13x33 - Badge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x33 - Badge

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Her_s on your side
Heroes for all time

# Out to save the universe

# Wo matter where you are
If it's near or far

# You can always call out

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol!

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go, go, go

# Go, go

# Power Rangers, go!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, SPD! #

Sky Tate reporting in.

All quiet in Sector .
l'm heading back to base.


Hello, Ranger. Ready for some fun?

l thought this was
going to be an easy day.

Let's see what Crug has taught you.

Ocean Sabre.

Power up.


[laughs] You can do better than that.

You're right. SPD emergency!

[laughs] l'll take that.

This is iust the beginning.


Any idea who might have done this?

Not yet. Surveillance
is running a trace.

- [gasps] His SPD badge. It's gone.
- Why would someone take Sky's badge?

At the Academy, your badge
is a symbol of honour.

This is a message to all of SPD.

No one is safe.

This is a little freaky.

Cruger orders us back to the base,
but won't tell us why?


Two Rangers at once.
How convenient.

Prepare to be defeated.

Ready. SPD Emergency.


[both grunting]


You won't be needing these.


Broodwing will be pleased.


l told you we would
work well together.

Three Rangers down.
That's a good start.

They've ruined so many of my plans!

l want all of the Rangers!

Broodwing is what?!

Using Cruger's old rival
to destroy the Rangers.

But you didn't hear it from me.


He's planning without you again.

Well, aren't you furious? Enraged?

Don't you want to do something
about Broodwing?



Let Broodwing's pathetic plan
occupy the Rangers.


l'll use this time
for something more... useful.

[Cruger] Hmmm. Who did this?

[Kat] Commander.

Surveillance has ID'd the attacker.
l've brought up his file.


- You know him?
- Yes.

We went to the SPD Academy together.

Be careful.

[Cruger] He was a great fighter.

But he didn't always fight clean.

- That's not a regulation move, Icky.
- Whatever it takes, Anubis.

No one ever got to the top playing fair.

l'm the best fighter.

So it makes sense that
l should have the best girl.

lsinia's going to be mine!

She might have something
to say about that.


lcthior, stop it!

Stop, Icthior.

What are you doing?
We're just sparring.

Not any more. You're too good.

l don't need the competition.


Doggie! Are you OK?

lcthior was expelled
from the Academy.


Now he's tying to get to me
through my Rangers.

But he's not going to do it!

lt's all clear on the west side, Chief.

All right. But keep alert.

l don't like the idea of you
going out as bait.

This guy's never dealt
with a Ranger from the future.

lf he's looking for trouble,
l can handle it. Omega out.



- Come on!
- With pleasure!

No more games.

Electro mode.

That's new.

- Yes!
- Hmmm.

You might even be a challenge.


Or not!

Ocean Sabre.


l win again. [laughs]

What do you want?

Just a little memento.


- You can't!
- The one's a real collector's item.


Sam, are you OK?

Guess l showed him.

[Cruger] Icthior!

Hello, Anubis.

Still fighting dim, l see.

And l see you're still part
of that collective joke,

Space Patrol Delta.

lf you've got a problem
with the past, take it up with me.

l intend to.

You got me expelled
from the Academy.

You were never worthy
of going there.

Space Patrol Delta
is a place of honour.

Shadow Sabre!

l still remember some moves.

Ocean Sabre.


lcthior, you're a disgrace
to that sword.

Now prepare to be iudged.

No! Wait!



You... You can't.

Remember the promise
you made to Isinia?

Yes. l do.

Doggie, promise me
you'll never strike out in anger.

lf you do, you'll be iust like him.

- Ha!
- Promise me.

l promise.

l remember.

You sentimental fool!


You will pay, Icthior.

The most valuable one of all.

l'll take it.



Why, thank you.

Broodwing! You're behind this?

Of course l am.

Gruumm's not the only one
with plans of galactic domination.

Soon you will all bow down to me!

You fiend!


And with SPD out of my way,

Earth will be mine alone!


You're through.
My work here is done.

Goodbye, Doggie.

- No!
- [cackles]

- Morgana!
- [gasps]

What are you doing here?

l was... l was just making sure
there was no one in here, because

you know how you always tell me
how it's absolutely forbidden

for anyone ever to go
behind that door.


That is what l always told you.

Would you like to know
what's in there?


None of your business!


l have an assignment for you on Earth.

Oh, l hate going down there.
It's so happy.


This is a vey important task.

lf you succeed,

l will give you...

...whatever you desire.

