I’m going to keep chipping away, can squeeze through as a worm
Edgin: Plan D if Plan B fails
Holga: Isn’t Plan D just Plan B?
Edgin: Plan B stinks too

How do we get inside?
Edgin: We distract them , I got a good feeling about Plan C

Edgin; What’s going on?
Simon: My foot’s stuck
Holga; I think they’re starting to get suspicious

Holga: I’ll hold them off
Simon: Sure I can’t help
I’m certain
Simon: Don’t have to be so certain

Edgin; I know you think I’m a liar and a bad father, I am a bad father, I wasn’t trying to bring back your mum, i was trying to bring back my wife, if you knew her and loved her like I do , you’d understand

Forge: Unlike me she had no idea you were coming, i dont think she realises how tenacious you’ve become
I’m sorry for the way things have worked out
Comfort in knowing she’s with the father she deserves which puts me in a pickle, I don’t want to see you die which is why I’m going to leave the room

Edgin: If we’re going to die, let us die with dignity
Forge: What do you mean?
Edgin: Put us in the high sun games, give us a fighting chance
Forge: That’s no chance at all

Simon: Magic suppression cuffs

Holga: This dummy talked him into putting us in the games
Edgin: Dummy, We’re still alive, he put us right above where Forge said he put the treasure

Doric: Another minute, I would have lost my hand
Holga: Look what you did lose

Edgin: Gonna be another challenge and another challenge until every last person in that cage is dead, have to find another way around
Doric: I have an idea

Doric: When you hear the gong,Jump inside
Edgin: In that thing?
Holga: You want us to end up like that guy?
Doric: You’ll only be in there a few seconds
Edgin: Who’s going to pull us?
Doric; I will , trust me
Simon: Always

Holga: That stings

Forge: What is this?
Edgin: It’s called an ambush, why don’t you tell her what this is
Forge: I don’t know
Edgin: It’s the tablet of reawakening, it’s the reason I left you
Holga: Your Dad’s been telling the truth, it’s uncle Forge whose been feeding you lies
Edgin: Come with me, bring back mum, we can be a family
Forge: You’re not taking my money , put down my money and get off my ship now
Kira; What are you doing?
Forge: Shush darling Quiet , your Dad knows me, he knows I’m prepared to do terrible things to get what I want even hurting the ones i care for the most

Holga: What are we going to do when we get there?
Edgin: Working on it, Simon what’d you say the range was on that portal staff
Simon: Quarter mile, why?
Edgin: Gonna keep that promise I made to Xenhk

Forge; You there, harbourmaster person
Are you seeing this?
Forge: As lord of Neverwinter I demand a ship, crew be chased down, five people

Sophina: No!!!

Forge; No, no, no!!!

Sophina: For too long I’ve endured the arrogance of Forge Willowsmith, the false charm, the quips, as I begin to purge the living filth, you dare interpose

Edgin: I really didn’t think that was going to work
Simon: You assured us it would

If he comes after us, we’ll be ready for him
Doric; We?
Edgin: Right? You don’t like humans
Doric: Some are okay, Going back to the Harpers? Be with your people
Edgin: I’m with my people
Simon: My previous attempts to court you have gone badly, Have you considered giving it another go?
Edgin: Yeah sure
Simon: Yeah!
Calm down

Forge: As irreprehensible as my actions are, i created a sort of renaissance in the city, even though I’ve only served the first year of my sentence, it’s been eye opening, I look inside myself and wonder what’s going on in there
I think it goes back to my mother, stern woman

Enough! Your pardon is denied

Torbo: Jarnathan!

Forge: I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me
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