13x24 - Reflection

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x24 - Reflection

Post by bunniefuu »

One adiustment to the transistors
and R.l.C. should be good.

This is gonna be beyond incredible.

Oh! Can l do the honours? Please.

OK, but be careful.

[computer bleeps]

S.P.D. Battleizer, engage!

[both yelling]

Hmm. l see the Battleizer's
not quite finished.

A temporay setback, sir. l'm sure we'll
have it fully functional right away.

See that you do.

What a spectacular day.

l can't believe we have it to ourselves.

[Jack] No disasters, no sirens.

No talking skeletons.

Huh? Whatever.

- l iust wish Sam were here to enioy it.
- Where is he?

Cruger sent him to check a disturbance
in the Strata Quadrant.

He should be back soon.

Wherever he is,
it can't be as nice as New Tech City.

Sky, are you actually enjoying yourself?

lt's a perFect day. What's not to enjoy?

l got it!


Sory to horn in on your fun!


l thought we already caught this creep!

We did. l still have the bruises.

- It's Rhinix.
- Let me out!

Looks like we're gonna
have to catch him again.

- Let's Ranger up!
- All right!


Ready! S.P.D. Emergency!

Catch me if you can.

Where'd he go?



Hello, Green Ranger!

Hey, l remember you!
You're Hydrax, the Fernovian.

That's right.

You OK, Bridge?

Hee hee hee!

Oh, no! Don't tell me.

- It's gotta be Bugglesworth!
- You got it!

Reunited, and it feels so good!

Oh, man, he's gone too!

- l don't see him.
- This is just crazy!

Maybe they busted out.

Kat said those cards were foolproof,
no chance of escape.

[Kat] And l was right.

They're all still here.

l don't get it. We saw them
running around in the city.

Yeah, you can't be
in mo places at the same time.

Excuse me?

Well, you can,
but you're one of a kind. l mean...

[Cruger] This is a vey serious problem.

We simply don't have the manpower to
recapture evey criminal in our files.

l want you to search the city grid
for any disturbances.

Jack, l'm going to need your Morpher
to upload a new weapons system.

You got it, Kat.

Just wait till you see it.

lt's... It's totally awesome,
right, R.l.C.?


Excellent, Kat. We'll need it
if more of those g*ons show up.

You can upgrade mine next.

The technology was
designed to work in conjunction

with the Red Ranger's Morpher only.

Sory, Sky.

No big deal.
l'm sure it'll be really amazing, Jack.

[Jack] Thanks.


l know you're still bothered that
l was chosen to be the Red Ranger,

but you gotta get over it.

Listen, l know l had a problem
with that at first,

and l still don't always agree
with some of your methods,

but you've done good as Red Ranger.

This is not about you.

Then what's it about?

All l ever wanted to be
was just like him, a Red Ranger.

l'm sure your father
was an incredible guy.

He was my hero.

Sky, heroes come in all colours.

[Kat over PA] Cadet Tate
to the Command Centre.

[Cruger] Tate, l have
a special assignment for you.

Whatever you need, sir. What is it?

This is Mirloc.

He's one of the most
brilliant masterminds ever.

He's had his hand in evey dim deal,

and he knows evey
shady character in the galay.

He's been in a specially-designed
maximum security cell on Gamma Orion.

Conventional confinement is ineffectual

since he has capability of escaping
through reflective surFace.

l see, but what do you want me to do?

lnterrogate Mirloc, find out what he
knows about these duplicate aliens.

Don't wory, sir.
You've got the right man for the job.

Good luck, cadet.

Sir, l've read Mirloc's file.

- It says he was the last to...
- l know that.

- Did you tell Sky?
- No, l did not.

- And you're not to say anything.
- He has a right to know.

Yes, but not now. Am l clear?

rover radioJ Tate
requesting permission to land.

[man] Are you aware
of our security measures?

l know.

All reflective surFaces
are to be completely covered,

and remain covered
throughout the entire interrogation.

[growling] Come here!

Come on!

lf these are the better behaved
convicts, what am l in for?

A visitor. What a rare treat.

[Sky] This isn't a social visit.

l'm here on official S.P.D. business.

- l wanna ask you some questions.
- What a rude young man you are!

Now, l don't think
l'll talk to you at all.

[Sky] Oh, you'll talk.

l've got all the time in the world,
and by the looks of things, so do you.

You're a tough one, aren't you?
All business, no nonsense.

Never mind about me.
Several criminals have been sighted...

l don't see why
l should tell you anything.

- Goodbye, Cadet Whoever-you-are.
- This is important.

What's it gonna take to
get some information out of you?

Hmm. l don't ask for much.
You see, l'm a collector, of sorts.

l'll give you information,

and you'll give me
a small something for my collection.

OK, whatever, deal. But no mirrors.

No, nothing like that. Now tell me
about these criminals you seek.

Exact duplicates of aliens
we've already captured

have shown up throughout the city.
How is this possible?

You say you're looking
for several criminals,

but did you see them all together?


Then it sounds like you're
dealing with that scoundrel Slate.


As in ''blank slate''.

He's a copycat criminal who's capable of
mimicking the exact likeness of others.

All he needs is a data-scan
of their genetic code.

My guess is that Broodwing

is more than happy
to supply him that, for a price.

So we're not up against an army
of old enemies, just one new one.


