23x03 - Nightmare in Amber Beach

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x03 - Nightmare in Amber Beach

Post by bunniefuu »

Long ago, an alien named Keeper

entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs.

(Keeper) You must keep the Energems safe.

(narrator) Millions of years later,

the Energems were found,

and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly to steal them

until the Rangers finally defeated him.

But from the ashes, a new threat arose.

Only one team of heroes can stop him.

Dino Charger! Ready!

(narrator) Power Rangers Dino Super Charge!


So how'd the accounting test go?

You aced it, right?

I hate summer school.

I got a "B"!

Why are you upset about getting a "B"?

It's a good grade.

That's what I said.

My parents would celebrate if I got a "B."

That's just it.

My dad won't be happy.

In my family, getting a "B" is--


A "B" just isn't good enough, Shelby Watkins.


You need to study harder

if you're going to run Watkins Ice Cream.

Watkins Ice Cream? That's your family?


Best ice cream bar none.

There you go.

Thank you. Oh, wow.

That's nice of you, Dad.

It's not nice, it's smart.

A happy customer is a return customer.

(clicks tongue) Tell your friends.

You don't have to worry, Dad.

I'm going to retake the test in two days.

Oh, good initiative.

You'll get an "A" for sure, honey.

Why don't I stop by and quiz you?


That would be...

great! Hmm.

Catch you later, sweetheart.


You look exhausted.

Don't forget to rest.

I'll sleep when I've got my "A."


Trust me, you'll sleep sooner than that.


♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge altogether ♪


♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪


Wake up, Nightmare.

I was having a wonderful bad dream.

(gasping) Master Heckyl,

was I snoring too loud?

Of course, but that's not why I'm here, Nightmare.

You just got your dream job.


Shelby, a package came for you.

For me?

Who's it from?

No return address.

Oh, what a cute pillow.

Perhaps your father sent it.

He knows how hard you've been studying.



So... soft.


Hello, Shelby.

I don't want to alarm you, but look over there.

Oh, no.

You know what to do with Vivix.

Destroy them!

Stop! How'd you get in here?!

(grunting loudly)

What'd I do wrong?

Yah! (grunting)

Shelby, stop!

What are you doing?

(grunting throughout)

Shelby, no!

Oh, my gosh.

I was having a terrible... nightmare.

Whoa, what is that?

What is going on here?


A foul monster. Have at thee.

You must sleep eventually.

See you in your dreams.


That thing was in your head.


It was in my dream, too.

It was so real, I dreamed you were all Vivix.

(Riley) This isn't good, guys.

Down to the base.

We need to make sure you're okay.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you.

Something about that pillow.

It came today with no return address.

I'll analyze the pillow.

But in the meantime, nobody sleeps,

not even for a moment.

Even if we have to stay up all night.

(Shelby) Study time.

Ahh! (video game sounds)

(loud grunting and groaning)



(gasps) Ooh!

That's it. (computer beeping)

(yawning) What's it?

This pillow sends out a harmonic brain wave

that puts the victim to sleep.

Until the pillow is destroyed,

he or she will not be able to wake up.

(Riley) And while Shelby was asleep,

that monster could control her dreams.

Then he used his illusions to make me attack you guys.

This way you use rocks,

not pillows.

Like me.

(watch beeping)

It's time to open the cafe.

We have to watch each other's backs.

So none of us falls asleep

until after that monster is destroyed.

Ah, the Rangers are a nightmare.

They're not sleeping.

I couldn't get a pillow near them.

Maybe we need to wear them out a little more.


Fury, send down the real Vivix.

Yes, Master Heckyl.

(Heckyl laughs)

(menacing laughter)

What are you studying? Accounting, marketing?


You should text first.


Oh, really, Shelby, you're not a little girl anymore.

But I love dinosaurs!

Did you know that-- Dinosaurs are so... yesterday.

Business is the future, young lady.

But it's so... boring.

Boring? No!

Follow me.

Add this up for me.

Burger bun, cents.

Meat patty, $..

Cheese, a quarter.

And a squirt of ketchup and mustard.

Four and a half cents each.

What do you think of that?

Sorry, I'm still bored.


Let the magic begin. (chuckling)

Whatever you do, don't look impressed.


