18x21 - (Halloween Special) Party Monsters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x21 - (Halloween Special) Party Monsters

Post by bunniefuu »

[Wolf howling]

[Spooky music]

[Lightning cracking]

[Bats chattering]


- What's the password?

- Happy halloween.

- Dead on.

Come on in.

Welcome to
the "spook-easy" club.

It's our first annual

Nighlok afterlife
halloween party.

Nighlok were literally
dying to get invited.

Your buddy .... Is here.

- Hi to ya!

- So are splitface
and megatron.

- Too bad we were all destroyed

By those color-coded creeps

The samurai power rangers.

- Some party.

- Hey, megatron!

Happy halloween, buddy.

- Happy?

How can you be happy,

We're all ghosts.

- But this is a party.

Let's remember the good times.

- You're right.
It is halloween.

- I'm sure my time
battling the rangers

Was better than all of yours.

My plan was genius.

- Let's see if you can
back up all that talk.

- Want to tangle with me?

I was going to use
my powers of mind control

To make them my puppets.

I set my sights
on the green ranger.

- Everyone duck!

- Mike, get down!

- I fired at him,

But blue jumped right in front.

What a fool.

He was instantly
under my spell.

- Kevin!

- Then I made blue attack.

- Rrraagh!

- Mike!

- What was that all about?

- I was blue's master.

And I wasn't messing around.

Now sick him!

I wanted my new pet
to fight to the finish...

Blue, attack!

Against the red ranger.

Their fight was glorious.

I could have sold tickets.

I thought I was going
to go down in history

As the nighlok
that finally beat them.

It was a delight
to see them go at each other.

- Come on, kevin.

I know you're in there.

- Spinzord, dragon slash!


- I dare any of you
to beat that story.

[Lively rock music]

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- Antonio.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

- Sanzu river water punch.

Now, that's a party.

Give me that.

Oh, thank you, missy.

- Got to love that red water.

- Halloween?

This is the worst
halloween ever!

- ♪ Ever, ever

[Dish shatters]

- Shut up!

- Master, why so testy?

- My nighlok monsters

Should be scaring humans
left and right tonight,

But the samurai rangers
destroyed so many of them

That the sanzu river
hasn't risen an inch.

They're worthless!


- Whoa-oh-oh-ohhh!

- Careful, or I'll lose my candy
all over the floor.


- Ooo-oo-oo-ooh!

Come on, y'all!

Get into the halloween spirit!

Is this pumpkin I carved scary
or what?

This is our night to par-tay!

Robtish is going to get you.


- [Shouting]

Oh, no!

It's the red ranger's face.

- Lousy red ranger.

I showed those cowpokes
who was boss.

We had an old-fashioned

And, as usual,
those goodie-goodies

Was more interested
in protecting humans

Than a good fight.

I told them to come get me.

Green came a-flyin',

And I got to swattin'.

- Mike!

- Purdy colors.

Did y'all come down here

To give me a warm welcome?


- Huh?
- This isn't good.

- What do we do now?

- They leapt like toads,

And they scratched
like polecats,

But their zorddididn't have
any effect on me.

Y'all ain't so hot,

'Cause your zords
ain't got no mojo.

They weren't so lucky
when it came to my w*apon.

I left 'em flat on the ground,

Like cow patties.




That, my friends,

Is how you handle
the samurai rangers.

- Oh, I love it!

- I got 'em good.

- Ha!
That's nothing.

Slime is the way
to make it to prime time.

Sanzu slime!

[Both shouting]

- Ugh!

- My blade's as slippery
as an eel!

- Uh...uh...

Man, I can't keep a hold of it.

It's too slimy.

- Your weapons are worthless,
like you!

- Forget your sword, antonio.

We've got to take it
to this slime ball.

[All shouting]

- Whoa!
He's slippery too!

Not good!

- Sucker punch.

- Hey, you slimy punk!

- Another slip-up.

Sanzu slime!

- Ugh!

- So you see,

My slime is king.

- Yes, I'm sure you're slick,

But I've got the halitosis
with the mostest.


My breath of a thousand onions
was too much for them.

But I insist...

Not even their fancy helmets

Could keep out the stink.

- [Coughing]


- I almost felt sorry
for the green ranger.

- Mike, are you okay?

- Ha!

Then red came running in

To protect him.

- Come on, stink pot.

- That ranger was so squirrelly

That we fell for each other.


Looks like you're
falling for me.

And then, I knocked him
off his feet again.

Hey, take a breather.

- [Coughing]

- Jayden, are you all right?

- When the girls showed up,

I shared the wealth.

Here it comes.

They fell for me too.


- Who you kidding?

It's your story that stinks.

Slime rules!

- Hey!

