13x06 - A-Bridged

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x06 - A-Bridged

Post by bunniefuu »

# S.P.D. Emergency! #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Heroes on your side
Heroes for all time #

# Out to save the universe #

# No matter where you are
if it's near or far #

# You can always call out #

# Space Patrol
Space Patrol #

# Space Patrol
Space Patrol Delta!

# Power Rangers, go!
Power Rangers, go! #

# Go, go
Power Rangers, go!

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Go, go, S.P.D. #

( Beeping )

And despite an all-out search...

...there's still no word
on the A Squad's fate.

They're now officially listed
as missing in action.

Send us. We'll find them, sir.

Much appreciated, but your services
are needed here on Earth.

Be on the lookout
for an intergalactic bank robber.

That's it? No picture of the perp?

Is he white or red?
Is he black or blue?

Is he furry or scaly?
Three arms or two?

Nice, Syd. Sounds like
you took that from my bath book.

Sorry, no one knows
what he looks like.

may I speak to you for a moment?

- Sir?
- You, uh, have a bath book?

Yeah. Don't you?

- ( Alarm )
- KAT: Vandalism in D Sector.

Rangers, go!

ALL: S.P.D. Emergency.

ALL: Space Patrol Delta!

( Screams )

( Laughing ) Hiding is of no use!

MAN: Run!

- Surrender and you won't get hurt.
- Same goes for you.

- Who are you?
- S.P.D. Red.

- S.P.D. Blue.
- S.P.D. Green.

- S.P.D. Yellow.
- S.P.D. Pink.

Rangers ready.
Space Patrol Delta.

Defenders of Earth.

- Hmph!
- We're taking you in.

- You amateurs.
- Who are you?

- None of your business.
- Totally hostile.

Stay out of my way.

Ah! Uh!

Stay out of my business.





Database IDs him as Trirondon,
of Trirondonian.

Let's call him T-Top. Record's clean.

Maybe he isn't the robber.

You saw the damage he can do.

And the MO on the bank robber
is slicing into banks.

Yeah, but he didn't slice
into that bank.

We showed up
before he had a chance to.

The guy is not evil.

Tell that to the newly-made convertible.

I'm sounding like Bridge now.

I read his aura. He was yellow/orange.

Or maybe more like orange/yellow.

But not red. The orangey side
was too yellow to be red.

Maybe more like a... like a burnt amber.

Bank robber or not, we can't
have him tearing up the city.

You must track him down
and bring him in.

( Alarm )

A robbery at the Colonial National Bank.
Stop him!

I keep my money at that bank.

( Sirens )

I see you have a law enforcement
problem. I can help, for a price.

A large price. ( Evil Laugh )

Z: Looks like our guy.

These cuts in the building
seem to match the others.


Excuse me, but are you
interested in a witness?

Beautiful witnesses, my department.

- I'm Jack.
- I'm Diane.

Must have been very frightening.

Well, I was out walking my dog,
like I do every day,

when this triangle-headed guy
starts slicing into the bank.

He grabbed money and ran started
slicing anything that got in his way.


It's rude to sniff other people's dogs
without permission.

- My bad.
- My friend isn't properly trained.

So we have a bank that was sliced into,

money taken...

...and a very beautiful eyewitness.

I say we know
who the bank robber is.

All the pieces fit T-Top.

What do you think, Bridge?


Sorry, guys. I was just reading.

See all the cool artwork
on the cover of the book?

It made me think it was gonna
be a great book, but it's not.

It's lame.

Guess you can't
judge a book by its cover.

Which is good to know.

If we were talking about that book.
But we're talking about a crime.

Yeah. So am I.

Didn't anyone else notice anything
strange about the witness's dog?

Or the water
on the ground at the bank?

Sir, I'd like to run down
some of my own leads.

- Think my own thoughts in my own way.
- Very well.

Anyone want to go with Cadet Carson?


I'll go.

Why'd you let him go, sir?
T-Top's our man.

( Alarm )

CRUGER: It seems your man's
been spotted downtown.

( Sirens )

Why do they get the fast bikes?

It's a trade-off.
They get the speed, we look good.


( Groans )

Now we can add jaywalking
to your list of criminal activity.

Hold it.

You're gonna have to be faster
than that to get by me.

If you think you're
bringing me in, think again.

Get him!

Now I'm mad.

You're no match for me.

I'll be going now.

I don't have time for this.

You guys look like
you could use a little help.

- Let's get him.
- Yeah.

Z: Hey, you.

- Good job, guys.
- Thanks.

Now are you ready
to come with us?

That's not gonna happen.

Then we'll do this the hard way.

You have no idea
who you're dealing with.

Well, why don't you clue me in?

All I can tell you is,
you're in way over your heads.

You don't know what or who I am
or what I'm here for.

- Bank withdrawals?
- You do know.

But you must show me
some professional courtesy

and let me do my job or else!

- That does it.
- Fine. Maybe this will keep you busy.

- Look out!
- Whoa!

Lucky no one was in that building.

Let's get him.

- Where'd he go?
- He escaped.



Turn it off!

No, no, leave it on.

- Whoa, whoa!
- ( Barks )


( Sniffing )

Can I help you?

Oh, uh, hi. Hello.

I... I was just admiring
your beautiful flowers.


I remember you.

You're that odd S.P.D. guy.
Catch that robber yet?

Uh, no, not yet,
but, uh, we're getting close.

Such colours.
Are these flowers indigenous to Earth?

No, these are stickleberries
from the planet Basta.

Am I under suspicion?

Not unless you can slice
into concrete using your bare hands.