Of course l'll do it.

- l'll do it!
- [chuckles]

They've all sustained
serious injuries.

l'm ordering mandatoy bed rest
until further notice.

l'm OK.

- No, you don't.
- Ow!

Ow. Ow. Ow.
Not so much.

We'll make sure they stay put.


Kat, watch out for these guys.
Z, we're going after that creep.

No! That's what he's waiting for.

You mo are to remain here
until l say so.

- Understood?
- But sir, we can't just let them...

Don't think just because l'm laid up
in bed l won't kick your butts.

[coughs] Now that's an order.

Yes, sir.

Jack, where are you going?

- Take a wild guess.
- Cruger said no.

- l heard him.
- You saw what happened to the others.

Yes, l did.

Wait for me.

Yep. This is it.

Haemotech synthetic plasma.

l wonder what Gruumm
wants with this gunk?

Oh, well. l don't care. Just so long
l get my reward. [giggles]

Now hury up, you metallic monkeys!

OK, Icthior, here we are.

We know you're looking for us.

Yes. l am.

And l invited a friend.

Hello, Rangers.

Welcome to our little pam.

We're not here for fun.

We're here to bring you in.

Oh, but not all the guests
have arrived yet.

Oh, boy!

- Never a dull moment with you, Jack.
- No doubt. Now let's pam.



- Surround them.
- Let her go!

[Broodwing] It's over, Rangers. [laughs]

[Cruger] Landers, Delgado.
Report in.

[groans] l should have known.

[groans] Let's go.

Absolutely not. None of you
are in any condition to fight.

- But...
- You may be Base Commander,

but l'm the commander here.

While you're in the infirmay,
l give the orders. Understood?

Er... Yes, sir.



Let's go, cadets.

[all] Yes, sir.

No. No. Stop. Where are you going?

- To work.
- But Dr Felix said you...

l heard him.


l'll prep the Zords.

[both gasping]

Get them now!

- Ready.
- Ready.

[both] SPD emergency!

- We're in trouble, bro.
- You think?

Hey, you guys OK?

What are you doing here?

You're supposed to be in bed.

And miss all of this?

There's no way we'd do that.

Vey tricky, Jack.

Stubborn is more like it.

Huh. Stubborn, yes. But brave.


- Cruger!
- Ready, Rangers.

- Doggie.
- You know it. SPD SWAT mode!

Force from the future.

Omega Ranger!

SPD Shadow Ranger.

You'll never dishonour SPD.

We'll always stand united and proud.


SPD, Electro mode!

You're mine, Cruger.

- If that's the way it has to be.
- Come on!

Shadow Sabre.

Power up.

One last time, Doggie.

Ocean Sabre. Power up.

Make your move.

- Give it up, Broodwing!
- Never!

You're still only second best, Icthior.

Why, you... [yells]



Let's get 'em.


Deflect this.

[all] All right!

Thanks. l'll take these back.

Now to finish this.

You promised never
to strike out in anger.

This isn't anger.

lt's iustice.

You use the memoy
of my wife against me?

You don't deserve
to even speak her name.

Her memoy?
Is that what they told you?

That Isinia is gone?

She perished in the Battle of Sirius.

You're a bigger fool than l thought.

lsinia is alive! [laughs]



Confinement mode.

Let me go! Please!


You got what you deserved.


You can't beat me.

We have Icthior.

- Good work, Commander.
- Thanks.

You're next, Broodwing.

Hah! Don't make me laugh.

l always have a plan B.

Robot, activate!

Ha ha ha!

- No!
- [radio signal beeps]

- Kat.
- Delta Command Crawler is on the way.

Come on!

- Ready!
- [all] Ready!

Let's make this quick. Fire!

Proton beams!

Finger lasers.

Full power!

Full power!


- Hang on, Rangers.
- [all] Hold on!

[all] Enemy down.

But he got away.
This isn't over, Broodwing.

[Gruumm laughs]

Well done, Morgana.

This will be the final component

in the completion
of the Magnificence.

Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

Now... what about my reward?

We had a deal.

- So we did.
- Yes!

l grant your wish.

- [screams]
- [laughs]

Happy, Morgana?


Young again.

While we were dealing with Broodwing,
Nemech Laboratoy was raided.

Several cases of Haemotech
were stolen.

Any clue what it's used for?

lt's an experimental life fuel.

Whoever wanted it, took it all.

rlcthior You're a bigger fool
than l thought.

lsinia is alive.

Could it be?

l'm young again, la la la la.




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