Who wants to play

A good old-fashioned game

Of "bobbing for furry warts"?

- Well, I'd play, but I don't
want to get my hair wet.

I've got another game
for you: "scream like a human."


- I'd love it!

- I'll go first.


- Yeah, awesome!

- A party?

And those jerks
didn't invite me?

- Shh, there, there,
master xandred.

- Ooh-ah-ooh.
Listen to dayu.

Besides, we're still alive

And they've all been destroyed.

- Heh?

But I put on this ninja costume
and everything

Just for halloween.

- Wow.

It's a real transformation.


- Yeah, I barely
recognized you.

How about I get you
some medicine?

- [Scoffs]
how about I destroy them again?

- ♪ Again, again

- I should make them pay!

- ♪ - Oooooh.ain

Now for a really scary story.

Scary if you're
a samurai ranger, that is.

With my powers of misery,

I was spreading sorrow
and despair through the air.

- My hair.

- Oh!
Why me?

- Hey, what is all this?

- Instead of rain,

I'll just cut
straight to the pain.

[All shouting]

So...did that feel
so delightfully bad?

- Use the new discs.

- Right.
- No!

Wrong as rain.

- Ugh!

- Whoa!


- Wow, good catch.

- Stop!
You're not ready!

- This is no fun.

I'll come back to fight

When you're not
fighting yourselves.

Good-bye, fools.

I didn't need mind control.

I'm that scary.


[All shouting]

- Scaredy cats.

- Disperano
thinks he's special,

But all I heard
in that story

Was a nighlok
afraid to get his hands dirty.

Wrap your arms
around my story.

You're about to develop
a bad case

Of fist-o-phobia, ranger.

- Aahh!

- Did you have a nice flight?

- Bring it on, long-arms.

- You?
Asking for it?

Arm stretch.

- So go for it.

- [Grunting]


I had him running
for his life.

He was running as fast

As his little green booties
could take him.

- Whoa!


- You should never play
in traffic,

But go ahead and run.

You can't hide
from my long-distance fists.

It's just a matter of time
before I clock ya!

Then he got cocky.

- Did you miss me?

- Maybe.

But I won't miss you
this time.

- Wha--whoa!

- I got it!

- Jayden!

- So he stopped one punch,

But I've got two arms.

Two rangers
served two knuckle sandwiches.

- Hilarious!


You slimed me!


- Gross.

- Another trick for me.

- No offense,
but you're so ugly,

You have to sneak up
on a mirror.

That's gross!

Those are candy worms.

Get those out of here.


- Oh, try these, though.

- Mm!
That's more like it.

Real worms.

And the wrigglier, the better.

- Oh, yeah.

- Thanks, fish-lips.

- So what's your ranger story?

- Well, smiley,
if you have to know,

My strategy was to wow them
with my natural charm.

- Surprise!

- I found myself surrounded.

I knew the way for me
to stay up

Was to bring them all down.

I know something about you.

Your bike had training wheels
until you were ten!

- What?


- Mike, are you okay?

- And you, blue ranger,

You're just boring!

- Gaahh!

- Kevin!

- Your turn.

Lousy cook.

- Atat?

- I don't get how he's
sending everyone flying.

All he's doing
is saying mean things.

- Keep your guard up.

This one's tricky.

- What tricks?

I'm just telling the truth.

My motto is,
"if the truth hurts, excellent."

You're a red-faced liar.

You've got a secret.

- Jayden!

- I was on a roll.

My insults were flying,

And so were those
pathetic rangers.



More worms.

Let's slurp 'em down.

Yummy, yummy!

I'll have one of those.

Keep 'em coming.

- This thing is great.

- Trick or treat.

- Oh, more party people.

- Mooger trick-or-treaters.

What great costumes.

- Yeah.

- What is that big guy
supposed to be?

- Wait!
That's the sheba symbol.

I've got it.

He's the samurai megazord.

That's the scariest costume

[all shouting]

- Stop it!
Look at us!

Who are we kidding?

We're afraid of a mooger
in a cardboard box.

- Yep, we're pretty lame.

- And we all got destroyed.

- Party poopers!

is a monster celebration.

We should remember
the good times.

- But he has a point.

This party's full of losers,

All of us.

Even these moogers
were sent to the afterlife

By the rangers.

- I hate to admit it,
but you're right.

I even had two swords,

And they still got me.

Nice try.

Full-body blades!

I must have sent enough blades
at them

To fill a butcher's shop,

But they blocked them all.

- Keep going!
We've got this!

- No way!



How did they take you down?

- Well, it's kind
of embarrassing,

But I'll tell you.

There I am, flying high,

And the green one flies up too

And spins his sword.

- Spinzord!

- The next thing I know,

He's making
some kind of storm.