(gasping) Oh!


Wow. That not boring!

Ha-ha-ha. (clearing throat)

What do you see, Shelby?

It's just a $ Bronto Burger.

And some pretty cool sparklers.

So cool. I know.

That's exactly... wrong!

What's the total?

Uh... $. Hmm.

You see, I didn't just make a burger, Shelby.

I made $ profit like magic.


You take a bunch of boring

and you turn it into something people will love.

(sighing) At a fair profit.

That, my dear, is business.

(laughing) Yow!


Dad, I gotta go.

Sorry, my, my boss. Oh.

She's calling me.

That's my little go-getter.

Love you, Dad.

I've detected alien bio-signs.

I can't find Ivan.

There's no time to waste, let's go.

Come on! Oh!

(people screaming)


Stop! Everyone, get to safety!

Let's turn these green guys black and blue!


What? My punch should've knocked that lamebrain right out.

I must be Dino super tired, ahh!

Ah, no, stop.

(Chase) The sooner we sort this out,

ahh, the sooner it's nap time.

(Riley) Don't even say the word "nap" until we can take one.

Back off, bonehead. (grunts)

Koda, are you okay? (grunting)

So weird, Vivix very strong today.

No, they aren't strong, we're just too tired.

(grunting throughout)

Got your back, Riley.

(yawning) We may be sleepy,

but together, we can do this!

T-Rex Charger engage!

Dino Morpher... Blast!


Sweet dreams, Vivix. (all sighing)

Oh, geez, more Vivix?

(Shelby) You've gotta be kidding me.

Here we go again.

Time for you Vivix to wake up and smell the kicks!

Doing okay, Tyler?

I'm practically asleep on my feet.

Oh! Ah!

(Riley) I'll destroy you, you, you...

oh, I'm too tired for insults.


Ivan, there you are!

Boy, are we glad to see you.

Good timing, buddy!


Why is Ivan sh**ting at us?

Maybe he's sleepwalking.

Must vanquish you monsters.

(Shelby) He is asleep.

I think he's having a nightmare like I had.

He must've touched one of those pillows,

We gotta-- huh?

(Shelby) Huh?

(Koda) Look, it just like with Shelby.

But he still isn't awake.

Let's get him back to the base.

(Riley) Be careful, guys.

(Koda) Ivan eat too many Bronto Burgers.

You can't wake him up? No.

A pillow must've caused him to fall asleep.

We have to find it.

The last thing he was doing was...

Getting Bronto bread.


I find pillow.

What's all this about?

That pillow put you to sleep.

Thank you, my capable Cro-Magnon.

Ah, huh?

I mean, caveman.

(all chuckling) (beeping)

(gasping) The test, I have to go.

Oh, I can take you.

Okay, be careful.

Remember, don't fall asleep.

Quick, gross profit equals...

Gross receipts minus expenses.

Now tell me about opportunity cost.


I just wanna wish you luck, honey.

You are going to ace this test.

Business is what makes a Watkins happy.

What if I'm different?

What if business won't make me happy?

Don't be silly, you're gonna love the ice cream business.


I, I gotta go, Dad.

Well, uh...

(girl) Dad, when I grow up,

I want to find a dinosaur.

Of course, sweetie, I'm sure you'll be the best.

And % overhead, what's the net income?


Perfect, you're gonna do great.

I'll be great at running Watkins Ice Cream,

don't you think?

Yeah, yeah, I think that you'll be fantastic.

Hey, Shelby, wait a second.

Listen, when I was growing up on the ranch,

everybody wanted me to be a cowboy.

But I didn't wanna be a cowboy.

What are you saying?

Your dad would be so happy

if you ran that ice cream company.

But what do you want?

(school bell ringing)

I gotta go.


Nighty-night, Green Ranger.


Ah. (snoring)

Let's go, Green Ranger.


(clears throat)

Hi. Hi.

Huh? (yawning)

(Heckyl laughing)


Sleep tight, pretty lady.

Riley, you were right.

I need to follow my passion, you know, I would--

What are you doing, Heckyl?

I completely agree.

You should follow your passion.

Let's sit down and talk about your future.

What happened to them?

They're all just taking a little nap.

(gasps) Their Energems.