Oh, cadet, don't forget about our deal.

lf you told me the truth,
l'll keep my word.



Wait until you see
what l have for you today, Slate.

The genetic code data
from the most powerFul warrior

the Rangers have battled.

lf you want it, it won't come cheap.

Give it to me.
l'll add it to my repertoire.

A copycat criminal.
That makes perFect sense.

So all we gotta do is catch
this Slate guy and we're golden.

Excellent iob, Tate.
You didn't fall prey to Mirloc's tricks.

Wasn't a problem, sir.
Just kept focused on the task at hand.

Jack! Sinuku!

More like a Sinuku wannabe.

Though l don't know why
anyone would want to be Sinuku.

He's totally ugly,

plus if l remember correctly,
has really bad breath.

That's gotta be Slate.

And this time we got his number.
Let's bag this copycat.

We've had enough of your games.

You're nothing but a big fake!

And just who am l?

Am l Sinuku?

Or Bugglesworth?

Or maybe l'm
the Fernovian bank robber.

Hydrax. Or, l could be...

...the dreaded Rhinix?

Perhaps l'm General Tomars.

At this point, l don't care!

Meet your true enemy,
Slate, the master of disguise!

You've got some serious identity issues.

l'm all of Gruumm's warriors
rolled into one!

How pleased he'll be
when l defeat you once and for all.

OK, so you got in
a couple of lucky hits.

But l know the one creature
you won't be so happy to see!

Devastation is back!

[Morgana] It's Devastation!

Not really, but a good imitation.

Slate has many warriors
to choose from, thanks to me.

l don't recall authorizing this plan.

lt would serve you well to remember
who is the emperor around here.

l thought you would be
pleased with my idea.

When l want your ideas,
l'll blast them out of you!

Morgana, l need you
to go to New Tech City.

Oh, goody! l get to
help Slate battle the Rangers!

[Gruumm] Yes.

But l also need you to bring me an
essential tool in our conquest of S.P.D.

- Bring me... Piggy.
- Piggy?

Yes, Piggy.
He will be the key to evemhing.

- Fuy Circle!
- You're kidding.

You know what to do.

lt's working!


Let's get him!

[all] All right!

Bring him down.

Aahh! No!

You are not supposed
to beat my superior genius.

You're not that smart.

You're just a weak imitation.

l'll show you who's weak!

Hey, look!


Kat, send the Runners.

On their way.

Delta Squad Megazord!

You'll never take me in.

Hey, let me up!

Ahh! l'm overloading!

Slate, you are accused
of numerous crimes...

- What?
- ...including identity theft.

Hey, can't you guys take a joke?


- Guilty.
- Guess not!




l don't believe it!

What are you going to do with me?

You and all your identities
are going away for a long time.

- Ah!
- Jack!

- Watch it!
- Morgana!

[Morgana] l don't think so, Ranger-boy.

Gruumm has a little present for Slate.

All right!


- What?
- No!

- Not again!
- Oh, great. Multiple maniacs.

Talk about déjà vu.

- It's shomime.
- Oh, man!


Not even the Rangers can defeat
that many warriors at once! Ha!


[all] Yeah!

[groans] Ha!


Take that!

lt's over, Ranger.



- Hang on, Rangers!
- Commander!

No dogs allowed!


Shadow Sabre!


- Two against one?
- Why not!



- You're finished!
- Not yet!


Good work, my friends.

- We need more power!
- [electronic bleeping]

[Kat] Jack, l can't think of a better
time to use that new Bamleizer.

l hear that. Let's do it, R.l.C.!


S.P.D. Battleizer!

Activate Battleizer!

Cybermode! Complete!

Yeah! Now we're talking!

Give it all you got.

- Check it out!
- Nice!

- Yeah.
- Do it, Jack.

Boys and their toys. Get him!

Take that!

Take this.




You're mine!

- All right!
- Hey!

Get him!


Battleizer, Sonic Mode.


All right!


Battleizer, mode mo, complete!


[Morgana] You don't scare me!


- [groans]
- Ha!


[Cruger] Eveyone OK?

[all groaning]

Time to get rid of you freaks.

Battleizer, full power! Yah!


[all groaning]

This can't be happening!

- Go Jack!
- Way to go!

- All right.
- Excellent work.

Want some more?


Didn't think so.

l'm here, Mirloc.
Just like l said l'd be.

- Your integrity is to be commended.
- No small talk.

l don't wanna be here
Ionger than l have to be.

What is it you want for your collection?

l collect memories. Sad memories.


ln exchange
for the information l gave you,

you must tell me your worst memoy.

No. Forget it.

We had a deal, Ranger.

My dad was a Power Ranger too.

He was the Red Ranger.

He was a great father, but he
made a vow to protect the innocent.

When people were in danger,
he was always ready to fight.

One day he got the call.

They say he saved dozens of people.

He fought until the bitter end.

lt was his last battle.

l never saw him again.

What a horrible memoy.

l can only imagine
how hard that was for you.

- l'll never forget it.
- Of course not.

Thank you, Ranger.

That's the most amusing stoy
l've heard in years!


Oh, yes. l have to admit,
l've heard some sory tales,

but yours is truly one of the saddest.

lt will be the most treasured
in my collection!

You... you're a monster!

You think? [laughing]

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