That's my move!

So we were spinning around,

And then he gets all fancy

And writes a power symbol
in mid-air.

- Tree symbol strike!

- Next thing I know,

I'm tossed away
like a rag doll...

All the way to this afterlife.

I get dizzy
just thinking about it.

But everyone at this party

Obviously has a story
just like it.

The rangers did get us all.

- That's a day at the beach
compared to me.

Oh, no!
The punch bowl's empty!

Sanzu river water

Was the only thing
making me feel better.

Oh, the samurai rangers
got me good.

They shot me down.

Then, once I was grounded,

One rushes over and turns me
into a pincushion.

Then, red swung for the fences.

Those rangers will do anything
to save the world.

- Yeah!

- Burst his bubbles.

- Golden!
We got him!

- So I go big

And flash 'em my best smiles.

But before I can stop them,

They do that combo thing
they do,

And then the gold ranger
comes out of nowhere,

Swinging with a new megazord.

The pinching.

- That should do it.

- They wiped the smiles
right off my faces.

Ugh, it still gives me
the heebie-jeebies

When I think about
that pinching megazord.


- Jeepers.

I came to this party
to forget,

Not to remember,

Especially that ginormous cannon

With all those power discs.

Oh, it was like
a rainbow of pain.

And I couldn't stop it.

- Fire strike!

- Rather than over the rainbow,

I ended up under one.

What in the world?


Soon my dreadlocks
felt like lead locks.

And that's all she wrote.



Golly, that hurt.

- That's nothing.

When they got me,

They did backflips,

- H'yah!

- Ho!

It was so humiliating.

And then they did
that thing they do

When they turn around

And let us explode
behind them.


Ugh, me and mr. Furry wart
need a cupcake

After remembering that.

- I know that skirt-mouth
of yours has a tale to tell.

Spill it, tuya!

- Surprise.
It was the red ranger.

That guy has no respect
for nighlok--

Or for parked cars.



- Ha!

- Okay, I guess I was the one
who messed with the car first,

But he's the one
who cut it in half.

- Heh...yah!

Time to take you for a ride.

- Before I know it,
he disarms me,

And then it happened.

- I'm thinking this
will make an impact on you.

- He put me between a rock
and a sharp place.

- People don't know
how hard it is to be a nighlok.

- Yeah, especially
with those rangers around.

- I hate those rangers.

I say we haunt them.

- Yeah.

- Wah...whoa-oh-oh.

- Doubletone's lost his marbles.

- Like he had any
to start with.

- Next halloween,

I think I'm just gonna
stay at home.

You guys are about as much fun
as when the rangers got me.

- Whoa!


- Hey, what kind of move
was that?

It's hard to believe,

But the green meanie
outsmarted me.

They got me all twisted up,

And I ended up in knots.

And that was "not" fair.

- How does that grab you?

- They put on a show
when they took me down.

Pink and blue
were double trouble

For old doubletone.


been double teamed.

And in the end,
I just went boom.

- At least they didn't put
rocks in your mouth.

- Cannon blast!

- Bahhh!

- Yeah!
All right!

- Wish they'd gone
to that much trouble with me.

All I got was a stare
and a "see ya."

I wanted a blast,
but not like this.


- Now they've turned tiggie
against me too!

I didn't just get a "see ya."

I got three of them.

And then they turned around
to pose for their picture.


- For me, it wasn't
the disc blast that hurt.

It was smashing
through all that concrete.

- I'd have rather flown
through concrete

Than go down in the
atsy-fartsy way I did.

Gold's a real cut-up.

- Yeah, baby!

- Try being stuck
in your own slime,

Only to get up to find rangers
in your face.

And then that well.

Oh, let's not talk
about that well.

- ♪ Rangers forever

- Try dealing
with five of them at once.

I didn't have a chance.

They counted off,




And then the pose.


- Oh, the horror.

- I'd say this party is over.

- I second that.
- Yeah.

- All right, let's get
out of here.

- I'm with you.

- And next year
we'll make a rule:

No talking about the rangers,

- Yeah, okay.

- Hope you all had fun.

- Eh, not so much.

- Happy halloween.

Be safe on your way
back to your holes.

- What?

They left the party

Before I could
pull a trick on them.

- You're so grumpy.

Is that bandanna on too tight?

- Ooh-ah-ooh.

That wasn't a party
you wanted to be invited to.

The guest list was from
the obituary column.

- But that means I would have
been the life of the party.

Get it?

- Ouch, that hurt.

- [Laughing]
good one, big red.

- ♪ Big red, big red, big red

- Oh, come on, boss.
That was funny.

- But I thought this was
gonna be a happy halloween.

- ♪ Happy halloween,
happy halloween ♪
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