- What about the purple flowers?
- They're from Fernovia.

Fernovia, huh?

Well, good luck with the investigation.

I need to finish walking my dog.

I'll walk with you.

Speaking of dogs, I can make
the coolest balloon animals.

- Balloon animals?
- Yeah.

Check this out. Watch.

Just one second.

( Laboured Breathing )

I'm a little out of shape.
Could you blow it up for me?


- Don't quit your day job.
- I won't.

- Have a great day.
- Thanks.

You scared me.

- What did the Ranger want?
- Flowers, balloon animals.

I don't think that one's
playing with a full deck.

And I thought you were going
to take care of them for me.

- Isn't that what I paid you for?
- ( Growls )

- Any luck?
- Not yet.

Kat, do you know humans
breathe in oxygen

and breathe out carbon dioxide?

And plants do the opposite?

Second grade science.

My investigation's reached a dead end.


You got any idea what I do now,
furry alien pet?

I think you could use some help.


- ( Dog Yelps )
- ( Laughs )

Look at me. I'm as big as a tree!
( Laughs )

No, we would've had T-Top

if Bridge wasn't off
on a wild goose chase.

Well, for one, Jack,
I wasn't off chasing gooses.

Or geeses, or... goosa?

Whatever. I'm still convinced
that T-Top is innocent.

( Alarm )

KAT: T-Top is towering over the city.

Or not.

Delta Squad Megazord.

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

Fire energy.

This is a mistake.

No effect. Now what?

- Try super crime scene tape.
- What? That never works.

- Trust me.
- Can't hurt.

Ugh. Can't move.

It's judgment time.

You are being charged
with five counts of bank robbery.


( Groaning )

- What? He's not guilty?
- I told you so.

- But how?
- See?

- Go, Sky.
- Right. Shrink Cuffs deployed.


How come you're not guilty
of robbing those banks?

Because I didn't rob those banks.

I'm a bounty hunter,

working undercover chasing Hydrax,
a Fernovian bank robber.

And if it wasn't for your meddling,
I would've caught her.

Of course. A Fernovian.

A plant-based alien creature.
This is starting to make sense.

That's him! That's the alien
I saw break into the bank.

- Arrest him.
- But he's not guilty.

How is that possible?

You should know.
You're the one who framed him.

- What?
- She's clever.

Or maybe too clever.
Or is it too cleverer?

Anyway, she's the Fernovian bank robber.

Me? What are you talking about?

Bridge, are you sure about that?

Sure enough to do this.

What are you doing?


- Bridge?
- Stop!


What the...?

- Whoa!
- Hah!

- Oh, dear.
- I was right.

- She is the bank robber.
- ( Grunts )

She's a Fernovian. A plant-based being

that can jettison water under an
extremely high-pressured stream.

Enabling them
to cut through any object.

You tried to frame T-Top so we'd arrest
him and get him off your tail.

- Or root, as the case may be.
- So you figured it out. So what?

If you think you're a match for me,
let's do it.

I thought I could fool you.

After I beat you, I'll get
my money back from Broodwing.

I was followed to Earth by T-Top.

I paid Broodwing to get him off
my tail and you all fell for it.

Well, almost everyone. Except you.

Then I'm the one
you have the problem with.

You may be able to fool
all the people some of the time,

and some of the people
all of the time,

and some of all the people
some of the time,

but you can't fool me
and I'm gonna bring you in.

- No chance.
- ( Groans )

- ALL: No!
- Whoa!

( Laughs )

- Let's get in there.
- No, wait. Bridge can handle it.


No way.

Yeah. You're good.

Really good.

Really, really good.

But not too good.
In fact, not good enough.

- That was incredible.
- Thanks.

It's judgment time.

Based on all the evidence
I've gathered,

I have absolutely no doubt
you'll be found...


- No!
- Canine Cannon.

Target locked on.

- Huh! Don't.
- Fire!

- That did it.
- ( Groans )

- Time for confinement.
- But...

Power down.

- Let me out!
- Hmm.

All right. You were right, I was wrong.
How'd you figure it out?

It was easy. Water on the ground
at the bank but it didn't rain.

A beautiful witness who
was walking her dog downtoen

when she lives
in a beautiful neighbourhood.

And wearing high heels.
Didn't make any sense.

Then there was
the breath in my balloon.

Pure oxygen, not carbon dioxide,

which would only make sense
if she was a plant, which she was.

Then there was...

Where's everybody gone?

This is only the beginning, Rangers.



A very evil creature that sells weapons,
soldiers and robots

to anyone who can afford it.

Sounds like a bad guy.

He only cares
about the money he makes

and nothing about
the destruction that follows.

I just had a bad thought.

What happens
if he hooks up with Gruumm?


My guess,

he already has.


That was not a very clever plan
you had, Broodwing.

If the Rangers find out about you,
it may jeopardise my mission.

Understood, Your Excellence.

I'm just trying to make a living.

I do a lot of business with you.

Yet you show no allegiance.

The highest bidder gets your devotion.

I should end our relationship now
for your betrayal.

Or you could just pay me more.

( Laughing )

There you are. I was looking for you.

Hard to hear you up there.


So T-Top was sent packing
with the confined Fernovian.

He caused quite a bit of destruction.

He won't be allowed to return to Earth.

- Justice served.
- Yeah, not quite.

I wanna apologise to you, Bridge.

I don't understand the things
you do or how you think,

but I've learnt to respect them.

Thanks, Jack.

This is a good thinking position.

Yeah, I'm thinking my arms
are starting to hurt real bad.

And I'm gonna need to...

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