Why don't you join us?

Why don't you join us?

You said the pillow was delivered.


A package came for you.

But you gave me the pillow to cause me to fall asleep.

You work for Snide.

Oh! No!



What are you doing?

Heckyl's not our friend.

He made you all fall asleep and stole your Energems.

(Heckyl) She hasn't slept in days.

You're delirious.

Shelby, come now.

We're all friends here.

Yeah, right.

That's what you want us to think.

Ever since you saved Miss Morgan.

It was all just a ploy to gain our trust

and steal the Energems.

And you would've succeeded

if I hadn't come back from the test early.

(whimpers) (Kendall) Heckyl, is it true?

Do you work for Snide?

No, I don't work...

for Snide.

I am Snide!

(all gasping)

You got lucky today.

But after I find your base,

I will take the Energems,

and then I'll rip each of you to shreds

from head to toe!


Wait, he doesn't know where our base is?

(Kendall) Interesting, but we have more urgent matters.

Riley's heading for the junkyard.

I bet he's asleep.

You have to go wake him.

Let's go.

(Nightmare) I did it!

Ooh, here he comes!

Bring me the Energem!

Give it to me!


Finally, after all this time!

I'll have an Energem!

Thanks to how smart I am.

Yeah, right.

These evil pillows are great.

No! (grunts)


Riley, wake up! That way, come on!

Nice try.

If you won't do as you're told,

I'll have to destroy you!

Yah! Eat boot, Green Ranger.



What? Ow!


Does your head hurt?

Time to make it worse!


Is he okay?

You deal with those Rangers!

Time to fulfill my dream of getting an Energem.

We're gonna make your dream a nightmare.

It's morphing time.


Dino Charger.

(all) Ready!

Unleash the power!

Power Rangers!

(all) Dino Super Charge!

Someone pinch me and wake me up!

Yah! Together, guys.

Let's end this nightmare.


Dino Chargers engage!

(all) Dino Morpher Blast!

Ptera Bolt! Dino Strike!

Dino Blast!

Magna Beam! Naptime's over.

Better call for backup.

(all) Summon Zords!

Dino Chargers engage!


(all) Dino Drive activate!

Dino Charger ready!

Dino Super Charge Saber!

Dino Super Drive Charger engage!

Dino Super Drive activate!

Attack Plesio!


Activate Plesio Charge Megazord!

Plesio Charge Megazord engage!

Activate Ptera Charge Megazord!

Ptera Charge Megazord engage!

Let's use the Stego-Raptor Formation.

(all) Yeah!

Zords, combine!


I hope this is only a dream.

Dino Charge Megazord, Stego-Raptor Formation, ready!

Ptera Charge Megazord, ready!

Plesio Charge Megazord, ready!

You're all a real snore.

Ptera Lightning Blitz!

That tickles.

Plesio Rocket Punch!

Ooh. But that one hurts.

It's time to put this nightmare to bed.

Let's do it.

(all) Going up.

Hey, they're leaving!

Dino Super Charge Saber activate!

Dino Chargers engage!

Dino Super Charge Saber!

Raptor Zord! Final Flame strike!

I thought you were leaving.

No, you shattered my dreams!

All right! Monster extinct!

So, you see, a fossil isn't just a rock.

It's a story of a life.

The key to an ancient world that

we're still trying to understand.

Thanks for visiting the museum.

Have a great day.

Thank you.


I can explain why I didn't finish the test, Dad, I...

I could run Watkins Ice Cream, but--

You know, Shelby...

ever since I was a kid,

having my own business was a dream.

From a little lemonade stand

to multi-national Watkins Ice Cream.

(chuckling) Yeah.


it was my dream.

My passion, not yours.


now, that's your passion.

I just want to make you and Mom proud.

Oh, honey...

your mom and I could not be prouder.

Thanks, Dad.


Now could I ask for one more favor?

What's that?

(Riley) Hey.

Thanks for helping me realize that I need to follow

my own dreams.

So your dad's actually cool with you studying dinosaurs?

Mmm, see for yourself.

It's from my dad. Okay.

(Chase) It's an ice cream dinosaur cake! What?

I may not run the family business,

but I can still enjoy it.


Koda! Yum.


Oh, okay. (laughs)
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